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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    Pinklady, read the CES is in a Mess threads - take notes cause it's highly likely be seeing a CFF one someday, too. WHY, when we can see and have learned from our experience with TWI and the rotten foundation it was built on, why on Earth would anyone want to get involved with a group that has TWI as IT'S foundation? What are you hoping to get out of your involvement with CFF? What are you looking for and what do you need that you think you can get from CFF? It already seems like you've been "pitched" the same old, "Take our class" propaganda - and you're already wary of it. Do you think they're going to drop the pitch if you say you don't want to take the class when it's "foundational" to their ministry? How long have you been out of TWI and the other splinter group(s)? Have you done any reading and research on your own? Have you decided what YOU need in your life, or are you just jumping from one group to another hoping that they'll tell you what you need and how they can sell it to you for a nominal fee? How many other churches have you visited? How many have you visited without wearing TWIt and/or offshoot blinders? Why, if you love the women's group at one church, are you looking somewhere else? Or, were you not looking somewhere else, but now feel pressured to because of these CFF folks? We all have to make our own path and, as Sushi says, the lessons are repeated until they are learned. Have you learned the lesson yet? If not, then maybe CFF is as good as the next offshoot.
  2. :eusa_clap: Bravo! Excellent letter MS. Potato. My favorite part? Oh, Pinklady, Please include me in the Jezebel Club. I'm pretty sure I was called worse, but I'm also pretty sure Jezebel was among the choice names. ^_^
  3. Belle

    Happy Birthday Goey

  4. The kids raised in TWI can' even do that because their parents don't have the money and won't enter into debt either. :unsure: How can they buck the system? And, isn't that a very strong indication that they DON'T BELIEVE what TWI's teaching? They obviously don't believe what TWI teaches about "owe no man anything".... what else don't they believe and how else are they living hypocritically and contrary to common sense?
  5. ex, it's not plagiarizing if it's "Public Domain" or if you can convince everytone that you got permission from the author...heck, just convince one person who will defend you to the death........OM and WD would be good places to start. ;)
  6. Think - cough, cough - folks like vee pee caused so much reformation on the copyright laws? OM, WD, still waiting for your input. I know you've both been online since dmiller posted his situation and, hence, our questions. Your silence is deafening.... care to explain?
  7. I'm jes gonna start callin' you "Sweet Potato" so I remember who I'm talking to. :)
  8. Act2, add a dash of vanilla and a pinch of salt to that cinnamon and you'll think you died and went to heaven. Those 3 are staples in the coffee cube here at work.
  9. So the Muslims are hypocritical, too, eh? <_<
  10. I called, e-mailed and forwarded the information on to my distribution list as well - at least ten of the women on my list are mothers of soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. I'm sure they'll have a thing or two they'd like to say to the customer service department.
  11. Astral travelling - Remote Viewing - Shamanic experience maybe?
  12. Yeppers, Hope. I had the same conversation recently with a woman here. Why she stays involved when she can clearly see all the injustice (and has been subjected to it personally), I'll never know. WB, you definitely had the proper reaction. I would have been laughing too hard to even get out the "NOooooooo....." I'm sure. But, for chits & giggles I would like to think I would have said: - Better? Really? They've gotten rid of that rug munching, lying under oath wanna be wog rosie and her b*tch donna? - They've quit meddling in the finances of their people and you can actually plan for your future and buy a home now? - They've corrected all the doctrinal errors they've been teaching since day 1? You DO know about all the doctrinal errors, don't you?
  13. I know of at least three situations similar to that down here. The TWIts say they are "renting" ... from their aunt/grandmother/parents. What baffles me is the mental gymnastics that must be done to come to that conclusion - cognitive dissonance at its worst: - Buying a home is a wise thing to do for so many reasons - First and foremost, TWI will not take care of me when I get older - I already have little to no retirement savings thanks to their teachings - I'm not planning on leaving the area any time soon - I'm just contributing to someone else's financial security by renting - Rent goes up every year or so - mortgage payments stay the same - I can spend money taking care of and beautifying someone else's property, or I can spend it on my own. - I can buy more house than I can rent - I can sleep better at night knowing that at least that aspect of retirement is taken care of - What TWI teaches and requires is total and utter b.s. - Who the he11 are they to tell me what to do with my money anyway?! - I'm sick and tired of moving every year or so - I'm sick and tired of having to help everyone else move every year or so - Wouldn't it be nice if the kids could grow up in one place with friends they really have time to get to know and love? - I'm afraid to leave TWI (why?) - There's nothing better out there. (Hmmm.... is having to account for your personal spending and being micromanaged in your life really "better" than what might be out there?) Then imagine how degrading and childish they must feel having to approach relatives to help them with this 'back door' policy. Think of how that's just one more reason for the non-TWIt family members to hate TWI and the vice grip they have on their loved ones. One more reason for the family to pity the TWIts and cry at their inability to see how sold out they are to this group - not sold out to God, but to a group of religious zealots who control every aspect of their lives. One more reason for the family to show them how true Godly people act and the unconditional love that Christ taught. One more reason for the TWIts to wake up to what fools TWI doctrine is making of them. One more reason for me to shake my head in disbelief at the b.s. I put up with and subjected myself to for too many years. One more reason for me to praise God, laugh and sing my lungs out while driving home from my awesome job in my dreamy new Baja to my incredibly sweet little home where I live amongst the best neighbors a gal could ask for. One more reason for me to call my Daddy and thank him for humoring me, but presenting the facts in a very clear and logical manner without emotion, so that I could make my own decisions but still come to the conclusion that the expectations of TWI are without merit in the Bible, in the World and according to just plain common sense. I mean, if they can't get this one basic, common sense issue correct, how the he11 can we expect anything else they teach to be accurate? My heart aches for the Ry@ns and their family. It must be very difficult for any of them to sleep at night. The Ry@ns for being dishonest, lying and deceitful.... and for how low they have had to stoop in order to take care of themselves. Their family for having to live with seeing their loved ones living that way. :(
  14. Belle

    Hello again

    (((((PENGUIN))))) So good to read you!!
  15. OMG! Potato, I'm soooo sorry!! Thank you, David, I knew that - dunno why I typed "his". Dunno why OM and WD are avoiding answering either.... <_<
  16. Belle

    Google Ads

    Well, Heck, Paw! I could use another coupla t-shirts - I love the sweatshirts, but would only get to wear it maybe one day a year down here. I'm serious about the apron - I have found I could really use one.
  17. How's it going oh, beautiful one?
  18. Belle

    Google Ads

    Oohhhhh...... I'd love to have my name in color! Vegan, here's the link etanod. Paw, maybe you could/should move this link up to the top menu next to the Albums, Controls, etc. options.
  19. Rocky, glad you've got lots of life left in those bones! Otherwise, who am I gonna wrangle with in the Politics forum? I'm sure your daughter is glad you're taking care of yourself, too. I'm terribly sorry about your siblings, though. :( We should not have to experience that kind of pain in our lifetimes. The "sting" of death is too euphemistic to me. Siouxzahn, Welcome!!! I know I'm late, but first cuppa joe is usually on the house. I hope you'll forgive my lax in proper service. :) Ahhhh, our dear Sarah Sidle, the perpetual misfit. I think she IS dimensional, but it's a disturbing one. She has trust issues and "boundary" issues - she's perplexing - overly protective of children in some situations, but awfully awkward and uncomfortable around them in others. She has a difficulty reading people - and more like one of those Star Trek characters when it comes to showing her emotions. I like her character because she is such an enigma.
  20. They manipulate folks through ego-play. They say there's no "class system" or "respect of persons", but that's utter b.s. - otherwise why all the different nametags? A nametag is nice, but wouldn't you rather have an AC nametag? An AC nametag is nice, but wouldn't you rather have a WC nametag? Ego - pure and simple - they played us and we fell for it. They're continuing to play people.
  21. And that's why I DO like online dating. Honestly, I would have left as soon as the guy turned into an octopus thereby eliminating any additional "drama" that might ensue. That's what I don't get - why sometimes we seem to have this quota of needing 10,000 RED FLAGS before doing something about the situation. I mean, isn't that what so many of us did regarding TWI and why we were sucked into it for so long? :unsure: When I'm online dating, I like to meet the person in person as quickly as possible. That way, all the quirks, idiosyncrasies and whatnot is "out there" rather quickly. I also choose the place and it's an oyster bar I frequent even when I'm not dating. It's casual, near my house and the servers there know me. I also make it clear that I'm not in any hurry for a relationship - I'm DATING - that means I am, or could be, going out with other men until I reach a point of wanting an exclusive relationship with just one. I expect they are doing the same. If someone can't or won't respect that then they are asked to pack their drama and move along. We have to set boundaries and enforce them. We teach people how to treat us and when we allow them to violate our personal boundaries; when we ignore red flags and when we play games - we are only hurting ourselves.
  22. Southwest - download their "Ding!" program and you can get great last minute deals that way. They frequently have "if you purchase your ticket by midnight tonight" sales that you can't get anywhere else. There are others, but SW has been the best for me, so far. Only, they won't let you fly with pets, which is a problem for me sometimes.
  23. Belle

    Google Ads

    Looks like it's not his butt he's laying on. Coffee cups are cool, but may be expensive to ship. Aprons and plastic cups are cheap and, well, I'm a cheap kinda gal. Mama scoured the bleachers at the last MSU basketball game to collect plastic 'to go' cups for my little brother and me. We used to HATE feeling like white trash picking up discarded cups when we were younger, but boy-oh-boy were we excited to see she had a fresh stack for us at Christmas! I even brought back a big one from OBY'S - best DANG Restaurant in the world, imo. When I go home it's not "are" we gonna eat at Oby's but "when". I have yet to find a place in Orlando that can make a Po Boy the way Oby's can. Having those cups from home are not only functional but serve as great conversation starters and reminders of great memories for me. Okay, I'm rambling and probably a little "too attached" and excited about my plastic cup collection..... I'll shut up now.
  24. I think, "the race doesn't always go to the swiftest" or something like that. I also think there are more mysteries to nature and how and why things work than we'll ever know, but it does keep things balanced in nature when man doesn't go sticking his hand, building or chemicals into it. I think we see through a glass darkly and won't know all the answers in our lifetime, but it's healthy to ask them, ponder and talk about them. I know I sleep better at night knowing that I put in a good, honest day's work; take time to enjoy the fruits of my labor and share a little with others. Wealth certainly is relative, T-Bone. It reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy talking about his pick-up truck. His wife was shocked that he wanted a truck - "Jay-eff, you can drive any thing you want and you go buy a pick-up truck?" His answer was, "I want a pick-up truck." Life is good - I consider myself "wealthy" but no investment banker would agree with that. But I don't look at my tangible "assets" as proof of my "wealth".
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