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Everything posted by Belle

  1. NP, like Oakspear so wonderfully put it, most folks who say they've re-evaluated what vee pee taught have really only re-read what he taught and not compared it with other scholars, sources, points of view or even entertained the idea seriously that there could be flaws in what he taught. They start from a position of defense instead of objectivity. Here's a great place to start if you're really interested in re-evaluating what we were taught: PFAL Review. Jerry started out as a staunch defender of vee pee, PFAL and all things TWI. His goal was to really, genuinely work through the material and prove to himself that we were not lied to, manipulated and made fools of. He ended up with a much different view of PFAL, vee pee and TWI as well as a much stronger conviction of what he believes and why he believes it. Now, I see in the beautiful redecorated Cafe are additional pertinent articles related to the fraud that vee pee was: The Integrity of Your Word Top 10 Doctrinal Errors of TWI Actual Errors in PFAL The Destruction of Self For even more, I highly recommend WordWolf's threads on vee pee's life. BUT, one has to really want to evaluate what they've been taught, what they believe and the person at the foundation of all that. Most folks don't really care to put that much work into it for whatever reason.... usually because they refuse to accept that vee pee was a plagiarizing, lying, stealing, rapist and false prophet. Some of those folks are running off shoot ministries. Some of those folks aren't involved with any offshoot ministry. Not all of the off shoot folks are vee pee worshippers and I never once indicated that all (with or without anything) are. Some are just following the crowd and not really concerned whether or not what they believe is "the truth" or not, they're happy to have someone else do all the work and tell them what to think. Others are getting their non-religious needs met and the fact that doctrinal lies, vee pee worship and any other evil that may be lurking around aren't important to them.... Like I said to PinkLady, we are all on our own path - to each his own - I've done the TWIt / man worship thing and don't need to repeat it in an offshoot - some do - some don't see themselves that way ... good for them. I wish them well on their journey. :)
  2. I'm waiting with you!! This hopeless romantic will want all the details! And a picture of the ring. We will have to see the ring! I'm so happy to hear that you're so happy!
  3. Belle


    :eusa_clap: I LOVE IT, PAW!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!! What a wonderful service this place is! Thank you for making it even better! Thank you GreasyTech for all your work and time! Thanks to the mod, too! And, where the hell IS pamsandiego??
  4. Haven't seen it and not really my kinda movie, but it has spawned a new term in the diamond industry, "conflict free diamonds" are what you'll soon be hearing about all the movie stars wearing. BTW, "fake" stones aren't called that anymore either - they're called "created". For a gal who isn't into jewelry at all, I know way more about it than I ever cared to.
  5. Belle

    Two inches of ice

    Balmy down here. Vixen and I hiked through the woods and played in the creek on Saturday. It was so nice and the water so cool that we went back yesterday. I just wish it would get cold enough to kill off the mosquitos. They were big as mocking birds! I'll be mowing the yard this afternoon and grilling out tonight. It sure would be nice to be able turn the ac off for a change. I miss the seasons.... I really and truly miss the changing seasons. :( Don't want the snow and ice, though. Y'all can have that. Miss'ippi, Bama and Jawja get cold enough without the white stuff.
  6. I suspect there isn't much activity over there due to the sheer fact that even the kids know they can't really talk about anything they want or think over there. Pretty brave of the first kiddo to even approach the subject. I suspect those kids are extremely active on other myspace groups where there really is freedom to express themselves. They aren't interested in hearing anything negative and if they did want to talk about those things, it wouldn't be at these TWI monitored sites. They'd want to read, ask questions and discuss those things where they know their parents and leadership can't see. Those kids may be naive in some ways, but they aren't stupid when it comes to knowing what the consequences for breaking those unwritten rules are.
  8. NP, this thread is one example of the great leaps of illogic and fantasy some folks will go to in order to defend the man they worship. Here's another one. You want more? Start with reading the threads on rape.
  9. Being in debt is being in debt. Just because it's called a Muslim Mortgage or because the debt is in the grandparents' name doesn't mean they aren't in debt. If they didn't pay cash for their house, then they are in debt. They are now not only debtors and "off the word" ("the word" according to TWI), but also liars.
  10. I called someone OUT from the cafe once.... but it wasn't to fight.
  11. It's most likely only "available" for AC grads who have proven their spiritual maturity concerning snack preparation. AC grads who are a) not in debt, b) not on spiritual probation, c) 'faithful' in abundant sharing over the 10% minimum, d) not going to pay any attention to that man behind the curtain. I suspect it's not going to be easy for anyone, regardless of how long they've been involved with TWI to get past the approval process most likely required to even make a reservation to visit.
  12. Belle


    Hey! The only reason I went cow tipping was so we'd be safe cleaning those nasty fields of the dangerous mushrooms that were growing all over the place.
  13. Belle


    Exactly, Dooj. And that's why my initial post was really just a bunch of questions. Questions that only PinkLady can answer for herself.
  14. WD, since you're online today, how's about answering this thread?
  15. Belle


    I posted MY OPINION - and even stated that it was merely my opinion. I have no beef with those who have differing opinions - it's the posters attacking those posting opinions about CFF that they don't agree with. 1 John and Cowgirl are the ones being nasty, not anyone else. NP, if they (CFF) still worships vee pee, then is it really any different from being in TWI directly?
  16. And that is the essence of this letter. It is why JAL's situation with E. is never mentioned. The letter is not about her. It is about who will have the most followers after the G's are thrown out. It is about who can appear more godly in the face of tossing them out. Talking about E. would just interfere with that image, wouldn't it? Sure, it would. IMHO, Shaz Good point, Shaz. Let's pick sides... Let's brag about which MAN we're going to follow... Sounds like the exact opposite of what Paul taught and expected.... 1Cr 1:12 - 13 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? 1Cr 3:3 - following For ye are yet carnal: for whereas [there is] among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I [am] of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; WB, too simple, too much common sense and way too Biblical. These folks are so far from the truth they claim to believe and live that it's comical.... comical in a sad, pathetic, pitiful kind of way. :(
  17. Here's what doesn't make sense to me.... why on earth ask anyone other than GOD, Himself, what HE has to say about something? Is it GOD that works within you to will and do of HIS good pleasure, or some folks who CLAIM to speak for God? If we have a direct line to GOD then why go around Him? Furthermore, if someone comes to me and tells me they have a message for me from God, unless I already know God's been trying to tell me something, I'm gonna know that person is full of it. God's not gonna use a courier or messenger service when he knows darn well He can talk directly to me. What goes on in my life is nobody's business but mine. I'd like to think God respects that.
  18. Polar Bear, can you explain what you mean by "open for visitors" and what that means exactly?
  19. Is there really any concern that MySpace will shut down the account? If so, should we campaign to allow the site to remain?
  20. Belle


    Rascal, you took the words right outta my mouth. I'd also add that I wonder about folks who still cling to and teach PFAL doctrine. Have they ever taken the time to actually study what they were taught? J Barrax - PFAL Review As for what we've done, what we do and how we live, 1 John 3:1 obviously doesn't read the boards or she'd have her answers, but I don't feel any obligation or need to provide a resume for her. As for my "prophecy", PU-LEASE.... I'm anything BUT prophetess and resent having my words twisted into such a fashion. I didn't "prophecy" anything; I stated my opinion and I stand behind my post 100%.
  21. Belle

    how-to question

    Here's potato the last time we went to the beach together.
  22. So they've become miserable failures at selling God, so they're going to go to the 'egg sucking world' for money now? Maybe they should click on the Impact Faith ad at the top of the page.
  23. Belle

    how-to question

    I found a family picture!!
  24. LMAO, T-Bone and Sprawled Out! LMAO!!
  25. Belle


    Good question, Sprawled Out. I wonder that, too. I wonder if the offshoot folks look for those who unwillingly left TWI and who they think would most likely still be involved if the skeletons hadn't fallen out into plain view. Those are the sheep, the naive, the ...... who are most malleable and gullible to the tactics and structure of TWI, CES, CFF, Geer and all the other groups who have TWI as their foundation. They don't bother folks who are strong in their independence and who have come to see the fraud that TWI is. Free thinkers, people who have built their self-esteem back up to normal and folks who have actually done enough reading and research to realize how effed up the teachings are - people like this are threatening to these groups. People like this can't be manipulated quite as easily and, therefore, are not going to produce a good Return On Investment. They aren't going to waste their time on folks they can't easily pickpocket. But, that's just MY opinion, YMMV.
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