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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    San Francisco!

    Bliss, it's L'Oreal Preference Intense Copper Red. But Matrix Cinnabar sounds cool! I hope you're feeling better! Jonny, he does look like Spicoli! You shoulda heard us squeal like schoolgirls when we saw him. We knew immediately we'd have to get our picture taken with him! Pity you weren't there, too.
  2. Meaning.... full of TWI and what IT claims is meaningful... meetings, witnessing, reports, "your life is not your own", you will never have a moment to yourself once you complete this class. Overcomes worry and fear with terror and oppression - not only will you be concerned about the things you're already concerned about, but that will exponentially multiply as you will have the additional burden of following all our rules, giving us MINIMUM 15% of your income and 100% of your time. Okay, maybe not - but you'll learn how to "fake it" because if you're sick, you're obviously "missing it" somewhere and are "out of alignment and harmony". Gawd Forbid you should come down with something serious like heart disease or cancer. Don't look it up on your own or question what we say, though. Finding contradictions in our teachings is NOT allowed. As long as you're a good little Stepford Wayfer and submit to your husband like some mail-order bride who depends on him and TWI for her very breath. If you don't have to think for yourself, why would you want to? e.g. enables you to separate "the egg sucking world" from those of us of "the remnant of grace" the ONLY ones who truly are saved and who truly hear God's voice (don't even think about intimating that you don't) Just gotta have faith brutha!! Oh, I mean, "Just gotta believe God bigger. It's not God's fault you're in such a mess." You, too, can learn to fake speaking in tongues. You, too, can find that perfect parking spot. Yes, indeedy, you'll be living the MORE ABUNDANT LIFE because if you're not, you'll be able to convince yourself that you are! It's all about money unless you don't have any, then it's more abundant knowledge of the scriptures. Really the folks selling you this line of $h1+ are the only ones living high on the hog. Just my experience...YMMV.
  3. Why not, David? :huh: He's supposed to be just like the rest of us, no? An example, no? The MOST giving, no? The foot washer, no? Isn't that what Jesus taught? Many times in fellowship the person leading DID manifest. Just because one was leading the meeting didn't mean they couldn't or shouldn't. Just because one is in a leadership position doesn't mean that they should be the last person called on to manifest. I don't understand the logic? One thing Moneyhands did do was primarily call on WC to be the ones to manifest at large group meetings. And, yes, he or Dottie was called on to manifest when they came to the lowly household fellowship meetings in Florida. Why wouldn't we?
  4. Okay, so we only have three people who have heard him.... one being Mike who, unsurprisingly comes out of the woodwork to defend his god....errr.... vee pee? :unsure: Waysider, there were many, many, many of us who did that. Heck, I would practice making up cool sounding words so my tongues wouldn't be boring or the same ole same ole. If I had thought I could get away with it, I would have written interpretations on my hand. Dooj, I love, Love, LOVE that song!! I heard it during my "still married but not going to fellowship" days and told my ex about the song. I got seriously yelled at for listening to a "Christian" radio station. :blink: I then wondered out loud if that was the guy who used to do all the impersonations at the ROA that I heard about.
  5. New Life, Jerry Barrax doesn't post here much at all anymore, but this is a discussion where he, Raf, Evan, Danny and some other phenomenal brains go through PFAL. It's very enlightening and, much as Jerry wanted to hold on to so much of PFAL, he eventually came to see how absolutely error ridden so much of what vee pee taught actually is. It was incredibly eye-opening to me, so I'm posting it here in case you're interested. :) I'm so glad that Jerry has kept this information public, as it's helped quite a few folks since the discussion took place. He also has a discussion about the Blue Book. Raf does, too. Both are extremely helpful with the confusion and wrong doctrine as well as pointing out what parts of it are right - and some of it is right. After all, the value of the counterfeit increases according to its likeness to the original, right?
  6. Belle


    Nope. I hated pushing my beliefs on others and I still hate it. I don't know which I hate worse, being obligated to do it or having to fend off some know-it-all jerk who's trying to fulfill his obligation to convert me. IF someone asks me what I think about something I'll tell 'em, but I also avoid specific answers a lot of times because I realize I don't have all the answers and what works for me might not work for someone else. Furthermore, my views are subject to change as I continue to learn and grow myself. I've found that the people I tend to respect the most are the ones who tell me that I need to find my own path and suggest a few topics that might help me along my journey, but refrain from specifics.....and that's only when I ask them - unsolicited advice is never welcome. :) I think there's a reason for the rules of etiquette that suggest never discussing politics and religion.
  7. I agree, it should say "TWI teaches" not Martindale only as it appears as though he taught contrary to and independent of standard TWI doctrine when that's not the case. Every single one of his minions taught the exact same thing and they were/are the ones who enforce said doctrines. IMO, the comments/discussion section of the entry is way more interesting than the actual entry itself.
  8. :eusa_clap: Good deal, Nandon! I, too, wish only the very best for you. (((((Nandon)))))
  9. Well, it IS rather humorous that you can't keep your word. I am laughing my arse off over here. You're just mad that WordWolf called you on it and continuing to make it even more hilarious the more you post.
  10. Belle

    San Francisco!

    P-Mosh, that guy was hilarious! We had the greatest time watching him. We stood across the street watching the mobs gather to watch. He did a good job of taking "breaks" to disperse the crowds, too. I wonder if he knows how popular he is. You can even find the guy on Wikipedia. Dove, I was going to have some Rice A Roni in your honor but, believe it or not, I couldn't find any! :o Eyes, I'll pay you later for those very nice things. Even better than we rehearsed! You do exceed expectations, Ms. Shark. Notta, post away! ALWAYS an open invitation to crash at Chez Belle. I can't make Mojitos like those incredibly awesome ones at The Crab House, but I do have fresh mint and I can also pop a mean cork on a bottle of Merlot. Chatty, you're too close now to NOT visit! You must come up my way or vice versa one week-end!
  11. How about "Whining Winos"? Google Maps lets you zoom in a little bit closer. Is it really that close to the river? When I'm sober....ahhhh..... not sampling the wine, I could be a whitewater rafting guide. That's my dream job anyway. I may have to look up some of that wine, Rhino..... you know, for research purposes.
  12. That's down the road from me and let me tell you, when I saw that on the news I was skeered!! Thought Ham and his posse had come to invade the city! Hopefully these guys will be able to bring some law and order back to Orlando.
  13. I can't think of a more perfect person to handle that, Rascal!! When you're not doing that and if you're not too tired, we'll have you giving karate lessons. Once a month, at least, however, you will be required to fix that incredibly yummy split pea soup of yours!
  14. (((((New Life))))) Believe it or not, the typical church may not believe in the Trinity the way that TWI taught us that they do. I know that in my Southern Baptist Church, many things vee pee and craig said we believed were flat out wrong. I'd get slammed for saying it, but I'd mutter under my breath that it was NOT what I was taught. If nothing else, than to remind myself that they were full of .... when it came to telling us what trinitarians believe. The trinity is also not so prominent in any of the doctrine or teachings of the Methodist Church I attend. They may very well believe it, but teachings are about God - Jesus and our personal relationships - the trinity hardly, if ever, comes up. So, if that were to be a bone of contention with me, I'd really have to go looking for it. Another thing to consider is that just maybe it's possible to have a great fellowship, great "fit" with a church family and not necessarily agree with every single thing they teach. I run into that as well at my church. I just don't start debates, distract or become obnoxious when the discussion turns to those things. Sometimes I ask questions, sometimes I just say I'm not quite sure that's what I believe and other times I just keep my big mouth shut. (I know, hard to believe, huh? But I really do!) You say that you haven't studied much; is it also possible that what you think you believe could be wrong? Maybe you're holding onto TWI logic and doctrines that aren't necessarily correct? That's why I asked if you've been to the Doctrinal section here. There are many different paths that folks here have taken and they could point you toward some research in the areas that interest you the most. TheInvisibleDan is a veritable encyclopedia of information on the Marcionites. Fascinating stuff! SirGuessalot has taken a totally different viewpoint and I have seen some incredibly thought-provoking questions from Shifra lately. Abigail has gone back to learning more about her Jewish roots and, let me tell you, reading her posts puts the whole Bible in a whole nother light and expanse of understanding. I myself have read "The Celestine Prophecy", Elaine Pagels, "The Origin of Satan", the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Gnostic Gospels and some other historical books on the history of religions, Christianity, cultures and beliefs of ancient civilizations, Noetic Science and Science of Mind stuff. In the process, I've pretty much concluded that nobody has "the truth" if there is "one" absolute truth to be known. In that light, I get what I need from the various and sundry groups I have chosen to spend my time with. I have made some great friends in each group and, yet, they are extremely diverse in their own beliefs. I enjoy learning from each and every one of them. Now, I'm the one rambling. I guess what I'm saying is, don't put yourself into a box - or try to pigeonhole, dictate or conform to what you think you should be doing and who you think you should be ..... When you take the pressure off and start doing what you want to do - studying what you want to study and looking into the questions, thoughts and things you, personally, have, you'll find that comfortable place to be. I sense some lingering TWI-brain judgmentalism against yourself and you're soooooo much more and sooooo much better than that.
  15. Some interesting...ahhhh.... discussions on there, eh? I *think* I started a couple of threads on this in the past and never once got a PM on it. :unsure: The MDVaden (I think it was him?) dude who posted after we found his site, apparently tries to get some TWI propaganda in the Wiki article from time to time, but thankfully someone else keeps taking it out since it's obviously slanted information. The guy also tries to get some of the more unpleasant facts taken out or euphemistically toned down. I don't have the time, inclination or whatnot to get involved with it, but I do enjoy checking in on the conversations every once in a while to see what else the TWIts are trying to censor.
  16. Tenjewberrymud. :) So, they own more land than just the land around the compound? I'm curious as to how much they have, too. If they are, how does selling off some of the Way Woods or even just the lumber sit with folks who have loved ones buried there, I wonder. Rhino, TJ house is yours, but I want a master key to the wine cellar. Think we could start our own little winery, too? We should be able to have a smorgasboard of live music given all the talented Greasespots we've got here at the cafe. DMiller can oversee the jam sessions.
  17. I know it's been around for quite a while. Folks on staff, I believe, are required to use direct deposit into the credit union for their paychecks. Some corps alum still used it as their primary bank account down here in Florida years ago. I thought that was going a wee bit overboard in the ole loyalty to TWI lifestyle. <_<
  18. Belle


    Welcome, Agape! They were still defending craig when I left in 2004. Pretty sick, eh? This is a great group of folks. Glad to have you here.
  19. Company Chicken (dried beef wrapped chicken in a cream of chicken sauce) Tacos Greek Pasta (made with fresh spinach & cannellini beans) Hummus & Tabouleh Chicken Nachos Greek Chicken Salad Tuscan Tuna Salad Orange Walnut Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Ginger-Lime Salmon French Onion Soup Grilled Cheese Sammiches & Tomato Soup Pick Up Sticks Scallops Blue Cheese Bulgur Bowls DANG! Now I'm hungry!!
  20. Belle


    French Onion - Quick & Easy 1/2 to 1 whole thinly sliced onion Add 2 to 4 cups of beef broth 1-3 teaspoons worcestershire sauce Dash Red Wine (optional) Toast Shredded Swiss, Fontina or Gruyere cheese Sautee onions in butter over med-low heat till transparent but not carmelized Add all other ingredients at the top Simmer for about 15 minutes Add cheese to top of bread and toast Put cheese covered toast in the bottom of the soup bowl then add soup on top of the toast Voila' - cheap, easy variation
  21. Thanks, Dan. :) We aim to please here at the cafe. BTW, your milkshake is ready....
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