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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I agree with LG. There are other ways to handle the problem and, while I'm sorry that she has to deal with it, there are many, many alternatives to breaking the law. One would have to live in a cave to not realize that you don't get away with anything even remotely similar to what she did. Now I'm sorry for the many people who were inconvenienced and for the woman, that she didn't have the common sense or forethought to come up with a better alternative.
  2. Belle

    Holly Bush

    continuing I went to school with Penny Dollar and Dawn Rising. My podiatrist is Dr. Funk. My pyschiatrist is Dr. Saini (pronounced Sane-ee) My therapist is Dr. Grimm. No wonder I'm Rerail: I remember some men recommending that I plant holly bushes around my windows for protection when I got divorced. Ummm..... no thanks!
  3. Johniam, I have some family who are heavily involved with shamans and believe in spirit guides, animal totems, etc. They are extremely peaceful loving people and from what I do know about their beliefs they don't believe in any sort of violence or "negative energy" coming from them and words carry energy, so ugly outbursts like that would be a concern for the rest of their spiritual family. Mind you, they wouldn't condemn or be mad at your brother, but rather concerned about where that much "negative energy" came from and how to best help him heal. They believe in acknowledging these kinds of emotions and learning from them rather than acting on them, especially not to the point of affecting others or putting that kind of negative energy "out" into the world. It sounds like something is bugging your brother pretty deeply to have reacted the way he did. Especially given his lack of such forceful expression about it before. Was he maybe just having a really, really bad day or week? Problems going on that are in no way related to the question, but that was the easiest, most convenient excuse for him to release all that pent up emotion? I'd be more than happy to put you in touch with someone who practices that type of belief system as they would be a much better information source than I. PM me if you'd like. :)
  4. Hey, Hey, Hey!!! Watchit there, Rhino! Some of us Joneses do like to keep up with where our relatives are.
  5. No Strange One! I'm surprised you don't know the name of the snowcone eating, snow mountain skiing Bodelicious Bode Miller.
  6. I'm sorry, Tom. Sometimes it's rough being single gal. I'm afraid I may have shared too much. :unsure: In the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "That ain't right, Lord I apologize for that right there and be with the starving pygmies down there in New Guinea there, Amen"
  7. Tom, is there any way to ask them to leave their probes at home? Those things scare me!
  8. Why do you care why or even if she contacts Geer? Still looking for somebody's cat to kick? Pinklady, there are quite a few Geer followers here at GSpot, one of them will most likely get in touch with you privately if they don't want to post it publicly. I tried to look through the archives cause I think it's been mentioned before, but I couldn't find anything right away.
  9. Thanks, LG! I suppose we only pay attention to what's in front of us and the news doesn't typically cover anything like these benefits - not when I'm paying attention, anyway. FWIW, there's a night launch coming up soon and I can hardly wait to see it! It's been so long and they're sooooo beautiful!!
  10. Not sure I can use anything named "Uncle Winkie" with a straight face. I might find myself wanting to get closer to the washing machine...
  11. I buy Does that count? Sorry, just can't bring myself to eat something that looks like this: made of this: "the meaty chunks of a cow's, sheep's, or pig's head, chopped and combined with a savory gelatinous broth and allowed to cool in a mold" "adds a distinctive and memorable quality to salads, sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres, and even the back porch, especially if left undiscovered for a few warm days What does it taste like? Meat jello?
  12. Welcome Patrick and Sarah! I'll take your order, but please know your first order and cups up of coffee are on the house. Here are some delightful delicacies for you to munch on while reading and chatting: May I ask what it is about TWI that makes you think you want to go back or find something similar? Is it the teachings? Do you think that churches don't teach the same things? Have you been to any churches recently? What, specifically, do you two want and need for your "spiritual nurturing"? I'm not certain how much you've actually looked into, studied and evaluated "what is good" in TWI doctrine, but many of us, upon closer examination have realized that we were not REALLY "making the Word our own", but rather re-reading and parroting what was taught to us. Raf's site has some great studies including evaluations of what was right and wrong with "The Blue Book" and JBarrax has a site that he keeps up for folks like us. It's a record of his study and evaluation of PFAL from a viewpoint of defending the doctrines, teachings and scripture interpretation from the dissenters you read here. Interestingly, JBarrax came to the same conclusion that we did - PFAL is chock full of lies, errors, private interpretation and deliberate manipulation by vp weirwille. This valuable and insightful research can be found at: PFAL Review. I highly recommend reading through this if you are still craving the teachings of TWI. If it's the fun, fellowship, unconditional love and support that you crave, that definitely is NOT at TWI - all the true loving folks have been run off and, in my personal opinion, are NOT to be found in any TWI-wannabe ministry either. The true Christians have shaken the dust of TWI and it's teachings off their feet and are found among other true living, breathing, loving, caring, giving Christians - many of whom are right here. (Many awesome folks of other and non-beliefs, too! ) It's amazing what one can find, learn, see and feel when we take of TWIt glasses and quit drinking the kool-aid. Now, what can I get you folks? Geo, it's SOOOooooo good to see you back to your regular self!! Love seeing that avatar again! Now Mark, when're ya gonna change yours back, too?
  13. Belle

    Welcome Cuppa Joe

    From the album: Greetings

    Nice big cup of Welcome!
  14. Belle

    Cinnamon Rolls

    From the album: Greetings

    Colossal ones!
  15. Hi Patrick & Sarah! I'm not in Albuquerque, but wanted to welcome you to the Cafe!
  16. Anyone know where he is now? How he's doing?
  17. OMG!! SMALL WORLD! Hopefull, I went to Toli and Jackie's "fellowship" when I first got involved with what I thought was the real TWI. It was really weird, imo. Toli had gotten laid off or quit or something and was having trouble finding employment in Orlando. They were getting ready to move when I started attending real TWI fellowships. That, indeed, was 1993.
  18. Belle

    Happy Birthday

    Buy those pre-paid ones that quit working when the money runs out? Move her and all her friends to Cingular so that their cell-to-cell calls are free? Threaten to let her have it for only one or two weeks a month if she can't manage her time or pay for the overages on the bill herself? On Cingular (only one I know about), you can check your minutes and off-plan minutes, text messages, etc. throughout the month online and via your phone to make sure you don't go over. I called Cingular and talked to them about my needs and need for a smaller bill. They worked with me to figure out the best plan for me and even credited back some of my charges from the previous month as a courtesy. Some features you can have disabled, too. Like I don't even have my multi-media/picture stuff activated anymore. I don't use it and if my phone ever gets stolen the thief won't be able to use it either. So glad you'll be getting some time off!!
  19. Belle

    Beach View South Padre.jpg

    This is a beautiful shot! I could see this hanging in my guest bedroom. It looks like a painting and I love the composition. You're extremely talented, Mr. Bone.
  20. T-Bone, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shot in particular! They are all awesome, but I have this *thing* about dragonflies and this is absolutely incredible! Love the colors - don't believe I've ever seen an orange one. This picture made my whole day!!
  21. Jest makes ya wanna pick him up and cuddle him all day!
  22. awwww, come on, Ron, where's that Southern Smile? I know it's in there!
  23. Belle


    Suda, you have got to have one of the kindest faces that can light up a room that I believe I've ever seen. Your smile and eyes are just loverly. I can't wait to see you in person some day!
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