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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Song of the moment

    Ex-queeze me, but I not only know that song, but I also know all the lyrics! ... unless you weren't counting me among the youngsters.... :( Didja know I had a dog named Doobie until I got involved with this religious cult.... This is my song of the moment
  2. I started babysitting very, very young and did that until I turned 15 - that's when we could get our driver's license in Mississippi. I got my license, my mom's old car and a job to pay for my car insurance. I had to pay Daddy some set amount out of each paycheck. Wendy's - still my favorite fast food burger joint. At school all of us who worked in fast food would swap horror stories. Wendy's was by far the best! I was there about a year until a friend of mine got me hired on working with her making circuit boards for a small company run by two brothers right out of college. That was a great job! I learned about transistors, capacitors, soldering AND made twice as much as I did working at Wendy's. My favorite jobs while I was in school, though, were the college library and B-Quik, Starkville's convenience store chain. Loved both those jobs! In fact, I still go see the owners of B-Quik whenever I'm back home.
  3. Belle

    Inkblot Test

    *giggle* I guess I should just head on over to hang out with Beavis and Butthead. Laney`s Original Inkblot Test My Results: Outcome D - The Teenager. Based on the descriptions you chose, you have a young mind. A little immature at times, and always one to need attention any way you can get it. Others your age or younger find it easy to get along with you, and you are always entertaining. You are curious about the world, and are still amused by toilet humour.
  4. And, I don't want to know where the center guy for Orleans is looking! :o That Man O War album looks awfully familiar for some reason............. :unsure: <-------------- Not sure she wants to remember why, though....
  5. I'm afraid you win, Imagine. :unsure: I was a stereo-typical Southern Baptist growing up. I was there every time the door was opened - choir, youth group, hand bells, Bible school, training union, etc.... you name it. But, it was all voluntary and fun. I did some pretty bizarre things while I was a TWIt, but since then I've pretty much avoided getting heavily involved with any kind of organized anything. I do attend a Methodist church occasionally and I do so enjoy it, but I also frequent Buddhist meditations, a Religious Science church and the occasional pagan, psychic or wicca meeting.
  6. Yeppers! God got me out more times than I care to think about in the beginning. Once I "obeyed" the "man of gawd" in our area and gave up my nice little apartment to move in with "a believer", it was all over - they had my life lock, stock and barrel. Then I got married and it was really over - I became a brain-dead TWIt. Oh how I wish I hadn't caved in and subdued that "rebellious" streak of mine when they started quoting 1 Samuel at me. :(
  7. You are only minorly brainwashed. You let some things influence you, but you know if it gets too far. You also often react without thinking things through. I think I like Shifra's better - my score is much better on her test. Shifra, it IS a very good measure of some of the mindsets and thought patterns/processes we have to get over. The first thing I wanted to do after my ex moved out of the house was to find a cross necklace to wear.... just cause I could. I didn't find one I just couldn't live without, but I did get a Celtic Cross. I also have two Buddha statues in my house now. One of the Indian Buddha and one of the Chinese Buddha. That would've NEVER happened in TWI.
  8. AJern, Disney IS cool! Bring the family on down sometime and I'll be delighted to show y'all around. Thank God, indeed for those rebellious streaks in so many of us. My little brother kept telling my mom that one day they'd tell me one too many times what to do and I'd bolt. Sure 'nuff.... I got tired of being controlled, manipulated, micromanaged and then they kept harping on how evil the internet is.... well, my job requires that I be able to get around on the WWW, so I knew that was bunk and, of course, had to look for whatever it was they obviously didn't want us to see. It really isn't wise, usually, to tell me NOT to do something. So glad to have you here at the Cafe! The air is fresh and sweet, so breath in deeply.
  9. Hi JohnJ, From what I understand, most of the folks who are involved with geer's outfit don't even know much about him or ever see him. There's been a few threads about geer in the past. If you use the search function near the top right corner of the page, you may find some answers. And, WELCOME!!
  10. Kit, I did not know of the link between Alzheimer's and avoiding social contact. :huh: Is it a symptom or is it a behavior that's likely to contribute to it? I go through spurts of not wanting to see, talk, communicate, anything with others. I could really be a hermit some days...
  11. WELCOME, KOFFEEKUPS!! First round's on the house. :) There's a booth here at the cafe called Friend Tracker (click on the name to go there). You can look for folks there - search on the name, or start a new thread asking about someone. HopeRich started a thread a while back about how many degrees of separation we most likely all are from each other - kind of like the 7 Degrees of Bacon. Talk to someone from TWI long enough and you'll most likely find quite a few people you have in common. Pretty cool!
  12. jean and john, you two are nothing but bullies. Your actions speak louder than any amount of words. Back off and grow up already! Geeze... <_< AJern, WELCOME!! First round is on the house. You take your coffee straight up, or would you like some cream and sugar? OutinTexas, I believe we probably DO outnumber TWI these days!
  13. Belle

    Another Accent Test

    Well, I just started taking it and I see a problem right off the bat. "On" is not pronounced like LAWN nor like JOHN - It's pronounced like OWN. ^_^ What American accent do you have? (Best version so far) My Results: Southern People used to hate Southern accents but now everyone wants one. But I didn't know everyone wanted an accent and I've been told I don't even have mine anymore. I will say that I'm glad to see they did not include Florida in the south - Florida is definitely NOT part of the true south.
  14. We just always called 'em "egg sucking".
  15. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. That's where it keeps showing up for me. It may be at the top of the page as well, but I always see it at the bottom. Of course, thanks to Rhino and Chas, you may get some big breasted dog ads now.
  16. Not if it's not the whole thing you can quote it directly - if it's the whole thing just paraphrase it. If you want to see how it's been done before with Way Mag articles and previous STS transcripts, check out posts by insurgent.
  17. Always glad to hear folks make it out. Didn't they have some beloved horses they had to give up in order to stay corps? Hopefully, they'll be able to experience that joy again.
  18. LOVE IT!! My neighbor is a lawyer - he's really gonna love it!
  19. Well, that would be more appropriate terminology, now that you mention it.....
  20. Mo, my ex was a police officer and he even told a juvenile delinquent that - in front of her parents - while on a call at their house because of something the girl had done. Told her flat out that if we were in Old Testament times she'd be at the city gates being stoned for her actions. :blink: Now, this child was no angel, but yeah, the attitude was pervasive and I believe some folks truly wished it was the case that we could stone people. Thank goodness we don't have stockades or public hangings anymore either. TWIts would really feed off of that.
  21. I may have to check with Mo and the permit clerks on this..... do you have the proper permits for dis-allowing use of Spam cans and upgrading to polypropylene?
  22. Linda, thanks, I did not know that about Rick Ross - I really just came across the site & thread doing a search for therapists who specialize in cult recovery. The section on his site where he brags about lawsuits filed against him by certain groups was eerily reminiscent of someone who would come on here and do the same thing.... So, while I did not put much stock into Rick Ross himself, he did not participate in the discussion on the thread I linked to. I just thought it was an interesting dialog.... What gets me is how people use doctrine, like trinitarian or not, to label a group as a cult, satanic or what have you.... It's the practices that go with those doctrines that are dangerous, not necessarily the doctrine themselves, imo. Steve Hassan's definition utilizes the BITE model - controlling Behavior, Information, Thought, Emotion Controls.... Doctrine is a very, very small part of what makes a group a cult. WordWolf, thank you for your ingenuity!
  23. FYI - They've added more to the collection.
  24. Belle

    Song of the moment

    Yesterday I got stuck at this website that - dadgummit - LindaZ has gotten me hooked on. I enjoyed some of the old patriotic and ragtime music on there yesterday..... I'm listening to a book on CD by Jimmy Buffet right now (my rush hour valium), so I'll be playing Parrot Head music at work today, I think. Besides that, it's the summer and what better time than now to be singing Margaritaville and wishing I'd called in sick to enjoy some booze in the blender?
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