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Everything posted by Belle

  1. CONNERRON, were in you "The Way International"? THIS group: TWI
  2. I concur! And well worth the effort, imo.
  3. ((((Roy)))) I'm selfishly glad that Jim won't let you post over there. I like Jim very little and would rather see you cast your pearls over here where they're appreciated. He doesn't deserve to have you as part of his little clique. People like Jim miss out on so much in life because of their judgmentalism and elitist attitude. Pity, since their standards are obviously extremely warped to not be able to appreciate your heart and words of wisdom. I think he'd ban Jesus Christ if he tried to post over there.
  4. I was raised Southern Baptist, but the churches I visited down here were reminiscent of the Hell, Fire and Brimstone teachings that don't build up and encourage. The ones I visited after leaving TWI were even worse, they reminded me of a STS way too much. I have found a small Methodist Church through a former co-worker and I love it! The people are low-key but excited and genuine. There is a "contemporary" service as well as a traditional one. They do a lot of things with the youth and the youth are the most fun and excited without being little robotons like the TWI kids. They're allowed to be kids and I really enjoy being around them, so I volunteer quite a bit with things for them. After the contemporary service the adults have a small group called "Asbury Cafe". We drink coffee, smoothies, finish off the donuts from the pre-service buffet and talk about the sermon, our lives, any pressing concerns someone has. It's just great! Keep looking! God cares and wants us to be happy. He wants us to worship Him, so He will help you find the best place for Dot. :)
  5. Dot, I've found that "church" - the "big service" is more for a general message and common worship and praise. "Sunday School" can be a place to have some needs met, but the one-on-one, help with our problems comes from the connections we make with others in the church family, also in the extra groups they have like special study sessions, women's groups, volunteering events. Church isn't a "fix", imo. It's not going to always give us answers because God is a personal God and so there are no pat answers. The teachings there can perhaps point us in the right direction or give us different options to consider, but "church" is very different from TWI in that we are allowed to make our own decisions, mistakes and blunders knowing that they will always be there to help us pick ourselves up and try again. God is personal and He works within us, but we have to be quiet and peaceful to be able to hear. If we're frantic, worried, anxious or spending so much energy looking for people who are going to give us the answers, then we're going to miss them when God gives them to us, personally. :) (Remind me of that when I get all twirly and spastic, please. ) What exactly do you want in a church? Do you have a "wish list"? What TWI doctrines, if any, do you still hold onto? Is it a challenge finding a church that teaches those same things? Why do you feel like you need a church? Could you get the same support and answers another place? Maybe church isn't "it". Maybe it is and answering these questions can help you narrow down what you're looking for and expecting.
  6. Beautiful experiences, Jim, and your very talented writing made me feel like I was there with you. :) I was fortunate to work for world-wide company a few years ago just as TWIt brain was dissolving for me. The cross section of employees was truly varied, but there was no tension. Some of my greatest memories are when we'd sit around and discuss our various beliefs, cutures and traditions. We had JW's, Muslims, Indians (of different areas/cultures), Greek, Italian, Australian, etc. I learned so much during that time and the world became much smaller for me. My manager was Turkish and we'd celebrate Ramadan with him since we worked very long hours at that time. We'd bring a feast pot luck style and, as soon as the sun went down, break out the bounty. While we ate, Bahadir would share more with us about the holiday and the Muslim beliefs. It was freeing and comforting to be able to not only work among so much diversity, but to be able to do it without passing judgement and being defensive or obnoxious like TWI would have expected. I really miss the people I worked with then. Not the job or company, mind you! LOL! Just the people.
  7. Yeah, to a kid, someone who is naive, not very observant or just all caught up in the seriousness of the ministry and/or a combination of all those things - it would be very easy to see how they would take it seriously and totally miss the comedy behind it. If that happened, they would certainly be confused, scared and upset. Heck, I'm sure we all run into situations where people take the most benign statement and twist it to something totally unrelated. They, in their misunderstanding, create drama where there shouldn't be any and it takes for friggin' ever to clear up the situation.
  8. Aawwww, geeze.... there are just too many to choose from. Should I post ones where I was responsible for being a legalistic TWIt law enforcing jerkwad or the ones where I was subjected to following those same idiotic whims?
  9. Hmmm...... must be pretty difficult to find even some of those "all accounts"...... <_< And a working definition of "tiddlywinks Christians".... *crickets chirping down in NZ*
  10. I've been looking to see if I can find anything online that documents an arrest but haven't so far. I did find this that I'd never seen before. You have to scroll down to #6, but it's definitely interesting information: Geer & TWI
  11. True, Hiway. I just grabbed that one and didn't really pay attention. Now that I look, I realize it is most certainly not her. I wish I had looked closer before posting it. Thanks for pointing that out. Betty was a lot more "honest" and "sweet" than she is often portrayed these days. I have a friend who has loved following her career and has taught me a lot about her. Two of her favorite quotes, which are also on the site Bluzeman posted are: and These are the pictures I'm more familiar with, but I wanted them to post a larger one, so I went out to the web to get one. :( My friend uses this for her avatar pic on all the message boards she participates in: I like these two and even have pictures of me somwhere around the house in these poses from my college days.
  12. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

  13. Belle

    South Park Appearance

    From the album: Greetings

    Belle as a South Park Character style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biglaugh.gif
  14. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

    for Rascal
  15. Belle

    Water Gun

    From the album: Greetings

    Look Out!
  16. Belle

    For the Strange Man

    From the album: Greetings

    Birthday Greetings!
  17. Belle

    Grilled Cheese

    From the album: Greetings

  18. Belle

    Latte Art

    From the album: Greetings

  19. Belle

    Mud Wrestling

    From the album: Greetings

    Oh, the fun!
  20. Belle

    Sweet Waitress

    From the album: Greetings

  21. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

    lemonade pic
  22. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

  23. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

  24. Sudo, you have Patti Page on your list but not Betty Page (83)? I don't know whether to be shocked or disappointed.... Bluzeman, I learned a secret way to fill up Kathy's inbox. A very naughty but fun way to fill it.
  25. Yeah, Sprawled One, it's sorta like it's impossible to be an honest politician and maintain your integrity the longer you're in it and the further up the ladder you get. The most honest ones usually end up becoming corrupt jerks and easily manipulated. If you liked that book, which I'll look into, btw - thanks. You'll love Elaine Pagel's "The Origin of Satan" another poster on here turned me on to that one. Very interesting perspective. I get what you're saying Lindy and I just didn't know the best way to put it. I'm not in any way trying to make a blanket statement about TWI influencing folks to act, believe or behave one way or another, but it DID, I think, give many of us pause to think about where we were, why we acted/believed certain ways. Because of that some gave up religion, some gave up organized religion, some went back to the church they grew up in, etc. We all had different responses to our experience, but it did put us into positions of re-evaluating what, why, when, where, how and why of beliefs, worship and religion in general.
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