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Grace Valerie Claire

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Grace Valerie Claire last won the day on January 15 2021

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  1. T-Bone, I saw that movie several years ago. Great movie! I think Tina Turner, is a great singer, and an amazing woman. All that abuse, and she was still able to have a successful life. Wow!
  2. Way, I do wonder why I got involved. I think, if my childhood, had been happy, I never would have gotten involved. I think it was probably, the 'Love Bombing' that drew me in, and kept me in. I had never felt so loved, as I did in my first Twig. Never again, would I feel that loved.
  3. T-Bone, yes! I agree with you, and Rocky. Future generations, need to know about cults, like TWI, so they don't get trapped in them. I wish I had known years ago, that the TWI was a cult. If I had known, I would never have gotten involved with it.
  4. Oak, thank the good lord, you got out! I know it took me years to exit TWI, but I finally did it. Once out, I never went back.
  5. T-Bone, Spotlight was a very revealing movie, IMO. Until I saw that movie, I had no idea, how rampant sexual abuse, had been in the Catholic Church. Worse than knowing about the abuse, was the cover up. The Church knew, some priests were abusing members of their congregations, and did nothing to stop it. Finally, the Church was forced to pay out Billions of dollars, to the victims. However, by that time, many of the survivors, had drug, and alcohol problems. Some of the victims even committed suicide, if I remember correctly, from the movie. No amount of money will ever compensate, those unfortunate victims.
  6. Thanks, T-Bone, but I have always wondered why VPW, dragged his whole family to India, minus JP. I guess I will never know the answer, but I am open to opinions.
  7. Twinky, you could give it to an animal pound. It might be used to clean up feces; manure is manure.
  8. Engine, you are welcomed. I still think the POTP, was a lot of Hog Wash.
  9. Excuse me! I wanted the Branch Leader to pray for me. I was happy not to have to deal with this fool!
  10. Hello, Grace and Mercy! It's good to have you here, at the GSC. You got in TWI, a few years before, I did, but both of us left in 1990. I also noticed that some of the WC people, throught they were God's personal representatives, here to help us "peons", with our walks with God. Most of the WC people, were wonderful to be around, and really did try their best to walk the walk, and talk the talk. However, a few of them had attitudes, that rubbed me the wrong way. These Corps members, throught they were "special", because they were Corps, and most of us regular people weren't. I remember once, I had to go to the ER, for a problem. After, I left the ER, I attended the tail end of a Branch Meeting, and wanted him to pray for me. Instead, he yelled at me, for being sick! I looked at him, but didn't say, a word, and left the meeting quite upset. Never again, did I have any interaction with this foot. In time, the medical problem was dealt with, but I realized how insensitive some of the "Big Wigs", really were. I was thrilled when this man, moved out of my area, and I didn't have to deal with him. Oh Happy Day! .
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