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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Taco Bell

    *giggle* *snort* :blink:
  2. LOL! David, when I saw that you had posted a link, I knew immediately it was to YouTube and that it would be a great clip! I'm afraid you may have gotten me addicted. I follow your link and then spend another ten hours looking at other links.
  3. Belle

    Guitar Talk

    DAVID, those are BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! Kathy, if I EVER start dating again, can I send him to you if he needs ... ahhhh.... help?
  4. He obviously wasn't afraid of the consequences of his actions. *shrug* If I believed everything he taught and then lived like he did, I'd sure as he11 be scared enough to change my ways.
  5. A praying we will go! No need to respond to everything, or anything for that matter, Patrick & Sarah. :) If it helps, great! If not, that's okay too. I'm sometimes called 'the mouth of the south', so I continue attempting to live up to that reputation and it requires long posts sometimes. Waterbuffalo, you look mah-ve-luss!! Sushi, are you implying that my use of A Hole should be tempered and reduced to the more favorable "jerk"?
  6. I get a gift certificate from Amazon from one of my co-workers every Christmas.
  7. T&O, true. I hadn't thought of it that way. :) Besides that, if they start spending all that money and still have pathetic numbers, will that cause some TWIts to pause and consider declining the kool-aid and moving on with their lives? I sure hope so!
  8. Tonto, I've always been been impressed with your in depth spiritual perception. After all, I wouldn't know the proper terminology to use when "witnessing" proper "crop dusting" techniques if it weren't for you. I humbly thank you and am ever so grateful for your willingness and ability to come out of lurkdom to offer expertise to the discussion.
  9. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, LITTLEHAWK!! I hope it's as wonderful as your par juice!!
  10. Belle

    Little Hawk

    From the album: Greetings

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Belle


    I read a really good book a few years ago called High Bottom Drunk. I think there are a lot more "high bottom drunks" out there than we realize. I don't care what's going on with the individuals - how they explain things - how they think about themselves and their alcoholism - I'm just glad they're getting help.
  12. Belle

    Happy B'Day Ex10

    KRYS, I'm LMAO!!! That's priceless!!!
  13. "You know when you're leaning back in a chair and then you lean way back and you're just on two legs and then you lean just a little far and you almost fall but at the last minute you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time." Probably my favorite Steven Wright quote. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  14. (((((excathedra))))) I just love, love, love you!!! (((((pinklady))))) Godspeed, my friend, Godspeed!
  15. I started having extremely vivid dreams when I left TWI and even moreso as I worked on healing from that and my divorce. As a result, I got very interested in dream interpretation. www.dreammoods.com has a dictionary for different symbols common to dreams and I consult it regularly. :) Obviously dreams are very personal in meaning and don't always fit with some standard, but usually I get an indication of where to start in my own personal analysis. Not what you were asking, I know, but thought I'd share in case you or others are interested. What I found most intriguing were the number of dreams I had about needing to go to the bathroom and not being able to get the privacy I desired. I also had lots of dreams about elevators. It's been an incredible journey and journaling with much additional self-evaluation has been a long, strange trip. I'm enjoying every centimeter of the journey.
  16. "he who smelt it dealt it" - that's what we say.
  17. What DON'T I use my computer for? :blink: Work Play Personal budget banking paying bills letters e-mail keeping snail mail addresses calendar shopping learning music & photo downloads/swaps listening to and saving books on cd journaling scheduling appointments - dr., hairdresser, auto, etc. refilling prescriptions sending faxes Writing my books geeze, all kinds of things.... Please don't take my computer away! I'd die! Okay - it's just me and I have two computers at work - a laptop and a desktop at home - FOUR computers for two little ole hands.
  18. Selective teachings isn't the only selection going on, eh, Waysider?
  19. Y'all are soooo wrong!! You do it while you're walking down the isle so nobody can tell for sure where it came from. Even better, while everyone is in the aisles trying to maneuver their overhead luggage. At least, that's what I hear. :unsure:
  20. ewwwww..... as if the locals aren't already sick enough of just having them in Ohio. :blink: At least if they're trying to reach people with TVs those folks will also google the group before getting interested.
  21. (((((Patrick & Sarah))))) I'll be praying for you, including an awesome job for you with great pay and better hours. :) What would you *like* do do? Given no barriers, what would your dream job be? We see lots of answers to prayer here at the cafe. You'd be amazed at some of them. Regarding spiritual needs - and I'm just thinking out loud here - you most likely have thought about and/or done these things.... The churches that offer home fellowship groups (and there are lots of them), typically meet on non-traditional "church" times and may have some for y'all to choose from that would be convenient location and time-wise. The ones I know of in Orlando don't require or expect you to attend "regular" services or anything in order to participate in the home groups. The purpose of the home groups is to meet the needs of folks with funky schedules like yours as well as other needs in the community. You and Sarah could study together - starting with, perhaps, a topic of religious belief in general, a Bible story or character that resonates with you two. Look up stuff online - go to the library - hang out in the Doctrinal area of the boards here - there are quite a few of folks here who love sharing, discussing and learning from one another (there are the debaters, too, but you don't have to engage or acknowledge them if they are annoying. ;) ) ... do your own thing on your own time. I know you said you weren't involved with TWI for very long, but two books that may open areas of discussion and/or thought for you are "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" by two folks I can't remember and "Releasing the Bonds: Enabling People to Think for Themselves" by Steve Hassan. If nothing else, these two books will help you see what to look for and what to be aware of when you do go searching for a "church home". We have a great group of folks here who have all followed different paths since leaving TWI and are resident experts in the areas of their study. I've learned a lot from these folks and looked into the history of religion, belief systems, etc. in general and Christianity in particular from sources I would have never heard of otherwise. There's just so much more to life and living than the tiny little cult teachings of TWI and the offshoots, imo. I truly believe you'll find what works for you two and fits into your lives, fills your needs and brings peace to your home. Keep on keepin' on! We're here to help, support, listen, start food fights, whatever....
  22. Oh, Goody! Think we can get the Baldwins, Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Moore and the rest of their buddies to be the first ones to move there??
  23. Belle

    Happy B'Day Ex10

    I hope you're treated like royalty for your birthday, ex10!!!
  24. Belle

    Doris Day

    From the album: Greetings

    Happy Birthday, ex10!
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