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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Is it maybe the same problem RottieGrrrl was having a few days ago?
  2. It was fun and it's going to be a great platform for interviews, round table discussions and all that jazz. It's educational, too.... I learned tonight that Mississippi isn't part of the south and there's no way I'm a southern belle.
  3. We've got a terrific thunderstorm coming in. I hear rumblings and cracklings of lightning. Hopefully my access will stay up. *crossing fingers* You'll probably be able to join in once it officially starts at the 5pm scheduled time, Suda. :)
  4. Okay, I'm downloaded and registered as SBelle. I guess when the show is active, I'll be able to see where to jump in.
  5. I dunno, I think more in terms of the lessons we're here to learn and how, if we're all part of the whole (the body of Christ, the universe... whatever you want to call it), then there aren't really levels, so to speak, because that would indicate that some of us are more important, more "evolved" or better than others. I think more in terms of paths and which path, life lessons, challenges each of us encounter as being individual to each one of us and it's impossible to know the strength, knowledge, depth and insight required to survive being who someone is in their particular season of life. Hmmm..... could those be spirals off of the center, whatever that center may be? Or, twisting paths that parallel each other and sometimes, we follow a trail that leads from one path to another? OR, different stepping stones along the same, wide path and, we stand on certain stepping stones depending on the situation or topic? Maybe I use reason to explain some things in life, but what others would call magic or myth for other life questions. Maybe I see the benefit and merits of a universal compassion, but don't necessarily see it as realistic or obtainable in my lifetime. I don't think we're all one thing at all times. Like even you said, you're still learning, growing and ever-changing some of your beliefs. Aren't most of us? *smile* And, don't those who think or believe different serve a purpose and provide something beneficial to this "one body"? Even if it's to observe them and think, "Thank God I don't think, talk or act like that anymore!" :D
  6. Belle

    Way Music

    I never heard any of the old music while I was in TWI. As people left the ministry they quit playing their music and they definitely quit selling it in the bookstore and we were "encouraged" to throw out the music we did have. I had some country-like music on a couple of tapes and a tape of another guy who was pretty good, can't remember who they are now, though. I was told to throw them away because the people were "cop outs" and the music wouldn't be spiritually healthy to listen to. :huh:
  7. I nearly cried the first time Vixen hurt her back and the vet told me to "keep her quiet". He had to be demented. Rescue Remedy is like doggie valium and it did help a little. But, yah, I know those "you're pure evil, Mom" looks and the guilt trips for crate confinement. Glad Nico is getting back to regular snot status, even if it is ever so slowly. How long did the vet say he expected it to be?
  8. Belle

    Barn Living

    LAE, this is what it says on their site: Also, keep in mind that any construction project is practically guaranteed from the get-go to exceed the expected budget. BUT, if you watch HGTV, you probably already know that. While I think it would be awesome to build my "dream home", I have this thing about building and new houses. At least, in my experience, everyone I know - all without exception - has had nightmares with contractors, building quality, deadlines, budgets, warranties, etc. etc. etc.
  9. LOL! Vixen is NOT a lap dog by any stretch of the imagination. When she wants to cuddle up in my lap, I know something's wrong. She does give face licks and wiggle butt dances around you freely, though. She rolls on her back and "dances" while you scratch her butt and tummy. But ask her to be still? No way, Jose! How's Nico doing?
  10. Who says? What's the main point behind every lesson in the Bible? It's love, is it not? What it is - what it isn't. If God talks about having the believing of children and being harmless as doves and if children delight his heart, then the only really crucial lesson in life is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. That's so simple that even a child can do that and Jesus uses it in his teachings - you don't have to be a Bible scholar to love and you certainly don't have to be one for God to love you. That's why Jesus said, "On these two commandments hang the whole Law and the Prophets." The rest is just head knowledge and reinforcing those two commandments. Don't argue with me. I didn't write the book. :P
  11. And, TWI expected us to dismiss the conscience. We weren't allowed to question teachings. Nobody had any debates about this stuff with vee pee or craig. It wasn't allowed. We couldn't even debate it, much less talk about other viewpoints with other folks in the organization. This became more and more evident the longer one was involved. As a new person we were condescended to, talked down to and told that we just couldn't "see it yet" and to "hold it in abeyance" until we were "more mature" or had taken more classes, then we would be able to see it like they did. After a while, you just kind of realized that you were never going to get a straight answer on something you thought was wrong, forget the things you just didn't "feel right" about. And don't even get me started on all the teachings that the emotions are evil and not to be trusted. That we are to control our emotions and to even ignore them. Emotions, feelings, intuitions, etc were to be thrown out the window. Trust only your logic and what the Bible says... well, what TWI says the Bible says and what TWI says to think and reason. For so many of us our conscience would scream about something we felt wasn't right (and I don't mean just the teachings, either), but because we had become conditioned to just shut up and put up with it, we were conditioned to believe that the leadership were infallible - untouchable and knew more, knew better than we did, so we did what good waybots do, we LOGICALLY concluded that we just didn't have the whole picture. After a few years of TWI teachings there was so much put on the back burner that we weren't sure was right, but since everything builds on top of previous teachings, we eventually had to accept as correct, things that we didn't really prove to ourself was correct. We built subsequent beliefs on top of and intertwined with things that we hadn't even had a chance to logically conclude were right to begin with. For example..... maybe God changed the whole configuration of the universe after Adam and Eve sinned .... maybe God didn't make man to love Him and love his neighbor after all. He just left that part out of the Bible. Yeah, that's it. All knowing, all powerful, ever present God with all his omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence just didn't count on that part of life. So, shut up and quit second-guessing what we were taught. <_<
  12. Mo's leaving something out, JJ. She and T-Bone have kept us thoroughly entertained with "permit"able banter and wasn't there a Haiku thread around here somewhere? And a limerick thread? Of course, on one hand, there's the occasional tendency to be just plain silly and tlk about things like amazing sea monkeys on the other hand, there's always food handy for a good old fashioned food fight. If you're so inclined, visit the Greasespot Gallery and Reading Room or Just Plain Silly and start something. You'd be amazed at the, ahhh.... ummmm.... talent in the cafe.
  13. JJ, "The Sound of Paper" helped me get back in touch with my creative self. Also, reading books just for fun - the ones that stimulate the imagination - especially the Harry Potter books. It gets easier and it does get better. Just remember to be compassionate and patient with yourself. It's not gone; it's just been suppressed for so long that it's going to take a little time for it to come back to the surface. :)
  14. Belle

    Way Music

    Yeah, Dooj, we all knew it was from Willie's original GOOD song. :) How about the classic, "Wash My Feet in the Blood of the Wicked"? That was sheer genius. <_< Just the lyrics of some of the songs are sickening to think about: "We're not gonna drag those who kick and scream"
  15. Pipes, it's in the Counseling section (http://kingdomready.org/counseling.php) I don't know if it's Firefox or poor web design, but I have to scroll past a bunch of dead space to get to the actual content of the website at the bottom of the page. I guess he left TWI but TWI didn't leave him. Pity he hasn't learned anything since leaving... namely, how to treat others and how to love.
  16. Awww, Dot, we're just razzing you. :P People would be shocked at the $$ I spend on Vixen... lessons, competitions, etc. :o We all have things we spend money on that make us happy. I'm sure you're as beautiful on the outside as I know you are on the inside! And the self-esteem that comes from having good "hair days" is immeasurable, imo. Heck, Vixen's groomer is her breeder and I tip her about as much as it costs to get her groomed just because it's Teri and it's only once, maybe twice a year. I've never thought about breakfast that way, but will add a little extra next time I dine out for breakfast. Thanks, Raf.
  17. +odd, I want to reply to this, but it will take more time to compose than I have right now. :) I just want to let you know it IS being read and appreciated. I just can't do a reply justice at the moment.
  18. Love the post, +odd! Not sure what you mean by "practice precision", but the rest I get and agree with wholeheartedly. And, I do read whatever the heck I want - including Harry Potter and "Many Lives Many Masters" and many other "heretical" books. :o Best one lately, for me, is "What God Wants" Darn thing is there's more that I want to read than there is time these days.
  19. Yep. Shortly before my ex chose TWI over his "unalterable commitment" to me I prayed out "If it's Your will, God...." Talk about getting yelled at! WTF do you think you're doing? "IF" it's God's will? IF? WTF kind of prayer is that? Have you already forgotten everything you've ever learned from TWI? Is the devil taking over that quickly? Geeze.... how DARE me pray that I'd like to see things work out according to His will. :wacko: Praying FOR someone outside "THE household" is definitely a foreign concept. I suspect it was like fingernails on the chalkboard to most people. That old crooked handlebar of a bicycle.
  20. oops - double post - sorry Maybe I should seek counseling? :unsure:
  21. :P That pretty much sums up my whole time in TWI. It was great the first month or so but downhill after that. Just add a little gun to the head of that :( and that's really how I felt by the time I left. I don't know about this god they teach. :huh: My Daddy's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but he treats me a million and one times better than the god of this bozo TWI.
  22. That's my vote and, frankly, I wish she'd just write the "thank you " letter to GSpot for all the ideas we've given her over the years. But, the lawyers probably wouldn't approve of that. :P
  23. :eusa_clap: Very good, Listener. I think it really just boils down to, "Love God and love your neighbor" - if you're doing that, then you're doing alright.
  24. AMEN, SISTAH!! And a "Hallelujah!!!" from the choir! Isn't life so much sweeter when we don't have the burden of passing judgement and uncovering every little speck of evil in someone's life.... much less in our own? I remember the Columbine comments. Craig said that they deserved it because they had rejected the WOWs who had been there several times and the number of chances they'd had to "respond to the word".
  25. No, but I wouldn't be surprised. Course it might just be the sound of the wind coming from them spinning in their graves. AND, you remind me, yet again, of another great thread from days gone by.... :B) :lol: It's about the irony of the fact that the "Fountain of Living Waters" is actually a graveyard. Now, let's see if I can find that one before WordWolf does. ^_^
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