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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    I apologize if...

    I suppose online it's hard to tell since tone of voice doesn't carry. Of course, those who have been around for a long time, tend to know how to 'read' the posts of other long time posters. Linda, Bob Moynihan "apologized" with his perfected sarcastic sneer and wave of the hand when I talked to Dottie and him about problems with TWI. "I'm sooooo sorry if I've hurt anyone... " Gee, thanks, Bob, why even bother? :unsure:
  2. BillyD, thank for your response, but honestly, the non-profit label means absolutely nothing to me and is actually laughable, imo. The groups who claim to not be making any money because of their non-profit status seem to be the ones abusing the privileges the most. Maybe the actual workers aren't getting rich, but I'd wager my whole paycheck that someone is. TWI has used those same arguments that you posted, and, while the actual worker bees live in dorms, make less than minimum wage after figuring in how much work they did and they do all that work without benefits. Meanwhile, down on the ranch, the leaders have personal assistants who do everything from ironing their sheets, chauffeuring their kids, cooking dinners and giving them obscene amounts of 'petty cash' to spend on themselves. Usually, in my experience, the ones who are really helping people don't ask for money. Hence, the examples in my previous post. Even Paw shells out money every month to keep the cafe open and has never asked for a penny from anyone. He didn't even have a way for people to donate money till people bugged him about it. THOSE are the kind of folks I tend to trust, respect and believe really want to help folks. Sorry, I just don't buy that money isn't being abused by those who are claiming to 'work for God' at STFI. <_< About the 'sales' stuff - yeah, I do think 'sales' is an appropriate term & more honest way of saying things. Maybe Jeff took care of the 'bookstore' and I'm sure he's a nice guy. I only know him from his posts here and they really only seem to be advertisements for CES.
  3. Belle

    I apologize if...

    Sounds to me like, "I'm sorry that you're offended, but I'm not sorry for how I feel and what I said."
  4. So have Paw, Raf, WordWolf, Rascal, Shellon, BowTwi, the Richesons, RadarOReilly, HCW, Paul & Fern Allen, ex10, LindaZ and many, many, many others... And not ONE of them has asked for money or sold merchandise in order to profit from that help. Do you honestly pray a tenth as earnestly for them?
  5. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, DRTYDZN!!! I HOPE IT'S A "DIRTY" BIRTHDAY WEEK-END!!! Birthday Greetings from the Arrogant Worms
  6. Psalmie, they are PRECIOUS! I paid $800 for Vixen, and that was four years ago. Border Terriers go for about $1,000 now. Part of that is because the breed is so clean genetically and the breeders go to great lengths to protect the breed as well as their dogs. They are also 'on call' 24/7 for the people who have bought their puppies. I can't tell you the number of times I've called Teri, Vix's breeder, for advice, help, etc. She's become a good friend, too. I had to sign a contract with the breeder and I'm obligated to return Vix to her if, for some reason, I can't/won't be able to keep her for a pet any longer. The contract also states, for "pet quality" dogs, that the owner will not breed them. Vix is "show quality" so I could have bred her and even considered it - mostly so I could have a puppy for her. But, as you've learned, it's a lot of money, time and investment emotionally to breed. It's also a huge responsibility to make sure the puppies are going to good homes and will be safe, loved and cared for properly. I decided I'd rather buy a puppy from my breeder than to go through all that. *bowing in respect for Psalmie* Not to mention the fact that the little b1tch came into heat almost every time we were scheduled to enter an earthdog contest. They can't compete when they are in heat; it's just too cruel for the little boys.
  7. Thanks and Welcome, Cap'n! Breakfast is on me this morning. :)
  8. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

    coffee & donuts
  9. Yet one more example of why I temper my relationship with any sort of organized religion and why I have nothing to do with any TWI offshoot. <_< I wonder what those who were fired are going to call their offshoot of an offshoot ministry... I didn't know any kind of ministry needed or payed "sales" positions. At least they're honest in calling Jeff a salesman. Explains his posts on here. I just wish he had told all of us when he did post that he was a salesman. Of course, it would have been better if TWI had called us salespeople, too, instead of "ambassadors" or "WOW's" or "Disciples of the Way" - never thought of "disciple" as being synonymous with "sales". It's what we did though, isn't it? David, I love ya, Man! But, you give religious people too much credit sometimes. People in religious leadership positions for the most part, imo, just aren't capable of living and practicing what they preach - especially the part about being honest. :( There's just too much money and adoration at stake.
  10. Belle

    Another Calendar Pic

    From the album: Family Pics

    For a Border Terrier Calendar this year.
  11. Belle

    She's a star!

    From the album: Family Pics

    Yet another calendar collage from the editors of the calendar.
  12. Belle

    Another Calendar Pic

    From the album: Family Pics

    Another pic the calendar editors put together.
  13. Belle


    From the album: Family Pics

    These pictures were chosen for a Border Terrier Calendar this year.
  14. HCW, good to see you! I love it when you drop in with your tidbits of wisdom, observances and thoughts. :)
  15. OMG! Sushi, you have made me one very happy woman!! If my "spoon licks" are any indication of how great that recipe works, I'm gonna have some very happy recipients of homemade marmalade! :) THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! This is by far the easiest recipe and it's soooo yummy!!! WG, I also watch my sugar intake as I'm "insulin resistant" and learned a great deal about glycemic indexes and sugar replacements when first diagnosed. My all time favorite sugar replacement is agave. It's a little thinner than the consistency of honey - organic and tastes awesome. You can cook with it and do anything with it that you would with sugar. I order it by the 1/2 case from Sweet Cactus Farms. Yes, it's the same plant they use to make tequila, but God and I made this deal in college that if he would let me live I would NEVER drink tequila again. (I only make promises I plan to keep) Anyway, I highly recommend you try agave. You can buy one or two bottles from a health food store, but then you'll probably want to buy from Sweet Cactus Farms.
  16. Belle

    Christmas Music

    Too many to mention! I LOVE The Chipmunks Christmas Album and it's a MUST when we get together with my mother's family. In fact, this year, I'm burning CDs of it for everyone as a gift. We don't do gift exchanges, but I'm the only one in the family left with a turntable and we just can't lose the tradition. Mama Nina (my grandmother) used to have us kids playing it over and over again when we were growing up. She used us as an excuse to get to hear it. Now that she's not around it's even more important to keep that memory and tradition alive. I've found this cool site and been downloading extra Chipmunk songs today to add to the CD. I Love Waves. ALVIN!!!!
  17. In the snow, Strange One... IN THE SNOW!! And we didn't have that fancy "thermal" stuff you can find in every store today. And.... I got YER ornament right here, Mister....
  18. When I first moved down here to Orlando I didn't have two pennies to rub together. Since I couldn't afford one, my office gave me the Christmas tree from the office when we closed for the holidays. I didn't even have a stand for it, so we leaned it against the wall in the corner and wrapped a raggedy red towel around the bottom. I couldn't afford ornaments, so a co-worker loaned me her glue gun, one string of lights and gave me some red ribbon. My second job was working at Church Street Station and we got substantial discounts on food, so my buddies there and I feasted on an all you can eat scallops dinner for about $5/each and I saved every single one of the scallop shells. I cleaned them and then hot glued ribbons on them to decorate my tree. I "splurged" and bought two sand dollar ornaments and two starfish ornaments and a dozen really cheap golden bells. My little Charlie Brown "Florida Style" tree is still the most beautiful one in my memories of being in Orlando. I saved those ornaments and still hang a couple of scallop shells with my sand dollars, starfish and bells in memory of that first year and how thankful I am for my life and the folks in it. It's nice to be able to have those kinds of precious memories hanging on my tree again now that TWI isn't monitoring my CHRISTMAS.
  19. What a great idea, WD! I know I'd buy one or three! I have a cousin who collects the annual Disney ornaments, so each year it is my duty to trek down to the mousetrap and pick it up for her. My favorite aunt who died this year always bought the fancy-schmancy ornament of the year from Dillards for our "Dirty Santa" ornament game we play. Everyone always fought over her ornament. I'm happy to have won a couple now that she's no long here.
  20. (((((PSALMIE))))) I am Miss Popularity today!! I made a "test" batch last night to bring to the guinea pigs I work with and they are all coming by asking if there are any more left and the folks who missed out are whining because they heard they are so good. I used the little cups like you recommended and put a pinch of coconut left over from my sweet potato casserole supply at Thanksgiving. Put sprinkles on the top and - voila' - purty and delish. I'll be rolling up my sleeves for the long haul tonight, but am so excited now that I know I can actually make them correctly. I do so wish you were here to make 'em with me. And kids - sigh - kids make it a bazillion times more fun! Rascal's tribe would definitely make for a delightful day in the kitchen. I LOVE your family tradition!! That sounds so much fun! I may suggest that at our gathering this year! The families are so big that we play "Dirty Santa" with Christmas ornaments, but getting together to bake, decorate and just enjoy each others' company would be even better. It sort of reminds me of all the great times shelling peas, canning fresh veggies, making fig preserves and jams with my grandmother and all the ladies in the family as I was growing up. Wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your recipe and ideas! Thank you!!! DOOJ, I found my food thermometer, so I'm going to attempt to make your toffee to take on the road with me and to leave for the hostesses with the mostesses on my trip. :)
  21. I'm trying to come up with something worthy of being recorded before calling in, Paw. In the meantime, I've sent you a little Christmas etanod Luv ya, Paw!!! You've done so much for so many of us. THANK YOU!!!!
  22. Belle

    Christmas Lights

    I should submit MY house. I had a strand left over and, well, I just HAD to do something with it. :ph34r:
  23. EIGHTEEN DOZEN COOKIES!!! :o I've got to make EIGHTEEN DOZEN COOKIES for the cookie swap!!! :blink: Psalmie, I owe you BIG TIME!!! Not only am I gonna have the purtiest and tastiest cookies this year, but also the easiest!! THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!!!
  24. I will grant, though, you're correct about the two commandments and my behavior hasn't been all that loving. It's probably best that I go back to saying nothing since I can think of nothing nice to say.
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