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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Ya know, I've been trying to remember why I did stay around. <_< I was turned off at all the control and "formality" expected of us the first time I took the class. The home we were at was built specifically to be able to run large classes. They even had a "sound room" where they could control all the speakers, tvs and lighting in the whole house. The house was wired specifically so that all could be synchronized. I thought that was weird. The host couple was so formal, aloof and distant that I felt like I was intruding every time I went to class and I actually dreaded going, but I wanted to "see" the class I had only heard on audio cassettes once. Things only got more controlling from there and I did come and go quite frequently. I would disappear for months at a time and I enjoyed life much more during those times....so why did I go back every time they called? I dunno, but it wasn't because things were butterflies and rainbows when I was involved with them. I bawled my eyes out during the entire time of my bridal shower. That's NOT normal. I had panic attacks for months before hand and even worse afterwards, but didn't realize at the time that's what it was. Dottie did. She said it was stress, but didn't help or offer any helpful suggestions. It was more than stress, but since admitting that I had stress would be negative believing, I dismissed it. Nope, I can't say I had that many good times in TWI. Honestly. There were some, of course, but the bad memories overwhelmingly outweigh the good ones. If I only talk about the bad ones, what's it to any of you? Who are you, the posting police? Why does it make you mad when people share that they had bad times? Why do you care if they don't talk about the good times? There are lots of posts o here about "the good ole days" and I really enjoy reading them. In fact, someone sent me some of the music from those days and it's awesome music. Someone else sent me the Cheech & Chong stuff y'all were laughing about on a thread. I'm truly thankful for that and it helps me in ways you can't imagine to hear these things and to realize that there was so much good at one time. TWI would have never happened the way it did if there wasn't some good entangled with all the abuse and if there weren't some people sheltered from all the ugliness. I don't come on to those threads about the good things and say, "come on, y'all! It wasn't ALL good! How can you talk about the good times when there are people who had their lives destroyed while involved with TWI?" Yet the threads on abuse are frequently derailed by personal attacks and attacks on the people who were abused, mistreated and, yes, driven to the brink of death. Is that loving and productive? I think not. <_<
  2. Belle


    (((((WashingtonWeather))))) Friend - Confidant - Support - Therapist - Cheerleader - Mother - Wife - Wonderful Person YOU TOTALLY ROCK!! I'm UBER-THANKFUL for your life and friendship!!! HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, DEAR ONE!!
  3. Sorry, I just had to say that I was reading the last part of this thread thinking Chas was talking to herself. I ave always associated that kitty avatar with Chas since she's had it for so long and didn't even look at the names till I wondered why Chas was replying to herself. Surely there's plenty of folks at the Cafe for Chas to talk to. :unsure: Just call me "Dork".
  4. Must be why I was born in 1968.
  5. WG, just a few years ago the Moynihans told a couple here in FL that they would NOT help, support or otherwise tolerate them if they adopted an "older" child. They fell in love with a 6 year old little girl (I think she was 6) and asked for Moynihan's blessing on the adoption. Basically Bob told them TWI would turn their back on them if they went through with the adoption. He said that older children who are up for adoption are most likely devil spirit possessed given the background and history they typically come from. The couple adopted the little girl and she's the absolute apple of their eye and they've had no problems whatsoever that I know of. I don't know how TWI children can possibly grow up with healthy self-esteem and mental stability knowing that the love of their parents is based on their performance and behavior. :unsure: It's really sad to think about. I know that I've screwed up royally and even hurt my parents terribly (while I was in TWI especially), but I've never once doubted how much they love me and what lengths they would go to in order to protect, care for and to keep me in their lives. TWI kids, for the most part don't have that luxury. If their own "earthly" parents are that demanding, how much more demanding must they think God is? :blink:
  6. There were lots of unwritten "policies" while one was in TWI. This is just one more of 'em. And, again, like everything else TWI-related, the severity of the problem depended on the area and leadership one was exposed to. And, by the way, my Vixen has several AKC competition titles (two hunting titles) and I've not once ever, EVER laid a hand on her nor yelled at her. We are partners and she gets ONLY positive reinforcement and lots of it.
  7. Belle

    Happy Birthday

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, MEDIC!!! I hope it's absolutely awesome!!!
  8. If this had been a member of any other church how would the story have read? "Morgensen, 85, is a retired school teacher and lifelong resident of Podunk, OH. He was entertaining family and friends at his home on Sunday for a Thanksgiving celebration." WOULD there even be a story if it had been someone from any other denomination? (I think not)
  9. Belle

    Happy Birthday, Rocky

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, ROCKY!!! I hope it totally rocks, Dude!!
  10. The best is when they get out of the car, lay the map open on the hood of the car and complain that the street they are looking for should be RIGHT HERE! Argue with the road map, why don't you? Thankfully, I don't do road trips with my Daddy and his Daddy anymore. Signed, Belle, who doesn't even realize she's lost till she's WAY off the planned route. (ask me about my 8 hour detour sometime)
  11. Belle

    Feed Your Head

    LOL! Love it! I can just see it happening, too. Score one for the Slick one.
  12. Announcer: Here we see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Ian : (Walks up to St. Peter) Hello, St. Peter. I see I've come to Heaven. St. Peter: Well, you're not in yet ! First you've got to tell me how you suffered on Earth. Ian : Well, I spent a week eating camp food. St. Peter: I'm sorry, you haven't suffered enough. (Ian exits dejectedly.) Doug : (Enters) Hi, I'm here to get into Heaven. St. Peter: Fine, fine. And how have you suffered ? Doug : I went on a long hike and got blisters all over my feet. St. Peter: Sorry. That's not enough suffering to get into Heaven. (Doug exits) Brad : (Enters) Can I get into Heaven ? St. Peter: How did you suffer ? Brad : I'm in Ron's Boy Scout Troop St. Peter: Well, come on in !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RON!!!
  13. (((((Polar Bear's Friend))))) I'll say it's a great start with professional counseling, even if it is just for him. Provided that professional counseling is indeed with a true professional non-affiliated with TWI in any way. What area is your friend in? Maybe one of us can help with a suggestion. If nothing else, I'd recommend making sure the counselor/therapist gets some information on TWI and perhaps Steve Hassan's book, "Releasing the Bonds". This was a huge start for me. It was so nice to talk to someone face to face who wasn't involved with TWI and wasn't concerned about telling me what to do, but really wanted to know what I thought, felt, etc. IF he's open to hearing different perspectives, I'd highly recommend giving him a copy of Chris Jordan's research paper on debt. If you don't have a copy, I'll gladly send you a copy. I also have a copy of what Rico Magnelli taught the WC on debt. That teaching came about AFTER Chris's paper was sent to HQ and many leaders in TWI. Amazingly, Rico's starts with Chris's definition and then totally veers off topic and is quite the humorous study in spin control. Chris's paper will show him that TWI is totally wrong in their legalism and that's using their own study techniques that they teach. This could be a great start for him. I hope his wife has a different mindset than my ex did. He resented me talking to a stranger about us and, especially about TWI. But, he was going to choose the group over his commitment to his wife, regardless of the situation. Knowing that's how he felt should have been a red flag before walking down the isle, but I was too waybrained to believe it. Hopefully his wife isn't like my ex.
  14. Y, obviously you don't know our beloved Roy very well. :) He's got the biggest heart of anyone here and is an excellent example of God's love. We would all do well to learn from his example. You don't have to agree with him, but there's no reason to be cruel.
  15. I do, Polar Bear. But this is my last issue. Since it was so cheap, I subscribed to see if there was any proof of the changes we kept hearing about; to see if they mention numbers at all (which they don't) and to see what was going on with loved ones when they mention individuals. I used to post practical transcripts of the teaching tapes, but I'm not going to pay for those and I can't bear to listen to them. You're right. It is a waste of time, but it has been good for the time. I took some scans of the mag and will post those soon.
  16. Belle

    Black Friday

    Well, George, there's always Festivus. for the rest of us.
  17. Happiest of Birthdays, Paw!!! You are truly special and have given us a home like no other. Thank you for all you do. I'm so happy to know you!
  18. GREAT TOPIC, TOPPIE!! Thankful that there's soooooo much to be thankful for!! Life just keeps getting better and better! Thankful for P@ul Allen and Paw!! Thankful for the awesome friends I've made through their sites. Thankful for my childhood friends. Thankful for my awesome, awesome family (including my furry child :P ). Thankful for my terrific neighbors. And, I second OFM, I'm very thankful for all y'all!!! :)
  19. I so wish I swapped Christmas presents with a GSpotter! I'm honestly torn between this and the Chia Pet for myself. :P
  20. DANG! I shoulda waited! I ordered this for my Daddy for Christmas. Depending on my budget when I finish shopping for everyone, I may go get that, too.
  21. Belle

    Black Friday

    Black Friday is almost upon us. Who gets up at the crack of dark to hit the stores? Who does it all online? Where's your favorite place to shop? I like to find the most personal and unsuspected gifts for certain family members, especially the ones who are so hard to shop for. Usually that means online at unique spots: Signature Days Betty's Attic Perpetual Kid Make Your Own Stamps Buy One Share of Stock for Someone Things You Never Knew Existed And this place will help you pick something out: Find Gift Site
  22. I've made my Christmas Wish List and I asked Santa to bring this to Tom: Gift Wizard
  23. Belle

    Feed Your Head

    Thanks, Pirate. That's really neat and I'm glad to hear she acts like just regular folk. :) I remember an interview with her or her daughter (?) once and the point was made that that part of her life was over and she'd already said everything there was to say about it in public and for interviews. She'd rather talk about the present and what's going on now. I can understand that. I do hope that she enjoys reminiscing and laughing with family and friends about "the good ole days" like we do with ours, though. It'd be a pity to have all those memories and just shove them under the bed in a shoebox.
  24. Belle

    Need Money

    Darnit! All those "Jones" on there and not one of 'em is money for me. :P Oh well, worth a try. Thanks, Notta!
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