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Everything posted by Belle

  1. (((((Shifra)))) So glad everything has worked out and you're back in your home sweet home safe and sound. Florida has gotten much, much better about controlled burns to prevent the mass destruction we've had down here in the past decade. Now things aren't quite as precarious when fires start naturally, thank goodness! It's just incredibly stressful and precarious when loved ones have property and life in the path.
  2. I, personally, believe that's what's called a "thought stopping technique" and any number of things could have provided your *friend* the same benefit.... Hail Marys, quiet concentration on breathing, Hari Krishna, transcendental meditation.... But, I don't SIT anymore and never got anything out of it when I did do it. I was a faker although I really did want to believe in SIT and to believe it was what TWI taught it was. I recommend "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer. It's helped me with a more balanced view on things as well as provided me with questions I ask myself when something seems "awesome" or "supernatural". Not that I don't believe in some stuff that would make Geo and Garth wanna puke on their boots :P but I do tend to take a more skeptical view of things like speaking in tongues and how, like Abi said, the Bible really doesn't teach much at all about. Most of what we've learned about it, if you stop and think about it, is really based on private interpretation and reading "into" the scriptures. Hence, the diverse beliefs about it.
  3. Mmmmmm five sounds good.... I plan to eat my biscuits with lots of gravy and bacon .....extra crispy bacon, please!
  4. Mmmmmmmm PROTEIN!!! Protein is good! May help keep Eyes' hunger at bay longer, too.....
  5. Belle

    Being a Man

    Some of my golden rules of life! Does that make me still a kid?? (please say, "yes"!) I enjoyed all these Herbal. Thank you!!
  6. Au contraire, Bumpy, dear, my aim is pretty darn good and my bite can be worse than his... especially if I get to be as hungry as Eyes. He's just a smart man, that's all. Coffee's on, Eyes. I dunno what Dooj has cooking, but it smells sweet ... not funny like that clown. Maybe she's fixing up something with a little mermaid?
  7. All the more reason to avoid setting limits for us, no? And if you want to talk exes.... try being married to a cop... and angry cop who's a sharpshooter and master sniper. :blink: changing the locks on the doors isn't enough to make ya feel safe. Now, weren't the men providing chum for us tonight?
  8. Rhino, rest assured, I'm positive she was NOT faking with you. She's as real as wrasslin'.
  9. Belle


    They are wolves in sheep's clothing and not everyone got to see that side of them. I realize that. And, we're all hurt, or we were at one time. That's how we ended up at the cafe, no? If sharing that pain and/or sharing the nasty stuff we know helps others, then I plan to keep on sharing. I know for a fact that it's helped quite a few people in my time here and I'm glad for that. No problem if you don't read the thread. I wanted you to know that it's here and to see with your own eyes how bob treats people.
  10. Makes sense, John. But, but.... isn't Gunnison even more costly to maintain?? All those log cabins and wood burning heaters? Of course, since it's not being used for much of anything anymore since the pathetically small wc training class has been moved to hq. I also think someone mentioned that in a recent visit to hq, that it's not the pristinely maintained mausoleum that it once was. So, they are already cutting back to some degree.... how much more are they going to cut, I wonder....
  11. (((((Dan))))) No apology necessary. Really! :) Perception is everything and people change over time; that's all. I am all too familiar with how personable, charismatic and charming the Moneyhands can be. Believe me, I was their biggest fan for the longest time. My parents even liked them a lot. Enough so that whenever they would come to visit, we'd invite the Moneyhands out to dinner with us. I just think that somewhere down the pike they started loving the lifestyle more than God and His people. They worshipped craig and I do mean worshipped him! Bob copied every little thing craig did. They aren't nice people. You should hear some of the things Bob told us about some of the people in TWI..... awful things.... Dottie, well, I just don't know how she can justify her actions. She could have prevented so many women from being raped (all the way back to early vee pee days) and yet she kept her mouth shut. <_< They are wolves in sheep's clothing and not everyone got to see that side of them. I realize that. And, we're all hurt, or we were at one time. That's how we ended up at the cafe, no? If sharing that pain and/or sharing the nasty stuff we know helps others, then I plan to keep on sharing. I know for a fact that it's helped quite a few people in my time here and I'm glad for that.
  12. Happiest of birthdays to you, my friend!
  13. Raf, WordWolf, Roy and JBarrax, although I haven't seen him around in a long time. A good combination of sound business sense, doctrinal errors and providing the love and support that people actually came to TWI looking for. Anyone on staff and at HQ should have to go out into the "real world" and quit depending on TWI for their livelihood.
  14. Dan here are a few for you and I brought one up to the top: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=216374 My post about them tracking me down http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...st&p=209597 Bob's Way Rag Article Covering up the rapes Vacation Cancelled Limb Homes
  15. Belle


    Dan, this has actual correspondence with the man you think so highly of. I'm interested in your perception of this thread. Are we "diss"-ing bob wrongly?
  16. :) Thanks for the kind words, y'all. I appreciate it. Dan, Darlin', you're talking about nearly 20 years ago AND you're talking about a TWI leader. It's pretty much common knowledge that leadership treats people according to their perceived value. ;) I'm not going to spend a lot of time re telling stories and experiences here but if you do a search for "Moneyhands", you'll find my unpleasant encounters with the man. He married my ex and me. He was our LC and lived in our town for nearly 10 years, starting in 1994. He and Dottie were still the LC's when I left / was allowed to leave in 2004. I had quite a bit of one-on-one time with Bob and Dottie through all those years and I'm speaking from a position of knowledge and experience - facts, not speculation. Perception? Certainly. But even my perception has been validated by folks who have had the same kind of experience, seen the same kinds of behavior and read the correspondence with Bob that I have posted here at the cafe. Like I said, do a search and you'll most likely see that Bob is not/was not the man you thought him to be. I stand behind my post and, no, I haven't read the Lady Sharks Thread, but if it gives me permission to tell what I really think about Bob & Dottie, then, by all means, please point me to that booth. I actually toned down what I really think about Bob. BTW, you DO know that Dottie has known for years about vee pee and craiggers raping women, don't you? She actually counseled many women who were destroyed by those two men throughout the years and yet continued, and still continues, to support that god forsaken wanna be group.
  17. LOL! THAT's the Abi I always pictured!! And, that must be our very wise friend who didn't like his screen name spelled wrong at one time Also, the same man who put together an awesome study on the gap in the north as well as the face of the deep and helped dig me out of some deep stuff years ago. One of my favorite people!
  18. The entire Moneyhands family worshipped the ground craiggers walked on. They emulated him to the Nth degree and Bobby has his own narcisstic megalomaniac tendencies which little Brip no doubt assimilated into his own personality. TWIts who are bored want another craig. Truth is, they probably want craig back but won't admit it. If Brian is arrogant, calculated and systematically as charming as a politician, then he is certainly the best man for the job. He's exactly what they want. Brian, of course, wants it because he's lived high on the hog thanks to his parents never having to really work a day in their life. He knows first hand the privileges of being near the top of the food chain and, no doubt, sees that easy lavish lifestyle threatened if TWI continues to decline. I mean - GOLLY GEE - why get a real job in the real world when there's this established, easy meal ticket right there in front of you for the taking?
  19. Maybe someone else gave her your numbers?
  20. Really appreciating the family I've been able to "really" connect with since leaving TWI. Family reunions Coming home to the squirt who thinks I'm the most awesome person in the whole wide world A good book on CD for my daily commute Mowing MY yard at MY house and coming in to MY kitchen for a tall glass of ice water Peace of mind and freedom to make my own decisions without having to get approval from some legalistic arsehole
  21. Oh what fun!! I almost always have a mental image of people I communicate with. I think it comes from years of working on the phone with folks I never got to meet in person. Let's see.... Chas, I thought Chas was tall - 5'7" - 5'9", thin like a model, shoulder length blond hair and beautiful. Uma Thurman-ish... Could have something to do with the name sounding 'plucky' and the fact that I have always looked for her posts. Rascal, Shiny brunette hair on a Catherine Zeta Jones physique... powerful, yet warm hearted with matching facial features... the compassionate, motherly kind that utterly put you to ease when she's in your presence. Pawtucket - easy... Garrison Keillor Abi - I always pictured you with short, dark hair and a round face with the cutest little button nose. Mary Lou Retton-ish. Sushi - Tall, thin, shaved head.... much like that pop up vampire he used to have as an avatar.
  22. Welcome back, JT! Since TWI distorts, hides and otherwise avoids providing numbers, we're left to guess at how small they've become. We still get new folks here at the cafe who have recently escaped and we know that participation in WD and new WC recruits are extremely low. They've moved WC training to NK and now Gunnison is nothing more than a "retreat" where TWIts are encouraged to visit for "camp". There's a thread on that someplace around here and I'm sure someone can find it for us. They're trying new dance moves to entertain the youngsters, but it's really just a pitiful example of how behind the times they actually are. As for the cafe..... we're still serving up good stuff! Could I bring you a root beer float?
  23. Fascinating and absolutely beautiful, Shifra! I've heard of medicine wheels, but never knew much about them. Thanks for the lesson as well as the significance of it in light of your personal life and art. continuous & hope vs. linear & goal seeking - very perceptive and interesting way to word that. Makes perfect sense and I guess that's why I tend to shy away from lines, ladders, things with a hierarchy to them.... Interesting that your "Red Road" is vertical and the "Blue Road" is horizontal. Is there any significance to that, or am I reading too much into it? ^_^ What is that to the left of the roses? A manuscript? And, how do you know you got the phases of the moon wrong? Maybe you painted them exactly the way they needed to be painted.
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