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Everything posted by Belle

  1. 2007 - same problems and issues as in 2000 when I first "woke up" - same problems still exist in 2001 - same problems still exist in 2005.... And, now it's 2007 and we still see the same problems. When are the folks like the Moynihans who have been around since day one going to realize they are never going to change something that is nothing more than a whited sepulcher on a foundation of stealing, killing and destroying? When are folks like the loved ones mentioned here going to realize that NO 'CHURCH' is better than a rotten, lying, abusive church? I wish they'd realize that it's not going to change. The Moynihans and leaders of their ilk are going to have to answer TO GOD for all the lives they could have saved if they'd only spoken up and done something about all the abuse they've known about. They could have taken out a great portion of the ministry with them if they'd just had a pair of balls to speak up. Being so far removed from things in England was a great ploy on rosie's part - now they've just faded into the background and, soon, people will forget how "powerful" and "influential" they once were. I hope the paycheck and royalty lifestyle has been worth it. I see they are still changing policies that they swear they don't have, and they are still refusing to admit they were wrong on anything. I wonder if the ACS policy is the same everywhere, or only where "revenues" are down. It's the same as it ever was.... same as it ever was... Isn't there a song about that? ********* Bliss, their statement that they're "so busy" is disconcerting. It sounds like they are still controlling the lives of folks and, with limited time to have "a life", it's easy to live like mushrooms and miss out on the truly "abundant life" that's possible for folks when they leave TWI.
  2. WD? OM? Come on - one of you has to be on the day shift! What's the answer? Are you going to support Potato putting his name on David's music and copyrighting it?
  3. Belle

    Google Ads

    I hope it generates LOTS of revenue for you! I'm also very interested in a Greasespot Cafe apron and some of those "to go" cups - you know the thick, reusable plastic cups you get at sporting events....
  4. Belle

    Organ Donation

    I've always just wanted my whole body donated to a medical school for research and whatnot... Anything they can learn from my body or glean to help others' lives... I'm all for it. My whole family knows how I feel about that, too. *shrug* I also just don't see any profit or reasoning behind filling up a bunch of land with dead bodies and expensive boxes. Mark, I'm sorry you had so much trouble. How awful to have to be grieving and fighting all that crap at the same time. Shellon, I was under the impression that they paid for everything - including transportation of the body, when it's donated. I'm going to have to look into that. My little brother is my beneficiary and Power of Attorney. I've already told him not to worry about the body and to just make sure there's a kick foot keg party & roast in my memory.
  5. Belle

    not really sure

    LOL! I stopped a couple of "goths" on the street the other day and asked them what brand of eyeliner they used cause mine keeps sliding off. Imagine them going to school telling their friends some "old lady" asked them for make-up advice! If'n I was younger, I might try some of their fashion, but not the baggy pants - I don't like to have to keep one hand on my waistband. My favorite fashion was when they were all wearing their pj's in public. I soooo wished I was their age when that was in style.
  6. Belle


    Those are the best friends in the whole wide world! I'm so glad your was there to do the digging. Love your writing, as always!! Thanks for sharing so much of you with us Pipes!
  7. Definitely, Ex! I got to see it on Broadway and LOVED it! If the movie is half as good as the actual live show (and I hear it is) - you'll have goosebumps on your goosebumps. I'm cheap, though, I'll wait for it to come out on Netflix.
  8. Exactly! How do THEY answer to the fact that there are many scrolls and records that were left out of the Bible for political and personal agenda reasons? I mean, if one is going to go by "the book", shouldn't they have the whole book and not just pieces parts of it?
  9. Any updates, Railroader? Does all this sound familiar to those of you most recently out of TWI? How about you CESpool escapees?
  10. Those verses have been used to develop lazy folks and to convince them to ignore common horse sense regarding their future.
  11. I thought I saw him at Krispy Kreme this past week-end.
  12. There's your classic narcissist. He doesn't think he did anything wrong and sorry that others can't see the situation for what it is and, consequently "got hurt". He also puts himself on par with David and other great men in the Bible. Not to mention the fact that in doing so, contradicts even his own teachings about administrations - just because it was "okay" in the OT (which it wasn't) doesn't mean it's "okay" in the grace administration as they teach it. No, Hope, we didn't say anything because of the fear and the worry about falling out of "alignment and harmony" with God. They taught very well that we should want to do those things and shouldn't even have to be asked to do most of them. I know after a while it was just expected that Meister and I would be on a crew for whatever event was going on - we weren't asked, but rather told what time to show up and what to do. The times I did try to beg out of something or got my ire up about how much time they were demanding from us I was scolded and criticized for being selfish or stubborn. The last wc that came to our area, though, figured out real quick, I think, that I was NOT going to be their babysitter. I didn't offer excuses or any apologies the few times I was asked to babysit. I just said, "No, I'm not 'available' to do that." I just never mentioned to Meister that I was asked to babysit, otherwise, I would have had to babysit. Talk about sleeping with the enemy.... My ex was worse about enforcing the ridiculous leglism and expectations of TWI than some of the leaders were. They really screwed up when they dropped him from the corps program.
  13. Indeed. He's ruined this song for me. Nobody else can sing it quite like he can. How Great Thou Art
  14. Belle

    Health tips

    LOL! Chef, I like the way you think! My Daddy is the picture of health and always has been - runs 3-5 miles every day without fail, rain or shine - eats very healthy (no hydrogenated/trans fat, low sugar, high fiber, lean meats) and in moderation - doesn't smoke - seldom drinks - does recreational and relaxing things for mental health - isn't on any prescription medicine at all - etc. You get the idea... Anyway, he had a "nuclear stress test"(?) shortly before Christmas and they found a blockage - went in to place one stent in his heart, but ended up putting in two - one for 50% blockage and one for 70% blockage. Getting old sucks! It really hit home for me that even when we're doing all the right things, genetics can still kick us in the arse. It's scary to think of what kind of condition Daddy would be in at his age (if he'd even be around) if he hadn't been doing all the other things right for most of his life. I've decided to get very serious about taking care of myself since I know the genetics working against me.
  15. I knew it!! Hope the porkypotamus makes it!
  16. Belle

    Dirty Work

    A US Air Force C-141 is scheduled to leave Thule Air Base, Greenland at midnight. During the pilot's preflight check, he discovers that the latrine holding tank is still full from the last flight. So a message is sent to base operations and an airman who was off duty is called out to take care of it. The young man finally gets to the air base and makes his way to the aircraft, only to find that the latrine pump truck has been left outdoors and is frozen solid, so he must find another one in the hangar, which takes even more time. He returns to the aircraft and is less than enthusiastic about what he has to do. Nevertheless, he goes about the pumping job deliberately and carefully (and slowly) so as not to risk criticism later. As he's leaving the plane, the pilot stops him and says, "Son, your attitude and performance has caused this flight to be late and I'm going to personally see to it that you are not just reprimanded, but punished." Shivering in the cold, his task finished, he takes a deep breath, stands up tall and says, "Sir, with all due respect, I'm not your son; I'm an Airman in the United States Air Force. I've been in Thule , Greenland , for 11 months without any leave, and reindeer's @sses are beginning to look pretty good to me. I have one stripe; it's two-thirty in the morning, 40 degrees below zero, and my job here is to pump sh1t out of an airplane. Now just exactly what form of punishment did you have in mind?"
  17. Well, Hap, I reckon you'll just have to pigeonhole me as a hypocritical bigot. -_-
  18. Rocky, I am a youngster! 45 is probably the oldest I consider dating, but I'd prefer someone in their late 30's. Gary Sinise is Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump and you really should watch it some time! It's almost become as American as apple pie and baseball. Besides that, it's a great "feel good" movie.
  19. They are only called critics when they disagree with me.
  20. Potato, remember to then copyright YOUR work.
  21. How they exploited us, let me count the ways.... I remember being shocked when Paul Brooks first came to me to babysit for his four kids. They were upset because the person that they were using all the time - gasp - had the nerve to ask for payment. This was during the time where there were wc hook-ups every Wed. night and, between craiggers and Moynihan, those wc didn't get home till the wee hours of the morning sometimes. Another babysitter was 'replaced' because she had the audacity to ask that the kids be brought to her house (she didn't ask for money, either). But idiot me not only went to their house, but did the laundry, cleaned the bathrooms and all kinds of other chores while I was there. And don't get me started on moving folks all the time. If they'd let people buy houses, that wouldn't have been half as bad as it was. Oh, yeah..... Hey, I'm having a House Cleaning Warming Party next week-end. Would you be blessed to come?
  22. WD, would you support and defend musicians who recorded DMiller's non-copyrighted music and didn't give him proper credit, but rather put their own name on it?
  23. Ah, that makes more sense. :) And, for the record, Oen, I think the world of you and though we may find some things we disagree on, it doesn't change that. Ask, WD. We've managed to find common ground and respect for one another despite his incredibly wrong view of Harry Potter and plagiarism. (His views are wrong, because mine certainly aren't. ) I think politicians shouldn't swear an oath on anything, especially since it's just for show. Furthermore, there shouldn't be any need for it if honest folks are elected to office. Regarding freedom of religion - there's a difference between supporting one's right to worship & believe as they wish and allowing those people to make decisions that affect our lives. The Nation of Islam is welcome to believe that white people, especially those with blue eyes, are devils. However, if a bunch of people who believe those things were to be elected to office, it would greatly disturb my sense of security.
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