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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Yom Kippur

    Thanks, Abigail! I really enjoyed reading about this special observance. :)
  2. She's beautiful, Jonny! Absolutely beautiful! Love that smile, too! Beautiful, smart and talented? I can see why they call her "Sunshine." :) What else could a Daddy ask for? Ya done good, Sailorman! Jake is awesome looking, too! They do wiggle their way into our hearts, don't they? I can't imagine life without Vixen. So glad you got to have some real quality time with Mr. Starbuck before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Lady killer little Lingos? No doubt about that in my mind!
  3. Jim, that is extremely odd! I remember craiggers teaching that there are devil spirits who answer to "Jesus" and that we were to never, ever, ever say "Jesus" without also saying "Christ". It would get you put on probation quickly for inviting devil spirits into the household!
  4. Looks like this is a different group albeit a questionable one. Their site: The Church on The Way. The sites of their "greasespots": FACTNet Message Board TCOTW aka FourSquare Cult Links Cult Education Forum Deception in the Church Could this be yet another lawsuit filed by TWI - your ABS at work? :blink: Maybe not since they go by a bunch of other names as well.
  5. Belle

    Credit card Bills

    :o Are you saying the credit card company is adding it up wrong or that the vendors are submitting the wrong price? Either way that sucks!! I've never checked either, just paid the card off each month. Thanks for the heads up!!
  6. Down as low as $2.18 here - most places are $2.21. Around Disney and the tourist areas it's $2.46.
  7. DARNIT!!! The Network Nazi won't let my puter download the player to be able to watch from work. :( I think I'm gonna go through withdrawal!! :ph34r:
  8. Remember that Craig taught that it was okay to lie to protect the believers. He used the women in Egypt lying about the baby boys coming faster than they could get there for why all new baby boys weren't being killed as ordered. So rosie's type of "doing the word" is most likely the same, meaning it's okay to purjur one's self for the "best of the ministry."
  9. Considering how they treated Mrs. W and other elderly folks who gave their best years to TWI, I think we already know that the answer to those questions is a resounding................ NO EFFEN WAY!!!! Ewwwwww...... the new poster is up. Where's the puke icon??? Who is the Jesus who's shoes they claim to be walking in? It's certainly not the one in the Bible.
  10. Really neat, MStar! I would LOVE to see pictures of your work and this one when it's completed. I did some more research on that plant. It's actually called the "menorah" plant aka Salvia Judaica and it has medicinal purposes in addition to supposedly being the inspiration for the menorah. Hadassah Medical Center has some information on it. I found a US site that sells it and they say they are the only ones in the US who sell it. I don't have the link handy right now, but if you want it let me know. I may order a few plants myself just because of the rarity and unique beauty of it. The climate in Florida is conducive to growing it, too. :)
  11. Belle


  12. Belle

    New Horizons

    Welcome Lori! Sounds like we left about the same time. :) Boy, oh boy, do we learn how to think, disagree and discuss things like we never did in TWI. You're in for a great time! I look forward to reading more of you. This round of coffee and danishes for the cafe is on me.
  13. Okay, this was fun! I got lost in links and sites enjoying myself. I learned quite a bit about the animals and flora of Israel. Thanks for asking, MStar! I've thoroughly enjoyed myself. I hope some of our links are helpful. Biblical Landscape Preserve Israeli Trees and wildflowers Midreshet Sde Boker - these aren't identified, but they're pretty! Flora and Fauna of Israel Illustrated Guide to Plants of the Bible Book
  14. Well, Mo..... the saying is that insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. In the case of TWI, I'm thinking the shoe fits. <_<
  15. Psalmie, I don't have any answers, but I've got your sweet Zippie and those puppies in my thoughts and prayers. Just thinking of that wonderful puppy breath puts a smile on my face.... mmmmm..... one of the sweetest smells in the world!
  16. Belle

    White Dove

  17. Belle

    Vegetarian Dog

    I spose this isn't the place to talk about the rats I buy for my dog. :blink: Sorry, Vegan. I like you. I just don't like PETA and I do think meat is good and tastes good for us and doggies. PETA reminds me of those extremists who bomb abortion clinics and show kids pictures of abortions and fetuses and awful things children should never be exposed to. They aren't trustworthy, imo, and will do anything - ethical or not - to further their agenda. And don't even get me started on the awful, horrible things they're doing to the AKC and other animal training lovers who like to participate in competitions, activities and field trials with their pets.
  18. Yeppers!! Only I wake up about 2:30am and can't go back to sleep till about 30 minutes before the alarm is set to go off. :ph34r: I've started drinking a glass of milk before getting ready for bed and that's seemed to help a bit. Thing is, dogs don't have any conception of time, so when you wake up, they think it's time to get up and start the day. Woo Hoo!!!! (Not!!) Try getting the world's most optomistic, energetic, hyper dog to calm down after she realizes you're awake and so it MUST be time to go walking and play before Mom goes to work....... I get to sleep fine, it's staying asleep and then waking up once the alarm goes off that gives me troubles. My alarm clock is now on the other side of the room. My morning Belle hates my night Belle for that!
  20. Sorry, MStar. :( I've never even heard of it although it does sound like a really cool book and something that would be right up your alley. I do hope you find a copy of it. :)
  21. WELCOME, ABE!!! Cool to hear your recollections! I'm thinking I may know you or some of your fellow laborers. Trying to remember what years the folks I know were sentenced to HQ..... Witnessing from 9pm-11pm??? Even family members know not to knock on my door or dial my number past 9pm at night! Belle is no lady past 9pm on week nights; she needs her beauty sleep! Those schedules are ridiculous!! They only allow 30 minutes for fixing and eating dinner? WTF?? I'd like to see rosie cook at eat dinner for her and her wife in 30 minutes. :blink: Obviously nobody with any "real world" experience had anything to do with those schedules. And what's with the tattle tale report? The whole wording of those "reports" is such that it encourages looking for things to turn folks in for doing or not doing. How effen godly is that?? May I fix you a tall cool glass of lemonade and offer something sweet, Abe? Looking forward to reading more of you. :)
  22. That's great, Krys! Will it be easier to get through the doughnut hole now that you've made it once?
  23. Come on, y'all.... I didn’t say ALL Wal-Mart customers fit that profile and certainly didn’t intend to indicate that, especially since I said I do shop there myself. Heck, I’ve even been on a three day bender before, but was too tired to leave the house. It’s my perception that Wal-Marts attract a less than stellar element of society, perhaps it's due to the quick decline of the quality in surrounding neighborhoods and their property value, the increase in crime and just the casual observances of the parking lot and the customers. Maybe it's only the case in Mississippi and Florida where I've lived, but I think it's more prevalent than that. In Orlando, the local police blotter indicates that the crime rate in a 5-square-mile area of MetroWest jumped more than 70 percent in the first year after Wal-Mart's arrival in August 2001. Traffic accidents rose 31 percent, property crimes 110 percent, robberies 231 percent and car thefts 56 percent, according to the Orlando Police Department. [Orlando Sentinel, January 27, 2003] One study analzyed 32 Wal-Mart Stores and 32 Target Stores within 10 miles of each other. The average police incidents in 2004 for each of the Wal-Mart Stores was 770. The average police incidents for the Target Stores during the same period – 170. Crime at Wal-Mart Stores is 353% higher than that of Target Stores. Furthermore, the rate of “serious or violent” crimes at Wal-Mart stores is 6 times the rate of those at Target Stores. I won’t even go into the economic impact this has on the community, police departments and tax payers. Wal-Mart Crime Report You can go here to see how much crime there is at your local Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart Crime The Wal-Marts that are most successful are generally located in rural and small towns where they have run off any serious competition and there isn’t any other choice for consumers. I know when I go home to Mississippi to visit, we always have to go to Wal-Mart if for no other reason than to see folks because that’s the only place left to shop, so that’s where everyone is. They are also more successful in MSA’s where income levels are lower than the national average. In more urban, larger areas where Target and other stores provide viable competition, they aren’t near as profitable. Even most of the “name brand” things they sell are cheaper/less quality made knock-offs made especially for Wal-Mart. These are things the manufacturer would never sell in a more reputable store or one that prides itself on selling quality products. LOW PRICES OR FRAUD? Furthermore, they aren’t really the low price leader that many people think they are. It’s a perfect example of yelling the lie loud enough and long enough and folks will eventually believe it. Besides that, they frequently charge more than the price posted on the shelves, so whether folks realize it or not, they are paying as much if not more than if they had shopped elsewhere. 86.7% of the Wal-Mart stores sampled in California failed to meet the federal standard for pricing accuracy. 84.6% of the Wal-Mart stores sampled in Illinois, Michigan and Indiana failed to meet the federal standard for price accuracy. In Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana, 6.4% of all of the items purchased for the study were priced incorrectly. In California, 8.3% of all of the items purchased for the study were priced incorrectly. In the IL, MI, IN study the mean value of the difference between the actual price and the stated price for items overcharged was $1.33. In the CA study the mean value of the difference between the actual price and the stated price for items overcharged was $1.09. Wal-Mart Facts EMPLOYER CRIMES Wal-Mart’s 2006 Annual Report reported that the company faced 57 wage and hour lawsuits. Major lawsuits have either been won or are working their way through the legal process in states such as California, Indiana, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington. [Wal-Mart Annual Report 2006] A Pennsylvania court, also in December 2005, approved a class-action lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. by employees in Pennsylvania who say the company pressured them to work off the clock. The class could grow to include nearly 150,000 current or former employees. [Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 12, 2006 ] The State of Connecticut, investigating Wal-Mart’s child labor practices after the federal investigation ended, found 11 more violations. In June 2005, Connecticut fined Wal-Mart Stores Inc. $3,300 over child labor violations after a state investigation found that some minors lacked proper paperwork and were operating hazardous equipment at the stores. [“Wal-Mart Is Fined for Child Labor Violations,” Bloomberg News, June 22, 2005] TAX PAYER HAZARDS * The estimated total amount of federal assistance for which Wal-Mart employees were eligible in 2004 was $2.5 billion. [The Hidden Price We All Pay For Wal-Mart, A Report By The Democratic Staff Of The Committee On Education And The Workforce, 2/16/04] ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS # In 2005, Wal-Mart reached a $1.15 million settlement with the State of Connecticut for allowing improperly stored pesticides and other pollutants to pollute streams. This was the largest such settlement in state history. [Hartford Courant, 8/16/05] # In May 2004, Wal-Mart agreed to pay the largest settlement for stormwater violations in EPA history. The United States sued Wal-mart for violating the Clean Water Act in 9 states, calling for penalties of over $3.1 million and changes to Wal-Mart’s building practices. [u.S. Environmental Protection Agency, May 12, 2004, U.S. v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 2004 WL 2370700] # In 2004, Wal-Mart was fined $765,000 for violating Florida’s petroleum storage tank laws at its automobile service centers. Wal-Mart failed to register its fuel tanks, failed to install devices that prevent overflow, did not perform monthly monitoring, lacked current technologies, and blocked state inspectors. [Associated Press, 11/18/04] # In Georgia, Wal-Mart was fined about $150,000 in 2004 for water contamination. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2/10/05] WAL-MART AND CHINA If Wal-Mart were an individual economy, it would rank as China’s eighth-biggest trading partner, ahead of Russia, Australia and Canada. [China Business Weekly, 12/02/2004] * Workers making clothing for Wal-Mart in Shenzhen, China filed a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart in September 2005 claiming that they were not paid the legal minimum wage, not permitted to take holidays off and were forced to work overtime. They said their employer had withheld the first three months of all workers' pay, almost making them indentured servants because the company refused to pay the money if they quit. [New York Times, September 14, 2005] * Workers making toys for Wal-Mart in China’s Guangdong Province reported that they would have to meet a quota of painting 8,900 toy pieces in an eight hour shift in order to earn the stated wage of $3.45 a day. If they failed to meet that quota, the factory would only pay them $1.23 for a day’s work. [China Labor Watch, December 21, 2005] * Workers from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Nicaragua and Swaziland brought a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart in September 2005 asserting that the company’s codes of conduct were violated in dozens of ways. They said they were often paid less than the legal minimum wage and did not receive mandated time-and-a-half for overtime, and some said they were beaten by managers and were locked in their factories. [New York Times, September 14, 2005] WAL-MART ANTI-UNION POLICY Wal-Mart closes down stores and departments that unionize * Wal-Mart closed its store in Jonquierre, Quebec in April 2005 after its employees received union certification. The store became the first unionized Wal-Mart in North America when 51 percent of the employees at the store signed union cards. [Washington Post, 4/14/05] * In December 2005, the Quebec Labour Board ordered Wal-Mart to compensate former employees of its store in Jonquiere Quebec. The Board ruled that Wal-Mart had improperly closed the store in April 2005 in reprisal against unionized workers. [Personnel Today, 12/19/05] * In 2000, when a small meatcutting department successfully organized a union at a Wal-Mart store in Texas, Wal-Mart responded a week later by announcing the phase-out of its in-store meatcutting company-wide. [Pan Demetrakakes, "Is Wal-Mart Wrapped in Union Phobia?" Food & Packaging 76 (August 1, 2003).] Wal-Mart has issued "A Manager's Toolbox to Remaining Union Free," * This toolbox provides managers with lists of warning signs that workers might be organizing, including "frequent meetings at associates' homes" and "associates who are never seen together start talking or associating with each other." The "Toolbox" gives managers a hotline to call so that company specialists can respond rapidly and head off any attempt by employees to organize. [Wal-Mart, A Manager’s Toolbox to Remaining Union Free at 20-21] Wal-Mart is committed to an anti-union policy * In the last few years, well over 100 unfair labor practice charges have been filed against Wal-Mart throughout the country, with 43 charges filed in 2002 alone. * Since 1995, the U.S. government has been forced to issue at least 60 complaints against Wal-Mart at the National Labor Relations Board. [international Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Internationally Recognised Core Labour Standards in the United States: Report for the WTO General Council Review of the Trade Policies of the United States (Geneva, January 14-16, 2004)] * Wal-Mart’s labor law violations range from illegally firing workers who attempt to organize a union to unlawful surveillance, threats, and intimidation of employees who dare to speak out. [“Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price We All Pay for Wal-Mart," A Report by the Democratic Staff of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, 2/16/04] Wal-Mart & Undocumented Immigrants In 2003, federal authorities arrested 250 undocumented immigrants who were employed by janitor contracting services and hired by Wal-Mart in 21 states. Many of the janitors - from Mexico, Russia, Mongolia, Poland and a host of other nations - worked seven days or nights a week without overtime pay or injury compensation. Those who worked nights were often locked in the store until the morning. [Wall Street Journal, 11/5/05, CNN Money, “Wal-Mart pays $11m over illegal labor”, 2005] March 2005, Wal-Mart agreed to pay $11 million to settle federal allegations it used undocumented immigrants to clean its stores. This was the largest immigration related fine ever levied. [CNN Money, “Wal-Mart pays $11m over illegal labor”, 2005 and Wall Street Journal, 11/5/05] In October 2005, Wal-Mart shut down work on seven stores under construction in North Dakota to check for undocumented workers after two illegal immigrants working on Wal-Mart projects in Bismarck were charged with molesting two 13-year-old girls. [Associated Press, 11/18/05] Source of the above information: Wal-Mart Facts
  24. Intensely impassioned topic, eh? My first concern is the true quality of the drugs that Wal-Mart will be selling. Call me paranoid, but I did see the show on Dateline about how there is a black market making counterfeit drugs and selling them to the US and Canada. People have DIED from taking these drugs. They filled their prescriptions at reputable pharmacies like CVS and died because the drugs were completely fake or destructively altered/watered down. Dateline: Inside the World of Counterfeit Drugs Given the ethical practices of Wal-Mart (NOT!), I'd be very wary of buying any prescription drugs from them. Second: Having worked as an analyst for a company who had a close alliance with Wal-Mart, I can tell you that it took me and a another co-worker providing a cost analysis on what it was costing us to do business with Wal-Mart before they realized they were losing money in our partnership with Wal-Mart. This is the case with many other companies. They need the business but don't realize that they are really losing money by caving in to the outrageous price and service demands of Wal-Mart. Our employees who were working out of Wal-Mart's offices can tell some pretty wild stories about the manipulation, control and back room bargains that benefit Wal-Mart while leaving some vendors high & dry by the time it's all over. They also have their own bank in AR and deposits from local stores are in local banks a minimum of 24 hours, so no local banks benefit from having Wal-Mart in their area. They DO buy in much larger bulk than the Mom & Pop stores can which enable them to charge less than others. Their philosophy is that they'd rather make a dime profit on selling 1 million widgets than to make a dollar selling 100K widgets. Mom & Pop's have no way to compete with that. I wish the employees would fight back, but I only know bad things about unions. I see how they ask for outrageous compensations and rules and would seemingly rather bankrupt a company than to come to a realistic agreement. At least that's the way it's been here in Florida. :unsure: I don't shop at Wal-Mart except as a last resort and will continue to do so. There are plenty of other options, imo. Besides that, I'd much rather shop at a Dollar General, Target, Petsmart, PetSupermarket, Farmer's Market, Publix, Best Buy, outlet store..... ANYWHERE but Wal-Mart (and Winn Dixie), where the isles are cramped; the stores are filthy; the customer base looks like they crawled out of the trailer park after a three day bender; and where the employees don't want to be there any more than I do. Besides that, the prices at Wal-Mart for most things really aren't that much cheaper - not for the things I buy anyway. I've compared the prices and where Wal-Mart is cheaper, it's not cheap enough to justify shopping there, imo. It's amazing to me the vehemence you see on the news when Wal-Mart wants to build in someone's town or neighborhood, yet those same people are the first ones in line at the cash registers of the Wal-Mart down the road. <_<
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