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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Bramble, I found this PBS Special and it seemed to help my understanding a wee bit. Of course, What The Bleep also helped with a bit of the quantum physics aspects, but it's still over my head.
  2. :eusa_clap: Awesome!! I'm looking forward to it. Todd, I do think that the topics and what you have to share are much more conducive to "talk" conversation than "written". This will be a good episode, I'm sure.
  3. Belle


    Sounds wonderful, WG! Please let us know about your wonderful time when you get back. Some of us may want to follow in your footsteps. :P
  4. Belle

    Age difference

    More important than age is trust, respect and open, honest communication - especially learning what we did wrong that caused previous relationships to fail.
  5. Belle

    The Cone of Barry

    I wish we had gotten more rain. There's still a tornado watch in my area, but we won't be getting too much more wet stuff. I did sleep like a baby last night, though. I love a rainy night...
  6. Belle

    Sleep Apnea

    So glad you've gotten answers, Notta. Being tired and not sleeping well is no fun. So glad you've gotten answers, Notta. Being tired and not sleeping well is no fun.
  7. We see through a glass darkly, no? I think there's just much we don't know and that it is entirely possible. I've watched a few past life regressions and read quite a bit on the subject. There's been a few things happen in my own life, personally, that have convinced me that there's much, much more that we just don't know or fully understand. Many Lives - Many Masters by Brian Weiss is an excellent book as someone mentioned earlier.
  8. If I ever have a monster crawl out of my tv, I want Kassie there to kick his ask.
  9. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, A LA!! I hope it's absolutely wonderful!
  10. The Beatles did Sgt Peppers?? I thought it was the Bee Gees! :huh: I had this poster on the wall in my bedroom for years. *duck* I wasn't born when the Beatles came out with it. Must have driven my Daddy crazy when I played the Bee Gees album.
  11. Since so much of what "I know" has been proven to be false and wrong, I prefer to think these days. It's quite a bit easier to acknowledge that I could be wrong. ;) It also makes me more open to learning so much more without the flippin' ego getting into the way. You just can't talk to people who know it all. The stuff one can learn when they are just thinking instead of so caught up in knowing is amazing.
  12. It's beautiful, Chas!! I love it! I've got a small tattoo in an inconspicuous place I love it, even these nearly 20 years later. I love the way it looks and what it means to me. The letters are black, the long part of the flame is yellow and the tip is red. I'd love to get another one and have thought about getting one above one of my ankles, but haven't found anything I just "have to have" yet. I'm also hesitant to get one where it's always visible or difficult to hide. My profession usually requires working in "corporate America" and a tattoo could definitely be a hindrance should I leave my current company.
  13. Here's the thread with a dead link to Rosie's handwritten note: "One trial down and one to go. It was good to come home with the victory." Still looking through my electronic files. :)
  14. Excerpts here: http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/sut_sxinterogrev.htm Here's the thread with a link to the actual transcript, but the link is dead. I've saved quite a bit of WayDale and Cafe stuff on CDs and will look through them as I get time. :) I may, *fingers crossed* Hopefully, have it saved. Actual Testimony
  15. HAPPIEST OF HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS, RASCAL!!! I hope you're your special day is as absolutely wonderful as you are!!!! You always bring a smile to my face and I'm so thankful for your friendship. :wub: I didn't know you were moonlighting on You Tube, though:
  16. Fascinating discussion! Thank you all very much! I'm reading through some of the links on here, but don't have anything to contribute... yet.
  17. I don't even know the scholars they mention in that quiz. But they do seem to have come up with an answer for me that I do tend to agree with. You scored as Emergent/Postmodern. You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this. Emergent/Postmodern 86% Classical Liberal 82% Modern Liberal 61% Charismatic/Pentecostal 46% Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 39% Neo orthodox 36% Roman Catholic 21% Reformed Evangelical 14% Fundamentalist 7% What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com
  18. Belle


    Shirley's son was going to UCF and has most likely long since graduated. She came to live with the Moynihans who very abruptly dropped her from WC and spread some awful rumors about her, but she stayed with TWI and married a very nice man, Vincen* B*zemore. They were living in Orlando and Shirley was working at UCF last I heard which was about three years ago. I may have contact info for them. If you want me to look PM me. :)
  19. They must have changed their position, RR. I think that's what folks are saying, not that they don't believe you. :) I remember when craiggers was in charge we had that list of 7 things we were to pray for every single time we prayed and some of those were our military men & women as well as the President of the US and other political figures. We were still doing that when I left a few years ago. It took so long to pray for all the things we were required to pray for that they pretty much quit letting folks pray for the things they had on their heart to pray - you know, personal situations, things like that.
  20. A "new ministry" developed by a former TWIt and attended by former TWIts sounds like an offshoot to me - no matter how bizarre their deviations from actual TWI doctrine. *shrug* But if you want to debate semantics, Lifted, then go ahead. Amazing some of the things people take away from TWI, no? And what they actually believe.... I agree, Linda, sounds pretty unusual to me. NOT something I'd want to be a part of.... "Rood Awakenings"? What a name!!
  21. True, Bolshevik, and it's found in many Pentecostal religions as well as "The Secret", "What the Bleep", "Transcendental Meditation", etc..... The thing is, a lot of those groups don't use the law of believing (the law of attraction, the power of positive thinking, whatever you want to call it) to trap, enslave and condemn folks. TWI does and so do some of the other groups. The way TWI teaches it, God is not part of the equation. They try to squeeze him into it, but he's not there, other than to obey our commands or slap us down if we do something wrong. But there are groups who teach that in conjunction with a lot of other things and it's a positive thing the way they teach it. When bad things happen or things don't work out the way we think they should, they don't go accusing the person of being a screw up or failing God in some way. That's what I mean when I say vee pee perverted something that has the potential to be helpful for folks.
  22. Here's an in depth look at The Blook Book that's phenomenal, imo.
  23. Bolshevik, This is the best review of PFAL I've ever read: http://ourworld.cs.com/PFALREVIEW/. TWI is not even a blip on any radar screen. We were duped and, as Oakspear said, it was the center of OUR world, but by no means was TWI anything great or widely known. Everyone seems to think they have the corner market on "the truth", whatever that is. What we have to do is evaluate what's being taught, genuinely evaluate, study and discuss the salient points and come to our own conclusions. The folks that encourage such questioning, discussion and even debate, are the ones we can really learn from. We may change our minds, we may become more convinced of our position, but it's that effort we put into it ourselves, that helps us to be more comfortable with the beliefs we choose to subscribe to. There may be some good, valid things taught in PFAL and there are some things that are taught that I do think are correct, but were extremely perverted...... like vee pee took something cogent and twisted or perverted it .... much like he taught: the value of the counterfeit increases according to how similar to the original that it is. He had some really good counterfeit teachings. The key, then, is to get to the valid, true teaching and strip away the counterfeit aspects of what vee pee interjected into the lesson.
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