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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Groucho and Raf regarding defending VPW, LCM, JAL, et al. GROUCHO: QUOTE(Raf @ Jan 2 2007, 06:57 PM) * "Flawed human being" is a euphemism designed to detract from the truth that the man was a manipulative predator who deliberately hurt God's people in His name. I thought this post was worth repeating... ...There's a big difference between those who point Christ out to others...and those who seek recognition for themselves as being self proclaimed "ministers of Christ". God judges men's hearts but He also expects us to use the bullsh* t meter that he gave us.
  2. Do you make New Year's Resolutions? If so, what are your resolutions this year?
  3. Belle

    Posting a picture

    You can find instructions in the Computer Questions part of the forum. Have you looked or searched for information there?
  4. Belle

    One of the kindest Network Nazi's I know. *grin* And, he has a great personality, to boot!

  5. I like Red Headed Sluts 1 oz. peach schnapps 1 oz. Jagermeister 2 oz. cranberry juice
  6. Rascal has the biggest heart at the cafe. This is the woman who would not stop at giving you the shirt off her back, she'd give you her food, rub your feet and find a way to do everything she could to make things better for you. A true angel in our midst, right here.

  7. :P I get your point and, granted, it IS more snide and irrelevant to the main reasons this group is out there, but it IS annoying to some folks. Kind of like when people say, "God bless you, you're the best" or talk in other flowery, super sickly sweet over-the-top 'Christian' vernacular. I think it's like it's kind of like when you start being friends with or dating someone - some things they do may be mildly annoying, but they become part of the full blown package when/if we end up in a fight with them: "Yeah, well, besides beating the ever lovin' crap out of me every night when you get drunk... I don't like the way your feet stink either!" kind of thing.
  9. Belle

    A Speach

    Your recent dream come true and how you had to work with all kinds of folks, politicians, farmers, educators, etc. to see it come to fruition. The lessons you learned in the process and how absolutely 'pinch me; I must be dreaming' awesome it is. And then, how they, too, can make that ripple in the ocean doing what they love to do.
  10. You're right, Raf. And coming from someone as altruistic unselfish as JAL, I'm sure he's only looking out for what's best for the flock. According to them, Jonny, it's wrong to say the Lord's Prayer (vain repetition, ya know?). Maybe they need to do a teaching on what parts of Bible are okay to do and what parts aren't.
  11. ch-ch-changes..... I think that officially makes y'all "old farts" and will remain so until I start having trouble with my eyes. *duck*
  12. And, I repeat: Nothing is guaranteed - ever - not in real life, not online, not ever. No matter what "the rules" say. What's your agenda with this thread? Have you p1ssed someone off to the point that you're worried about 'em ratting you out? Got some dirt on someone and you're trying to make sure you don't get banned if you share it? Are you hopingto start something with somebody? You seem to be the only one questioning this. Come on, Cool, you're smarter than that. You've been around long enough to know 'the rules' and how Paw runs the boards. What's your point?
  13. Thanks and Congrats! My party hat fits perfectly and I love the streamers! Can't wait to play with all the new toys!
  14. Woo Hoo!! Looks like y'all are prepared! Yee Haw! Shellon, just click on the picture and it opens bigger :)
  15. Happiest of Birthdays, Eagle!!!
  16. Dang, Eagle! I reckon I had some awesomely rare roommates to have put up with me for years.
  17. *shrug* Dunno.... seems common sense to me.... Anything I may say in a PM could possibly be repeated, especially if I don't know the person. So, I'm very careful about what I say until some level of trust has been established. This is regardless of who initiates the PM. IF I establish some sort of rapport with someone and we establish a friendly level of trust, I'll be more willing to share more personal information and generally take the friendship offline to e-mail, IM and/or phone numbers. I realize that, because people are people, some things may be repeated, even unintentionally. I'm still careful with what I share, but enjoy/don't mind sharing more information about myself. BEFORE I share ANYTHING that I would really consider personal, private and secret, I make absolutely certain that I trust that person with such important information. Even then, it's no guarantee - but that's the way life is, c'est pas? Attack me, completely unprovoked and yah, I'm gonna give Paw a heads up in case the person is certifiable and doing this to others, but I'm also going to just block that person from being able to send me more PM's. Then move on and forget about it. If it comes up that this person is pulling the same crap on others, yah, I'm gonna expose 'em. That means publicly or privately. But I never get any PMs, so it's never been a problem. It just seems real simple to me, "always act as if anything you do or say could be shared". This is how I decided who to trust and who not to trust with who I was or any other personal information when I started at WayDale as RocknHardPlace, then insurgent, and WaywardWayfer. Obviously, and very thankfully, I chose to trust the right people because my identity was never compromised by anyone by myself and the WAYGB.
  18. T-Bone, just change your name to Faulkner and tell her you are becoming master of 'stream of consciousness'. I got addicted to books on tape/cd when I had a job that required more than an hour commute each way and still prefer books on cd to the radio. I like Body for Life and (don't laugh) Dr. Phil's weight loss book. Practical advice and suggestions that aren't over the top communicate to me. I enjoyed my foray into the The Origin of Satan, The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels, Judas[/b], Mary Magdelene's book, etc. What God Wants by Neal Donald Walsch was excellent and freeing for me. The Power of Now by Tolle I just finished The Celestine Prophecy and am looking forward to the books that follow it. Of course there's also: Harry Potter and I can't wait for the next book! Anything by Robin Cook - Just finished Marker which was excellent. Lillian Jackson Braun writes a series where the main character's two siamese cats help him solve crimes and I'm currently listening to The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell. I love what I call "beach reads" - quick, light books that you can read in a week-end spent on the beach: Janet Evanovich and Sue Grafton are my favorite authors in this category The Sound of Paper is my 'writing' book right now, T-Bone. I tried to listen to The Five People You Meet in Heaven but couldn’t finish it. It was so depressing, bleak and slow. That’s not any heaven I care to believe in and can’t, for the life of me, figure out how or why it was a bestseller. I was also greatly disappointed in The Purpose Driven Life and the corresponding hooplah following the popularity of it, but that’s been discussed on the boards already.
  19. The fact that Paw has suggested downloading any of the documents personally because he's not sure how long they'll be on the server *could* be some sort of indication of how scared and peeved CES is to be having their deception and corruption exposed.
  20. Didn't someone post earlier in defense of the leaders something to the effect of: 'they don't draw a salary, but their living expenses are paid'. Hello??? The only difference is how it's reported to the government. It may 'sound' holy and honorable, but it's anything but. They're just like TWI.... just like TWI. I'll bet they don't provide their books to their followers either. They probably accuse someone of asking to see them of 'thinking evil' and, now, 'spying on them' to report the errors of their ways at the cafe. TWI has the WAYGB, what's the CESpool version called? They obviously have one now. :blink:
  21. They are sweet folks. I hope you hear from them. :)
  22. Thanks, MTC. Paul Brooks did him wrong, really, really wrong when Bodie was living in Orlando.
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