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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Free Hugs Video

    I LOVE THAT VIDEO!! They had it on GMA one morning and I just laughed my .... well, I laughed really hard. So much joy and how very ingenious! I loved the responses he got, too. Everyone can use a hug - especially the hugs given freely. I think, though, a guy could get away with that a lot easier than a girl could. We'd probably run into more pervs if we did it, but it's a stupendous idea and good on 'im for doing it! Gives me hope for humanity. Thanks for posting it, Vegan! I could watch that all day and never tire of it.
  2. Belle

    Trick or Treat ?

    Hills, those pictures were just for you!! I specifically told you NOT to share 'em! So much for your "treats" tonight.
  3. Belle


    AMEN, Frank!!! Ike and Chubbies - awesome pet names!! CH Bever Lea Fox Hollow Vixen JE is the light of my life and, since I have no kids, the spoiled rotten kid of my life. ^_^ We are taking a "dinner break" right now from passing out candy and "kisses" to the kiddos coming by. All the children in the neighborhood know Vixen and forget to say "Trick or Treat" after greeting Vixen and playing with her. LOL! We were dressed as witches tonight but her hat was annoying her to no end and mine was making me too hot, so now we're just candy dispensers. We spend a great deal of time together and she now catches frisbees in her mouth, so we're training to compete in the "Doggy Disc" competition in addition to our agility, obedience, rally and earthdog competitions. I just love it! I can totally see how people with pets live longer than those who don't have them.
  4. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    I think he's just afraid of the tiara. ^_^
  5. Belle

    Rick Warren

    Rick Warren - Is He Scary? I know that when I tried my church's "40 days of purpose" study groups it was too performance based and reminiscent of TWI for my taste. I was suffering from PSTD and depression at the time, so I thought it might just be me. Now, I'm thinking I was thinkin' pert near ko-reckly 'bout his so-called 'ministry'. What say ye?
  6. "reasonable faith" - interesting thoughts, T-Bone. Thanks. Also, "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven." That would be the faith side of this "knowing" process. - could this also be what others might call "clairsentience", "intuition", "gut feeling", "just knowing", etc.? I know that since leaving TWI and doing some of my own reading, "real research" and meeting with lots of other people for discussions along these lines and about different belief systems, that I've started seeing the Bible on a different plane/level/viewpoint..... Like, the woman with the issue of blood who believed she needed to only "touch the hem of his garment" to be healed.... was that what the "hands on healers", "energy workers", "reiki" type folks teach as energy transfer? Jesus didn't see her, but "felt virtue go out from him". Is this the transfer of energy that they teach? Because it's not necessarily something that can be scientifically proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, but there is some proof among individuals that it's true and real. Most 'Bible believing' people don't believe that's what it is, but there is a (non mainstream) contingency that does. :unsure: Both think they're right and both claim to have "proof" of their accuracy. Who's to say? I think of the quote from Jesus saying that those who aren't against us are with us. Does he mean that those many different ways to get to Chicago are all correct - it's just a matter of which path one chooses to take?
  7. So Harve is still at HQ? Which then, if true, makes the reason for no longer being vee pee all that much more suspicious. As for John Reynolds, I was still in when he "stepped down" and the reason given in our area was that it was for physical reasons. He supposedly had lots of health issues that weren't getting better - specifically bleeding ulcers, if I recall correctly. The service where he announced he was stepping down rosie followed him and spoke extensively on health issues and how it's possible to believe God for perfect health. I don't remember any "blunders" by JR being "corrected" in our area. Everyone here seemed to think he was pretty cool. He played Ray Stevens "Squirrel Revival" at just about every meeting he attended. I posted a transcript-like synopsis of the service on here. I'm sure it's around somewhere.
  8. Belle


    Thanks so much! I had a wonderful time last night at happy hour(s). I was surprised to have several former co-workers who had become very dear friends while we worked together (some more than 10 years ago) show up for the par-tay. It was so cool to be able to hook back up with them and catch up on old times. And for them to all get to meet each other because they are all really cool, fun people. I'm afraid it turned into somewhat of a Belle Roast since they started comparing stories of my antics when they worked with me. It's all good! I knew I had given plenty of fodder for a roasting, but had no idea it was THAT MUCH material! :lol: And I told some of them they were way too old to be remembering some of those things. :P Suda - Thank you for starting the thread. You bring such grace, tenderness and warmth to the boards and I'm so glad to be getting to know you. SOGWAP - You have one of the biggest caring hearts and most patience of most folks I know. I really look forward to getting to know you better as we both continue to hang at the cafe. Lindy - I hope it wasn't Pumpkin Cake, but rather something good! Kathy - I think I've been there! And believe me, you do need that umbersol to protect your peaches and cream skin from the sun. Cool - The only thing that would have made it better is being able to experience your culinary talents live and in person. Shellon - Thank you! Foggie - Thank you so much! I hope my gum you found under the counter was already hard and dry and not the stuff I put there last night. T-Bone - You totally rock! I'm so glad you decided to stay when you got here. George - Forget charging the ring - Charge the batteries to the camera! I want to see lots of pictures from the BBQ!! Act2 - You brighten mine too! Thank you! You've also tended to my aching heart on more than one occasion and I can't thank you enough for that. Ron - I knew you came from good stock...A Daddy born on the best of days and with the best of spice-knowledge. *giggle* Tonto - Thank you! Wish I had been surrounded by men like that for my birthday! I love your contributions to the cafe and you and T-Bone are so much fun on the boards I can only imagine how awesome it will be for those who get to enjoy you two in person. RumRunner - Thank you! Chas - Sweet indeed, but not too sweet - if ya know what I mean. Lori - Thanks! A good day to be born, that's for sure. I hope your brother's birthday was as awesome as mine was. David - Yeppers! That's about what it looks like here. See the girl in the top left corner actually working? That's me. are you buying that line? Penguin - Thank you! We need to catch up! Strange One - Why thank you, Kind Sir! FreeAtLast - Thank you! So glad you've become more active so I could get to know you better. Rhino - I think I successfully milked my birthday for all I could this year. The only thing missing is that plane ticket to TX. Bliss - Us 29 year old vets know how to do it right. It's only natural that we should be able to stay 29 and teach the first-years, doncha think? Roy - You, my friend, are a true treasure. Love and a holy kiss blowing back atcha. Jardinero - Awwww, shucks. Thank you much! Love ya bunches! Robin - You know how to bring out the best in everyone. I'm so proud to call you friend. ex - your Halloween costume is giving me goosebumps - and not the good kind. LOL! Thank you and much love coming your way! I'm so thankful, grateful, awed and tickled to pieces to have this incredibly marvelous place to hang, grow and learn with some of the most magnificent people in the world. :wub:
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OEN!!! I hope it's as wonderful as you are!
  10. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    I sooo wish I could be there. :( Please make sure you take lots of pictures! Especially the winner of the cheesecake contest wearing the trophy tiara.
  11. Belle

    Rocky Horror fans poll

    WW, that sounds cool, but one night up past 10pm per quarter is about all this old fart can handle. Us 29 year olds need as much beauty sleep as we can get. Sudo, puh-lease!!! *must get rid of mental image* - *must erase mind picture* unless of course another pole dance is included.
  12. Belle


    Darn, Vegan! I hope the ones who got it were amused....must be a southern thang. Very appropriate costume for a Vegan, too, I think. Bozz, that is sooo cool! The families in your neighborhood must really look forward to Halloween so they can go to your house. :) Chas, can't wait to see pictures! I've got glow-in-the-dark little heads I'm putting on stakes and hanging from the huge oak tree that is my front yard. Vixen and I will be witches and sit outside so that Vixen won't be tormented by the doorbell ringing every five minutes. What's funny is that every year the kids always say "hi" to Vixen before anything else and some even forget to say, "Trick or Treat". She's definitely the best known dog in the neighborhood.
  13. Let me know how it works out, Roy. It seems like it might be more like revelation or clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc. I do know that sometimes we can know things "supernaturally" through our senses, but I'm not sure that I would call it "in tongues" but rather by revelation or one of the "clair"s. Do you think we're saying the same things, just using different terms?
  14. Sunesis, he's still in Ohio and still full time sold out to TWI to pay his bills. If he moved off HQ grounds, he's still very close to HQ for his daughter to graduate, so I think he's still far away from "the real world". He's maybe no longer directly under rosie's thumb, but the shadow and thumbnail are still right there overhead just waiting to drop. I would like to know the real reason for his departure, though. That's a mightly lame excuse and doesn't hold an ounce of water, imo. Now, if he were to move out of state, ween himself off rosie's udder, THEN I'd consider that he just might be closer to experiencing "the real world", but not now. It's the same song and dance, just different costumes, imo. :)
  15. Belle


    Chas, I remember first reading you on WayDale and then looking for your posts every day when I logged on. I still do that! You're full of fire and never mince words - I like that in a fellow Scorpio. Then you got married, had babies and didn't grace us with your presence near as much. :( I'm glad to see you back with a bit more regularity. I miss you when you're not around. I hope you were "Mommy the Queen" for your birthday! Here's to the beginning of a totally wondermous year!!
  16. Belle

    End of the Road

    (((((SOGWAP))))) I've sooooo been there. I knew I could call my family, but then I'd have a lot of explaining to do for them to even catch up to where I was in my life and I just didn't have the energy for that. Sometimes we just want someone to cry with us. Not try to "fix" things, just to let us know that they care. I wish I was close enough to give you a great big bear hug and cry with you - or make you laugh - I seem to be hilarious without even trying sometimes.... I think it's my graceful way of busting my arse.... NOT. :P You have been through more and had more pain than a person deserves and you continue to come out on top. Pat yourself on the back for that and know that you'll come out on top again...and again... and again. I'm going to PM you my phone number and please know that I welcome your call anytime you need to hear a voice, vent or think out loud. Professional help, antidepressants and therapy, have been life savers for me. I literally thought I was going insane the last year of my marriage and being involved with TWI. If not for my insistence on getting help, I think I would have continued to spiral out of control. I can't speak highly enough for how much help the right therapist and psychiatrist can be. Know you are loved, Sogwap!
  17. Belle


    Thanks so much, y'all! You're the reasons I keep coming back...well, that and the coffee is really good. George, I have to admit I was 29 last year and will be 29 again next year. I forgot how old I really am and since everyone else seems to be 29, I figured I'd go with that, too. It's been a wonderful birthday week-end, starting with the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday, Menopause the Musical on Saturday and today the Accounting Department is taking me to lunch, my choice, so it's..... BBQ!! I'll be wishing I was on an airplane to be eating the real deal in TX. Tonight is Happy Hour and then I'll finish decorating my yard for Trick or Treaters tomorrow night.
  18. Belle

    Rocky Horror fans poll

    Awww, shucks... This was meant to be a "fun" thread. If RHPS isn't your cuppa tea, then fine, but do you have to come on here passing judgement and spoiling the fun on the rest of us? Sudo, I can't answer your poll right now.... I think I might need to see it another 68 times to be absolutely certain of my choice.
  19. I HAD A BLAST!!! It was way more fun than I even expected (and I expected a lot!) I think I totally shocked some of my friends who never dreamed I'd dress up, much less like I did. I'm going to attach a picture for y'all. Lemmee tell you, though, those fake piercings hurt just as much as the real ones must and I will NEVER pierce my lip. I think a day with a fake one on will be enough to discourage most folks from following through. I did the Time Warp and, thankfully, our bags of goodies that we bought, had the proper order of the props on the outside of the bag. Two of my friends have been to over 100 showings, so they knew enough to sit us down front so that we didn't get pelted by all the rice, confetti, etc. They have obviously updated quite a few lines as there were jokes about Madonna, Bush and other more recent personalities. Some local references, including a funny joke about all the gay folks working at Disney. The cast doing all the acting during the movie was really good and the hecklers were hilarious, but hard to understand some times. We are talking about going back again, though. This time I'm hoping everyone dresses up with me! Linda, I'm safely still hetero - much to the chagrin of my lesbian friend who came along, but alas, we can't make everyone happy, now can we? The people who backed out or didn't show up are kicking themselves this morning. I think it'll be an even bigger contingent next time we go. If it's been a while since you've been - I highly recommend the trip down memory lane!
  20. "Not the truth in any sense of the phrase" according to YOUR FAITH. George is entitled to have faith or not in anything he wants and who are any of us to say that he's wrong? Your faith is something you have come to believe in after many years of experiences, studies, observations, etc. George has come to different conclusions based on his. Neither one of you is right MY FAITH is the right one!! This is exactly what Bramble is talking about in her first post, dancing. People trying to prove that another person's faith/religions/belief is wrong because it's not what that person believes. Now you're doing the same thing on this thread....trying to prove that another poster's faith/religion is wrong. We're all entitled to think and believe what we choose. It's not up to us to judge each other, especially since we "see through a glass darkly". That's my opinion anyway. *shrug* And it's highly possible to learn from others when we don't judge them for what they think, but rather try to see why they think the way they do, accept and appreciate their unique contributions to this world. p.s. Bible scriptures are useless when trying to prove something to someone who doesn't believe the Bible is anything more than a collection of stories.
  21. :unsure: I know I'm not the sharpest tack in the box, but what does his position at HQ have to do with his daughter graduating from high school?
  22. LOL! Have you read the "rules" thread on there? Apparently the moderator wanted to allow non-TWIts to come on and ask questions, but she naively thought that would be the end of it - that people, hands down, will accept their answers without thinking about the answers themselves and asking more questions. :blink: I think the more accurate thing would have been "....either you are meek and humble to believe what we tell you and to accept the kool-aid we're selling or you are posting information that makes us think and question whether what we have been taught is really the "rightly divided truth". I will have to ban people that are doing this, plain and simple. Please understand that if people are really seeking the truth, they will swallow our doctrine hook, line and sinker to the end that they go to a fellowship in person so we can 'love bomb' them into paying to take our classes where, then, hopefully we'll have them right where we want them - under our thumb"
  23. When speaking of someone M&A I said that they were kicked out of the ministry. I was quickly corrected that they weren't kicked out of the ministry, "they kicked themselves out of the ministry." B.S. They didn't kick their own foot! They just tried to think independently or question authority which is against the rules.
  24. Danny, I'd love to see a picture of what you'd like to find in your cross. :) I've always "resonated" with the Tibetan mantra for "ohm" and have been looking for two years for a piece of jewelry that's just the "ohm" and not the whole mantra "Ohm mani padme hum". TWO YEARS! I was beginning to think I was crazy for thinking I could get it, but I wanted to find it and I wanted it to be serendipitously, not because I sought it out on the internet. I couldn't wait and did end up going to ebay and getting it, but I am still keeping my eye out for that serendipitous piece to add to my collection. Especially now that I know it really is out there. :P I hope you find yours! I bought this little beauty, too. Just to give you an idea of what the ohm looks like.
  25. How does that fit, too, with Ecclesiastes? Ecc 2:26 - For he giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he giveth travail to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good in God's sight. This also is vanity and pursuit of the wind. Ecc 3: 1-22 - Turn, turn, turn - to everything there is a season particularly v. He hath made everything beautiful in its time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so that man findeth not out from the beginning to the end the work that God doeth. Ecc 8:17 - then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it. Ecc 9:1 - This, too, I carefully explored: Even though the actions of godly and wise people are in God's hands, no one knows whether or not God will show them favor in this life. Ecc 9:11 - I returned and saw under the sun that-- The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. There's more, especially in Job, Psalms and Proverbs that say we can't possibly know the ways of God - how and why He does everything. Like Bramble said, we do see through a glass darkly and those who think they've been able to see through it better than the rest of us probably have a rude awakening coming. I don't pretend to know any of the answers, but I know that the Bible says God looks on the heart and I suspect that God is much more loving, forgiving, tolerant, protecting, giving, merciful, etc. than my Daddy. Daddy doesn't withohold anything good from me no matter how bad I've screwed up - heck, he's even footed the bill and bailed me out when I've royally screwed things up....again and again and again. I'd like to think my God is at least more like that. ^_^ He sure has been since I've left TWI.
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