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Everything posted by Belle

  1. McQuade, You sound like me shortly after I left TWI. :P I was (one of those words we can't say here) and that anger spilled over into my views of all Christianity and any set of organized religion. The more I learned, the more I saw that there is a much, much bigger picture than I could even imagine. There was a huge political agenda and power-play behind much of what we find in religions today. Just like TWI, there were wonderful men and women who worked within the confines of the political climate and religious leaders fighting for power. I understand very, very little of it and have lost interest in trying to, but I'm okay with that. I just enjoy the bits and pieces I glean from our resident experts here. I do recommend, if you haven't already, "The Origin of Satan" and "The Gnostic Gospels" ... well, anything by Elaine Pagels. The Nag Hammadi Scrolls and the other ancient scrolls that are being translated give a completely different picture of Christianity and beliefs throughout history. It's just fascinating to me. The History Channel's "Banned From the Bible" is also extremely enlightening as to the history of Christianity, the politics and power plays influencing what we have today. And, Mark, please don't get angry :) a book that's fiction, but a great "light" insight into the corruption and struggle for power in the church is Ken Follet's "The Pillars of the Earth" There have always been "bad guys" and "good guys" and thank goodness for the "good guys".
  2. Didn't someone post that they tried to require everyone who wanted to take the new class to bring a "new" person or serve on the class crew? When that didn't work, they had to drop the requirement. I wouldn't be surprised to learn they're running the classes with no new people and no "new person" quota. At least when Craig did that, he said it was "to bless the household" because, we're to be "especially good to the household". If that's 1,000 people attending the spay-shul, we'll probably see that number continue to drop each year.
  3. Belle

    Munchausen by Internet

    Rottie, my post was a joke. ;)
  4. Belle

    Momma has to Brag

    :wub: He's just adorable!! I love it when you Mamas brag on here!
  5. Belle

    Munchausen by Internet

    Ya HAD to post another "Florida Nutcase" story, didn't you? Just when we were managing to distract the world from how stupid some folks in Florida are...... :wacko: Thanks, Shellon! Thanks a lot!
  6. :eusa_clap: Goey, it's so good to "read" you! :) You said everything I was thinking of posting while reading this thread. Excellent, and better than I could have put it.
  7. Can you say, "tent dress"? Those are the same outfits they've been wearing since day one. It's just tired, uninspiring music and presentation. Music and artistic expression in general just doesn't fit into the little "God box" they try to force everything into.
  8. My first thought was, what the heck does Larry Panarello know about light & love? What the heck does he know about healing and restoration? Then I read this…. Waaah, Waaah, Waaaah - I guess he got a little taste of “justice”. Having to live in the conditions he demanded of others. What an eye opener that must have been. Apparently, not very comfortable or nice, eh? Larry was a Craig Martindale wannabe. He treated people horribly and without an ounce of “light”, “love” or modicom of compassion like Jesus teaches in the Gospels. He was all about justice, but Craig Martindale style justice. He was the number one guy behind Craig casting verbal stones at people – breaking hearts and destroying lives. Does he have a “real” job, or is he still a full time minister building his ministry so he doesn’t have to face life in the egg sucking world he despised so much?
  9. I agree, T&O. Considering the history of TWI monitoring, spying and otherwise micro-managing every move of those they "oversee" - I wouldn't be so quick to assume that Founders Hall folks can freely surf. Let's see: They had my ex turn in his long distance phone records when he was in WC training - they monitored all his phone calls while he was in training. They spent months tracking down a Pitney Bowes code to find who sent real research on the debt issue to folks at HQ. They interrogated every single TWIt in the entire state of Florida trying to determine who a particular poster at WayDale and Gspot was. They monitor posts here and were relentless during WayDale. Folks have been M&A and marriages were destroyed because of TWI's intrusion on their privacy. They mailed some people their own posts when they were scheduled to be involved in court cases - with not-so-subtle threats of "we're watching you." They had (maybe still have) WC scheduling their lives in 15 minute increments & required them to submit these schedules, which were to include everything including "intimate" time with their spouse. And, now, they're all about freedom to roam about the world wide web? I doubt it. I know of at least one person there who loves porn websites - I hope he doesn't get himself into trouble with the WAYGB for that. $1,000 or 1,000 people? Are there even 1,000 people qualified to attend a spay-shul left in TWI?
  10. Europe was a bust, eh? Does that mean Europeans don't like being micro-managed? Why weren't they able to "move the word" over there? What does that say about the TWI teachings on "Rise & Expansion"? <_< Family camp at Gunnison? Are they going to increase the staff there to handle all the maintenance, upkeep and repairs? No horses? What are they going to be doing with the property year round? Camps are only a few weeks out of the summer, right? How many "young" families are there in TWI? It seemed to me that TWI was becoming predominantly older folks with kids who have moved out and on from TWI. Even putting together classes using believer kids to meet the "new student" quota was getting more and more difficult when I left.
  11. Roy, that is absolutely beautiful and so true. TWI has it all wrong. You, my friend, have it all right. TWI uses the "he has magnified his word above his name" to justify and excuse their worship of head knowledge, Greek, private interpretation and using scriptures to control people over the actual worship and praise of God to the exclusion of not really practicing or living anything taught in the Bible.
  12. Chas, most major airlines allow shipments of pets. I know that some breeders down here ship their dogs to other states for breeding and sales of puppies. My breeder uses Delta. Look up the section on "Pets Shipped as Air Cargo" - Delta has a reputation of taking very good care of pets being shipped and that's why the breeders trust their valuable family members with Delta. Here's to getting that perfect four footed family member soon!
  13. As long as it doesn't clash with Survivor & CSI on Thursday nights or NASCAR on Sunday afternoons it's all good with me. Great idea, Paw!!
  14. Take this quiz: Find Your Spot - They'll suggest the best places for what you want and give you lots of info on the top locations.
  15. C'mon, Skyrider, you know better than that! It will be required for all wayfers to visit Gunnison at some point. Just like those regional bus trips to HQ and the 250 mile radius STS. What I want to know is, are they going to have to provide their own bedding, towels, etc. and do their own cooking, chopping wood, etc. since there aren't enough staff to keep it functioning? And how decrepit will it become before they sell it? If the meager WC wanna be's aren't enough to take care of it properly, how are they going to do it without them?
  16. There's also this: and this is a list of some of the conversations about BG Leonard to be found at the cafe:
  17. And that's a right nice place, too! Mr. Freeman can be found there quite frequently, which is really nice. Darn that's in the middle of the week or I'd try to make my way up there for it and to meetcha MStar.
  18. Sudo and Sushi, Thank you very much! :eusa_clap:
  19. 100% and I know at least one Rhino missed... 33. Joshua said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the _____." The answer is NOT wine.
  21. Where ELSE has this poison been used?? FDA: Pet food tainting might be intentional In California, state agriculture officials placed a hog farm under quarantine after melamine was found in pig urine there. Additional testing was under way to determine whether the chemical was present in the meat produced by American Hog Farm in Ceres since April 3, the state Department of Food and Agriculture said. ........... The FDA and Agriculture Department also were investigating whether some pet food made by one of the five companies supplied by Wilbur-Ellis was diverted for use as hog feed after it was found unsuitable for pet consumption. “We understand it did make it into some hog feed and we are following up on that as well,” Sundlof said. ..... Officials were investigating American Hog Farm’s sales records to determine who may be affected by the quarantine, said Steve Lyle, a spokesman for the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The 1,500-animal farm operates as a “custom slaughterhouse,” which means it generally does not supply meat to commercial outlets. “Mostly it is not so-called mainstream pork. This is an operation that sells to folks who come in and want a whole pig,” said Lyle said. Officials urged those who purchased pigs from American Hog Farm since April 3 to not consume the product until further notice. FYI - MORE food was added to the recall list TODAY. Including DRY FOOD.
  22. Well, Dang, Out There, you shoulda been in during the 90's - especially in Florida or any place the Moynihans may have overseen WC.
  23. If you're going to be there, MStar, let me know. I might have to plan a trip back home. It's been too many years since I've been to a good blues festival.
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