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  1. Belle

    Caption Contest

    For the last time, Jonny Lingo's monkey does NOT live over here!
  2. I concur, Garth! ^_^ It is a two way street and if you feed the monster it WILL grow. Unfortunately there's plenty of lemmings out there willing to feed it. FEED ME, SEYMORE!
  3. Geeze, Garth, who peed in your Cheerios this morning? :P WD, he probably refuses to shop at Wal-Mart, too. I agree with Mr. John and think that organized religion represents some of the most devilish organizations there are. That being said, I think that just because he's in a position for his opinion to reach many more people, doesn't mean that he should use it to air his particular panty wadders. I saw an interview with a celebrity (can't remember who) and they asked them a political related question. The celebrity said that they would not answer that because they are no expert on politics and know only what they think is right in their world. That they would not want anyone to base their vote on his opinion. He said that every American should do their own research, thinking and discussing to come to their own conclusions. Would that more celebrities would think that way. Heck, if they'd just remember where they came from, that should be enough to humble most of them.
  4. Country Coordinators North America Rev. and Mrs. Joe P*rry - Canada Miss Silvia Molin* - El Salvador Mario & Carmen *rtiz - Mexico Caribbean Melvin & Barbara Burg*ss - Barbados Federico & Annalouisa Alvare* - Dominican Republic Peron & Marcia Schout*n - St. Lucia Prem & Hamida Harrichar*n - Trinidad and Tobago Miss Lillie Sed*hl - U. S. Virgin Islands South America Manuel & Carmen Cat*n - Argentina Mario Claudio & Solange Roj*s - Chile Mr. Jorge Quirog* - Peru Juan & Maria Villarro*l - Venezuela Europe Otsel-Buny & Sylvia May*n - Belgium Jose & Kitty Ngeyitadil* - France Parfait-Vilard & Alexandra Segbeay* - Germany Corrado & Rosario Ciull* - Italy Kala & Lorinda Zino Mundj* - Portugal Rhys & Grace Mill*r – United Kingdom Rev. and Mrs. Bob Moynihan - Outreach Ambassadors in the United Kingdom Africa N’Kose & Matimona Mankend* - Angola Jerome & Kristine Sekp*n - Benin Flavian & Matil Zabb* - Congo Balla & Eleanor Doumbi* - Cote d’Ivoire Roger & Michelle Lutamb* - Congo Joseph-Marie & Elaine Mongengi* - Gabon Bonaventure & Zilatu Toh*n - Niger Faustin-Dreyfus & Chantelle Got* - Togo Asia, Oceania, and Australia Peter & Fiona Cawdr*n - Australia Mrs. Mercy Allegr* - Guam Sean & Mary Strickl*nd - New Zealand Nicholas & Gina Boc* - Philippines
  5. I feel so deprived, WD!! Think of the incremental fun and uh..Maui Waui man with some Labrador in it. I did see the movie, does that count? I'd LOVE to hear the albums though.
  6. Yeppers! No charismatic leader to entice and charm the innocent. No foundation to stand on. The things they teach that are correct can be found in a lot of different churches without the legalism. The "different" doctrines of theirs don't hold water when actually researched and evaluated. Between the legalism, the ridiculous requirements for any sort of involvement and lack of any technological presence to counter the anti-TWI communities, all they can really do is enjoy the ride in their $40 Million dollar boat till it starts to sink.
  7. Belle

    TWI Blogs

    I know perzackly what you mean SF. So glad to hear they're more wisely using all that money paid out in retainers. I wonder if it's because of "wise counsel" from their lawyers instead of lack of funds, though. <_<
  8. This is from the 2005 placement announcements, but I thought y'all might like to see the details on the changes and if there are any names you might know. The names are probably misspelled... hopefully you'll recognize them anyway. As usual, my comments are in italics. Rev. Rivenbark speaking: God bless you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. It’s a great year, thanks to your hearts of believing and diligent efforts to see God’s Word prevail in our day and time. I have some announcements I’d like to share with you. Each year the Board of Directors of The Way International takes a designated period of time and plans for the future of the ministry. If this year’s Director Annual Meeting had had a theme, it would have been “preparing for continuing growth and quality service to God’s people for the future.” Change in BOD For a number of years, we studied the Board of Directors and functions. Our Board of Directors serves in two capacities—they are both directors and officers. Directors have functions and officers have functions. Our Directors are responsible for these two functions. (?? WTF is she saying? ??) Several years earlier the Board of Directors agreed that the Directors and officers of The Way International would be lifetime positions. And you’ve seen us implement this with shorter terms of service based on our placements standard. First, what is good for the person and second, what is good for the ministry. (setting things up for her geriatric care already is what it sounds like to me.) For 2005 & 2006 we’d like to move one more step forward. We increased our BOD from three members to five members. We believe this will enable our Board of Directors to do a better job of serving God’s people in their functions as Directors and officers in our worldwide ministry and not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand as we continue to grow. (ha ha ha – growth??) Rev. and Mrs. Harve J. Platig and family served faithfully and excellently for five years at Headquarters will be serving as RC’s in The Way of the USA. The BOD will be a president, three vice presidents, and a secretary/reasurer beginning in 2005-06. BOD for the coming year. President serving as Minister of Education and Chairman of the Board will be Rosalie Rivenbark Vice presidents: Rev. V!nce McFadden, Minister of The Way Household Ranch, Camp Gunnison and Executive Committee coordinator Rev. R0ger Mittler, Minister of Facilities Rev. J0hn Rupp, Minister of U.S.A. Operations Secretary/Treasurer – Rev. Jean-Yves De L!sle, Minister of Finance and International Operations Increase in Regions We increased the number of Regions in the United States from 12 to 15. Again, this is preparing for continuing growth and quality service to God’s people for the future. In order to do this we have lightened the load of some Region coordinators and made room for new leadership to help out. We’re very excited about the coming changes. What effen load?? What effen growth?? Officers G@ry Frederick, Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Donn@ Martindale, Chief Housing Officer President’s Cabinet Mike Anders*n Ira Berg*r David Chavousti* Joe Coult*r Aaron Hampt*n Andy Johns*n John Lind*r Don Lom*x Steve Longl*y Rico Magnell* Donna Martindal* Robert McCull*ch Brian Moynih*n Greg Shaff*r Camp Gunnison - Executive Committee Vince McFadd*n Alan Dr*m Greg Bolch*lk Way Corps Coordinators Rev. and Mrs. Greg B*chalk (All that to oversee FIVE Students??) B]The Way of the U.S.A. Trunk Coordinator [/b] Mike Anders*n Linda And*rson (Can someone explain why there's a need for a VP of the USA, a RC of the USA and a TC for the USA? Is there really that much work?) New England Chris & Angie Gramlic*—MA, NH, VT Billy & Bonnie Matlac*—CT Rick & Linda Br*wn—ME Perry & Roxanne Peac*—RI North Atlantic Scott & Kim Bodolosk*—NY John & Jennifer Chel*r—NJ Chesapeake Bay Eric & Mary Kay K*etteritz—PA, DE Bill & Jean B*rryhill—MD Blue Ridge Gary & Valerie Livedal*n—VA Mark & Joanne Ge*rge—DC Stan & Dawn Tinsl*y—WV East Central Joseph & Paula Wr*n—NC Victor Wezensky—KY Mid South Bill & Marcia Green*—GA Byron & Dawn Brin*y—SC Stephen & Patty Fay R*berts—TN South Atlantic Joe & Kim Naviell*—FL Eric & Stephanie K*oell—AL Ohio Valley Harve & Peggy Platig—OH Rev. and Mrs. Roman St*ciw - Branch and household fellowship coordinators in Granville OH Mid West Mark & Terri L*dwig—MI John & Lisa Ry*n—IN Great Plains John & Mary Spev*k—WI Ron & Nan Wr*ght—IL Bill & Renita S*ge—MN, ND, SD Central Tom & Dorothy H*rrocks —MO, NE Harm & Debra Olthous* —IA Sam & Jackie Seld*n—KS Mid America Tom & Brenda M*llins—TX Jack & Eileen Dier*—AR Vern & Jill Edward*—LA, MS Rodney Grilli*t—OK Rocky Mountain Mark & Josephine Wallac*—CO, UT, WY Dan & Dee D*vis—AZ Darin & Rochelle S*nd—NM Pacific Matt & Linda Stile*—AK, WA Dennis & Santina H*m—ID Brian & Heidi Sath*r—MT Stephen & Cathy Dudl*y —OR Western Ed & Sandy O*ding—CA, HI Rick & Stephanie Walt*n—NV
  9. There was this one time we all grabbed some beer and went skinny dipping down at the swimming pool..... Oh wait, that was at the Methodist Church Camp where I was a counsellor..... "There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer - There's a beer. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool." Who's gonna go get it?? :P How about the time we sneaked out of our rooms at night and went to the drive in.... oh wait, that was when I was involved with the Baptist Church.... The time we had a spontaneous bonfire on the beach and sat around singing songs - non-Christian songs... Oh, wait, that wasn't when I was with TWI either.. Nope.... Nope, Mo.... can't really think of a time. :mellow: But, then again, I didn't get involved till 1993 and things were already pretty much regimented by then.
  10. Isn't that kinda like learning at the feet of the debbil himself? Not caring what he does since he tells at least some grain of truth with the rest of his b.s.? :(
  11. In keeping with your signature line, perhaps you could/should revisit those books and refresh your memory. It seems to be in keeping with what you wish to believe to be the truth as opposed to what really is the truth.
  12. :o :o :o Oh me, oh my!! Quite the edu-ma-kay-shun here! My virgin eyes I didn't even know Cheech and Chong had any albums. I really missed out! We had to "wake and bake" with pipes made out of precisely crushed beer cans. We heard that making pot brownies was just an "old wives tale" and that cooking the pot would take the potency out of the weed. Grape kool-aid is best for mushrooms and if the cops catch you with fresh ones, they can't do a darn thing about it cause it's not illegal to have fresh shrooms. :P Never drank bong water, but it could be that ours was a 3 footer we called "foul" because we didn't change the water in it till it smelled up the whole living room and boy did it smell foul. :lol: I never did get proficient at rolling, so I had quite the assortment of pipes and one of my best girlfriends and I got pretty good at improvising a pipe or bong from just about anything. Hmmm.... the only other words besides the traditional "stoned" and such were usually something from a private joke among the group. Maybe "in a purple haze", "comfortably numb", "gone to woodstock in my mind"....
  13. Yeah, I wonder what craigger's opinion is now. I'll betcha it's changed. My boss knows that I keep my personal e-mail and some other sites constantly "up" at my desk, but he also knows that I do stellar work, never miss a deadline, help my co-workers gleefully, work late when necessary and always exceed expectations. *shrug* He's not concerned if I come in a few minutes late, leave a few minutes early or take a few breaks at work. But, then again, I discussed it with him beforehand so that there wouldn't be any problems or questions. I suppose if my record wasn't so impeccable it might be a different story. I'd sure hate for everyone to lose the privilege because of one or two people abusing the system. That's why I like my company - they deal directly with the offenders and don't make the rest of us pay the price for the screw ups.
  14. It was pretty obvious that we were expected to vote Republican, but I can't remember if that impression was given strictly locally or not. I didn't pay much attention since I already vote(d) mostly Republican, but not because of party loyalty - just my picks for the best person for the job usually ended up being Republican. I do remember hearing craiggers talking a lot about Clinton and his wife. I just don't remember what he said. :blink:
  15. His getting caught with his pants down helped me find WayDale, my brain and, eventually, the exit door - which, by the way, didn't hit me in the arse on the way out.
  16. Food Pyramid's, eh? And what, pray tell, does a Food Pyramid have to do with the Bible? Were they teaching the difference between Deuteronomy where the Food Pyramid was much different than after Peter received his vision on the roof when God told him nothing was unclean? My posts and even my profile can be found very easily by googling the name I use on all the other bb's I post on. As can quite a few posts... :o None of those have links on them. None of them mention food, nutrition or recipes. None of them mention healthy eating in any way, shape or form. I'm glad, too, I'd hate for someone with TWI to find my very unhealthy posts - I think the posts here are enough to tie the stomach in knots when they read these. How many more times can we get the food pyramid in a post? Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid
  17. HCW, I always enjoy your posts. :) It's good to see you. I used to be impressed when they talked about working with vendors, now I wonder what those people thought. LOL! They must draw straws to see who has to work with them unless it's a company with a sense of humor like you, HCW, then they do it to see who gets to go since it's such a hoot.
  18. Love them Amazing Sea Monkeys!! Way more interesting than the ant farm my little brother had.
  19. 72.2% here, but that's even better than I expected seeing as how I can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it. Tom, come to Bulldawg Country - we have more fun since we don't have to dress up for sporting events. Sno Cones are too messy for the Hotty Toddies at Ole Miss. :P
  20. Belle

    TWI Blogs

    I guess it's a small world and TWI does leave an impression. Jesus Camp There's a blog at Lighting the Way International. I wonder if TWI has tried to shut them down yet. <_< Just a couple showing up on my Google Alerts. Thought I'd share.
  21. Belle

    Texas BBQ

    Alaska Sausage Try this link. I'm afraid I could blow my entire grocery budget on there!
  22. OMFG!! Get the eff outta here! :o Is this for real?? Holy Kashmoly!! Un-effing-believable! I'm flabbergasted... And having to plan and bake for your own birthday?? How ridiculous! So much for free will giving along with that growth without compulsion b.s. they claimed to promote. <_< Geeze, even here at work they go all out for birthdays. Yeppers, these egg-sucking unbelievers are unbelievably caring, loving and giving. They know how to make people feel uber-special and I wouldn't trade them for all the TWIts at HQ.
  23. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, SIMON!!! I hope it's a rip-roaring good year for ya!
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