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  • Birthday 09/16/1955

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    Panama City Beach Fl
  • Interests
    Boating, Fishing, Beer

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  1. and the object of several face-meltings Being an outsider at the Rock of 89 and having not much to do but wander around I ran into a couple of these Face Meltings by accident. What the Hell is with these folks I was thinking at the time. One in the Way Woods and one on top of the little bridge over that creek. ( If that was called the River Jordan, was that the Bridge of Sighs? ) There was so much discontent there and you couldn't even get the folks that you were the closest to, too tell you what was happening. All I could get was that some fella stole a bunch of Way Material and took it to Scotland and it would not Edify to talk about it. Well since a Wow and a Corpse guy recommended me for Staff and I was at the time interested ( thus the name Close Call ) I thought that I should know what was wrong here. Nope. I was not spiritually mature enough I guess. A lot of arrogance and snobbishness I witnessed. I was even introduced to Mrs. Weirwille the first night there and she did not act very friendly either. We were coming in from the parking area on the 1st evening and she was sitting on a Golf cart staring down at the big top. Personally I think she was depressed and crying and was trying to maintain herself. Back to work more another time.
  2. From Wikipedia Lake was born in St. Mary's, Ontario, Canada and moved to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan with his family in 1886.[4] He was born into a large family of 16 siblings (eight of whom died young).[5] He graduated from high school in St Mary's shortly before the move to Michigan, and claimed to have been ordained into the Methodist ministry at the age of twenty-one.[4] The seminary he claimed to have attended, though, never existed,[6]:53 and census records show he had less than ten years' education.[7] Lake, then, had no formal theological training. sound familiar to anyone?
  3. One of the many red flags I seen in my association with wow's was that while they were in my town one's Mother died. I sat in wonder while I watched this gal beg on the phone for PERMISSION to attend her Mothers funeral! From what I could tell they grudgingly gave PERMISSION, gave her t date to be back and assisted no further. Very Christian of them! I hope your Son or Daughter catches these red flags.
  4. Hello WordWolf, been reading a lot of your Posts here and been enlightened. Believe me Fella's I haven't been destroyed the last 27/28 years over TWI, in fact I'm doing well. But when one thinks back on some of the dumb things that one does in life this one rates. Did any of you know or were in Panama City FL at that time span?
  5. Thank You T-Bone. That cup hit the spot. Never was a WOW myself but was a victim in 88 and left in the corn at the ROC of 89. Ran into GSC by just wondering if TWI was still around. Very interesting reading here, questions answered that I could not get answers to then (It doesn't Edify ya know) Took the all important Class which really left me with more questions ( they didn't seem to like that) May post in a more appropriate thread sometime about that old adventure.
  6. Perhaps a "WOWED AND FORGOTTEN" button? There was probably thousands.
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