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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Well, make sure yer registered to vote... ya get three different flavors of Indian Gambling to vote about in Nov. Props 200, 201, and 202 I think. And if yer gonna vote this comin tuesday, I recommend either Alfredo or Carol Springer as the (depending on which party ya go to) as they are the only two straight talkers (except independent Mahoney (he already made it to the general election ballot) in the lot of gov candidates. Salmon's a holier than thou mormon; bayless will be pretty much like Hull, and Napolitano is, as Alfredo and the New Times suggests, a sell out of sorts. sorry, just a pol junkie...
  2. What time is that Wendling worship hour on CBN? Gosh golly, Jeff looks like a TV preacher. BTW, the lottery aint' gamblin, it's paying a voluntary tax... and simon, you know that iffen more people don't pay some voluntarily, here in AZ they gonna hafta raise taxes... besides, you get to dream about what you'd do with the loot if ya win!
  3. Full time photog? I wish. Maybe someday. Back at the end of April, I got some picks of the immediate past pres working a crowd at the Phx Civic Plaza. That was fun. I also write, get an occasional byline story, and do research. When the AZ Legislature is in session, I write summaries on bills (regular session count exceeds 1,100). I also track election races, from candidate announcements through ballot count, for state legislature, congress (two new seats for AZ this year), and statewide offices. Primary market is lobbyists, government agencies and activist/nonprofit groups, for a daily in-depth report during session and three times/wk news/gossip sheet on life at the Capitol during off-session times. BTW, I know your sadness for sending a kid to college... this last weekend, and today, I know the sadness my mother had when I first went to NAU 30 years ago. I remember her and I driving up to Flag, and me dropping her off at the bus station. As a 17 year old, I didn't grasp the significance of the moment, or the reason why she cried as she got on the bus back to Phx... I know it today. Since I only have one child that's my blood, I imagine it will be even more profound in 6 years. By then, however, Peter the new Wildcat expects to have an engineering B.S. and a J.D. I hope he stays focused. If so, he can do it. Didn't your stepdaughter want to go to law school?
  4. Hey SZ, At least your kiddo will still be in town... living in a dorm? or in an apartment in Tempe? My stepson started classes as a Wildcat in Tucson today. My baby (12 yo daughter) is in a Tempe charter school in 7th grade, telling everyone she's going to go to Brown U (Ivy League school in RI) and Harvard Law School.
  5. Simon, Indeed. Sorry to hear of your recent break up. Don't get too much sun. Go D'backs! rockyrococo45@hotmail.com
  6. Simon, you can find more direct clues to my identity at http://www.azcapitoltimes.com
  7. Mr. Z, I waz in 9th. If you are a roofer, then we finished that 10k within a second of each other... I haven't had my daughter kriston'd but her mother (my former spouse) wants her to be mormonized.
  8. Simon, if you are who fellowshipper referred to, then we ran a 10K together in March of the first year in residence...
  9. Hey Simon, Where in AZ er ya? I'm in Chandler...in the evenings, in Phoenix usually during the day. Some of the ol' 9th corps here know who I am if you don't yet.
  10. Anyone have any real insights on this? I asked Paw if it was just me, he said it was. The link doesn't work for me whether I have cookies enabled or not. I looked for GOE's msgs with suggestions, and got no closer to getting into the chat room. :- [This message was edited by Rocky on July 08, 2002 at 18:45.]
  11. Rocky


    Indeed... those names ring bells. I don't make the connection as to who you are, however, but will admit that we must have met if what you recall is true. And I've been here ever since. We've sure live lots of life since then, eh?
  12. Rocky


    We probably didn't meet, but just barely. I graduated from ASU in May 86... and left twi that summer/fall. Live in Chandler now. (South of Tempe)
  13. My opinion has been spoken. My opinion is not the be all and end all, nor should it be dogma for all. In other words, I spoke my opinion, and have no intention of arguing it. But I have to wonder - did I miss something? Doth I hear they that protest too much? And for what, I know not why. For to act like the matter is settled, yet it not be, gives only pause to ponder. And fair Wacky one, it be as thy suspect.
  14. For what I say and do... etc. and accountable to no one -- only if I choose the life of a hermit. Otherwise, we are a society of rules, written and unwritten. Incite others to think and reply, and leave it to let those that follow know why. If you do not want them to know, or if you have regret, learn to think before you speak... or write. Otherwise, respect is due to others from you. Unless you would rather incite then remove the evidence?
  15. Accountability. 1 day is liberal enough. Any editing after that can be done by a separate retraction/never mind kinda post.
  16. Rocky

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