That"Mommie dearest" did creep me out.
One of the leaders a Mr John Chella$ was like a brick,first time I met him
he "critiqued" my twig,and proceeded to rip me a new one,why? Well he was the
"leader" We then somehow end in a physical tussle for what reason I know not.
If I would have listened to him I would not be working where I am now,as I was
taking classes I was requried to take to get hired,I told him to get screwed
no way was he or anyone else going to stop my future.
Well I was hired now some 16 plus years later,I am still there.
We got sucked into well we teach the word,you should remember we teach the word.
put your loaylty toward the ministry.You have no friends when it comes to the word
the word equals the ministry and the ministry the word.
With no friends life is a bitc@ I know I have been there so have you.
I arrive at this stage of my life.They sucked period.You can not control people,
you love people you have compassion on people.It was and is a cult We wised up
took our hard knocks still take them guess what?I t is better than being a lemming.
In the way its like Lemony spikets a series of unfortuente events you can not get free of it
it happens they dictate you obey,change plans get rid of friends ignore the needs of
people,let them die do not grieve ect ad naueseum........
Big rasberry phittttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!