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Bapsy last won the day on October 20 2016

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    I just moved in the middle of nowhere
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    When nothing is going right, go left.

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  1. Still not answered my very last question. I also know that he was the promised seed. John 7:42, Genesis 3:14-15, Mat 1:1-16, Gal 3:16. Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7 , Isaiah 53:10-11 As you can see there were prophecies of Christ or Messiah and the people of God already knew it, just to reply on your last post. Acts 2: 32-36 That's why I still believe that Jesus Christ was with God in his foreknowledge. http://www.christadelphians.com/biblebasics/0703christingodsplan.html
  2. You see!, this is also little problem as i don't see any other evidence of Jesus existing before he was conceived. I know that the John 1:1-8 trigger the trinity beliefs and many interpretation as well but the thing is that still not clearly prove the existence of Jesus like we know of existence of Lucifer, his rebellion and the warfare (Ezekiel 28:12-17, Isaiah 14:12-17). Was Jesus with God during the rebellion of Lucifer, Warfare in heaven? I know that he was with God from beginning as recorded in John 1:2, is this enough to prove his existence? Peace, Bapsy
  3. Hi T-Bone, That's great comments and I'd like to say you right and all the ex-way should think outside the box of the ways doctrine or even other doctrines. That's what I'm trying to do since I left the way international, thinking outside of doctrines and understanding biblical subjects outside the box, but not being judgmental anyway. Regards, Bapsy
  4. http://thelivingtruthfellowship.org/jtltf/bible-teachings/articles-by-topc/faq/322-what-does-the-bible-teach-about-the-trinity http://freechristianministry.com/integrity6.html I'm not in position to disprove any belief or doctrine of anyone and we can bring the verses or article and won't be enough to cover this. As for me I don't mind if you're Trinitarian or Unitarian, but we need to get a big picture on the John1:1 what beginning he is talking about and if this support indeed the trinity. http://biblehub.com/1_john/5-5.htm I Timothy 2:5 Proverbs 8:22-23 http://biblehub.com/proverbs/8-23.htm http://biblehub.com/ephesians/4-6.htm in bottom line I believe in one God period. http://biblehub.com/philippians/2-6.htm Romans 10:9-10 http://biblehub.com/romans/10-10.htm I Believe in Jesus Christ as our savior.
  5. you see, all these topics of Trinity mainly pointed to John1:1, Hell and Heaven mainly, Jesus is God, is continue bringing hell of confusion to Christians minds and there is no prefect clarification regarding. The highlight comments may Concorde with Ephesians 1: 4;5 " we are chosen before the foundation of the world" how's it possible if is not through His foreknowledge? Seems like I don't to believe people and the bible anymore! too many confusion!
  6. I do that as well, Sometimes I feel like let me check if there is any change so far, but seems that cult system thing still there. I had way followers visit and they exhorted me with some verses to go back and be part of household again. I thanked them for stopping by and visiting me as well but I made it clear that going back is not going to change anything and so they haven't on their cult things. They was hoping me change my mind which didn't happen..., so yes that was weird!
  7. Hi T-Bone, Thanks for your comments and I agree with all that but we keep seeing churches taking advantages of Malachi 3:10 which is often misunderstood. And to bring more emphases on the tithe they use Malachi 3:8-9 which God was addressing to people of Israel for that time in OT. This is what I don't agree and not happy to hear in the churches. Instead we can clearly see 2 Corinthians 9:7 and Acts 2:40-47 but the emphases is on Acts 2:44-46.
  8. Guys, I'm not sure if this topic has been discussed and what was the outcome, after all many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing and including member of twi, as I was one of them because this didn't convince me in certain ways. Should Christ tithe? so what's the story behind the story? you take close a look on the twi post November 7, 2016 Giving to God—The Tithe for reference. We as Christians are not under the tithe. The lie that we ever were obligated to give ten percent of everything was, well, a lie. At worst, it has been an excuse by ministers to control a larger portion of wealth, or even to rake some in for their own selves. At best it is misguided, and wrong, on part of well-intentioned but misguided ministers. But, brethren, let us not use liberty as an occasion to the flesh. As we reap, so shall we sow. God has poured out His riches already, how much more He longs to do for us. Our job then is to give our sharing to those we think best suited to take this bounty and use it to minister to the earthly needs, the need for food, clothing, and shelter, of God's people, and to care for His ministers.
  9. what's the origin of the tithe and what does it mean? Should I Tithe because is a commandment? Does the Bible require me to give 10 percent of my income ? What Does the Bible Say About the Tithe or Tithing? I see that a lot of Churches and denominations still recommending Christians to give tithe and promising them that they will be blessed and protected. If not then God will turn everything against them.
  10. Hi Chockfull, I real like these two lines mentioned in red but can I ask you why did you decided to try with many different brands specially Hindus, Buddhists, what it's feel like. in other words you wanted to try your freedom in many different perspective? actually i tried also a splinter groups but not yet other churches and i'm sure with time i will find one where my family will be comfortable. Thanks for your thoughts and contribution Bapsy
  11. I like your last words in here, the freedom to think and choose also adding the agree to disagree and examine careful the teaching. While on TWI i didn't with everything they taught over there and I end up arguing with leaders and they reinforced to read only VPW's books and nothing else! Seems like slavery and mind control. Yes, I agree 100% with you on that and likewise my critical thinking process under constant development and is dynamic.
  12. Hi gents, I like your comments which somehow is helping me to be more confident with my decision and never regret for leaving vpw empire. But what I learned is that most of former member never attended any other church because he or she won't fit in and that's what i'm experiencing and thanks you guys for sharing your experience with me which is good and helping a lot. See, i come to realize that the question is " after leaving TWI, what is the next step? where to fit in? anyways probably you guys have answered already these question. T-Bone : I left TWI and I still have VPW's books with me, so what you guys advise on that. Do you still keep them and refer to them whenever you want?
  13. Hi Rocky, That's very true and thanks for sharing this info with me because that's what i'm going through right now,that's weird hmm!. You know, sometimes I feel losing interest in churches as well, but not in bible a i continue read over and over to find answers and overlooking the beliefs in the light of the word. Also what's worrying me is the kids, if i don't find any church to fit in, what will be the consequences? Again thanks for your comments and for sure try to find someone in a Christian church to help me. Hey, what you think of JW? Can fit in there?
  14. I left twi because of the leadership behavior and somehow I felt being forced to something that I wasn't comfortable with it and so many other things. Now that I left seems like struggling to find where to go from here or which church to fit in. But for now i prefer to continue my biblical studies at home until i find one. There are many doctrines out there and confusing still ( Trinity vs Unitarian), so what is what after twi?
  15. Check out this link " an open letter for those who are disillusioned with TWM by John P. Juedes" http://www.caic.org.au/biblebase/way/open-ltr.htm
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