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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Hey Belle...

    Darn, Ron! That was YOU?? And here I had curled my hair, fixed my make-up and sat by the phone all week-end hoping that handsome sounding gentleman with the sexiest accent would call back. If you don't have a cell phone around, then I guess I've been wasting my time. If I know next time yer gonna call, I'll change the song to "Dixie".
  2. Belle

    Shooting Stars

    Polar Bear, it was this past week-end. :( I'm sorry you missed it! I couldn't see much from home and couldn't figure out where to go so that I could see.
  3. Belle

    Sudo--- Chili Judge

    One of my all time favorites!!! Mucho Thanks, Sudo!
  4. Psalmie, BEWARE!!! Look what I found hidden under the pate'! Someone must be planning something really bad! Pig Catapult
  5. I'm ready for a nap! We just had our company holiday dinner - it encompasses ALL the holidays now and coming up. We even have a "moment of silence" to give thanks in whatever way we choose. My company is mostly a manufacturing plant and most of the factory workers are Vietnamese, Colombian, Hispanic and Engineers. We have the traditional egg rolls (several varieties), yucca & plantains, fried rice, pasta dishes (very interesting pasta dishes), meat platters, stuffing, gravy, etc. Desserts are THE BEST: Flan, some Vietnamese kind of Baklava, coconut concoctions, traditional pumpkin pie, cobblers, etc. I don't have any recipes, but there are three ladies who get a paid day off the day before so that they have time to make their egg rolls. I'm not sure, but rumor has it the company helps pay for some of their expenses, too. It's all worth it!!! Homemade, real live authentic egg rolls? Ain't nuthin' mo betta!
  6. Folks, this is my last issue. I’m not renewing my subscription because they raised the prices to an outrageous $20/year. No, seriously, it’s just so sickening to see/read and it’s obvious that they haven’t, nor will they change at the core. One thing they have done, since they no longer do research and nobody there knows how to write original stuff, they are hawking new items. Yes! You read it here! You can now buy Valiant for the Truth t-shirts to wear. Imagine your whole family decked out in these royal blue t-shirts with an Olympic-style flame on the front encircled with “The Way International” and a “Valiant for the Truth” silk screen logo covering the back. “Let the fire of God’s Word emblazoned upon this t-shirt declare your stand for the truth!” Only $8 – available in sizes S – XXL If that doesn’t make you give us your money, then buy our new music audiocassette for listeners from 0-99! “Growing Up into Him: Children’s Songs” This is a great way to remember God’s Word. Only $4. BUT WAIT!! DON’T ORDER YET! We have these beautiful glass paperweights of the globe that you can place in your office or display elegantly in your home. It also makes a “lovely” gift. This glass paperweight has frosted oceans and in beautiful TWIt green our logo on one side and “Reaching Out with God’s Word” on the other. 3 inches in diameter and ONLY $19.95. Order yours today!! BUT WAIT!! DON’T ORDER YET! You’ll also want to add the new theme poster, post cards and note cards to your collection. These beautiful items are also available in French and Spanish. Just check page 27 for shipping & handling charges. Remember, everyone will be buying these items and you don’t want to be left out! It would be awfully embarrassing to admit to your leadership that you just don’t like advertising TWI, wouldn’t it? (insert subliminal “probation – buy these – avoid probation” message here) God Bless You!
  7. Mark, the only child issue eventually boils down to the "nature vs. nurture" debate, doesn't it? Multiple kid families can be just as dysfunctional and selfish as single child families, can't they? Likewise with socialization, no? Personally, I think the parents have a lot more to do with those things than whether a child is an only child or has multiple siblings. Don't know how relevant it is, but a friend of mine had her first child last year and when I went to visit her she was so tired and stressed looking. The child would NOT go to sleep and cried an awful lot. She shared with me that she was just so overwhelmed with the responsibility she now had. "I have this life, this soul, this little human being and Randy and I are totally and utterly responsible for what kind of person she becomes." It IS a huge responsibility and, especially after watching too much Dr. Phil , it's one not enough people take that seriously. Being married to a police officer, I can share the "bad" side of parenting and how some people should not be able to have babies. I used to think we should all be born sterile and have to pass a parent test of some kind, apply to be able to have children. I'm interested in your earlier statements about Muslims growing in European countries and the decline in reproduction among native Europeans. In America, at least about 4 years ago when I was doing demographic research, Indians were expected to overtake the Black and Hispanic populations within ten years. Do you think we should be having larger families for the purpose of maintaining a majority (a la power)? It would certainly shift the influences and culture, wouldn't it? This sort of ties in with my thread in Politics about how a country loses its freedoms like what we have here in the US. Evan, I'm fascinated when you share about your experiences in Africa. I think it's tres cool that you've been able to live, work and learn with them. I'm sure if we ever met face to face, I'd be wanting to hear all about your experiences in much greater detail than this type of forum lends itself to. :)
  8. Me too, Nate! I never heard any of this before. Fascinating and tres cool.
  9. Is it really their home or are they renters? Why didn't they have the chimney cleaned? Were they burning the wrong kind of stuff? I hope they have insurance and a small enough deductible to be able to afford having it fixed. If they have to use a HELOC to pay for it, will they have to give up their status in TWI? Change their nametag? Seriously, I'm glad nobody got hurt, especially Meshach.
  10. Nate, you're doing a good job over there and I'm glad to see some dialog now that things have calmed down a bit. Hopefully Matthew will chew on what you, Lorna and others have shared. :) I guess what really bugs me about folks like Matthew is the selective memory. Did he not listen to the same STS teachings that we did? Did he miss the whole year on "Be ye not unequally yoked"? :blink: Did he miss all the teachings about 10% being th absolute minimum and that God wouldn't spit in our direction if we didn't give? Where has he been this whole time? It's really hard to reason with folks like that. My former fellowship coordinator is like that. When they came out and said they had no policy on debt I vented to her and her husband. She looked me in the eye and asked me flat out when I had known someone to be M&A for not selling their home. SHE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH THREE OF THE CASES. She and her husband M&A three different couples at Moynihan's direction because they either didn't want to sell their home or had it on the market too long without it being sold. Yet she insisted that she didn't know of one single case where someone was M&A for that till I called her on the carpet.
  11. Mark, I think it's a very interesting discussion. And interesting perspectives presented here. It seems that only one person has really gotten bent out of shape for some reason. <_< Dancing, why does there have to be a position? Why does it matter what one's position is? It's a topic for discussion. Did you even read his first post?? :unsure: Mark DID post what he thought about the subject: Post 18 If you disagree with his point of view then speak to that point. Attacks aren't necessary. I like Bramble's post that it should be a personal lifestyle choice and not some legalistic standard enforced by a church. BUT, as The Evan said earlier, these folks are willingly members of the group so they probably don't see it that way...like we didn't, at one time, see the legalism in TWI. I do hope that they can provide the love, attention, basic needs and whatnot required to raise a large family. I know I couldn't. I wonder sometimes if I would have the patience, mentality and fortitude required to raise ONE happy, healthy child. I can attest to the fact that Rascal's family is absolutely delightful and those kids get along marvelously. I hate to leave them when I do get to spend time with them. I suspect Galen's family is much the same way. How many kids have you raised, Galen? I don't remember off the top of my head, but that it is a lot. :)
  12. Chas, they're these things that "exotic dancers" use. I don't know how that fits down here or why you'd want to freeze them, though. Kind of defeats the purpose, don't it?
  13. Rascal, I concur. :) That's why I question Keith's private interpretation. Everything just isn't as cut & dry or black & white as way-brainers think.
  14. I dunno, Rascal, I became born again when I was 11 years old and I can tell you that the fruit in my life was injected with Everclear and served with kool-aid, among other things, during my college years. I know I would never have been convicted of being born again during that time. Did I still "believe" - yep - always have, but it didn't affect how I acted or lived. Heck, even during my TWIt years I'd say I was no "child of God" the way He would like for me to have been. I certainly didn't have any "good fruit" in my life then....depression, oppression, illness, panic attacks, stress.... I also know that when I was growing up I very firmly believed my Daddy would kick my butt if I did some things that I proceeded to do anyway. :ph34r: I'm not saying that good fruit shouldn't follow those who are born again, but that it's not a precursor to determining if one is born again. :) There are rotten Christians just as there are awesome non-Christians. It's those who have rotten fruit in their lives, regardless of whether they "believe" or not, that I try to avoid. Those with good fruit, again - regardless of whether they "believe" or not, that I gravitate toward. Even the scriptures where Jesus talks about fruit - isn't about being saved or not. It's kind of like those seeds that fall by the wayside. They hear and believe, but some shrivel up under pressure, others endure for a while but then get carried away, others become unfruitful because of "the cares of the world". All those seeds are born again folks, just sadly, most don't fall on fertile ground. Leastways that's what I see in it. :unsure: But this wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
  15. The family that reads together..... should have purchased their own subscriptions.
  16. Since we're in the dungeon, I think it might be safe to confess..... *looking around and leaning in to whisper* When OM hadn't been on for a while, I wondered where he'd gone to and actually looked to see how long it had been since he logged in.
  17. Hmmmmm, Mark, I've been trying to think of how to combat that Biblically and this is what I come up with which isn't very much at all. If they believe in administrations, then what they are citing is not "to" us - it's to a previous administration where, similar to the settlement farms, more children WERE a blessing because, as Bramble said, they were FREE LABOR. It was a necessity of the times - that's no longer a primary need in our culture. (Besides that, look at how bloody that time was an all the decrees to kill the first born or all the children of an area) And what do they make of Ecc 6:3 - A man might have a hundred children and live to be very old. But if he finds no satisfaction in life and in the end does not even get a decent burial, I say he would have been better off born dead. (New Living Translation © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust) A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. (New International Version © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society) What IF having a hundred children is the reason for not being able to enjoy his prosperity? Luke 14 talks about giving everything up to follow Jesus, including mother, father, children, etc. He also talks about counting the cost before taking on something important. Would that not include the size of one's family? 1 Cor 4 talks about us not judging anyone. Which always brings us, especially former TWIts, to the ever popular "who the he11 is any kind of 'church' or organized religion to tell us what to do and, furthermore, to claim THEY know what God would have us do?" ^_^ 1 Tim 3:4-5 talks about a minister having to be able to rule well his own house, but doesn't talk about how large that "house" is. ************* Meister and I were DINKS and he had absolutely no plans to have any children whatsoever. I think partially selfish on his part, but also because TWI pretty much taught that the mom had to stay at home instead of letting the 'egg sucking world' raise our family. There was no way we could afford for me to be a stay at home mom, so HE just decided 'no kids' - nevermind what WE had decided BEFORE WE got married. :( Now, I guess I'm glad we didn't because it would have been an ugly custody battle, not to mention he wouldn't be able to provide much child support being a HQ security guard. I sure don't know how single moms do it these days, but I've been thinking about it seriously when I turn 40 if there's no hope on the horizon.
  18. Oh, Twinky, try Steel Cut Oats - this is the stuff I get, but I buy it local at the health food store. It's sooooo good and thick with the 7 grain texture you're talking about. It takes about 45 minutes to prepare, but I do enough to last me a whole week on Sundays, usually. This is the oat before they "roll" it to make oatmeal and then cut the rolled oats for 1 minute oatmeal. So this has a lot more fiber, is less processed and much healthier for you. Also, Jenny Craig (yes the diet center) has a 7 Grain Oatmeal that is TO DIE FOR!! It's instant and delish! You don't have to be on the program to buy their food, so if you find a center near you, you can go in and ask to buy a few of the oatmeals. They're only 1.50 or 1.80 each. My Paw Paw tried mine and now he buys his own at the Jenny Craig center near him. Chas, Oofie cakes?? Can't wait to hear this one!
  19. Southern Soul Food!! Ain't Nuthin' Like It! Everything was grown in the garden in our backyard and then fried or covered with gravy! LOL! Fried Okra with cornmeal breading Fried Catfish from the pond down the road Hush Puppies Creamed Corn Roast cooked in the crock pot with taters, carrots & onions while we're at church Homemade Biscuits & Rolls Blackstrap Molasses Homemade Syrup BBQ done right Sausage on the grill Snap Peas cooked with fatback String Beans cooked till there wasn't any juice left Scalloped Potatoes Squash Casserole or squash & onions sauteed with lots of pepper & salt till they were translucent Then on the Cajun Side of the family: Crawfish Boiled with little red potatoes and corn on the cob Gumbo étouffée Andouille sausage Tasso Cane syrup (my great grandparents had their own plant) If you can get making the proper roux for each type of dish, you'll have a blast in a Cajun Kitchen. I grew up sitting on somebody's porch with "all the wimmin" shucking, shelling or peeling something to be frozen, canned or preserved. Awesome memories, but I don't think I'd ever go to that much trouble on my own. Ahhhh....the "good ole' days"
  20. Belle


    Dooj, we used to make that all the time growing up, but never made it to the meringue. It was eaten too fast! Kind of like waiting for Rice Krispies to cool.....ain't gonna happen at my house.
  21. Mmmm....Dooj, I can't do anything that requires that much precise-ness. I'm very ADD in the kitchen, though I love to be there. In fact, when I bought my house it has one of those fancy shmancy smooth top ovens and I could tell right away it would be trouble for me....they don't want you to let anything boil over on those darn things. :o Psalmie, I think I'll do the little cup thing. That sounds quicker and less likely I'll screw it up. :P The first year I went I was to tickled to finally be invited and, having never been to one before, I wanted to make a good impression. I made a different kind of cookie for every dozen I was supposed to bring. Just told them I had "Cookie ADD". Last year went much better and I'm sure to really surprise them this year with your recipe. Thank you!
  22. Belle


    FOUND IT!! I have to credit MELF at www.3fatchicks.com for posting this. We got to be really good friends over there. :) *************** Really good!!! Whoever suggested trying zucchini for a pizza crust, I could just hug you! I made this last night and my husband and I loved it. It does not take that long to make. Really tasted like pizza! Zucchini Pizza - about 30 min prep time, including baking. Bake at 400. 4 servings, unless you're my DH, then 2 servings :-) crust: 1 large zucchini grated (about 3 cups) drain and really squeeze out extra juice, I got at least 1/4 cup out) 1 egg 1/2 cup cheddar cheese 1/2 cup mozzerella cheese salt and pepper 1/2 can Cantadina pizza sauce toppings: (I used spaghetti sauce) 1 pound pork sausage 1/2 green pepper chopped 1/2 onion chopped 1/2 cup sliced raw mushrooms (or more) cheddar and mozzerella cheese (at least 1/2 cup each) pepperoni pizza seasonings in a jar (I used italian seasoning) Brown sausage. Drain grease, if there is any. Add onion and green pepper, cook until slightly soft. Add mushrooms to brown them. Add salt, pepper, a little pizza seasonings. (While sausage is browning...) Mix zucchini, egg, cheeses, salt and pepper. Press into a greased 12" glass pie plate (I spray with Olive Oil). Bake 10 min at 400 degrees. It puffs up. Spread sauce on top, covering edges too. Sprinkle a little pizza seasoning on sauce. Add sausage/veggie mixture on top. Add cheeses. Bake another 10 minutes at 400 or until cheese gets a little brown. Take out of oven and let it rest 5 minutes to set up cheese. Carb count from Netzer's book: Zucchini - 12 carbs egg - .6 1/2 can of sauce - 14 carbs 1/2 green pepper - 2.5 carbs 1/2 onion (1/4 cup) - 3.5 carbs 1/2 cup fresh mushrooms - 1.6 carbs 1 cup cheddar cheese - 4 carbs 1 cup mozzerlla cheese - 4 carbs None for the meat. Whole pie has: about 42.2 I could only eat about 1/4 of it, so that would be 10.6 carbs. **************** You could substitute turkey sausage and low or reduced fat cheese. It IS really good! I love it and even made it quite a bit after I quit following SugarBusters!
  23. AWESOME!!! Thanks, Sushi! :) They were interviewing the woman's son who wrote that book. Did you know it was self-published? Also still the best selling cookbook of all time.
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