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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Caption Contest

    Jonny Lingo proudly shows off his new tattoo!
  2. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    I'm just tickled to pieces for all y'all! I know first hand how much fun it is to get to finally meet fellow greasespots in person. And what a good looking bunch of greasespots y'all are!! Tom, it IS like getting together with old friends, isn't it? I was so relieved at how easily we slipped into comfortable conversation, joking, eating & drinking just like we'd done this a million times before. And we have, right here, but there's something electric about getting to put faces, voices, names and personalities with the characters we're already so accustomed to online. Did you find yourselves calling each other by your GSpot names instead of your "real life" names? :P T-Bone, I totally agree that Paw has a ministry. I think there is no way to put a price on the sanity, healed hearts, renewed relationships/friendships and even marriages that have come about as a result of his making the cafe such a warm, friendly place to hang out. As long as you stay away from the gum under the counters and don't make the cooks too angry.
  3. Diane Sawyer interviewed Joyce Meyer this morning and she adamantly stated that they believe what the Bible says and that homosexuality is a sin. They (Evangelicals) will never welcome the gay community into their churches. Did anyone else see the interview? I had a hard time looking at Joyce because she was blinking something awfully strange. Could have been the lighting or trying to stay awake that early in the morning, but it sure was strange, especially when they had the screen split with Diane on one side and Joyce on the other. Sprawled, I don't remember any monkeys flying in that video clip Jonny posted. :blink: Is there another clip somewhere?
  4. I do have pics of me in the gallery ;) There are Weenie Roast pics in the gallery and others have posted their pics, too. If you haven't been, there's a link up in the top right hand corner of the screen next to Live Chat. :)
  5. <_< That's what I thought, too, WW. Connerron, your claims seem to get more and more outrageous and hard to believe. Could you please elaborate?
  6. I guess it's not so easy getting people to work for free anymore. <_< Is the kool-aid getting a little too watery? Who has Rico been talking to? :blink: They are just now figuring out what goes on in "the real world" to hire and keep people of quality? Gee....taking care of people... WHAT A CONCEPT!
  7. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    The Strange One is there and I haven't seen the first Amazing Monkey or Snow Cone???!?! And, Paw, that's hardly a pic of you! Mo, did you bring any reindeer with you? Dooj, that tiara looks like it was MADE FOR YOU!!! :P
  8. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    :( I'm so jealous!! I know y'all are gonna have a blast!! Also, I know that you desperately need a "professional" cheesecake taster. :P Not bragging, but I KNOW cheesecake!!
  9. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    It's called evidence!! :lol:
  10. Maybe a Fortune 500 Company will let him be CEO for a day. :P My daddy knows a few. I could place a call.
  11. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    :jump: :jump: Paw's there, too??? DANG! I'm not sure I want to know how you got THAT lost on your way to work. BUT, I know that your presence is going to multiply the fun and especially for us who are living vicariously through y'all. Can't wait for the show! Signed, Jealous Belle
  12. And Clinton didn't inhale or have sexual relations with that woman. <_<
  13. Thank you, Marcos! :) After reading quite a few of connerron's more outrageous claims, I've come to the conclusion that he is so full of something that he can no longer tell the truth about such matters. :( Tis sad.
  14. Belle

    Regarding Anger

    I have found "silent but deadlies" can be very effective, too. Shortfuse the "just get over it" rant may very well have come from me. I apologize for taking my anger out on you. That phrase does get my blood boiling to the point of not acting very lady-like sometimes.
  15. Is his ad going to state, "God told me to tell you to read and reply to these letters." Fishy indeed... :huh:
  16. Belle

    Regarding Anger

    Sprawled, Your foot is gonna be in deep sh!t when Paw finds out about this! He's gonna really be p1ssed!! :P But I"m not tellin'...
  17. Belle

    Regarding Anger

    You also can't say: !#@## ...... @**$*&^ !@(**^% *^$#@@! But put spaces or "-" between the letters and you can say anything you want. ^_^
  18. Belle

    Regarding Anger

    Boy, oh, boy did we ever perfect righteous anger in TWI. I think it was from an elitist, self-defensive motive. We had to be better than everyone else because that's what we were taught, but we also felt so inferior because of what we were taught out of the other side of their mouths. If I'm a jerk and ....ed off at the egg-sucking, idiotic world, then I don't have to think about anything you have to say. I don't have to face reality. Sometimes the anger does just come from nowhere, it seems. I can be that I'm utterly peeved at that boneheaded driver who cut me off, when really I'm mad myself for falling off my diet the night before. Other times, it's my internal alarm going off.... "Woo Hoo - this person's trying to pull a fast one over on you!" Then again, it could just be anger because a co-worker took credit for my work. I've begun to see emotions as a type of kaleidescop and life as not really fitting into pigeon hole classifications like TWI tried to do. Life just isn't like that. It's messy, it's more than just a rainbow - it's a painter's palette and certainly not black & white. Sometimes I just want to be mad. Sometimes I want a good cry. Sometimes I really need a good, hearty belly laugh. Dunno, Shortfuse. Dunno. :unsure: I do know I love Terri Clark's song about it, though. Last night we went to bed not talking Cause we already said to much I face the wall you faced the window Bound and determined not to touch We've been married 7 years now Some days if feels like 21 I'm still mad at you this morning Coffee's ready if you want some I've been up since 5 Thinking about me and you And I've got to tell you The conclusion I've come to I'll never leave, I'll never stray My love for you will never change But I ain't ready to make up or get around to that I think I'm right I think your wrong I'll probably give in before long Please don't make me smile I just want to be mad for awhile For now you might as well forget it Don't run your fingers through my hair Yeah that's right I'm being stubborn No I don't want to go back upstairs I'm going to leave for work Without a goodbye kiss But as I'm driving off Just remember this I'll never leave, I'll never stray My love for you will never change But I ain't ready to make up or get around to that I think I'm right I think your wrong I'll probably give in before long Please don't make me smile I just want to be mad for awhile I'll never leave, I'll never stray My love for you will never change But I ain't ready to make up or get around to that I think I'm right I think your wrong I'll probably give in before long Please don't make me smile I just want to be mad for awhile I just want to be mad for awhile I just want to be mad for awhile I just want to be mad for awhile
  19. I concur. :P Neither woman seems to be capable of "natural affection". Children are a mere obligation but rosie's even been able to dodge that responsibility. People are dispensible and when they are no longer useful and/or require more maintenance than one is willing to provide, the individual will be kicked to the curb along with the rest of the trash.
  20. Belle

    Ball Polishing

    Not exactly what I was expecting when I saw the subject line, SV.
  21. "Unapproachable" - that's how I was described by my former co-workers. They watched me become that way as I got deeper and deeper entrenched in TWIt thinking and attitude. I was just looking for a fight - for someone to say something typical and stupid of the egg sucking world so that I could "confront them with the Word". My grandmother said that even when I was there visiting, I wasn't really "there". I was either critiquing and criticizing every little thing they did and said or I was on my guard for things I knew I'd have to listen to my ex rant and rave about when we were alone. I hated listening to him tear down the folks I love so much and who would give their eye teeth for me, but on the other hand I was just as bad as he was....worse really because they loved me from day 1 and my attitude was like a knife straight to the heart. I cringe when I think of how elitist I was in public while feeling like I could never measure up to the TWI standard when I was at home. I was a piece of TWIt sh1t but even that was better than those who weren't even good enough to be TWIts. Quite the paradox, no?
  22. Belle

    Rick Warren

    Understood and that does make sense, Notta. Thing is, our group thing started with a 20-40 minute video of Rick, the man himself, in his gawd awful hawaiian shirt sounding just like a craggiers, but without the screams, yelling and spittle.
  23. Belle

    Rick Warren

    And, vee pee gave his family property to his church, WG. I had the same heebee jeebee feelings when we did the small group studies too. Thankfully my church just did the thing and I don't remember anything being spoken about it since then. I wonder if they realized that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be once all the materials were delivered. Asbury, my church, doesn't push people to do things and they certainly don't demand anything from anyone. All the activities are strictly volunteer basis and, if there's a charge, it's waived for people who can't afford it. We take up donations from the rest of the church for those things. In fact, I paid for three or four people to participate in the PDL study groups. They paid for me to participate in one of their small group specials when I first started attending because I was so skeptical and they didn't want me to regret spending time and money on something if it wasn't what I was looking for in a church.
  24. Belle

    Rick Warren

    Dang, Roy, they didn't even try to be nice about it, did they? Between that and what White Dove posted on the "The Purpose Driven Life" thread, I reckon we do have a mini-Martindale wanna be raking in the dough. He's only been around a short time and already "impacted mainstream christianity" more than vee pee or martindale even pretended to. craiggers must be soooo jealous!
  25. Belle


    LOL! I buy the pumpkin not to carve it, but to make pumpkin butter and roasted seeds. I guess it's a good thing I don't have kids yet. Mom would be quite the disappointment. LOL! I buy the pumpkin not to carve it, but to make pumpkin butter and roasted seeds. I guess it's a good thing I don't have kids yet. Mom would be quite the disappointment.
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