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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Paul admitted what he had done - many times. He didn't ignore it, deny it or refuse to speak of it. Can't say that of geer, vee pee and the others of their ilk. Paul also thought he was doing what God wanted him to do. Can't say that either. Acts 22:3-5 1 Ti 1:13, 15 There's more, but I'm not going to waste my time - y'all know how to use a concordance.
  2. Good point, Mo. I hadn't thought of it that way. ex, I agree, but I always most women look better without so much make-up.
  3. Kathy's idea reminded me of.... If your newspaper is printed locally, you can call and ask for the ends of the rolls of newsprint that they don't/can't use. I've always gotten them for packing because they are cleaner than actual printed newspaper. Those rolls are HUGE (About 5 ft. tall) - you'll need your minivan to pick 'em up. Have each child lay down on the paper and draw an outline of the child. Then have the child decorate him/herself. Then, if you want, they could cut out the picture and line everyone up. We did this in Vacation Bible School when I was little. Each of us drew ourselves in Joseph's Coat of Many Colors. As for cake - I love Shellon's idea with the gummy worms!! You could adapt this Litter Box Recipe and use gummy worms instead of Tootsie Rolls: 1 spice or German chocolate cake mix 1 white cake mix 2 large pkg vanilla instant pudding mix, prepared (I like Bird'sĀ® dessert mix) 1 large pkg vanilla sandwich cookies green food coloring 12 small Tootsie RollsĀ® 1 new kitty litter pan 1 new plastic kitty litter pan liner 1 new pooper scooper Prepare cake mixes and bake according to directions (any size pans). Prepare pudding mix and chill until ready to assemble. Crumble white sandwich cookies in small batches in food processor, scraping often. Set aside all but about 1/4 cup. To the 1/4 cup cookie crumbs, add a few drops green food coloring and mix until completely colored. When cakes are cooled to room temperature, crumble into a large bowl. Toss with half the remaining white cookie crumbs and the chilled pudding. Important: mix in just enough of the pudding to moisten it. You don't want it too soggy. Combine gently. Line a new, clean kitty litter box. Put the cake/pudding/cookie mixture into the litter box. Put three unwrapped Tootsie rolls in a microwave safe dish and heat until soft and pliable. Shape ends so they are no longer blunt, curving slightly. Repeat with 3 more Tootsie rolls bury them in the mixture. Sprinkle the other half of cookie crumbs over top. Scatter the green cookie crumbs lightly on top of everything -- this is supposed to look like the chlorophyll in kitty litter. Heat 3 Tootsie Rolls in the microwave until almost melted. Scrape them on top of the cake; sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Spread remaining Tootsie Rolls over the top; take one and heat until pliable, hang it over the side of the kitty litter box, sprinkling it lightly with cookie crumbs. Place the box on a newspaper and sprinkle a few of the cookie crumbs around for a truly disgusting effect! I've made it several times before and it's always a huge hit!
  4. You've been reading my mind again, The Highway! I'm just so over organized religion. There are two very different churches that I attend very sporadically, like Chas: - Small Methodist Church - I just adore the folks there, the atmosphere, the genuine love for giving in the community - regardless of what those they are helping believe - other religions involved in the effort - and they never expect anything in return. They genuinely give because they love to help. The message on Sunday is always uplifting, inspiring and/or comforting. They know my TWI background and that I have "issues" with some of the things they believe, but they are always willing to discuss those things with me if I ask. (I only bring those things up at the appropriate time & place, of course) - Religious Science Church - This place is a little less personal and I can be as involved or invisible as I want to be here. I like that. I also like that there is much leeway and acceptance of different beliefs and religions in general. It's more Unitarian than anything else and I've learned a great deal about other belief systems since attending. Each service is different and readings are from multiple religious books like the Koran, Torah, Bible, Science of Mind... We're NOT going to all agree on everything and doctrinal issues have become much less significant to me. IMO, it all boils down to the two greatest commandments: - Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength - Love your neighbor as yourself
  5. Belle


    I downloaded the free manual a few years ago when you first brought this up and used it for a bit. It did help with whatever it was I was initially wanting help with (can't even remember now what it was), but then I got out of the habit of it and the manual has gotten buried in my reading basket at home. Of course he can't give everything away for free and it's only the wise business man who wants to make some money for his time. Funny this should come up because the past few weeks I've been saying to myself that I needed to get it back out again and start using it more. I also subscribe to the free e-newsletters and have saved them, although, I haven't read them. Roy, I'm so glad he's in it to help and as genuine as he seems. I'm really glad that he took care of you.
  6. Are we all going to be social here at the cafe? 4.43 - Social 4.14 - Language 3.86 - Nature No surprise that Music and Body Movement are my lowest scores. :P JJ, if we ever got to meet in person, we'd probably really "bump into" each other. My score was 1.86. That was fun WW, thank you!
  7. George, no apology necessary. I hope you know I adore you and think you're a wonderful guy. I don't remember specific examples off the top of my head, mostly because I didn't consider it a big deal and it wasn't directed at me - maybe it wasn't you and, for that, I apologize. CRS hits me harder than I'd like sometimes. Generally, I'm a good sport and those things don't bother me much unless they are nit-picking and never address the actual content of what the person was trying to say. I don't think you ever did that. I'd just like to see us all be a little bit more cognizant of how we treat each others and to remember that we're all here, warts and all, to heal and have fun - not to be corrected or to become better writers. (I like hyphens, too. I hyphenate sentences more than words, though.) People don't post "good bye threads" every time they leave, and those who leave because of the rudeness of others aren't likely to say, "I can't spell or rite good and y'all are hurting my feelings. You don't care what I have to say if I can't spell it rite, so I'm leaving." Nobody likes to feel picked on, and they certainly aren't going to advertise the trouble they may have. (I personally think "good bye threads" are ridiculous and ploys for attention, especially since most of the folks never actually leave, anyway, but that's another topic.) WashingtonWeather, that's all very interesting. Thank you for sharing it with us. I found a place online where you can take a simplified version of the test and I scored 33 out of 40 on Intrapersonal, 32 on Intrapersonal, 28 on Linguistic and Logical-Mathmatical. I guess that means I'm still self-absorbed, which I attribute to the choices I've made regarding my own healing from the TWI experience. I've always been pretty intuitive when it comes to reading other people, in person anyway.
  8. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

  9. Belle

    Hanging Out

    From the album: Greetings

  10. Belle

    Take Your Order?

    From the album: Greetings

  11. :eusa_clap: I LOVE reading all your stories and memories! Y'all are some tough, resilient and plucky individuals! Kudos to each one of you and thank you for sharing with the rest of us! The next round is on me!
  12. Okay, JJ, that *does* sound weird! So weird, I'm gonna get the stuff to make it for next week-end's family reunion.
  13. I concur, Skyrider, yet another excellent thread by you. I was happy to see that H@yward and N@ncy left too. It's no doubt a scary step, especially for folks who have devoted so much of their lives to TWI and doubly because they walk away with absolutely nothing to show for it. If it weren't for Boob and Dooty's inheritances they would be looking at a miserable time in their sunset years - in or out. As it is, thankfully their parents were much smarter than they, themselves are. They just won't have much to pass on to their own flesh & blood because of the choices they've made to cover for those wolves in sheep clothing. If they were really smart, they'd encourage Bri@n to get back out into the "real" world and get a "real" job with benefits, a retirement plan, job security and control over his own money, time, family and life. Even TWI's laughable retirement plan requires, what, 20 years or something absurd like that before one is fully vested? That gives TWI a very easy way to ensure that nobody collects on those funds. Expendable people - that's all people are to them..... and don't think that just because you *think* you're near the top of the food chain that you're protected. Haven't the Horn3y's been doing some "side" work? Trying to bolster the college fund for the kids? The nest egg? Working toward actually getting "real" jobs and really doing something worthwhile with their lives? One can only hope.
  14. Yep. Pretty much lays it out there, don't it? As Mo said.... TWI was filled with wanna be demi-gods who never tired of the sound of their voices telling you, the unwashed masses, how fortunate you were to have them to guide and correct you all the while pointing out how wonderful it was of them to be willing to continue to try to improve such a meekness lacking, stiff necked lot of spiritual babies for whom milk appeared to be too challenging. NO MORE! THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, FREE AT LAST!
  15. Good to see you Catcup! If'n yer so inclined, and you have the time, would you mind posting the story of your avatar on Chas's thread? Back to the topic ^_^ : The sad thing is, they are STILL doing this to some degree. Yes, a lot more kids are going to college, but there are just as many being pushed into Way Disciple and Way Corps. They are pushing folks to give up their career for Way Corps. One lady in our area gave up a great technical job to go into the corps and, with the way technology changes and grows these days, while her knowledge may not be obsolete, she will certainly be behind on the latest and greatest. My guess is that she is hard pressed to find a professional job with the same salary and benefits as the one she abandoned just to go corps.
  16. Welcome, AJern! First round's on the house. What can I get you? WordWolf gave a great example of how we use names. Here's the Child Abuse in TWI thread that I think you may have been referring to. And other related threads - Child Rearing in TWI When was the first time you learned of abuse? Extreme Spiritual Abuse in the Corps Child molestations too common in Family Corps abuse in twi The Epicenter of Twi's Abuse Why some people don't get the abuse stories
  17. I believe WhiteDove may know where to find some stuff and Ted Ferrell is registered here. He hasn't posted in a bit, but you could contact them through here and see if they can help you find some of the music. WELCOME TO THE CAFE! May I offer you a cinnamon bun? They're fresh out of the oven. :)
  18. True and why I'm so glad THAT childhood dream of mine didn't come true. :B) Ya know, I was wondering that myself.... She has a publicist and I'm wondering if her parents didn't stir this whole thing up in the media and now it's just snowballed into the pathetic circus that has now become. Same thing with Anna Nicole Smith.... absolutely no reason for her life to have saturated the media like it did, except that it was such a pathetic existence.
  19. Belle

    Song of the moment

    JavaJane, I'm so sorry you're having to clean up someone else's mess. Here's one of my favorite "angry" bands - Rammstein:
  20. Belle


    (((((MO))))) Praying they speed things up and get some answers so they can work on solutions!
  21. Well, I'd love to think this is a life changing experience for her, but I'm very doubtful. Especially since they had several large catering trucks, her hair extension stylist, masseuse and publicist all at the house within hours of her release from jail. <_< That being said, the mobs around her SUV and then the gate to the house were absurd. I can not imagine living a life where you can't leave your house - much less walk into the back yard - without hoards of media in your face and blocking your car.
  22. Belle

    Honda Pilot

    I concur with Chas on the leather. I upgraded to a Subaru Baja. I had been looking at the Honda CR-V, but have wanted a Baja since they first came out. I wasn't too keen on the leather package that came with it, but now I'm soooo glad that it wasn't a choice since we've had quite a few occasions to get the interior good & dirty. I don't think you can go wrong with a Honda, but other than that, can't help ya much. They are good looking vehicles, though!
  23. Woody - Inches - Minivans - I feel like I'm missing out on something here! I dunno, Chas, seems like a rite of passage being taken away from these kids..... "If you don't cut that out RIGHT NOW, I'm going to pull over!" What DO they call it when your parents curse you with kids that were just like you growing up and now, technology allows you to skip part of the torture of having said kids?? My best girlfriend for my whole life has four kids, all under the age of six, and the minivan is her saving grace. I laughed when she first showed it to me. After getting the grand tour and seeing all the gadgets and gizmos on the darn thing, I was really wishing I had kids so I could justify getting one. Congrats on the minivan. Will you now be getting some stickers for the back windows? :P
  24. Belle


    From the album: Greetings

    For Chas' new minivan. style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biglaugh.gif
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