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Everything posted by Belle

  1. The man hardly wrote an original thought in his life and you want to argue whether he INTENDED to steal from others?? Yeah, he accidentally copied these men... that's the ticket. RHST - Side by Side Comparison
  2. Word for Word - I don't know the percentage because it's debatable that ANY thing vee pee put his name to was his own work. We know that what he didn't directly copy word for word, he edited just enough so that it wasn't word for word while for other things, he took what folks in the research department wrote and put his name on it. There are a few of those folks posting on here, but I'll let them post about it if they want to. Furthermore, there is a 50-page book that documents the plaigarism side by side: Will the Real Author Please Stand Up? Stolen Goods Wierwille Borrows Wierwille - A Great Author? CRI Journal I'd wager that less than 5% of anything that came out with vee pee's name on it was original to him.
  3. Oh. :huh: Well, I guess that just goes to show you how much I know about diamonds and that industry. :P I've only had two real diamonds in my life and both were heirloom diamonds given to me. Thanks for setting me straight, Mr. Strange. I knew even less than I thought I did. Maybe I'll go see the movie just to p1ss off DeBeers and the like.
  4. "a few sentences and paragraphs"? You've been reading with your eyes closed, haven't you?
  5. Belle

    Dog Park Website

    :eusa_clap: Awesome site and superb endeavor, my friend. LOVE the pictures!!! Are you and your furry friends in any of them?
  6. Belle

    Did you ever skitch?

    Okay, I cheated... I googled it. I'VE BEEN SKITCHING!! Once.... My freshman year in college it snowed on April Fool's Day. Big snow - LOTS of snow - in Mississippi! It hardly ever snows in Mississippi. But April 1, 1987 it snowed something like 3 inches in a very short period of time. Classes were cancelled and we hit the streets and hills and the cafeteria lost all their dinner trays. :P We blocked off the street in front of the guys' freshman dorms and it was strictly reserved for skitching. It was a hilariously fun day!
  7. Belle

    Did you ever skitch?

    I'm under 50, but I've done the bee bop, does that count? Is skitching anything like cow tipping?
  8. This is from one of the CES threads: Have the leaders in TWI taken responsibility for not protecting their followers? Have they admitted guilt for allowing lives to be destroyed? If not, then why are they still in positions of authority? They didn't stand up the first hundred times they learned of people being mistreated, raped, exploited..... what makes the TWIts think they're going to do anything different this go-round? They're like Marion Barry - they've been caught with their pants down and the TWIts are still allowing them to be leaders. At least Barry admitted his guilt and served his time.
  9. This bears repeating. It's also a good thing for the people still involved with TWI to consider. Are things really better when you've still got people in charge who don't take responsibility for the lives that were destroyed on their watch?
  10. Still nothing? There must be some masterful spin doctoring going on. Maybe they're working out a new diet for kg since, as Rhino has wagered, she is going to have to cut back on the spicy foods. Maybe they're actually doing the right thing and apologizing to all their members first. Maybe they've taken a step further into the whited sepulcher and nobody knows how to spin it. Where are the CES folks who have been posting here? Surely one of them has heard something by now. :unsure:
  11. I repeat - alleged VERBAL credit given to a small group of people does not absolve the man of plagiarism. What he said or didn't say has no bearing on the fact that he stole work from others and put his name on it.
  12. If you're happy in your chosen path and it works for you then good on ya. I'm with Oakspear in that I think there is no "ALL TRUTH", but I do think that some other folks have done a darn good job with the things that they have focused on and I've gleaned from them. I keep what I like and toss what I don't. IMO, there isn't much to keep in PFAL and the few things I do keep, I certainly don't attribute them to PFAL or vee pee, but to the true sources. I just don't see any point in holding onto something that's so obviously flawed and full of... full of.... well, just so obviously flawed and from a rotten, putrid foundation. To me, holding onto PFAL and sticking with offshoots is like living in a slum of an apartment where the bathroom constantly burbles up sewage and saying, "Yeah, it's got some flaws, but none of the other apartments out there are perfect either." Maybe not, but there are an awful lot of 'em that are sure as he11 a lot better than that one. I've had fun apartment hopping and plan to continue doing so till my dying days. I've found things that work for me, excellent explanations for things I didn't previously understand and learned a lot of great things.... some just sound good, some enhance my life and the things that don't - well, at least I've learned about them and I'm all the better for it, imo. Which brings me back to Sushi's signature: The lessons are repeated until they are learned - I'm fairly confident in my having learned the lessons that came with PFAL and TWI. I don't care to repeat those lessons in any way, including through offshoots or by holding onto such flawed non-research. Stopping at PFAL isn't necessarily worshiping vee pee, but it is severely limiting God - in MY opinion.
  13. I'm checking with some sources. I may just give Rico himself a call, but he really doesn't seem to enjoy talking to me.
  14. Belle


    We've had the Guardian Angels down here from NYC training folks to take over in our most gang infested areas. They've only just gotten here, so I can't tell you if they're making any sort of impact. Funny, I don't recall reading anything along the lines of, "every single person from El Salvador" is a member of the M-13 Gang." <_< Heck, I don't even remember El Salvador being mentioned on this thread till you brought it up, CW. What's the deal? There's a link to an article that states where the M-13 gang originated, but even that doesn't draw the conclusions you're sharpening your claws over. Also, if your neighbors are in a gang (particularly M-13), then remember that just because they appear to be helping.... don't be deceived - they're still gang members - you just happen to be on their good side for the time being.
  15. Yeppers - Christian etiquette as taught by TWI was working overtime when the Holocaust survivor came to speak at their high school. Bow, when I went to the AC in 1996 Mrs. Owens said TWI taught etiquette because they HAD to - all those ragamuffin, nasty, dirty, pathetically ignorant hippies were taking over and they needed to learn how to work and live like civilized people.
  16. I wonder..... does anyone know the names of some of the folks on staff at HQ? Particularly ones who couldn't afford to send their kids to college? :unsure:
  18. Amen, Roy!! And I'll add my Mama's bit of redneck wisdom to that.... "Their farts stink too!"
  19. Not me!! I'm a sucker for the underdog (or the one with the best looking uniform, but we won't go there). Then again, that could be why I don't have any money.
  20. AWESOME interview with John Juedes!! I hope all the CES folks not only listen to it, but also hear what this man is saying.
  21. Awesome - Just Awesome!!! :eusa_clap: You're a great interviewer, Paw! It's full of great wisdom, observations and advice. I hope all the CES and other offshoot folks listen to this if they don't listen to anything else. Very sage advice for all of us.
  22. Well worth the wait, Paw! :eusa_clap: I've been helped by John Juedes sooo much and never even let the man know. Hearing his voice and the compassion that caused him to devote so much time and effort to making it easy for folks to sort through the b.s. of TWI is truly remarkable. How absolutely unselfish and truly "good samaritan" like of him. I'm even more impressed, as if that were possible. Great nuggets of truth and food for thought, too.
  23. Regarding the offshoots.... I HIGHLY recommend listening to the Episode 8 interviews with John Juedes, if you only have time to listen to one of the segments, start with the second one as it addresses those who carry on PFAL and TWI doctrine under a different name.
  24. Belle

    Two inches of ice

    You're just now noticing, Sprawled. Our seestor is the queen of one liners and thankfully she just requires that we let her sit on her favorite stool at the counter.
  25. Rotten - just farking rotten! I wonder how those full time staffers who couldn't afford to send their kids to college would feel about this? I wonder how those TWIts who gave so much money to TWI for the "movement of God's word" feel about not being able to afford to send their kids to college and then learning about TWI doing this? Funny, I don't remember reading anything about those donations in the "Your Abundant Sharing at Work" articles in the magazine. <_<
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