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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Good to see you, Strange One! :B) You are missed when you're not around much. I don't know him, but I didn't know many folks outside of Florida. Looks like he was at Gunnison for a while based on his bio: Always seeking diverse experiences, he has worked as a teacher in Pennsylvania and Arizona, a rock-climbing instructor in New Mexico, broke his collarbone riding bulls in Colorado.and sailed schooners for a living on the Eastern seaboard. He lived full time on his own wooden sloop in Mystic CT for a couple of years while performing solo up and down the East Coast. A highlight of this period was sailing throughout Central and South America as mate aboard David Crosby’s (Crosby, Nash, and Young) sailboat, the Mayan. Musta been cool sailing Central and South America. I love the music and suspect the guitar lovers will drool at some of the pics of his guitars on the site. Thanks for letting us know, Rocky! I'll be on the lookout for him if I'm still awake tonight when it comes on. That's way past bed time in my house.
  2. Yeah - like .... Where are your sons? Is the one still in prison? What did he go to prison for? Why'd you get divorced? Why do you still hold onto all that land in NC when you're not using it? Isn't that "abundance?" How much are taxes on that property? Do the TWIts know their ABS is being spent on that? Why were your pets exempt from the "no pet" policy? Why is your house in your name when all the other "presidents" lived in or gave their property to TWI? Why did you perjure yourself in court? Were you afraid to do it?
  3. Belle

    Is YOUR Food Safe?

    Yep. I agree, P-Mosh. I'm pretty much shifting from any processed food to whole foods and buying most of my produce from the local farmer's market on Saturday mornings. *shrug* It's healthier to eat that way, anyway and the produce at the local market is fresh, local and usually cheaper than the grunchy store. Sounds good, Abigail. I think limiting gluten in our diet, like yours seems to be, is a good thing anyway. They have found that a gluten free diet helps with ADHD/ADD and other behavior problems and most people don't even know they're allergic to it: DIET AND ITS POSSIBLE ROLE IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Eating to Learn: How Grains Impact on Our Ability to Focus, Comprehend, Remember, Predict, and Survive Diet, ADHD & Behavior Autism & Diet And so on.... Thankfully, it's easier to cut it out of one's diet these days. Even just a year ago, it was darn near impossible to find "normal" foods without gluten in them.
  4. Belle

    Is YOUR Food Safe?

    Waysider there IS gluten in beer.....usually. BUT, people who can't have gluten still deserve to par-tay with the best of them, so they have finally come out with gluten-free beer! Gluten Free Beer Festival Anheuser-Busch Redbridge Which means I can still safely enjoy a brewski (or ten) during NASCAR.
  5. Groucho, 9 LIves and Pedigree are not on the recall list....... yet...... if it has wheat or gluten or wheat gluten on the label, I would take it back to the store. There are people claiming that 9 Lives has killed their cats and Del Monte is slow to act on it. Considering these companies have known since February about the problem and are still, 2 months later, adding food to the recall list, I wouldn't trust them. Itchmo I have the link above, but just in case - this is a list of all the foods that have been recalled so far: Itchmo Recall List I also just found out that the CFO of Menu Foods sold half his stock in Menu Foods just prior to the recall being announced. Co-inky-dink? I think not. "Insider trading reports show that Mark Wiens sold 14,000 units for $102,900 on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27. Those shares would be worth $62,440 today, based on yesterday's close of $4.46 a unit." There's more than just the melamine that's contaminated the food and the FDA isn't even announcing that! There are BIG companies involved - P&G, Lipton, Nestle, Del Monte - none of the news media folks want to take this on. It would mean lost advertising revenue and one of the broadcast stations actually owns part of one of the companies that was involved in the recall. It would also mean mass hysteria if they added human food processed at the same plant to the recall list, so they're just biding their time on that issue.
  6. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: Most excellent - all three of you!! I didn't even look at this thread because the question is a moot point, imo, and I'm not going to waste my time on these kinds of questions anymore. Nandon - those are the only really important questions, aren't they? Groucho - I agree. Who wants a God who expects people to be Rhodes Scholars and jump through hoops for him? T-Bone - Those have AGAIN become my favorite Bible verses in these past few years. Funny, they used to be prior to my involvement with TWI, too.
  7. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Ti 3:7 That's TWI (as are the six verses before that one). Sure head knowledge is cool, but TWI didn't even get much of that correct. Since leaving TWI, I've discovered a whole world of "research" materials out there and loads of really neat, interesting and historical things that give me a greater understanding of the Bible than I ever had in TWI. In fact, I've had to discard and overcome much of what I was taught in TWI because it's so full of crap and errors. I've loved learning about/from the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Gnostic Gospels, Marcionite from The Invisible Dan, Judaism from Abigail, from SirGuessALot, from Raf, from the two Marks (O'Malley and Sanguetti), etc...... There's so much more to religions and different beliefs than the Bible and learning from those gives one a greater understanding of God, imo. I've also embraced some beliefs outside Christianity and no longer limit God to organized religion and those who call him "God". BUT, as most folks have said - that's nothing compared to really and truly getting the message of love that Jesus taught: Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt 22:37-40
  8. BULL ....!!! There were MANY public teachings about homosexuality. MANY cases of people being ridiculed, demeaned, humiliated and worse PUBLICLY ACCUSED of being homosexuals. MANY letters sent out about particular individuals being kicked out because of "genuine spiritual suspicion" of them being homosexual. They've all been discussed here MANY times. Satori, you've been here way too long to not know that. He11, the teachings from craig's foundational class and the original sin of mankind being Eve's lesbian encounter with satan has been discussed too many times to mention. FURTHERMORE, these teachings have never been changed, corrected or taught as being wrong. The teachings and the doctrine still stands at TWI under Rivenbark's reign. I see what you're getting at, but you need to get your facts straight before you start implying that we're making mountains out of molehills and dis-crediting Greasespot. Facts are: TWI (ALL the leaders in TWI) taught vehemently against homosexuality and claimed that they deserved to be killed and should be glad that we're in the grace administration. Rosie sat by and allowed this, possibly encouraged it. The fact is, she did NOT speak out against it and STILL HASN'T. Eve having lesbian sex with satan was taught in the FOUNDATIONAL CLASS of TWI - even AFTER the purge of Craig. I'd say that's consent on Rosie's part. Although nobody has actually seen or admitted to having lesbian sex with Rosie, there's more than enough "circumstantial" evidence for many folks to come to the conclusion that she and Donna are living, breathing hypocrites no better than vee pee and craiggers and all the other leaders involved with TWI - especially those who continue to "stand" with this evil, corrupt, putrid organization.
  9. When is it going to end?? ?? I'm so glad Bil Jac, Vixen's food uses NOTHING from Menu Foods and no wheat products whatsoever!! I still think there's a very high probability that human food was also contaminated, especially since some of the products were processed at plants that also make human food and the gluten was "food grade" and not "feed grade". <_< I don't trust the FDA at all and I trust the friggin' importers and distributors even less. ****************************** BREAKING NEWS: Menu Foods Expands Recall — Again April 10th, 2007 Menu Foods transfered some of the tainted wheat gluten to their Canadian facility and has issued yet another recall. Menu Foods has identified a single interplant transfer of the ChemNutra supplied wheat gluten, shipped from Menu Foods’ plant in Emporia, Kansas, to its plant in Streetsville, Ontario. This wheat gluten was subsequently used in the production of pet food in December, 2006 and January, 2007, which is being recalled by Menu Foods. This may explain the melamine found in Nutro’s cans in California. Thank goodness for pet parents who care. You were right to suspect all Menu Foods products. The revised recall includes cat food brands from Nutro, Publix, America’s Choice, Pet Pride, Winn Dixie and more. http://www.itchmo.com/read/menu-foods-expa...-again_20070410
  10. It's been widely reported by very reputable posters that there was a contingency of 6th corps women who slept together and that there was a problem with Donna and Bill Green*'s wife sleeping together all the time. Like someone mentioned above (Groucho?).... if you believe only 1/100th of the postings on this in the past, then it's still enough for a conviction. Not to mention the fact that Janet Myracl* and the other girl (can't remember her name) both left HQ together and moved together to their new home. I don't have the time right now to look for the posts for you, but if you use the GSpot search option in the top right hand corner, you should be able to find some of the eyewitness accounts.
  11. Belle

    Happy Birthday, Galen

    Happiest of Birthdays, Galen!! I hope it's a smooth sailing day!
  12. ORLANDO!!!! But you knew that'd be my vote, didn't you? There's TONS of things we can do here for little to no money! Mickey, Shamu and Universal aren't the only things to do here. I'm heading out right now and don't have much time, but I'll put together a list of things for you two to look over. Of course, staying at my house in my newly decorated guest bedroom. :biglaugh:
  13. Many of us thought that way, Vegan....too many of us. I saw that show a while back and remember being saddened by the folks who didn't want to drink the kool-aid, but it was too late by the time the kool-aid came out. Not to mention that they couldn't have left before then even if they wanted to. If TWI had made the call for all to come to HQ for something important immediately, how many of us would have jumped on the first plane to get there? I know my ex and I would have with no questions asked. *shaking head*
  14. THIS bears repeating. slick vic claimed that he got all his knowledge from God. He chunked all his research material - some ridiculously exaggerated amount I can't remember right now - and that it was just him and gawd and the Bible coming up with all those volumes of teachings he sold us. The man was a con. Heck, he even stole Maggie Muggins and Johnny Jump Up from Leonard!
  15. John, your logic is so flawed it's laughable. The redemption of Christ has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that vee pee was a dirty, rotten scoundrel who was NO "man of God". Just because you believe what you do about JC does not excuse the horrific crimes vee pee committed. Furthermore, you're a perfect example of what Rascal asked in her first post. You do have to make great leaps of logic - go to great pains to ignore, justify and rationalize the pure evil of vee pee and much of the entire organization, otherwise, you have to admit we were duped and gave much of our lives to the little man behind the curtain. Keep on posting.... you're making the point a living, breathing, shining example right before our eyes. And don't even get me started on your flawed views of psychotherapy. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. :
  16. Do you really want to know or are you merely trying to defend the man? If you really want to know the truth, then it will take a little bit of work on your part and a lot of time because there are so many examples of it. The top right corner of the screen has a "search" option. Click on that, type in the word "plagiarism" and you'll be very surprised at what you find. Here is just a little to get you started: The Integrity of Your Word John Juedes Site Plagiarism 101 One Stop Shopping ADAN JE Stiles JCING JCOP, JCING VP and his sources No Hands but Our Hands There are many, many, many side by side comparisons that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that vee pee stole the works of other men and put his name on it. Most of PFAL is plagiarized. The parts vee pee did change he got totally wrong. If you still subscribe to much of PFAL and what you learned from the man you may want to look into that too. Actual Errors in PFAL RG's list of doctrinal errors PFAL Review And then there's the things he just plain lied about in addition to the plagiarism he committed. The Way: Living in Wonderland VP and Me in Wonderland
  17. You really want to know how "special", "important" and "valued" you are? Then, just disappear for a time without any of these theatrics and see how many folks miss you and actually contact you. Just be prepared to face the fact that you've over-estimated the importance of your presence.
  18. Well, I, for one, don't understand these kinds of threads. If you want to leave - leave. If you don't - then don't. But why all the grand-standing b.s.? Seems like a ploy for attention and affection, if you ask me. <_<
  19. I had always felt sorry for johniam's wife, but now I see it was totally unnecessary as he married a female version of himself. God help the rest of their family.
  20. This is from the "About Us" section of Greasespot's home page: GreaseSpot Cafe is a gathering place, bringing together people and information. We welcome all who have an interest in The Way International, including former followers, current followers, and those who may have friends or family members who are involved. Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery. I don't see a darn thing in there about helping pedophiles, child molesters, rapists or other criminals of any kind. :unsure: Furthermore, there is not one certified therapist or professional on Paw's payroll to help this person. There is absolutely NOTHING to be gained from dissecting his evil confession. It's good to know his character and history for our own safety, but beyond that, there's nothing more to be gained from it and there's certainly no possibility or obligation for any of us to try to "help" him. Heck, you can't help someone who doesn't even think they did anything wrong and you certainly can't help someone who thinks they've gotten an unfair punishment for ruining someone's life. It's like the murderer who thinks being put in prison is "too harsh" and unfair for his "one little" crime. He's not a child molester because of TWI, he's just a child molester who just happened to have some association with TWI at one small time in his life.
  21. Belle


    Did you draw this, Roy? It's very good!
  22. Belle


    Roy, so good to see your kind smile.
  23. Belle

    I finally did it

    WELCOME!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! My ex chose that group over me, but life has gotten exponentially better for me and he's still stuck with the same oppressive teachings and beliefs that bind and imprison folks. I seriously doubt there are any truly happy people left in TWI. Here's to much, much brighter days for you!
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