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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I HOPE IT'S A FANTABULOUS BIRTHDAY, LINDA!!! I remember searching for your posts when I first found WayDale and GSpot. Your memories and experiences really helped things come together for me. Your delightful life outside TWI gave me hope. I hope your day is as special as you are!
  2. Perzackly, Dooj. :) There has to be a balance. We can't suppress one or the other and we certainly shouldn't be 100% one or the other. My work is extremely left brained - Ha! I'm an analyst, so I have to be. And I absolutely LOVE it. But, I also love it when I get to leave work and can play with my dog, write, read, garden... just about anything else but budget my finances and shop for big ticket items. I think I learn through right brained processes, though. Interesting that there are differences in the sexes that way. But, of course, it all makes sense that us gals would have more neurons between the hemispheres.
  3. Very interesting, Dooj! This is the kind of thing I really dig and have been looking into more and more lately. I'm definitely right brained and I can certainly see how TWI taught left brained. That certainly fits with their obsession with scripture, minutae and all the friggin formulas: Believing = Receiving IF Romans 10:9-10 THEN born again IF give all your money to us THEN you have bought protection from God IF you obey leadership THEN you get to stay in TWI Everything had to fit like a hand in a glove I wonder if that's why so many of us developed serious mental issues, depression, substance abuse, PTSD, physical illness, etc. while in TWI. We're right brained and it was against our nature to have to live in a left brained environment. BTW, I took an entry level art class in college and, despite my best efforts, I only got a C in the class. I think my professor was truly embarrased for me. Usually C students just don't put forth any effort.
  4. Meet the new boss same as the old boss dunno know 'bout y'all but I won't get fooled again!
  5. I just tripped. I have no idea how I ended up down here! I think it might have had something to do with Kathy. I guess I'm even more surprised that it's a country singer......one with two special gifts that men usually love. Are you SURE you're a true southerner? Or is Ole Miss too good for country music? If you love old tv trivia and haven't seen this, then you'll LOVE this: When Life was Black & White
  6. Dang, Strange One - I wish we were sisters!! I adore her and wish she would post more, too. Although my border terrier could kick her rottie's foot any day. MStar and Notta, that explains why I don't see him. Being from Florida I don't feel qualified to talk politics. Besides that, it gets too heated down there for me and everyone knows southern women don't sweat. We glisten.
  7. Song Remains the Same Pamsandiego - Where the he11 IS Pamsandiego? Houseisarockin - I miss reading you!! Dobby - :( insurgent WaywardWayfer WyoMan OrangeCat
  8. I have to bring this to the top for someone very special.
  9. We'll make it a party when you get to burn that thing, OFM!!
  10. I can't believe the master of trivia doesn't recognize this one! :blink: What's this world coming to??
  11. Belle

    Guitar Talk

    I have been lurking and just wanted to thank you very knowledgeable and fun folks for the edumakashun. :) Have y'all heard of Corrine Bailey Rae? I recently discovered her music and just love, love, love it! I don't know how to post a clip, but will gladly send a file to someone. Caress is awesome! I'm listening to it right now. Y'all Rock!
  12. STL, I can say that about the corps I met before they all had to sell their homes and pack up their belongings to "serve God full time". The ones that came to the area after that were mini-mog wannabees. With the exception, perhaps of Todd Cenc1ch. He was an absolute hoot!
  13. We still haven't gotten more than one very lame attempt at proving that "VP at the height of his ministry was by all accounts really impacting mainstream Christianity". *hee haw!* *giggle* *snort* vee pee impacting mainstream Christianity.... That's got to be one of the best claims I've heard since the snow on the gas pumps hallucination. WordWolf: I concur. Ain't it GREAT!! This thread has become my giggle fest this week. I have Allen on ignore, but I already know for the most part what he's going to say - including avoiding any intellectual dialog and debate. I see he's reverted back to stalking Mo and changing the subject so he won't have to face the fact that vee pee was a con artist and that he, Allen, as conned just like the rest of us. If he continues teaching even half of what he learned from vee pee then he is no better than vee pee. To answer his question about my "jumping ship": WW has it correct - Allen's "private interpretation" of my post is about as inaccurate as one can get. It's those foot-U-mptions that continue to keep his credibility in the gutter. There were more than 7 years between my Southern Baptist upbringing and getting involved with TWI. If I hadn't met my ex-husband when I did, I probably would have just faded away from TWI. That's where I had been headed when he moved back to Orlando. But, anyone who listened to Paw's interview on GSpot Radio or has been around for any length of time already knew most of that.
  14. LOL! Is "tiddlywinks" the new way of saying "egg sucking"? Must be that Narcisstic Personality Disorder that keeps people from seeing that they have become that which they supposedly despise. Mo, I can't remember the term, but it's one of the dodges that WW talks about. When someone can't answer or argue a point made, they attack the messenger instead of responding intelligently to the actual question at hand.
  16. Belle


    *giggle* MY mother ALWAYS made Pumpkin Birthday Cake (just like carrot cake, but with pumpkin instead of carrot). I HATE CARROT CAKE! I HATE PUMPKIN CAKE!! EVERY YEAR - Pumpkin Cake EVERY YEAR - Mama, I don't like Pumpkin Cake! EVERY YEAR - Oh, really? I thought you loved it. EVERY YEAR - No! Daddy's the one who likes pumpkin cake. Make it for his birthday, I'd rather have something else. EVERY YEAR - Okay, Honey. I'll make you something else next year. NEXT YEAR - Pumpkin Cake At the age of 21 I moved to Florida and that was my first year with no pumpkin cake. But now I kinda miss the traditional birthday conversation. :blink:
  17. WW, as far as all my experience has been (and growing up a Southern Baptist in the Bible Belt, there's lots of experience to talk about) there are local people at the revivals to help anyone there. In fact, I volunteered at bunches of them myself. We also travelled out of town to perform and help at some of the larger meetings. At those, there are usually people from many churches (and religions) representing many areas because of so many people coming to those things from our cities. It was very well organized, publicized and a great time. But, as I remember it, vee pee is the one who first made the claim that revivals didn't have anyone for people to connect with. He was slamming Billy Graham during one of the PFAL classes, I think. At the time I knew that was b.s. but figured he just didn't know any better or that things had changed since his day since the tapes were so old. Besides that, it was on video and the man was long dead by the time I took the class. Sounds like yet another parrot quoting a sleazy snake oil salesmen without having any facts to back up the claim. <_< And the article may make you sound even worse. Case in point.... ============= Does this sound like a man "impacting" mainstream Christianity? It might-if the word "impacting" means "a tooth that never reaches its proper position", and he's a tooth. Then he never reached his proper postion in mainstream Christianity. What he SOUNDS like here is a crank that has somewhere under 10,000 followers. Jim Jones had similar numbers. Actually, Jim Jones has had more of an impact. People have HEARD of Jim Jones. ROFLMAOPIMP!!! LOL!! MAKE IT STOP!!! MY SIDES HURT FROM LAUGHING!!! HA HA HA HA!!! TWI IMPACTING MAIN STREAM CHRISTIANITY??? TWI MAKING SO MUCH AS A RIPPLE IN SOCIETY???? OMG!! YO, I'M DYIN' OVAH HEAH! Surely you jest! This quote from the opening paragraph makes it perfectly clear that they are NOT endorsing TWI. In fact, it seems more like a warning to me. Anyone ever heard of The Process? Are they still around? I've never heard of them till now, but since they were in a Time Magazine, surely they must have made a huge impact on Christianity, right? :unsure: How many of you have heard of them? What kind of impact do you know of them making? *snort* Sorry, I just can't quit laughing at that audacious claim!! LOL! TWI making an impact on Christianity.... ROFLMAO!! I'll have to come back when I can type without having to stop and finish giggling and shaking with all this laughing....
  18. Belle


    My birthday is the day before Halloween and I've had many a killer party in my days.... In Mississippi it doesn't usually get too cold for Halloween, so my birthday parties have been awesome for as long as I can remember. Some of my favorites: Blacken in one eye with sports eye-black, hang the letter "P" around your neck and be a Black Eyed P LOL! Paste the word "Freud" across your "slip" and be a "Freudian Slip" LOL! Having Halloween Birthday Parties are THE BEST, IMO!!!
  19. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    I'm dyin' ta go as y'all all must know I have a birthday coming up you may or may not know and will ask for my family to fork over the dough For me to meet these wonderful folk though to judge the cheesecake challenge would be a joke. For I love cheesecake no matter how bad. The chef would have to be rather mad to discourage my eating the whole d@mn cake and swear that I didn't against the rules partake of the whole d@mn cake. Please, if you will Share with us the ones who are still definites on the books So I can entice my family to give the big bucks!
  20. Belle


    Glad you like it, T&O. :) Here's your coffee. I think we shouldn't have to think so hard about love, that it comes naturally when God is working and dwelling within us. When we're really in touch. Does anyone rememer that there are many, many words for love and TWI only concentrated on Agapao/agape, which really isn't even what they defined it to be? T&O, I think you might really enjoy reading some of Abigail's posts about the Jewish religion and their encouragement/excitement about debate/conversation/discussions about all thing religious. It gives us different perspectives if we go into it with an open mind (yes, you read that correctly). The insights, learning and in depth understanding and building of what we, personally, believe is incredible. If you haven't wandered down into the Doctrinal Dungeon, I highly recommend it. It gets heated down there sometimes, but it shows a person's true colors, too. Some are just down there to start arguments, but others are there to really share and learn and grow regardless of whether they agree or not.
  21. Yes Indeedy, they are al classic examples of the narcissist personality. What I wonder is, if cg made the POP so vague because he had to be very careful about incriminating himself since he wasn't any more innocent of the same things than those he accused of killing vee pee.
  22. David, I don't know if that's even possible!
  23. WELCOME HEARTMAN! For a minute there I was thinking Ken somebody else and almost gagged. :o So glad I was wrong! Please join us for some of the famous GSpot Wine. :) I'm thinking CFF has exceeded the non-acknowledged membership in TWI these days.
  24. How do people reconcile all the lies of vee pee, including the fact that he claimed to be teaching the Bible like it hadn't been taught since the first century with the fact that the things he taught were plagarized and stolen from so many other people who were way before his time?
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