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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    cruise to Cozumel

    Seeing as how I've not much "international" experience, I can't help with that one, but you MUST have coffee and beignets at Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter. I think it's a cardinal sin to miss that New Orleans treat on your first visit. Sounds like a wonderful vacation y'all have planned! Please fill us in on how wonderful it was when you get back.
  2. P-mosh, I'm glad you weren't offended, but it IS things that seem insignificant to some of us that can be really offensive to others. George, honestly, I have, at times, cringed at your corrections of others and didn't think it was funny on this thread. It seems you totally ignored the whole point I was trying to make and, in the process, caused a diversion from the purpose of the thread....but that's just me. And, Chas, a few others I think focus too much on grammar and spelling have posted here, too. Again, that's just my opinion. :) I hate that Daddy Hound Dog doesn't post here anymore and there are a few others I miss, too. It's a shame, as I said in my first post and as Shaz so eloquently stated, that people can't focus on the message but, instead have to look for some way to tear the messenger down.
  3. Actually, you're wrong as far as the meaning of what I wrote, George. I don't mean that I write and speak at the same time (e.g. "I write as I speak"). I mean that my writing is like my speech. If you were to hear me speak and then read something I have written, you could hear me saying it.
  4. ((((Galen))))) Good to "see" you! The next round's on me! Where's that mug shot of you, though? You'll need to head over to the avatar thread and explain yourself.
  5. Good posts, y’all. Yes, the appreciation for good, clean communication seems to have gone seriously downhill and I fear that with this up coming txt msg generation, it’s only going to get worse. Mr. P-Mosh and anyone else who may be offended by the title of the thread – I’m sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone by using the term Nazi. I do feel the spelling and grammar police here need to lighten up a lot. If you must correct someone, do it privately, better yet don’t say anything and just enjoy the company. Rhino, yes, some mistakes do make for a good belly laugh, and why not as long as the recipient is of the same humor? And, yes, thank goodness for Firefox!! Ham, I agree that the parents have a lot to do with it. It’s a shame more and more parents don’t seem to care much at all about their kids – what they do, who they hang out with – where they go – how they speak, spell or do in school. George, that’s what I’m talking about. What if I DON’T forgive the fact that you don’t know how to break out quotes and instead of commenting on the content of your post, proceed to give you a lesson on breaking out quotes? ;) BTW, like Sprawled, those are acceptable as far as my editing experience goes. But, I’m not a professional editor like Linda; I just wear a marketing hat occasionally. Sushi, that’s the point – we all come here to enjoy ourselves. Most folks don’t come here to learn proper spelling and grammar. Some who frequent the café know the rules but don’t use them online for whatever reason. I’m just as guilty as the next person when it comes to some things. I even like some of the abbreviations and use them – YMMV, IMO, ROFLMAO, BRB, IIRC…. IMO, it’s not our place to “correct” one another, here especially. Like Free Soul said, it’s unsolicited advice. If we don’t like how someone writes we’re certainly free to skip over their posts and, like you, there are some folks I just can’t bear to read because it hurts my eyes and/or I can’t ever figure out what the heck they’re trying to say. Conversely, I suffer through some posters’ writing because the person usually has something really awesome to share. Because we ARE here to have fun, to heal, to vent and to get away from all the judgmental crap we suffered through in TWI, I just think the spelling and grammar police need to lay off. I know I've spent enough time being told how I'm not up to par. Lord knows I already get enough of it at work where I do need to know those things. I don't come here for that. It takes the fun out of it. Who gives a rip if someone can or can’t spell "avatar" correctly? How do you know it’s not just a typo? More importantly who gives a rip? Why bring it up when it’s a thread that was just intended to be a little fun and to give folks a chance to share something about themselves? Who cares if you spell something wrong in a post where you pour your heart out regarding something from TWI that affected your life? "I read your post about being raped and forced to have an abortion and the only comment I have to make is.... did you realize you had seven spelling errors and three grammatical errors in that post?" I’m just getting sick of it! On the other hand, paragraphs are good! :D OMG, Linda – I never knew “impact” wasn’t a verb! I just edited that last sentence from “….impacted your life?”
  6. Belle

    The Privileged Planet

    George, you sure have a way with words, ya know? You do make some good points, as does Garth. I'm not proselytizing the film by any means. I just found it rather interesting and knew we have some rather intelligent folks on here, including some experts on the subject and was curious as to the thought of others. I have periodically wondered about life on other planets and how much we really do know about the universe. The film does present quite a remarkable set of "qualifications" for a planet to be able to host "complex" life forms beyond algae and the lowly amoeba. But, the universe is a huge place and we haven't even scratched the surface of all that's out there. I dunno, I always thought it'd be really cool to find another planet like ours. I wonder if they've polluted it and killed off many of their species like we have. That's a really cool link, cman. Thanks! :)
  7. Belle

    Your Avitar...

    Chas, PLEASE don't go anywhere else! Your wit and humor is unlike any other and your insight is amazing. You use the most important keys on the keyboard as far as I'm concerned, the "space bar" and the "enter" key. And, that's the only thing that really matters to me. Even if you decided to quit using those, I'd take the time to add my own just so's I could still enjoy your input. Krys, I love, love, love your name and avatar. I'd hate to see you change either one one 'em. I remember a long time ago you explained why you chose your screen name and it really touched me and has stuck with me through these years.
  8. How apropos that this article appeared this morning on MSN after several discussions on here about the same thing. Personally, I'm a spelling and grammar freak. Whenever anyone in the office wants to know how to spell a word, a good synonym for a word or about a grammatical rule they always come to me. (I am, however, very well aware of the fact that I'm a comma splicing sinner but I warn folks about that before helping them. I write like I talk and tend to put commas where my pauses are.) I never, but never correct anyone's spelling or grammar unless they ask. It just doesn't matter to some people and others are merely doing the best they can. Besides that, we all have our bad days, miss strokes on the keyboard, etc. I also just tend to shy away from "correcting" folks after spending ten years of doing it from a religious zealot viewpoint. I'm tired of judging people and pointing out where they are wrong, unless I've been asked to or get paid for it. Seems that's the predominant consensus from this article: edited to add: I suppose a link to the actual article would help....
  9. The finance committee refuses to provide funds for the purchase of a chandelier because none of the members knows how to play one. When they learn that Jesus fed 5000 people with two fish, folks ask whether the two fish were bass or catfish, and what bait was used to catch 'em. When the pastor says, "I'd like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering," five guys and two women stand up. Opening day of deer season is recognized as an official church holiday. A member of the church requests to be buried in his 4-wheel-drive truck because "It ain't never been in a hole it couldn't get out of." (Love it!) The choir is known as the "OK Chorale". In a congregation of 500 members, there are only seven last names in the church directory. Baptism is referred to as "branding". High notes on the organ set the dogs on the floor to howling. People think "rapture" is what you get when you lift something too heavy. The baptismal pool is a #2 galvanized washtub. The choir robes were donated by (and embroidered with the logo from) Billy Bob's Barbecue. The collection plates are really hub caps from a '56 Chevy. Instead of a bell, you are called to service by a duck call. The minister and his wife drive matching pickup trucks. The communion wine is Boone's Farm "Tickled Pink". "Thou shalt not covet" applies to hunting dogs, too. The final words of the benediction are, "Y'all come back now!! Ya Hear?"
  10. Belle

    GS Radio 6/24/07

    Dooj, that's what I do. I log into the talkshoe episode and dial in on my cell. It's worked fine and I like that I can walk away from the computer and still hear the broadcast.
  11. That's what I was thinking, ex. Mo, I don't think they can afford to buy their own tp. They can't even afford to go to the doctor, much less splurge on the luxuries of healthy toilet paper.
  12. Belle

    I soloed today

    Oh, I missed this! Congrats, Jim!! Sounds absolutely exhilarating, especially for someone like me who's so scared of heights that I won't even stand on a chair if I can help it. There's nothing more exciting than having one more dream come true and I'm tickled to pieces for you!
  13. CONGRATS BOW JR. AND SOON TO BE MRS. BOW JR.!! The best B&B in America, in my opinion is The Hippensteal, very convenient to Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Knoxville. The owner is also a well renowned artist and I am deee-lighted to have quite a few of his paintings in my home.
  14. This is the only canned bread like thing I've ever heard of. I can't wait to see the recipe.
  15. Eyes, lemme ask Mama. Her mother made THE BEST hush puppies I've ever had. Maybe she didn't take her recipe to the grave with her.
  16. It's a very interesting and fascinating documentary on the uniqueness of Planet Earth in the universe as we know it. From the website about the documentary: There is an opinion, common among scientists and intellectuals, that our Earthly existence is not only rather ordinary, but in fact, insignificant and purposeless. The late astronomer Carl Sagan typifies this view in his book "Pale Blue Dot": Because of the reflection of sunlight the Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light, as if there were some special significance to this small world. But it’s just an accident of geometry and optics. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. But perhaps this melancholy assumption, despite its heroic pretense, is mistaken. Perhaps the unprecedented scientific knowledge acquired in the last century, enabled by equally unprecedented technological achievements, should, when properly interpreted, contribute to a deeper appreciation of our place in the cosmos. In this 60-minute video documentary we will explore a striking feature of the natural world. A feature as widely grounded in the evidence of nature as it is wide-ranging in its implications: the conditions that allow for intelligent life on Earth also make it strangely well suited for viewing and analyzing the universe. The result is an extraordinary documentary and a fascinating look at a timeless question: What is our significance within the grand scheme of the universe?
  17. Plurality Palace! My ex got the most comfortable blue robe from Plurality Palace when he was in res. When we got married, I absconded the robe for my own use and darn if he didn't take it with him when he moved out (probably just to spite me). I thought about asking for custody, but, well..... I chickened out. I do miss that robe, though.
  18. Dooj, I didn't realize it was your day to be the thread police. Thank you for setting the example for all of us. One can disagree with someone without making personal attacks - it's entirely possible and happens all the time - just not when the authoritays jump into the discussion. On the other hand, as Bramble noted, it's posters like those that remind us of the arrogant, condescending and bossy attitudes we have had to struggle with and, perhaps, personally overcome within our own behavior.
  19. Well, there's my neighbor who says when he dies he wants to be buried face down so everyone can kiss his arse. My grandmother, who is getting on up in age and with some health problems, says every day is a gift. I certainly call them more often now that I can't see them all the time like I did growing up. I've had my first taste of the death of a loved one this past year and it's excruciatingly painful. I selfishly want all my loved ones to outlive me. I'm not scared of my death, though. I don't want a traditional funeral, though. I've instructed my family that they are to throw the biggest keg party they can and have a roast in remembrance of all the nutty things I've done in my life that tickled them to pieces..... and there's plenty of material there.
  20. Now THAT'S what I call community service!
  21. Belle

    Herbiejuan birthday

    I hope it's a very herbal birthday!
  22. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, EXCATHEDRA!!! Kick up your heels, young lady! I hope it's best year yet!
  23. Thank you, But Now I See! I'm gonna be trying some new recipes, I think. Poke a Pig in a Pot and Cranberry Pork Roast look really interesting. ALL the desserts have caught my eye.
  24. Being a Southern Gal, one of my favorite cookbooks is "The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-@ss Cookbook and Financial Planner" Jill Conner Browne, breaks up her favorite foods into four areas: salty, sweet, fried and cheese. Here's a recipe that fits here, I think: Pig Candy Recipe Short version Bacon (several strips) Brown Sugar (enough to coat strips of bacon) Directions 1. Coat uncooked bacon in some dark brown sugar. 2. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Recipe from The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-@ss Cookbook and Financial Planner, by Jill Conner Browne copyright Copyright 2003, Three Rivers Press publishing. Pig Candy recipe alternate version You start with bacon - and don't y'all just know how I purely love a recipe that starts with bacon. The fat is the whole point of the bacon. If you're interested in the red part, get a ham or something. I mean, really. So anyway, you start with bacon, and the only other ingredient is brown sugar - and do I really need to say the dark brown kind? You just roll the bacon in the dark brown sugar and then you bake it (at 350 F. for about 20 minutes or so, depending on your oven and also how you like your bacon - put it on a rack on a cookie sheet, and you don't even have to turn it over!) - and voy-ola! Pig Candy!
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