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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Dmiller, ROFLMAO!!! Pathetic, Dot, absolutely pathetic. And there's more added every day. :(
  2. I'm sure those cats enjoyed eating the Menu Foods cat food they were fed these past few months. The fish that gave me food poisoning tasted good, too. <_<
  3. Belle

    Why do dogs ...

    Yep. What Chas said. Hunting dogs roll to a) mask their scent for a better chance of sneaking up on their prey or b) to take on the scent of the thing they are hunting to better their chances of sneaking up on it. Then there's the "human" theory that everything they do that we don't like is strictly to aggravate us. And, yes, the pitch of the whistle could hurt their ears or sound like some kind of communication that must be responded to. I've learned to recognize in Vixen the "shoulder drop" maneuver just prior to the back roll and wiggle in something gross :o - I just don't usually get there in time to stop it. :P
  4. Considering he has been the self-appointed moderator of this thread, no, I suppose I don't appreciate his attempt at humor in the last post. But thanks for pointing it out.
  5. What's to say that those of us who do toss it all away and begin afresh don't add some stuff back into our bucket that just happens to also be what TWI teaches? :blink:
  6. http://www.itchmo.com/ - is an excellent source of information on this whole debacle and, imo, it is NOT being taken seriously enough by the FDA, pet food companies involved and, especially Menu Foods, Chemnutra and China. I hope the public doesn't just let this fade away. You'll notice that even YESTERDAY there was MORE pet food added to the recall list. Mark, according to the timeline: Timeline * October - November, 2006: o Tainted wheat gluten arrives from China at Long Beach Port, then is shipped to Kansas. * November 8, 2006: o Menu Foods switches gluten suppliers (to a Chinese company) through a broker based in Kansas. * December 6, 2006: o Originally reported date by Menu Foods on when contaminated wheat gluten was used. Since changed to 11/8/06. * Late December, 2006: o Menu Foods may have started receiving complaints that its food is making some pets sick. * February 20, 2007: o Menu Foods receives the first of 6 customer reports that its food is making pets sick. * February 27, 2007: o As a part of its quarterly feeding trials, Menu Foods feeds their product to 40-50 cats and dogs. o Menu Foods CFO sells 12,700 of his Menu Foods shares. * March 2, 2007: o The first of 9 animals in Menu Foods feeding trial dies of acute renal failure. Mortality rate is quoted at 1 in 6. * March 6, 2007: o Menu Foods switches its supply of wheat gluten due to lab animal deaths. o Kansas plant continues to operate. March 13, 14 or 15, 2007: o Prior to the recall, Cornell receives samples for testing from Menu Foods. (Note: Date conflicts AP report) o NY State Food Laboratory receives samples for testing. * March 16, 2007: o Menu Foods announces its recall of 60 million containers of food related to the deaths of lab animals. o Media does not report these as lab-based deaths nor do they report the mortality rate. o Menu Foods’ Web site is taken down and cannot be accessed. o Menu Foods stock MEW.UN drops 45% by the close of trading day. o Menu Foods estimate the recall costs at US$25-$34 million. * March 17, 2007: o Menu Foods posts its first recall list in the morning. o Links to the remainder of the original site is removed from view. o Consumers report encountering busy signals for their toll-free numbers. Those who do get through report that agents are taking messages for Menu Foods and checking products purchased against the recall list. * March 18, 2007: o Itchmo analysis indicates possible ARF in 74,000 pets. * March 19, 2007: o Menu Foods announces their enhanced Web site and customer service capabilities. o Callers report no change in their ability to access the hotlines. o Menu Foods recall list is changed. 6 brands are added and 1 is removed from the recall list. o Class action lawsuit group is formed on Yahoo. o FDA announces that the 60 million recalls packages amount to 1% of the US pet food supply. * March 20, 2007: o PetConnection.com’s self-reporting database (for pet owners affected by Menu Foods) gathers 241 reports of deaths. o FDA announces that the 9 reported deaths only include those from the Menu Foods feeding trial. o 2 brands are added to the recall list. Canadian brands appear on the recalled brands list. o Official death toll is revised to 14 including 1 dog and 13 cats. This is the first official death toll that includes pets not included in the Menu Foods quarterly feeding trial. * March 21, 2007: o First lawsuits are filed in Chicago and Knoxville, TN. o PetConnection’s self-reported database logs more than 500 deaths. o Pet Food Accountability Petition is launched on itchmo.com. * March 22, 2007: o PetConnection’s self-reported database logs 845 deaths by the end of the day. o Analyst and veterinarian estimates of deaths hit “thousands”. * March 23, 2007: o First class-action lawsuit against Menu Foods is filed by a Seattle attorney and an Oregon family. o The substance aminopterin is found in the recalled foods. o The suspected wheat gluten is imported from China. o A press-conference is held by Menu Foods and the USDA. o PetConnection’s self-reported database logs more than 1,000 deaths. o Menu Foods announces that it will compensate expenses associated with its tainted food. o Menu Foods announces that its Kansas plant will shut down for 2-3 days to realign its production mix. o Menu Foods stock rises 25%. o Kroger pulls all Menu Foods products, not just recalled brands, out of caution. * March 24, 2007: o PetConnection reports 1,541 deaths. o Menu Foods asks retailers to remove entire brands, not just specific UPC codes. Pet parents debate whether to believe Menu Foods categorization that it is not an expansion of the recall. March 26, 2007: o An email describing the details of the Menu Foods feeding trial and its outcomes are published by the Sacramento Bee. Vets suspect long-term affects and shortened lifespans for sickened pets. o PetConnection’s database logs 1,871 deaths. o New Jersey plant has been confirmed under investigation, yet remains open. o Cornell reports to the FDA that they found melamine, but no aminopterin. March 27, 2007: o Media reports (including the AP) begin to quote the Veterinary Information Network’s count of 471 sick and 104 dead. o Congressional leaders request information from the FDA and Menu Foods. o Menu Foods recall costs are estimated to exceed original numbers by the millions. And litigation risk is downplayed. o ASPCA says that aminopterin may not be the only toxin. o Menu Foods stock (MEW.UN) closes at 4.10. o Cornell again reports to the FDA that they found melamine, but no aminopterin. March 28, 2007: o Scientific American summarizes the toxin search as well as the timing of events. o Catmanager notes state by state veterinary agency reaction. o Canadian vets begin tracking deaths and illnesses. o PetConnection update: 2,237 deceased pets (1,257 cats, 980 dogs) o NBC Nightly News reports on increased count. March 30, 2007: o Petconnection.com reports in the morning: 2,447 deaths (1,327 cats; 1080 dogs) o Cornell and FDA announces that melamine was found in the food supply and tissue samples. They also said that aminopterin was not found. o They also announce that dry food may also be contaminated, but will not name the other manufacturer who used the wheat gluten from the same source. o Menu Foods holds a press conference, disputing or side stepping questions about their delayed response. Press release is also issued. o Hills recalls one dry cat food product within hours of the FDA statement — 2 weeks after the initial recall. o Purina releases a late-night recall message for its ALPO brand wet food not made by Menu Foods, but made using the same supply of wheat gluten. o FDA prohibits import of wheat gluten from Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Company Ltd. through an import warning. The US broker who imported the wheat gluten is not named. March 31, 2007: o Itchmo discovers that Menu Foods has removed the hidden Web site information that was unlinked when the original recall was announced. o Del Monte announces recall of wet food and treats due to the use of the same wheat gluten. Affected brands are: Ol’Roy, Jerky Treats, Gravy Train Beef Sticks, Pounce Meaty Morsels, Dollar General, and Happy Tails. o Pet Connection database: (3/31 8:45 p.m. PT): 2,797 deceased pets (1,546 cats and 1,251 dogs) o AP reports much higher incidences of cat deaths. And quotes the FDA as saying “there was a sizable amount of melamine. You could see crystals in the wheat gluten.” April 1, 2007: o Blogs find the FDA import warning against the Chinese supplier. Traditional media picks up the news. o Del Monte confirms that the imported wheat gluten was marked available for human consumption. o FDA notes that the melamine particles were visible in the wheat gluten in concentrations as high as 6.6%. o Senator Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. DeLauro (D-CT) issue a statement asking for better food protection and criticizes the FDA. * April 2, 2007: o Poll: 68% of Itchmo readers blame the pet food makers for the tragedy. o Kansas Menu Foods plant restarts operations. o PETA asks FDA commissioner to resign. o First major pet food brand defects from Menu Foods. o Possible second exporter of tainted wheat gluten identified. * April 3, 2007: o FDA cannot rule out more recalls. And Nestle says it only took them 4 hours to track down the wheat gluten. o Newspaper reports tainted wheat gluten sold to human food makers. April 4, 2007: o Anderson Cooper 360 starts its recall coverage. o Speculation on a third suspect — vitamin D — begins. o ChemNutra recalls all of the suspected wheat gluten batches. o Xuzhou Anying’s facilities shown on CNN. o Menu Foods sued for fraud in class-action. o Scientists still debate the suspected toxins. April 5, 2007: o Menu Foods expands recall dates. o Sunshine Mills treats recalled. o Senator Durbin (D-IL) announces congressional hearings. o FDA investigating if someone contaminated the wheat gluten on purpose to make extra profit o China begins investigating wheat gluten. o FDA says, no more wheat gluten recalls. * April 6, 2007: o Del Monte announces expanded recall, contradicting the FDA. o Oregon and Michigan reports at least 89 dead, 263 sick. April 9, 2007: o First confirmed discovery of melanine in non-recalled food (UC Davis). April 10, 2007: o Menu Foods expands recall due to contamination of Canadian plant. o Menu Foods recall forces Royal Canin to recall its Medi-Cal product. April 11, 2007: o IHT reports Xuzhou Anying may have been shopping for melamine. o Cornell lab reports second, unidentified toxin.
  7. The teaching is on here in several places, Eyes. One of the links in my posts above will most likely lead you to it, otherwise you can use the search function in the top right corner of the screen. I'd suggest using the following search option: +eve +eyes +desire +satan YOU'RE the one who wants to know - the rest of us are already sure it's still being taught. Instead of ordering us around why don't YOU be the somebody to call? <_< It's really easy, I've done it quite a few times. Rico can be really nice when he doesn't know you're calling on behalf of the cafe.
  8. Sease be pleated. And, then, there was Jaque Horney in the woods in her bright orange hunting jumpsuit! Why is it also that the more many of you "put on the Word" by your endless hours of tapes and transcripts (much of it gained by illegal and unethical means), the less the Word of God moves and the more vicious and calloused you become? Jesus taught his men they'd be recognized as his disciples by their love, not their adamancy, egotism or knowledge. It looks to me more and more when the vicious insane inexplicable crimes take place the Internet will be right in the middle or it. It is used to fester insane thoughts. It is used for insane little nerds to get in touch with each other. It is used to fester this kind of evil. But what they call surfing the net where they mindlessly look for something to catch their interest. It's devil spirit power, fiery darts of the wicked He is the prince of the power of the air. I went back in my mind how many years I've taught in Littleton, Colorado. We've witnessed a thousand times in that city. If anyone would have believed one jot and tittle, it could have been stopped.
  9. It wasn't considered a gift, it was considered a privilege .... in my area, at least. <_<
  10. Yeppers! But not all stores (or vets, for that matter) are keeping up with it and not all of them are even aware that the list is expanded almost daily. Hopefully this whole debacle will change things so that this doesn't happen again.
  11. WG, that doesn't mean everyone had a computer at that time. There's a thread from WayDale or early GSpot where it's discussed by those involved. I may have it in my personal archived files.... I'll look. Anyway, the "no gift" thing would have been nice if it had been handled logically, but it became a pain in the arse. I was tired of being asked to give money all the time and thought a lot of the gifts were way over the top... heck, most of the gifts given to the WC and craiggers were way nicer and way more expensive than anything I'd ever seen in my life. On the other hand, not being able to give oranges, a piece of gum or pay for a dinner was ridiculous. I got yelled at for offering our local WC tickets to a movie that I got for free. Good grief! I didn't pay for the darn things, the whole branch almost was able to go to the movies with us because of how many free tickets I got. Not only did they turn down the offer, they then yelled at me for putting them in a position to have to turn down the tickets. Like everything else TWI-related it was just ridiculous.
  12. Yeah, Satori, kinda like they came out and said they have no policy on debt. .... but still persecute and require folks to be debt free in order to wear certain colored nametags. They're still teaching it and they're still kicking people out for being homosexual. Don't be fooled. You're smarter than that. <_<
  13. Is lying by omission (till you get caught) considered lying? Is cashing in your stock when you're well aware of the fact that your product is killing animals and about to be recalled on a massive level illegal and wrong on so many levels?
  14. I thought Lysterine was supposed to kill those things?
  15. And she wasn't responsible for letting a bunch of beloved pets die.
  16. YUMMY!!! I LOVE Garlic!! And, yah, cooked whole it doesn't "stink up" or "spice up" a dish like crushed or chopped garlic does. Got a funny about garlic... When I was in college I dated a guy who loved garlic. He had been home for Christmas Break and I wanted to do something special to welcome him back. I decided to fix a nice romantic dinner and chose a special dish from a trendy magazine that claimed to be heaven for garlic lovers. Sounded like a good idea. The recipe called for 3 cloves of garlic. Well, I didn't know what a clove was, so I just assumed it was the whole thing, so halfway into chopping up the first head of garlic, I decided that was going to have to be enough cause I just didn't have that much time. :P Shoulda seen his face when he first tasted my offering of love in a dish in a candle light setting. :o
  17. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=272321 It took over SIX YEARS to take the teaching out of their class AND they haven’t rescinded the teaching, corrected it, said it was wrong or apologized for subjecting folks to utter and total bunk – they just “quit teaching it” – It’s still referred to and believed and used in teachings I’d wager.
  18. The entire threads most of these quotes come from contain more good information, too. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=72474 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=95831 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=96441
  19. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?s=&showtopic=4242&view=findpost&p=67442 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=67708 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=72000
  20. Here’s some food for thought. Remember rosie took over in 2000: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=24592 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=19751 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=20112 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=28819 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=33758 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=34065 http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ost&p=67411 I have more, but can only post so many per reply.
  21. Go Way Disciple - We've been screwing up lives for 60+ years! How many folks went WD? Are they still requiring WC wanna be's to go? Are they still hiding the number of "new" folks being welcomed to the fold? That's just wrong on so many levels and it's just so sad that, with all the information available to them, folks are still allowing TWI to manipulate them and destroy their lives.
  22. I get that, Tom. But, according to TWI doctrine, her whole family dynamic should disqualify her from being a leader, especially one in such a lofty position, no? Would that I had kids to screw up, but thanks to my stupidity regarding TWI that appears very unlikely.
  23. How benevolent of you to bestow your blessings on our discussion. -_- It's fact. You want me to mail you a copy of the class syllabus? I'm no longer involved and I *think* someone said they left it out of the new foundational class, but that's more than five years after she took office AND I know that the teaching has never been refuted or "corrected" by Rosie & Company. Can someone still involved confirm this, please? Are you serious? The above is enough proof that she subscribes to the doctrine. Silence IS consent. IF she disagrees with the doctrine, she has had ample time to come out and correct it and tell the followers that the teaching was in error. She hasn't. Just one more reason why she's utterly unfit to be a "leader" of any kind. Is a leader not required to "rule well his own house"? If her own family is seriously flawed and her children don't respect her and - I think, most importantly - if she has a completely dysfunctional family, there's no way she should be in any sort of leadership capacity. I'm saying that TWI teaches people to live on a "need basis" and that anything and everything considered "abundance" is to be given to "the church". It's hypocritical to own property that's unnecessary, paying taxes on it and owning her own property when the precedence has been set by the previous president's and the teachings of TWI. The pets is petty IF it were the only way in which rosie exempted herself from rules that she supported and imposed on all other leadership and followers of TWI. It's not, it's one of many examples of how she considers herself above the law and exempt from following the doctrine and legalistic rules of TWI.
  24. Would YOU if you were in his shoes?? I thought those other references might be TWI related, but was sure the bull riding had to be. Although it *might* explain the title of some of his songs and give people pause to consider why he sings the blues - "Broken Down & Hungry", "Keep Your Hands Off Her", "Drinkin' Muddy Water" (maybe it was originally a song about kool-aid ), "Can't Make Me Blue" I am loving listening to his music! I think I may have to add a CD or two to my collection.
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