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Everything posted by Belle

  1. (((((Pat))))) I don't know you, but I DO know I've only ever read wonderful things about you. :) It's great to see that beautiful smile you have! May I buy the first round?
  2. I got involved at around 23 years old during my first experience on my own. The first group I got involved with wasn't really with TWI but that's a long story. I first took "PFAL" "officially" in 1993 - got married in TWI - about 10 years later left TWI and so my husand left me. :( I stayed with my ex for about five years after the lawsuits and tons of personal, internal questions started causing problems between the two of us. :/ I kept hoping he would end up seeing what a farce TWI is and leave WITH me, but alas.... he chose them over me. My story is at GSpot Radio and in the "My Story" section of the boards. So, I'll try to keep from boring others here. After the lawsuits and them adamant about us not going on the internet, I went on the internet; found WayDale and it confirmed my worst fears and showed me that there was much more and much worse than I ever imagined. My ex would have nothing to do with hearing anything negative about TWI.... so I was on my own and that's ended up working out for the best.
  3. Belle


    :jump: :jump:
  4. Belle

    Postage Increase

    They have a "grace period" for those kinds of things. I'm just upset that the really cool Super Hero stamps that I bought recently are already obsolete. All I can say about the rest is..... THANK GOODNESS FOR ONLINE BILL PAY!
  5. Yeppers! Thank goodness Big Brother is looking out for our best interest. <_<
  6. UBER CONGRATS!!!! How sweet!!
  7. Belle


    WG, if you need help finding pet-friendly lodging let me know. :) Sounds like a winner no matter what you decide.
  8. Belle

    Happy Birthday Suda

    Suda, I hope it was wondermous and that you were treated like the remarkable woman that you are! :)
  9. We have some shows in common, Roy. I love, Love, LOVE CSI - the original one in Las Vegas. I'm also a Survivor junkie, so all my friends know not to call me on Thursday nights. The really good friends know never to call me during a NASCAR race. Other shows as I'm home to see them: Dancing with the Stars How I Met Your Mother Old Christine
  10. Belle

    Gas Banks

    Sorry, LAE, I've never heard of 'em.
  11. Belle


    Dang, MStar1. Soooooo glad you're okay! Yeah, that breathing in and breathing out is much easier said than done when you're in that situation. That scene from Pulp Fiction was pretty graphic. I hope you never have to use it, but glad that you will have one on hand if necessary. j
  12. Belle

    American Idol

    OMFG!!! How the heck did THAT happen????? I was torn between Jordin and Blake but just KNEW Melinda would be the winner. OMG! *still in shock*
  13. Belle


    White Water Rafting or mountain biking, kayaking, paint ball, rock climbing, cave exploration, fishing .... all in Beautiful West By God Virginia! That's a link to Ace Adventure Center - I've been there a couple of times and absolutely love it! Google maps says it's just a little over 4 hours away.
  14. (((((Mark))))) Praying with and for you.
  15. Belle

    Happy Limerick Day!

    HAPPY LIMERICK DAY!! There once was a café of greasespots Who drank much from bottles and teapots Thus saith the great forehead We should soon all be dead Evil and wrong he’s the one who rots There once was a man named Pawtucket Who wanted a place for those who had quit To share their stow-ry The good, bad and gory And tell T-W-I where to stick it And here's one I found that Hammeroni wrote a while back: An Oakie was once in New Knoxville, who claimed that all others were awful. He wished he could stay at the beautiful place, but he just had to make it a brothel.
  16. But how do you really feel, Dmiller? Here's why I said what I did:
  17. Belle

    Ballpark Fans?

    Not just the game, but the ball parks themselves? We had a family tradition of visiting any and all baseball stadiums (college & pro) within 100 miles of any place we drove past or visited on vacations each year. I've been to many a game at many a park and enjoyed every single one of 'em. The most memorable is trying to figure out how to get to the "hallowed grounds of Dodger Stadium". That's been a family joke since we saw the Padres there in 1980-something. Don't know if y'all have seen these spreads, but I thoroughly enjoyed them: Nobody Loves a 70's Ballpark Five New Ballparks We Love Five Ballparks We Miss Of course, my favorite seat in the house is from Left Field Lounge over looking Dudy Noble Field while munching on some down home BBQ and drinking a cold one (in a cup so the cops won't take it). John Grisham seems to agree. ^_^ Heck, he paid for a scoreboard to be put up in the grandstands so we, the Left Field Loung Lizards, would have a scoreboard we could see.
  18. Garth, in the context of TWI, especially the TWI under craig & rosie, it is an accurate statement, imo. Being wrong in that situation could cost you your soul and the "hand of protection" from God.
  19. I hate those "user" errors!
  20. Belle

    For Music Lovers

    :eusa_clap: Awesome, MStar. Rainy days can also be good days for Soulshine.
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