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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Is R*Tel Dip regional? Man-oh-Man I love that stuff!!! I get a hankering for it and when I do, there's nothing I can do but make it. Otherwise it's all I think about till I get some. :P I make a batch and eat it just about every day on every thing for a week and then I'm good to go again. This has been that week. Scrambled Eggs & Rotel Dip Meatball Sub & Rotel Dip Taco Salad & Rotel Dip Rotisserie Chicken & Rotel Dip Triscuits & Rotel Dip Sausage Bake & Rotel Dip And I've still got just a wee bit left for tonight.... I'm thinking Chicken Spaghetti & Rotel Dip.
  2. I hope you do, Neo. I'll pull out my syllabus and participate. A lot of folks here at the cafe missed out on that and may be amused, appalled and sickened to see what we were taught. Paw may stick us in a back booth somewhere so as to not ruin the appetites of the patrons, though. I did take the advanced class and have the syllabus - if you'd like a copy, just PM me and we can work something out.
  3. WTH, if you want to defend vee pee's plagiarism, we already have at least two active threads on the subject. JE Stiles Plagiarism 101 Johniam, I'm speechless. You really believe that statement by vee pee? You honestly believe that JJ is possessed because he's a trinitarian? You comment that a pedophile can get someone born again, but refuse to even consider that JJ may actually have some valid points? You choose the knowledge of vee pee over the character of others with established integrity? I'm really sad for you. :( Life is so much sweeter when one can live without all the blinders, constraints and judgments vee pee tried to teach us.
  4. Hey griffp, how's about giving people the benefit of the doubt FIRST? Then there's no apology necessary for hurting people. Sixth corps - first corps - zero corps - 24th corps - why does that mean anything? Why even mention it? Why should we believe you? And it certainly doesn't mean you've "seen it all" - that's a mighty arrogant claim right there. We're just supposed to "take your word for it" but you don't take Pink at her word? Apparently you learned well in TWI (and you must have learned at the feet of LCM as well) - don't worry about compassion - what people need is CONFRONTATION - even if it's totally riddled with errors, judgement calls and b.s. unrelated to the actual situation and need of the individual.
  5. watersedge, catmandu, firebarrier, firebee... whatever you want to call yourself... no, I was not talking to you.
  6. Belle

    301 Users?

    I can see that. I know there are quite a few characters here at the counter I'd consider threats to national security. :ph34r: Thank you for explaining what you meant. :)
  7. Michael, I'm sure you don't mean to come across as judgmental and arrogant, but that's the way your posts sound to me. It might be a good idea to spend some time looking around and getting to know us before you presume to know what we think, where we're coming from and what we need. May I suggest that you start here? It's a good start and may give you some information to help you enjoy your visits here a bit better. This is a particularly important aspect of the cafe to keep in mind: You mentioned in an earlier post that you wanted to start a thread on the WAP class. Go for it! It could be a really good exercise like this one done in the early days on PFAL: PFAL Review
  8. Belle


    There's never going to be an ideal resolution because there are evil and stupid and stupidly evil people in the world. Regardless, I support gun ownership and gun safety knowing full well that there will be idiots who abuse the right to own them. Same thing with driving a car, owning electrical appliances and having swimming pools. Are we going to ban those, too? :unsure: Rascal, I'd love to come plink at your house! WD, if I come home to Vixen packing one of my pistols, I'm going to have come find you. Don't you dare send that cartoon to my house and give her any ideas.
  9. I miss winter!! :( I don't want all that snow, but it'd sure be nice to be able to turn the ac off for a little while.
  10. Belle

    301 Users?

    I'm also interested in what you mean exactly. :)
  11. Belle

    Did you ever skitch?

    Ahh ha ha ha ha...... I'm glad y'all survived to tell all these tales, George. :P Rocky, I'm really glad the CO2 didn't kill ya. ^_^ What did y'all call skitching? And, I'll wager that you'd have done it again if you were still there the next year. ;) GG2, thanks for the pics! I just can't imagine what it's like living with snow like that every year. It's just so far beyond my comprehension. It's also probably one of the main reasons why, when contemplating where I'd love to live someday, the Great White North isn't really ever one of the options. :B) I'd be so lost and ignorant that I'd probably freeze to death or have my house cave in on me the first year. Groucho - LOL! My ex is Polish and he and his sisters used to get in trouble for sharing Polish jokes at the dinner table. It would incense the older generations, but the kids thought the jokes were hilarious.
  12. Good for you, batcave!! Awesome! I'm tickled for you. And, 7-7-07 sounds like a PERFECT day to me. Tell him the question asking has to be especially romantic and special cause you deserve it (and you have a friend who's going to live it vicariously through you ).
  13. Belle


    Z-shot, I love going to the firing range, too. Of course, the best is shooting cans off a fence in yer backyard, but there's not many places where one can do that around here. I like that you can rent different guns down and shoot them without having to buy 'em. Great way to check out a gun before shelling out the cash fer it.
  14. And Jesus, that Jesus guy was throwing around quotes all over the place. NOT ONCE did he provide Chapter & Verse. And remember, kiddos, it's okay to lie if God tells you to. Those women in Egypt who didn't kill Moses - remember they told the king's men that the women were giving birth faster than they could get there. Even craiggers taught that it was okay to lie when God said it was okay. He must have learned that from vee pee, so it must be true! ************ Seriously, though, Johniam, you're totally discounting anything JJ says merely because he's a trinitarian? :blink: Do you think that PFAL is perfect and solid material? That there's no errors in PFAL at all?
  15. do you think that was revelation, or the realization that skeletons tend to fall out of the closet when the door is opened? anyway, forgiveness doesn't require putting the rose-colored glasses back on.
  16. ROFLMAO!!! Potato, that belongs in the GSpot Gems!!
  17. Belle

    Two inches of ice

    How're all y'all doing? Everyone got enough firewood? There's lots of room down here for everyone! However, the cold front is coming our way; we're at 66 degrees right now.
  18. Belle

    Did you ever skitch?

    So, is it necessary to have ice or snow for proper skitching? Were you honest with Mama when she wanted to know why there were holes in your jeans and where those bruises came from?
  19. Belle

    Dog Park Website

    If you could get it to not only find the pile but also clean it up.... THAT would be da bomb! Vixen LOVES to play in the water, WD. Is the pool the kind that slopes down to get in or does it have steps? How'd you like to clean THAT filter?
  20. Belle


    Sure you could, Tom! They even have snow cone stands there, but what I was referring to was getting free tickets. ^_^ It really pays to have friends in the right places. Rascal, the police wholeheartedly support responsible people getting the training, permits and guns they need/want for their protection (and even just for fun). Heck, half of them collect guns just for chits and giggles. In situations like your girlfriend's, they are limited to suggesting that sort of thing for so many reasons. Like abuse cases - man times their hands are tied until someone does really get hurt and sometimes by then, sadly, it's too late. Bad guys have no rules. They don't obey the law, but the laws keep getting tighter and tighter on law enforcement to the point where too many times all they can do is suggest people learn to protect themselves. :( That was one of the most frustrating things I had to see when I was married to Meister.
  21. Belle

    301 Users?

    42 Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  22. Belle


    Tom, Most likely she'll either do something stupid and the cops will take the gun away (hopefully the 'something stupid' won't involve hurting any other person) or once she gets it, she'll be so scared that she'll never load it or do anything with it. Hopefully that'll be the case anyway. OR she's just all talk and will never really get around to it. Can't "she who must be obeyed" exert some power over the siblings too? It seems to work on you. :P I've got "connections" down here, Tom. LOTS of friends of friends who work at the theme parks, if ya knowwhatimean...
  23. Google - Church Financial Statements and you'll see that just about every church in the USA and Canada is represented on there - either their local church financial statements are public or the smaller ones are included in the "Organizational Parent" church, or there's an announcement about when the congregation can come by to look at the books and audits.
  24. Another vee pee worshipper Here's another one for ya, NP.
  25. Tag Team? As long as it involves Mud Wrestling! I've gotten lots of practice down in the political arena.
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