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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Riddle me this....

    Surprised me, too, Linda. :) I'm going to have to ask my Daddy what he remembers since he IS 59. LOL! I do remember hearing them talk about being the first house on the street with a television. It was tiny and all the kids in the neighborhood would come over to watch it. (We are the Jones family, you know. )
  2. So, someone who confesses Romans 10:9-10 and really and truly believes it, but doesn't change anything about their behavior isn't really saved? :unsure: Is it not possible to believe something but still act contrary to what one believes? Where is your definition of "believe" coming from? I looked it up on dictionary.com and several other places and, for the life of me, can't see where you're getting that definition.
  3. Great to hear from you and I see you got your finger out of your ear. Yeah! That's gotta be nice. So glad to hear Mrs. OFM is doing well, too. She's such a sweetheart. :)
  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ONE WONDERFUL COUPLE!!!! May it just keep getting better and better!
  5. Belle

    Feed Your Head

    I've always liked her, but part of that is cause she has a really cool birthday. Pirate, that's awesome that she was there - live and in person!! Did she talk to y'all? Did you get to meet her? I've seen some of her work and like it too. It's also great to see such an awesome music icon living a long, healthy and happy life.
  6. YIPPEE!!!! I LOVE IT WHEN GREASESPOTS GET TOGETHER!!! So glad y'all had a blast!! Can't wait to see the pics and hear more stories. Did any of you actually see this alleged fart machine? Are you absolutely certain Ron didn't make it up?
  7. The Goldmans put up a website Don't Pay OJ for people to sign a petition that: you do not, and will not, support any entity that assists and encourages a murderer to profit from his crimes. Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo have spoken out against their own network for this whole despicable debacle. Insiders say the whole network is very tense as people have very strong opinions about Fox's promotion and involvement with this. One local Fox station is not going to air it, but instead will air a special on domestic violence. Yippee!! I hope Fox is pressured to cancel the interview and pull the book. I at least hope it gets dismal viewership and that the book doesn't sell 10 copies.
  8. I've got a very prolific orange tree and grapefruit tree in my back yard. I'd love to make orange marmalade for gift giving this year, but have no clue on how to do it. I don't have all the canning, preservation accessories that I remember Gramma using when I was growing up. Is there an idiot-proof way to make good tasting orange marmalade?
  9. Belle


    Since I'm a single gal, I'll occasionally make pizza on split pita bread. Good and just enough for me. I also have a recipe for pizza using a zucchini crust that tastes really close to "real" pizza if it's done right. I'll look it up in my collection if you're interested. I learned of it when I was on SugarBusters!
  10. FOOD FIGHT! Try this link, Dooj. It should at least get you down there through the back door. Just watch your step.
  11. Belle

    Shooting Stars

    Notta and David, I'm so jealous! I remember when I was growing up sitting outside with my Daddy and he'd point out the Milky Way to me. We'd look for shooting stars and even see them sometimes. The best was when there would also be swarms of lightning bugs around us, too. Notta, I would LOVE to come visit you! Meteor shower or not! Linda, I haven't heard them on my own, but when I was looking at all the information MSN has on the upcoming shower, they talked about how to listen to them. They have some clips at Listen to the Leonids. It just sounded like static to me, but apparently the scientists don't think so. ^_^
  12. Belle

    Shooting Stars

    I understand what you're saying, RR, but don't we, the human race, leave more "galactic trash" than what naturally occurs? This is a phenomenal event that doesn't happen on a regular basis. It's not just every night that we can observe so many "shooting stars", much less comets. Think of all the "wishes" we'd be missing out on if they didn't occur. ^_^ I think it's beautiful and love watching them. I was even more fascinated to learn that we can actually HEAR them. I only wish it was easier to escape "city lights and sounds" and that I had paid more attention during science and astronomy classes when I was growing up. I suspect you could really enlighten us in some areas, RR.
  13. :o MUST erase mind picture..... must not comment..... must not google pictures.... :wacko: Amazing the threads that take off here at the GSpot. I'd love to stay and play tonight, but some wonderbird sent me some "study material" so's I can experience first-hand what y'all are reminiscing about. 'Scuse me while I grab my, err.. material.... and start studying.
  14. Belle

    Shooting Stars

    Leonid Meteor Shower Dunno about y'all, but I will be stargazing with thankfulness this week-end in preparation for the first feast of the holidays. At least, I hope I will. First I have to find out if I'll be able to see them and then where I can go so that city lights don't ruin the view. Pity that's getting harder and harder to find these days.
  15. AB-SO-LUTELY! Most of my recipes are like that, too, Psalmie. My mother was a master at it, and I picked it up from her. I've already posted a few "to taste" or "till it looks right" recipes on here. My mother's absolute best were Spaghetti Sauce and homemade soup made from leftovers in the fridge. I've yet to be able to replicate the Spaghetti Sauce, but the homemade soup is different every time anyway since it depends on what left-overs we have to work with. I have gotten pretty good at that, but I tend to end up with what seems like 10 gallons of the stuff. Lesseee.... I'll whip up some tzatziki sauce and serve it on all kinds of things: - 1 heaping spoon full of mayo - 1 sm. container of non-fat plain yogurt - 1 palm full of dried oregano, crushed between both hands - 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic, minced (don't buy the jar kind, use the real thing - there's a big taste difference) - 1 diced cucumber (more or less depending on the size of the cucumber) My favorite it to make Greek Chicken Salad: 1-2 cans drained white chicken as many Kalamata olives as you can stand to pit and slice 1 bunch of fresh parsley chopped Mix in the tzatziki sauce and serve over a bed of lettuce, stuffed in tomatoes or with pita bread. YUMMY!!!
  16. Belle


    Casseroles, yes, Dooj! Those are so easy for busy families and sooo good! I'd love to know the one you used for the brunch at the BBQ.
  17. Oooh, Psalmie, Thank you!! I go to the neighborhood "Cookie Swap" party every year and we always try to out do one another, as women are wont to do. This will be GREAT!
  18. George, it didn't have the recipe with it, so we had to do some...errr....research - YEAH, RESEARCH to figure out what was in it. BTW, we think you need to add more oregano and cayenne next time. ^_^
  19. George, I think you're confusing pea soup with brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts = bad Pea Soup = good :lol: LMAO!!!
  20. *tip-toes into the kitchen, hiding the ketchup bottle poised to be fired* *SPLAT* Where'd all this chocolate come from on the floor? I could've hurt.... mmmmm....this is GOOD chocolate!! Hey, Psalmie, I've got an idea of what we can do with that bird-brain....
  21. Tell us how you really feel, George. :P I use Kosher Salt now when I do use it, which is not very often. I learned about that in the open forum here some time ago. LOL! I actually thinks Sartori, or all people, started the thread about its virtues. I had to look up your sauce, and, as suspected it's not easy to find. But reading the description on it, you do realize you're in yet another cult, don't you? Red Rooster Sauce Now, pray tell, where can us un-enlightened folks get this schtuff to try? Will I need to go to Little Vietnam down on Colonial Dr. and hit some of the ethnic grunchy stores to find it? ((((BATCAVE))))) I've missed you!!! I hope you're doing just grand!! I have the PERFECT danish for you! Made special just like you are.
  22. From the album: Greetings

    For greetings:
  23. Belle


    Ohbehave, I LOVE Rachel Ray! I'll definitely give this one a try! It looks healthy, too. Never heard of "smoked paprika". Something new! I love it! I have a Hungarian Spicy Paprika that I use exclusively in place of "normal" paprika. Will have to look for the smoked kind next time I'm at the store. Thanks!
  24. I see you're getting more and more risque with your Thanksgiving Turkeys, Ron. This one last year got plenty of attention, but I'm willing to kick it up a notch and try something new.
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