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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Asking rhetorical questions is the opposite/anti-thesis of telling you what to do. It is more fairly described as presenting you with the opportunity to tell yourself what you want to do. Why are you so defensive?
  2. We all were wet behind the ears as young adults. If you overcame it, then there's nothing to be ashamed of.
  3. As always, forum discussions are flat, at most two-dimensional and VERY imperfect in communicating depth of ideas. Perhaps one step closer to providing some depth, youtube videos can be poignant and might be a tad more effective in getting a point across. Please enjoy this brief clip with a soliloquy by the late Robin Williams. I think it's from the movie Good Will Hunting.
  4. Do you even listen to yourself? Point out what God says? To whom? For what purpose? Are you even capable of self-reflection, self-examination or recognition of why you do any given thing? (Don't answer that out loud, it's a rhetorical question) Can you even recognize the difference between posting it in the context of "This is what God tells me to do. This (giving examples) is how I attempt to fulfill this charge," as opposed to "This is what God tells people (you) to do?" Note, SIX rhetorical questions. Not telling you what the answers should be...
  5. Nice thought... but I doubt she'd ever do any of those things... short of a very major and meaningful to her "significant emotional event."
  6. Nope. Just reflecting on the words you wrote. I can say that the words you wrote seem to be geared more toward telling others what to do than to demonstrate that that's how you live your life.
  7. It's awful that you have to go through that. I can relate.
  8. The problem with these passages, is that you presented them as something you believe others should do. Have you ever considered that being more concerned with whether others are conducting themselves out of love, or being loving, or doing things lovingly (etc.) than what you yourself measure up to that standard ... may not be what the scriptures are getting at? Matthew 7:1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Just a thought.
  9. For those readers who have not yet subscribed to Penworks's blog, part two of her interview is now up on the American Studies blog.
  10. Great example. That's why I have considerable discomfort with common conceptions that Romans 13 presents a scenario in which Christians have no worldly role in the conduct of politics or government. Even before the era in which governments derive their just powers from the people, human action (beyond simply shrugging one's shoulders and defaulting to "it's a spiritual battle that I can't do anything about") made a huge and important difference for liberation of the people. I continue to maintain that such common misunderstandings serve to keep people in bondage today rather than enable liberty to live in God's freedom.
  11. ! I've got my EYE on you!
  12. Huh? I don't see how that proves any such thing. Btw, I'm confident you will not be surprised when there's another mass shooting somewhere in the US sometime in November 2017. I certainly won't be surprised. Saddened, but not surprised.
  13. There's current literature about a prominent American politician that describes Malignant Narcissism in exquisite detail. That book ALSO (who gives a $hit about Bullinger) is an apropos character study about a cult leader most (if not all) of us at one point had fallen under the influence of. If you are interested in the title of the book, PM me... it's a Dangerous Case... My point in mentioning this in response to WW's quoted comment is that it's likely Dictor didn't necessarily have to consciously convince himself of anything in order to come up with the delusions at issue.
  14. Rocky

    The Beat Goes On.

    Who would knowingly want to associate with this guy? You got the initials correct for $$.
  15. They were named in the R and R attemped coop. Unless they repented, they are probably M and A (mergers and acquisitions?).
  16. I suppose you're right. I was thinking that (knowing some political scientists) the focus on statistical data in political science isn't so fascinating for me, but yes, the rest of it is.
  17. I'm into history more than political science... and I too am fascinated by how many of these things work.
  18. It's kind of a stretch to suggest that a MOOC on Global (anything, let alone...) Diplomacy relates at all to a discussion on an obscure cult escapees' forum about the role of the Bible in societal mental health. Btw, "Unless you are satisfied being a raving maniac..." does boil down to name calling.
  19. Will the gullible ever notice that it's nothing but nonsensical blather?
  20. I haven't studied the issue enough to know when the earliest democracies were founded ... but ... I am at least conversant on modern democracies and writings that underpin the concept. The Social Contract by Rousseau clearly sets forth ideas upon which the US was built as the first modern democracy (or democratic republic if you prefer). The Declaration of Independence spells out the purpose of government. " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." Lincoln famously stated in the Gettysburg Address his intent that "government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish." The Arizona Constitution states (in Article 2, Section 2) " All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." A central theme of Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" was to debunk the notion of hereditary succession of allegedly God-ordained monarchy. To me, that all combines to put Romans 13 in a different perspective than we have heretofore been led to believe... and therefore shines a light on the notion of civic responsibility. It also suggests that the Bible does not have ALL the answers necessary for leading a "quiet and peaceable life."
  21. Escaping Fundamentalism... an Interview with Penworks (Part 1) "In her award-winning book Undertow, Charlene Edge dissects her past as a long-time member of one of the largest fundamentalist cults in the United States, “The Way International.” Undertow is a demonstration of the dangers of fundamentalism and the destructive nature of cults. Through her personal story, Charlene Edge shows how a vulnerable person can be seduced into following an authoritarian leader and how difficult it can be to find a way out." Read the rest of the interview at the link above.
  22. In forms of government in which power is derived from the people, wouldn't a reading of Romans 13 suggest that we -- as citizens -- have a sacred responsibility (duty) to exercise that citizenship actively? As in, not copping out by dismissing that duty by simply saying all I -- as a citizen -- have to do is pray for those the people entrusted with the power (authority)? When Romans was written, had there ever been a successfully implemented democratic society?
  23. Probably wouldn't find production capital (or anywhere that would be willing to broadcast it) so easily these days... might have to wait a few months to determine the extent of fade in the Weinstein uproar.
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