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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Men's Cologne

    Awww, Geeze, Chas.... now your talking memories! Izods & Polo and, of course, girls bought Polo to put on their pillows so they could smell it while they were sleeping. Of course, us gals had to wear Lauren to match the Polo. Thick, heavy, strong Lauren. I've never been a big fan of Patchouli, but Antaeus must use it right, cause I do so love that scent.
  2. Belle


    Which categories, Paw?
  3. I don't think I've read that one, but I have read quite a bit of Zora Neale-Hurston and I love the way she writes. She's from Eatonville down here and I drive through there quite regularly. It's the first all black community established in the US. They host the "Zora Neale-Hurston Festival" every year and I love it. I even dragged my whole fellowship there for one of our "witnessing events".
  4. I use it, but it's just me here and I sometimes take weeks to watch what I order. I love it. I've never been one to rent movies a lot anyway, so I use it more like a "I'd like to see that sometime" kind of deal and am on the "one at a time" unlimited plan with them. It's only about $8-10/month and I keep one that long, too, sometimes. That's why I like their "no late fees" system. I can see where it would be a pain if you were trying to plan to have a movie to watch for a certain night. It only takes a day or two for the new DVD to arrive after I ship one out, but I suppose that depends on where your movies are coming from. I think mine are actually shipped from Orlando. I've got Dr. Zhivago right now and had it for about two weeks already. I do love the movie selection and being able to put things in your queue as you come across things you'd like to see. They have some awesome documentaries on things. Never had a problem with the DVDs themselves.
  5. Belle

    Why do dogs ...

    I just used Head and Shoulders on my golden/chow mix. It's cheap and supposed to help repel fleas, too. I dunno if it's true, but Doobie never had any fleas and always smelled good. Vixen very rarely gets a bath as it's not good for the coat of her breed and, well, she just really never stinks unless she does get into something really gross. She's also only 15 pounds, so I just pick her up and hold her in the shower with me when I bathe her.
  6. I've been looking to see what the rules and regulations are for this in Canada, but unable to find it.
  7. Belle

    Why do dogs ...

    Aren't they cool? It's so awesome to see them at work when they are really getting to do the hunting they are bred and trained to do!
  8. Belle

    Men's Cologne

    Don't go getting all cocky, you NE'sters! We've got Disney and Ft Lauderdale and the Keys here in FL! And Antaeus and Drakkar are the liquids that make me melt..... no matter who's wearing them.
  9. Stringed, Waysider. And I have no way of even describing the music I heard.... which is a story in and of itself. :) I've also got a piece I can hear in my head that I would LOVE to find... separate from the "harp" music. The only information I have on it is that it's one of these pieces: - Overture in B flat - Caesar Giovannini - Masque - Francis McBeth - Emperata Overture - Claude T Smith The piece is eerily reminiscent of a Shostakovitch piece.
  10. Belle

    Guitar Talk

    Oh heck yeah!! What a GREAT IDEA!! I'd love one of those CDs! I don't know jack about guitars, but LOVE having learned of the music y'all have mentioned on here and reading your stories. Dig this guitar he has...
  11. That's what I like about Bil Jac, Dooj. She eats less and produces less .... ahhhh... poop.... because it's more "natural". Part of her diet is cooked by me, too, so that helps.
  12. I once heard some classical music that had harp playing that stood out to me .... could be that I'm not used to hearing it in classical music. Are there any particular pieces that feature harps? I have no idea what it was and haven't been able to find anything that comes close to it in my searches since hearing it.
  13. Eyes, if you want the actual pages from the syllabus, PM me. I'll mail, fax, or scan them to send to you. And.... thanks for the compliment. Satori, this damsel can take care of herself rather nicely, thanks though. ^_^
  14. $2.85 is about average here now. :(
  15. I remember hearing something along these lines, too. I'm going to have to think on it, though, to be able to give specifics. It's highly probable that it came from my ex, though, as he IS, WAS and HAS BEEN for some time sold out to that degree.
  16. Belle

    For Music Lovers

    Thank YOU, T-Bone and RG!! I've been trying to figure out how to do this.
  17. Belle

    Guitar Talk

    Did y'all see this guy's guitars?? They're COOL!!! and I don't even know jack about guitars. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=322061
  18. WOW! I'm going to have to look those guys up too. Thanks, Oak! And, no, I don't blame 'em at all.
  19. Belle

    Can you read this?

    Of course, reading and comprehension are two totally different things. ;)
  20. Dooj, you totally rock!!! :love3:
  21. I'm sure my ex would LOVE to see me turned into a lump of coal.
  22. I got it from www.itchmo.com - they've been on top of things. It's disgusting to see how slow everyone involved has been to act and I'm still convinced they are hiding even more. I'll have to say, too, that I'm soooo thankful for the two Senators who are speaking out about this. Hopefully, they'll keep on till there are drastic changes in the system.
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