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frank123lol last won the day on December 9 2023

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About frank123lol

  • Birthday 12/31/1954

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  1. As a woe vet we the vets countered to our 'leadership" in that show us then if you are so spiritual, hell they gave up on us then and let us do as we wanted
  2. A great cyber friend, her compassion was fantastic.See ya in the air Kit
  3. Its a Pie in the sky promises that they never deliver on.
  4. For all, No matter what happened we want to see you! New and improved cemented in love! Pie in the sky something! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIQpuKHHI-E
  5. The Psyche can she perscibe drugs? If so she is valuable
  6. Well, the PFAL is still being taught in India
  7. Original Way people.1rst that spoke in lounges
  8. Putting lipstick on a pig does not make it more alluring, PFAL Today a spin on present truth, thing is if God gave his word in written form it would always be the same. Alls I see is the same ole deception with very little substance. Look on U tube for different perspectives. talk to people, maybe actually help people outside the vaunted walls Peace Merry Christmas
  9. Face book today from 1975 The Advanc class tried to say they were operating devil spirits.
  10. This day in Michigan history, 1975 : KISS Visits Cadillac, MI and Performs at Homecoming Dance! For two magical days in 1975, the rock group Kiss visited Cadillac, Michigan, participating in the homecoming parade, performing at the homecoming dance, and making an indelible impression on the High School Class of 1975 and the entire town. The 1974 team won its final seven games with KISS as an inspiration. The band heard about what we were doing and instantly adopted the Vikings as their team. Then in October of 1975 the unbelievable happened, KISS came to Cadillac High School and played a homecoming concert in the high school gym. See ole Gene and the boys were really ok. Bye the way, Kiss went back up to Cadilac,Mi few years ago
  11. Greasespot serves its purpose quite well.Take care T Bone
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