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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Your Avitar...

    Awesome topic, Chas! I do get to where I associate certain people with their avatar and it's confusing when someone else starts using it. Like The Highway, I have always loved Catcup's avatar. It suits her perfectly and when she started using it I thought, "YES!" On another message board I frequent a gal started using Catcup's avatar and it was so difficult for me. At first I thought, "Wow, I didn't know Catcup came here." Then, "That's not Catcup and this woman is nothing like Catcup. Why the heck is she using HER avatar?" Knowing darn well that gal had never heard of GSpot or TWI. It still bothered me to no end that she was using Catcup's avatar. Socks and his Calvin avatar - Fits him to a "T" - Silly, mischevious, loveable.... I have to double-check the poster now that Sprawled uses a Calvin & Hobbes one as well. Tom Strange - Can't look at his without smiling. excathedra - that's just her to me.... sweet, beautiful, classic. I've loved Sushi's through the years. Mine is Scarlett O'Hara. When I got out of TWI and got divorced I wanted to start over with a new handle. It wasn't important to hide my identity any longer, but I don't necessarily want to advertise who I am either. I knew right away I wanted Scarlett. She's plucky. She's Southern, strong, resourceful, fiercely defends her family and loved ones, tenacious..... all the things I wish I were. Despite her flaws, which I suppose I probably relate to all too well, she is a character I much admire. Thanks a million and one to Paw for his endless photo re-sizing and opinions helping me choose the perfect image of her for my avatar.
  2. T-Bone, there are floor plans on the link provided in my initial post. Some awesome pics in the gallery by NoWayHozay - there may be one of that room, or the room you practiced in at that link. :)
  3. In case y'all haven't seen it - NoWayHozay posted a bunch of pics of the campus here in the Gallery.
  4. Belle

    Song of the moment

    Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance :P I have a cousin learning this for performance. Been so long since I've heard the music.... I just love it!
  5. Belle

    New Museum

    I don't even pretend to know the answer and, honestly, I don't really care. *shrug* What matters is that we're here and there are some incredible things to learn while we are. Science is absolutely fascinating now that I'm not forced to study it under the tutelage of some extremely boring professor. (No offense, Bolshevik, I'm sure you're an excellent instructor ) Does it HAVE to be evolution or creation? Is it not possible that there's some other answer out there? What's to be gained from knowing the answer?
  6. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, FRIEND! Your friendship, support, help, ear and time through the years has been invaluable and I appreciate you so much!
  7. Belle

    Snooty Pans

    Mine is whatever was on sale at Target last year. Next year, it'll be whatever is on sale then. I'd LOVE to use my cast iron skillet, but my house came with one of those fancy-dancy glasstop stoves that is NOT made for people who actually cook. You can't use a cast iron skillet on it and it's extremely particular about the kind of pans you can use. Forget about using anything that's even the slightest bit warped on the bottom. I can't wait to have a "normal" stove some day.... I doubt I'll start using snooty pans then, either, though.
  8. Belle


    I thought it did, too, Ham. In fact, I thought they had copied it and just put a different name on it to be appropriately "spiritual".
  9. That sounds like a marvelous idea!! :eusa_clap:
  10. Belle

    John Juedes

    Twinky, Have you listened to his interviews at GSpot Radio? Or read much on his website? Ham's link answers your question directly (http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/ltr_quwhycritc.htm Here's another link to his response to the question: You seem to be on a "personal crusade" against The Way. Why? http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/tw_lett...sonal%20crusade I'm curious as to why it seems to bother you. :unsure: Or is it just that tone of voice isn't carrying well in the written form? :) John's site has been invaluable regarding helping many of us come to the realization that TWI isn't what it pretended to be. It's the ONLY place online I was able to find side-by-side proof of the plagiarism of vee pee. Many people had talked about it, but John proved it. He's provided so much information, proof, testimonials and all from an informed, logical and level-headed position that it's hard to argue with much of what he has presented. I thank GOD that men like John Juedes and Paul Allen and Paw have given the time (and that's A LOT of time invested), manpower and money to make it real easy for folks like me to learn the truth about TWI and to have a place to go to for answers, comfort, assurances and healing. I've always known you on here to be logical and to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I'm sure you'll see what a great man John is and how much he's done to help so many of us in our recovery when you spend some time at his website and listen to his interview with Paw.
  11. Belle

    Wedding Officiant

    I dunno, MStar. I think if two people are determined to get married, they're gonna get married even if it means going to the JP or Vegas. Heck, I know some gay couples down here call themselves married and wear rings even though it isn't recognized. Doesn't make divorce any less painful, either, though I do get what you're saying. I just don't know if I would consider myself (or anyone else for that matter) qualified to decide if someone was ready to get married or not. I mean, obviously, my ex and I seemed to be the perfect couple - mature and ready for the commitment at the time. *shrug*
  12. Happy birthday, Dooj.
  13. Dang, MStar. I know, too, first hand how painful that is. You must be a lot tougher than I am. I totally freaked when I walked through some barefoot. I thought I'd gotten into a hot bed of super powerful fire ants. :o Those darn things continued to sting for hours after I managed to escape the plants. I was uncomfortable enough to have utilized the slugs The Highway posted about if I'd have known about them and had any handy at the time. I wonder what they taste like, but not going to go looking for any to try on my own. :P I seem to find trouble easy enough without actually looking for it.
  14. Belle

    New Museum

    I still can not find a darn thing mentioning any scientists who actually worked with or contributed any learning to the museum. I did find this, however.... ... and an awful lot of other articles like it.
  15. Belle

    New Museum

    Vegan, interesting, isn't it, that they don't provide that information. You'd think, if for no other reason than to lend credibility and validity to the place they'd give the background of these brilliant scientists.... <_< I did a little googling on it: Ken Ham, president and CEO of Answers in Genesis is the founder. He received endorsement from Jerry Falwell. The rest of this article sounds like what we were taught in TWI.... This is the founder's own website and he lists scientists who supposedly accept Biblical creation, but doesn't list them as being part of the actual museum.
  16. Thanks, Garth. I was kinda in a hurry this morning and got sloppy with my posting, I reckon. Wouldn't that be something fun to do, White Dove? Get those springs back into "spa" condition and have Greasespots from all over come visit..... Would that a year's worth of my paychecks could afford to do that.... that would be fun. Out, I loved that quote! Speaks loudly, doesn't it?
  17. Belle


    :eusa_clap: Yeah, Mo!! We'll be doing cartwheels before you know it. Praying for continuing strength and most excellent news like this from you.
  18. I think an open discussion would be fun.... kinda like the chat room only with real live voices. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. Vixen got into a tussle with a very angry wild mama boar and we've just returned from the pet ER. I'll be camping by her on the floor all day and night praying for no serious internal injuries and keeping the gash on her belly clean.
  19. Belle

    Hangover Cures

    In college, my girlfriend and I would often have to take turns playing caretaker... "Susie, bring me two aspirin, a Sprite and some Mylanta" And, yeah, I acquired a taste for V-8 Juice later on after a friend insisted it worked better than the above remedy. My California cousins tried to get me to eat some kind of stew that's supposed to help hangovers - Menudo - made with cow or pig intestines... 6 pounds tripe 5 pounds hominy 4 pigs feet, cut and quartered 1 large onion 1 bunch green onion 1 bunch cilantro 2 tablespoons oregano 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes 1 whole garlic 2 tablespoons salt 6 dry California red chili pods 1 can tomato paste
  20. LAE, are you saying Snopes is wrong or that you're especially talented at flashing your lights as fast as required? The article does directly debunk your story and it completely appropriate considering your claim. I'd say the query is right on, what is it that you think is wrong about it? GT, have you tried it yet? Does it really work?
  21. Belle


    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! Daddies are awesome! Chasers of monsters from under the bed Our first superhero
  22. Belle

    Wedding Officiant

    Very kewl, Oakspear! I'm also "ordained" by ULC. Maybe I should put some ads out there..... Do you provide a copy of your ordination or is just the fact that you are, in fact, ordained enough? I'm sure you've made some very happy people with your services.
  23. The Way International purchased the bulk of the property from the Sisters of the Precious Blood in 1976 and bought the remaining acreage from a couple in ... A comment at the bottom of the article: Gloria wrote on Jun 16, 2007 3:58 PM: " This is a great property. I hope whoever ends up with it is moved to continue to keep it open for people to visit. I sure hope we don't get another Way College. "
  24. Belle


    ((((((((((MO)))))))))) Please let us know what the doctor says and when the surgery is. Dang! I wish I lived close enough to come be there with you.
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