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Everything posted by hiway29

  1. 'In Plain Sight' I hope this doesn't mean I have to come up with one of these now
  2. imp alley jong ? I am feeling dumb
  3. I knew it was an imp-I don't know who the woman is
  4. Adventures of Superman-George Reeves version First quotes are from 'Superman on Earth"-Clark worming his way in to Perry White's office looking for a job Next quotes are from 'The Case of the Talkative Dummy"- crooks pass code words through a ventriloquist's dummy to plan crimes first season Superman was hard as nails (with hard as nails Phyllis Coates as Lois Lane )
  5. hiway29


    I left in the late 80's, started a completely new life over on the west coast, and left the whole way stuff in the dust, until this internet thing came along, where I found out what's happened over the years, talk with people who also moved on, and maybe learn a little about myself, and the choices I once made. A few years back , I drove through Ohio, with my now wife, who only knew the way from what I told her. I had lived in St Marys of all places for awhile, so we made a side trip to show her, and frankly I was curious to take a look. Being 'attached' had nothing to do with it. It was surreal in so many ways. New Knox, St Marys, and what I saw of the grounds, looked nothing like I remembered. It was almost like when you dream of a past place, but is distorted from reality. Of course we didn't get far at the way. I slowed down to look at the fountain, and immediately had security tailing me. I was tempted to let them 3rd degree me, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle, and just moved on. The only thing that was meaningful, was finding that the mural I had painted for the New Knoxville high gym was still intact. The custodian was gracious, told me how they preserved it when they repainted the gym, and I was glad to have contributed something to the community. The way, which seemed to dominate the area when I lived there, seemed almost a sad afterthought to the community. It was all quite strange.
  6. great Bozo info I had forgotten that Pinto Colvig was the first- and didn't know who the Chicago clown was. I'm so accustomed to seeing Harmon connected that I forgot he had no more to do with creating Bozo, than he did Laurel and Hardy. I couldn't stand Bozo, even as a little kid-and the gawd awful Bozo cartoons didn't help any. I used to wonder why they never slapped a 'Butch' costume on some kid for the live segments-but even then I realized that was too 'creative', and they just didn't care "that's a Bozo no-no" made it's way across the country, but I never knew what was behind it. Reminds me of the ways Soupy Sales got in trouble in NY
  7. Vin Scully announces for the Dodgers. Since 1950 !!! and hasn't missed a beat-I can only gush and be in awe, and enjoy him while we still got him The Chicago White Sox announcers are the WORST-I'm pretty sure it's Ken Harrelson, who gives 'homer' a whole new meaning. gives the score as 'good guys' this vs 'bad guys' that. Sox player hits a pop foul, he talks to the ball 'get outta here', and on and on.
  8. There are certainly announcing teams that mesh well together, and I can only hope that Remy has a full recovery and returns to the booth. But nothing is as pure and satisfying as Vin Scully in the booth by himself. It's as if he came into your living room, and is chatting with you personally. He knows when to talk, when to stay quiet, when to interject humor, observations, or analysis, and really 'crafts' the game. It's a dying art that will sadly disappear when he retires.
  9. I think Matilda was referring to the 'original Bozo', Larry Harmon, who I'll assume, aired out of Chicago. ( I actually have a Larry Harmon connection, as I drew a couple of Bozo comic books, and wrote and drew the Larry Harmon version of Laurel and Hardy , for a comic book company back in the 80's. There were certainly regional Bozo's-that's why I said I didn't recall the NY one ever saying 'Right here, Harv'. As for the new quotes, I'm going way out on a limb and guess "Ozzie and Harriet", based on nothing but the show's absolute obsession with ice cream.
  10. I cheated and googled this one, so I'm not eligible. All I can say is I have no recollection of the NY version ever saying this-but I was hardly a faithful viewer.
  11. McHale's Navy it is. I figured Fuji would be the give away, but I'll always have Joe Flynn as Capt Binghampton in my head. That man passed on way too young.
  12. "I could just scream" "what is it-what, what, what ?" "Gee, I love that kind of talk" "Get lost, Fuji"
  13. Should someone my age be able to know all about every one of those comic book characters ? What's disturbing to me is how the company has 'killed' most of them in their books -they all look happy there, though.
  14. That Jonestown stuff at AC79 , came out on a night when the power went down, and they couldn't tape the 'regular' class, so they used it as an opportunity to supply the 'information'. I've never thought of it until just now, but I wonder if the power went 'conveniently' out. I recal them making a big deal out of using the situation to give us this 'special' stuff. In light of how Wierwille went ballistic when Joe C#@lter missed a camera cue, he seemed to not be too concerned about a major power outage.
  15. new one "I could just scream" "what is it-what, what what?"
  16. I grew up in Ct as passionate a Yankee fan as you've ever seen. I probably put too much importance, and involvement with the Yankees through the 60's and 70's.I kept scrapbooks, listened or watched every game, and felt I had gone to heaven when my parents finally took me to Yankee Stadium. I'm still a Yankee fan, though I live on the other coast, and as I've verbalized too often in here,I just don't enjoy that kind of fanaticism anymore. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this last weekend, though. Of course they may fold in the first playoff round, if they get that far. I now live 10 minutes from Dodger Stadium, and get to about 20 games a year (as well as a couple games down in Anaheim). I'm not a Dodger 'fan' in the same way. It's the team you loved when you were 12 that really matters. I love going to Dodger Stadium, and there is a magic there. I have come to really like the team-I just can't get that emotionally involved , as there are too many real life things that are more important. I'm just happy to have major league baseball nearby. I'd do the same if I lived near the Pirates, Orioles, or whoever. I am lucky to have such a great place as Dodger Stadium though. It's not hurting to have Joe Torre, and Don Mattingly here, either.
  17. Well, I'VE enjoyed the weekend-which isn't something I've been able to say very often. Still a LONG way to go. Incredibly, The Dodgers are suddenly not looking so unbeatable. It always comes back to the wisdom of Yogi.
  18. hmm-the A Team then ? I'd never have gotten it by the quotes, I don't think I ever sat through an episode
  19. I figured wrongway peachfuzz would give it away. Should of been more obscure. The show began as "Rocky and his Friends"-changed to 'The Bullwinkle Show' when it moved to NBC, then later was called "Bullwinkle and Rocky", when they re used the old "Rocky and his Friends" opening animation, in syndication-and now you know more about the show's title than you ever wanted to know.
  20. new one "Do you know what A Bomb is ? A bomb is what some people call our show " "We're in real trouble now" "Oh, good. I hate that artificial kind" "They don't call him wrongway Peachfuzz for nothing." "you mean they gotta pay ?"
  21. well, that made it clear. 'The Stand" I never connect that with TV, though of course they had that mini series that was hit and miss.
  22. "Herbert! Herbert!" "I'm gonna crack my knuckles and jump for joy. I got a clean bill of health from Dr McCoy!" "Stiff man putting my mind in jail and the judge band the gavel and say 'no bail' gonna lick his hand and wag my tail"
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