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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Ever heard of Yakub?

    I'm glad to know that there's a difference between Islam and this "Nation of Islam" - very deceptive name, no? I'm also glad to know that the congressman is no longer affiliated with or supportive of that group. Thanks for the ed-you-ma-ka-shun, y'all!
  2. Wow! ex and Abi, that sounds similar to ME growing up. Don't mean to scare you, Abi. Even today I still have some of those same signs. Especially the loud noise, peripheral noise and accusations of selective hearing. Others I may have and not recognize. (((((FullCircle))))) - we're not all on here at the same time, so I didn't have a chance to read or respond to your post. Also, others may have read it and not known what or how to comment - still others may have wanted to comment, but wanted to take time to think about it. We're not going to get responses to all our posts directly all the time. It doesn't mean they aren't read or helpful.
  3. SNOW CONES ON THE HOUSE!!! Happenin' Day, Dude!! I hope it's ABSERZACKLY WONDERMOUS!!
  4. Oen, maybe read the whole thread before taking that tone with me. :P In Post #6 I said: I feel that way even more since I've now learned that that whole part of the swearing in process is merely a photo op and for show. And, then, upon further informative posts regarding "the nation of islam" vs. traditional "Islam" (in this thread and the one titled Yakub) and this man's comments, I followed up on my view of the Islam issue (post #38): I would be concerned, yes, if someone of Farrakhan's ilk were to be elected into office regardless of their religion (or lack thereof), but that's not the case here and I'm thankful for those here who took the time to give me the information to see that my perceptions were incorrect. I believe you have grossly mis-read or mis-understood Mark's comments. He has not slammed the man at all, nor has he criticized his actions. As for Mark's other posts, he has provided documentation for what he has posted, but you'll have to read the thread to find it.
  5. Before the shift change... Basically what it boils down to is that you (and your alter ego OM ) just don't care because you got yours. For all you care vee pee could have killed, maimed and ruined people, but because you have PFAL and vic's precious books, it doesn't matter how he came up with them. Legal or not - plagiarized or not - it doesn't matter to you, nor does it change your position of support and reverence for the man?
  6. as long as they don't pretend to own it. And therein lies the problem with the defense mounted by WD and OM.
  7. Is part of this him simply needing to find others who like the same things and think the same way he does for the social aspect of development. He seems much further along cognitively in some aspects and much more mature when it comes to other things - I think it's awesome that he is less concerned about what others think of his dress and actions than so much of the general population. That's got to come from healthy self-esteem fostered by a good Mama. ;) Wouldn't life have been so much easier for the Trekkies if there had actually been other Trekkies in their school? Finding others with similar interests can be very difficult for those interested in non-mainstream interests. He played WITH the others at the last Weenie Roast, didn't he? I thought all the kids played together very well. But, then again, all those kids are awesome, more mature for their ages and raised by great parents. I realize there's much more to the situation than this, but it's just my totally ignorant, childless observation.
  8. I was relieved to see that he was not leaving. He's probably the only guy old enough to be my father whom I am absolutely infatuated with. He could certainly eat crackers in my bed any time. :wub: I think I've never missed an episode since it started. I try to watch Miami every once in a while, but they always seem to be whispering and the characters are so dull. I can't stand it. I've only seen part of one NY episode - dunno why, it must conflict with something else that I watch or be on a dog training night.
  9. WD, if Stiles was the only person he stole from you might have a leg to stand on. His pattern of behavior does not support your reasoning.
  10. Yep. And we disagree that it was wrong and immoral for vee pee to have not given proper credit for Stiles' work regardless of whether or not it was stolen with permission. Which, for me, is yet one more reason (among many) vee pee is despicable and no man of God or person to be respected. :)
  11. They aren't the same people, Danny. Some of us know who they are. There are quite a few of us who have been here at the cafe so long that we have left permanent butt prints on some of the booths. Feel free to steal the gum from under any of the booths except the big one in the corner. That's my super secret stash for food fights gone bad.
  12. Abi, I don't have a clue, but will look around and see what I can find. WashingtonWeather is an expert in that sort of thing as well as dyslexia, learning development and disabilities. She may be able to point you in the right direction, but may need to be PM'd, I'm not sure how often she gets to drop by.
  13. Okay, WD, I found this and I know it's talked about more in depth with many witnesses on a much earlier thread. Maybe Stiles didn't mind having his work stolen and profiting someone else, but Leonard did. Leonard's Disappointment
  14. For those that don't lknow, there's a book available that documents the direct plaigarism of vee pee. Will The Real Author Please Stand Up? is available from PFO-Midwest for the cost of $2.00 (plus $1.00 postage).
  15. Welcome, ROW! They're getting ready for the lunch crowd, but here's some danishes baked earlier this morning. They're on the house for new folks. We're glad to have you here. We, obviously, have different experiences depending on the time we were in, who we were involved with and who our leadership was. There was a gun held to some folks, but, as Krys says, those discussions can be found already going on here. These two threads have so much good information and are so good that we keep them at the doors for new folks to gander while waiting for service. Welcome to Greasespot Cafe! Bob's Thread Enjoy!
  16. Stiles aside, WD, how about all the others he stole from? Did they also allegedly give permission to steal and profit from their own hard work? Source Are you basically just saying, "Yeah, so he stole, plagiarized, lied and pretended to be something he's not to profit, but so what?"
  17. Stiles aside, WD, how about all the others he stole from? Did they also allegedly give permission to steal and profit from their own hard work? Are you basically just saying, "Yeah, so he stole, plagiarized, lied and pretended to be something he's not to profit, but so what?" I've moved this post to the Plagiarism 101 thread. I'd really like to know what you think over there, WD, as there are a few more questions. :)
  18. Well, we should be the last folks to condemn him for being involved with a wacky religious group at one time, shouldn't we? :)
  19. I haven't listened to all of it, but it's very interesting, Sushi. My Daddy was definitely a drill sergeant - even over all our friends. Nobody wanted to come to my house if Daddy was home when I was growing up. They were as scared of him as I was. Mama was a consultant in the truest sense of the definition. She was very fond of saying, "Make it light on yourself, kid." and letting us make our own decisions. She'd be there to help us figure out a way to succeed and carry out whatever we decided, even when she knew we were gonna fall flat on our face. She'd also be there to pick us up, dust us off and set us going toward our next decision. I think I'd be a combination of the two as a parent 'cause I definitely see drill sergeant 'tendencies' in my nature, but love and respect the parenting style of Mama.
  20. I've already stated what I think so I won't repeat myself on that. Jefferson was dang kewl in my book and I'd be honored to hold any book of his. Knowing it's all ceremonial makes it laughable no matter who is getting sworn in on what. What concerns me now is if that guy believes this and if that becomes a majority of the elected government officials.
  21. Belle


    YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  22. This is a great thread and even though it's a lot of the same players as through the years, there are fresh and interesting points and illustrations. Didn't one of the men vee pee stole from go back and put a copyright on his works in addition to including a statement on plaigarism that has been suspected of being printed especially in reference to vee pee and the original author's heartbreak over having his work stolen? Isn't what he said an irrelevant tangent? I mean, someone buying one of his books and reading it with no knowledge or very limited knowledge of vee pee and TWI .... that person would be under the impression that vee pee wrote all this stuff himself from his own research and conversations with God. One can't "document" their written sources verbally... how what vee pee said even comes into the debate is beyond me. :blink:
  23. Come on, Guys! There's ways around the NASCAR thing - we can get picture in picture TV or just set up 2 TV's, but I do "crank it up" when they do. There's also SEC Football Season, Baseball and other stuff... I'm willing to negotiate the entertainment, just not the burps, farts and beer. Jack Black can eat cookies in my bed anytime, Notta!! I've seen him interviewed about his wife and son and I'll bet they just have the best darn time! Polar Bear, then I would expect him to be especially kind to the janitor! ^_^ p.s. - I suppose I'd be willing to negotiate the beer as long as the substitute is along the lines of good wine, good whiskey or anything other than little "fruity drinks" with umbrellas. You'd better be taking me somewhere tropical if yer gonna serve those.
  24. Okay George - the honest to gawd truth? I want someone who will let me fart, burp & drink beer with him while we root for our respective NASCAR favorites instead of cleaning the house or doing anything otherwise productive.
  25. Too true, Strange one. I can tell you right off the bat three awesome guys I missed out on, but they were rejected because the kool-aid prevented me from seeing past their lack of interest in TWI. :( I almost always will give a guy at least one chance to get to know him better. It's why I like going to the local oyster bar for our first date. It's extremely casual, quiet enough to talk and very difficult to be pretentious or fake in that kind of setting. It also gives me a chance to see how they treat the oyster shucker since he/she is right there with us for part of the evening. Besides that, I just like raw oysters.
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