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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Dish vs. DirecTV

    I'm going to call today to have a technician come out to the house. I still have 15 days before I'm locked in for a year with them, so I'll give them one more shot. BUT, the satellite is in the exact same location as my DTV satellite and I never had any reception problems with it. I didn't have a problem with DTV till I tried to quit getting a paper bill in the mail (see "Quirks" thread ). The actual reception, technology, etc. wasn't the problem - it was the fact that they would not quit sending me a bill in the mail despite the fact that I am on their "auto pay" program. I appreciate the input. :) Thank you. I kinda wish I had just bit my tongue and continued trying to quit the paper bill instead of all this inconvenience now. I don't use any bells & whistles - DVR or any of that. I don't see me having HD any time soon either. So, I really just want to be able to watch what I want to watch, when I want to watch it without having to deal with error messages every other day.
  2. Belle


    Isn't that a contradiction? They support the fanatics? Does that not make them as fanatical because they support the zealots to perpetuate the negative stereotype? Aren't the fanatics the ones pushing the lifestyle? They're the ones who team up with PETA to put together all that horrific propaganda and condemn those who disagree with them. OR am I reading that wrong? I'm only two cups of coffee into the day, so it's highly likely. From my own personal experience, the majority of the veg*s I have encountered personally were obnoxious and extremely judgmental about it. They jump at any opportunity to condemn carnivores and can quickly and easily change the whole topic of a conversation to why people shouldn't eat meat. I think that others who have a definite distaste for veg*s have encountered the same type of people over and over again - not merely as rare occurrence. Thankfully, within the past 2-3 years, I've met some rather decent veg*s who don't advertise or proselytize their decision to be veg*, but they are certainly in the minority among all those I've met. For some reason, there seems to be more zealous veg*s and animal rights activists than with other "movements". *shrug* At least, that's been my personal experience, ymmv. I don't really care what someone eats or doesn't eat, but I do care when they start telling me about how mis-treated the animals are and how inhumanely they are killed just so I can eat meat. If I want to know more about your diet or about what you know and why you're a veg*, I'll ask - and I have on occasion. Believe what you want - fine with me - but don't try to convert me, especially while I've got a really nice hot and juicy medium rare NY Strip sitting in front of me.
  3. Starbird, I went to Blue Letter Bible, but there are too many usages of "blood" for me to look at tonight. It's already past my bedtime. But, this is an interesting discussion and I am learning. I've always wondered about why it's against some folks' religion. I 'spose it's time I learned. :)
  4. FOUND IT!! Dear Yahoo!: Does a blood transfusion change your DNA? Lori Evart, Michigan Dear Lori: The short answer is "no," and the longer answer is "no way." We assembled our own little blog of blood to explain, drawing from a San Diego Union Tribune column, a posting on the MadSci Network, and several other sources. It seems blood is composed of four main elements: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. And, indeed, white blood cells do contain DNA. However, most blood transfusions involve only red blood cells, which do not contain DNA. And even in a rare whole blood transfusion, no traces of foreign DNA from the white blood cells have been detected in a recipient's blood. On the other hand, there is at least one situation in which a transplant can change your DNA. After a bone marrow transplant, the DNA in a blood sample may actually reflect the donor rather than the recipient. That's because in this case, blood stem cells are transferred. The recipient will produce blood that contains the donor's cellular elements but almost none of his or her own DNA. And yes, this would affect DNA blood evidence (though there are other ways to test for DNA.) Then there's the even rarer case of blood being transferred due to the anti-social behavior of vampires. But that's a whole other ball of serum. Ask Yahoo!
  5. Good point, Potato. I wonder how else it's used. LOL! A real live word study! Starbird, that's really not relevant to what the Bible says about blood. I mean, there's no chapter and verse on DNA that I know of. Also, getting a blood transfusion does not change who the person is, so I don't see how that's related either. It IS an interesting thought about how getting blood transfusions might change someone's DNA. ..... I wonder.... don't really know what the question would be, specifically, but if someone gets a blood transfusion and then commits a crime where blood is left at the scene.... how does that affect the testing that they do in order to identify the criminal? I know I'm not asking that correctly and it's really not related to what the Bible says about blood transfusions, but it is a curious thought. I hope you don't mind the brief little derail, Starbird. Hopefully, someone who knows the science behind blood & DNA - or you have a link that would explain that. I did look at your other link, btw. I doesn't change how I feel, though. ;) That's why I said IF that works, then great! There's more than one way to treat an illness, disease, etc... It's awesome that there's science to facilitate keeping you alive without violating the laws of your religion. :)
  6. Belle

    Dish vs. DirecTV

    Do you use either one of these? I had horrible customer service issues with DirecTV when I tried to get them to quit sending me a paper bill. It's a long story, but I got so peeved that I canceled my service and switched to Dish. I've had Dish for all of 14 days and want my DirecTV back! The reception on the 2nd tv is pathetic and I've had to call their service line five times because of reception problems and "service error" screens. I never had a reception problem with DirecTV. Never had to call their customer service about a technical problem. AND when you change a channel on DirecTV, it happens instantly. When you leave the tv off for any amount of time, you don't have to push the "select" button to get channel reception back on. The Dish "real life" folks are nice and all, but dadgummit, I shouldn't be talking to them almost every night. I'm so glad Survivor hasn't started, otherwise I'd really be really, really peeved.
  7. Medicine, as I said, is remarkable and it's awesome that people are able to live long, healthy lives today because of the advancements. If there are other options, then great, but when there aren't, I think blood transfusions are a far cry from the ingesting of blood - it's just not even close to being the same thing. I've also given my own blood for surgery before. How does that factor in? Millions of people are saved every year because of blood transfusions. Which is more humane and "Christ-like": to let people die when there's a perfectly safe, viable option or to save lives by intravenously adding to the existing blood supply in their body?
  8. Starbird, It seems to me quite the leap in logic to equate not eating animal blood with blood transfusions to save life. You're not "eating" a blood transfusion; you're receiving additional blood to sustain life. One doesn't eat animal blood to sustain life as in a "life or death" situation. Besides that, there were no blood transfusions back when the Bible was written AND if you also believe that suicide is wrong, then would it not be wrong to accept a blood transfusion when to refuse would most certainly lead to death? Animals that were forbidden to be eaten in the Old Testament became okay to eat once Peter saw the vision from God. Could be, that with the modern technology, God expects us to use common sense to realize that it would be foolish to forsake the blessings and gifts of modern technology which enable us to live longer, healthier lives? I find it hard to believe that any father would discourage his children from doing what they can to live.
  9. Rhino, save me a seat next to you and the wine barrels if you get there before I do.
  10. Say something from an informed position and I'll be glad to hear it. But when you lump all TWI folks in with CES folks and when you accuse all of us of commiserating in misery, well, Bumpy, you're wrong and all it takes is a few minutes of looking around to see that you're incorrectly labeling everyone in the cafe. Kind of like if I were to tell you all people living in Africa are stupid and like having something to complain about, else they'd be smart and move to Europe or the US. There are some great discussions and disagreements even here at the cafe, but those who have trouble with respecting others are generally ignored and not taken seriously. Perhaps if you applied some courtesy and decency in your posts, you'll be treated a bit more kindly. Maybe you should read this. We're not all Christians on here. We're not all followers of PFAL or any other doctrines taught by TWI. We also happen to get along rather well despite our differences in our beliefs. If you want people to respond kindly and to take what you have to say seriously, perhaps you should consider doing the same. It seems as though you're just getting back what you're putting out.
  11. Here's my contribution to the fruit salad.
  12. Oh Geeze..... Starbird, are you trying to convert us? <_< Do JW's promote lying and plagiarism?
  13. Bumpy, might want to read around and get to know us a bit before you start generalizing and lumping us all together. Some of us have posted our stories right here at the cafe so you don't have to read a bunch of posts to get an idea of what we experienced and where we came from. Some of us have even had the privilege of telling our stories on GSpot Radio so you don't even have to read, just listen while you're surfing. I don't regret anything regarding TWI or CES. My youth did NOT go to TWI - nor did one second of my life go to CES. There isn't a single thing I miss about TWI. Well, it IS a very closed type of forum - it's for people who belonged to TWI at one time. :) There are lots of forums on the web for people with specific interests. If you think we're just commiserating year after year after year, then you really do need to look around more..... or stay in your own ivory tower passing judgment on people you don't know anything about. It's your choice and you're allowed to post what you think, just don't expect anyone to take you seriously when it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. -_-
  14. Not to mention that there are things that the groups get right as well as things they get terribly wrong...... AND, that none of us really know which parts are right and which parts are wrong. We just think we do. ^_^
  15. O&A, that book was the ultimate in helping me to see how far gone I had gotten in TWI and how much abuse I was really living with. It was horrifying to me to realize that there are so many other groups out there like TWI ..... enough for that book to have to be written and for so many people to relate all too well to the tactics. Thank God we're free from all that and can help identify it to help others.
  16. Belle


    ROFLMAO! Tom, the "thermostat agreement" is going to be part of the wedding vows if I ever get married again. It stays between 64-68 year round with the option of going colder if I so desire, in the winter. I dip my hamburgers in ketchup - I like it too much to be subjected to the small amount you can actually put on a hamburger. I suppose this is why I don't have the ketchup germ quirk mentioned earlier.
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHERISHED CHILD!!! I hope life is good and your birthday was awesome!! Hugs.bmp
  18. Belle


    LOL! T-Bone & Potato, I do handwriting analysis!! I'm very close to having my certification to be able to actually charge money for my services. Vegan, I DESPISE talking on the phone! I'm with you - e-mail me or meet me somewhere, but please don't call me. Thank goodness the rest of my family must all have the same quirk. I'm not necessarily a tree hugger, but I am a PAPER HATER. I hate it - you have to "do something" with paper.... trash it, shred it, file it...... One of my co-workers gave me a stamp for Christmas that says, "I don't have time to read this CRAP" ... He tried to find one that said, "Paper? I don't need no stinkin' paper!" I recently switched from DirecTV to Dish solely because Directv couldn't figure out how to stop sending me paper bills (long story there). I like DirecTV much better technology wise, but can't stand the dadgum paper bill problem.... I'm switching my HELOC to a different bank only because the current one doesn't have online paperless bill pay option.... But I LOVE sending greeting cards.... go figure.... I'll send cards to friends for absolutely no reason. That's acceptable paper usage, imo. Don't read over my shoulder. I'll just give you whatever it is that's so interesting and wait till your done. I DESPISE speaker phones! If you're calling someone, why the heck do I need to listen to the phone ringing? Is it really so hard to hold the handset to your ear? I don't care how many voice mail messages you received while you were away from your desk and I certainly don't care to listen to them. We work in a cube farm - I already know way more about your life and business than I want to....
  19. Lisa, I'm so sorry for you and your family. George was the voice of reason and compassion in my eyes. He helped me tremendously through the years and there aren't enough words to describe the peace he helped me come to find in my own heart and life. He was a true gem of a man and friend here at the cafe - Very well respected and loved by so many. I'm really going to miss him.
  20. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, MO!!!! I hope it's absolutely WONDERMOUS!!! You are one very classy lady!
  21. Belle


    You certainty don't see to be one of those
  22. Belle


    Go ahead, 1 John, pick on and judge someone you know nothing about - prove your ignorance and heartlessness to us
  23. Dang, def59, You totally missed the whole point in your desire to friggin pigeon hole a group. *shakin head*
  24. Nothing ventured - nothing gained, right? Would it be best to talk about "life" and let them, IF they so choose, bring up TWI? If they're still in, they'll bring it up eventually. If they're not - they may not even think about it....depending on how much/well they've recovered from their TWI time.
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