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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I always thought it was, "show up naked and bring beer." Guess that's why I'm single. Seriously, sex is not a big part of a relationship unless it's not satisfactory - then it's the biggest problem. Someone who accepts us just the way we are - idiot-syncracies and all --- isn't that the primary thing any of us want?
  2. Thanks, that's what I thought. :) In TWI the "adversary" was always out to get us. UNLESS leadership wasn't happy with us, then we were "missing it" somewhere. Bad things happening to leadership was always because they were "standing in the gap" - they never "missed it", of course. I never ever, ever heard what you heard from someone in TWI.
  3. Private interpretation is what it looks like to me. *shrug* Based on TWI's "keys to research" anyway. The legalism, imo, is from TWI's end, not those saying that the bible doesn't teach it. And, you must have been in a very, very, very different TWI than I was. Not speaking in tongues was NOT allowed - I've seen people kicked out of TWI for not speaking in tongues and people put on probation for not doing it "well enough". I've even been told to "work with" people they thought needed to do it better - guess they forgot vee pee's "gutteral" explanation and that it's the spirit that gives the utterance.... Again, what they said and what the did were two totally different things usually. <_<
  4. Like much of TWI - what they said and what they did were two totally different things..... you do remember the classes 100% devoted to devil spirits, don't you? DTA and many AC specials.... don't even get me started on the number of STS tapes on nothing but devil spirit infiltration and the devil spirit possessed egg sucking world.
  5. Much to my NASCAR lovin' chagrin, Craig happens to work for a home improvement store in Toledo. One that just happens to be the sponsor for my favorite bad boy of NASCAR.
  6. Teaching someone the proper order for manifestations they already know how to do is quite different than teaching someone HOW to speak in tongues or how to do it more "fluently". Your logic is seriously flawed and you still haven't provided the first scripture of the folks in the bible having excellor sessions or being taught like TWI teaches on how to speak in tongues. Try again if you still insist that you're correct.
  7. Seems as if you ignore it and intimidate your people into silence it will go away.... and, indeed, it does seem to have worked to some degree. That, or they've bored everyone to death and there's really nothing but zombies left. :unsure:
  8. You weren't taught that in TWI, were you, Outfield?
  9. I do hope all our Greasers are safe!
  10. AMEN! :jump: Jumping for joy for you and Twinkle!
  11. Jonny, I probably shouldn't tell you this about Diana Gabaldon's latest news, then: *ducking and running REALLY fast*
  12. Loved it when Psalmie posted it just a short time ago. Love it now. :) Yeah, Bliss, Jesus being the hero and the main focus - what a concept!! Never woulda seen THAT in TWI, would we? Gotta give a "MAN of god" all the glory... <_<
  13. Yep, we had a lady who came to our "twig" for more than a year - I think she had taken the class but never spoke in tongues. She was always helping people, giving of herself and an absolute delight to be around - Loved God - loved her family - loved everyone in fellowship and was best friends with one of the other ladies in our fellowship - they really supported one another and meant a great deal to each other as they had been friends for decades. THEN Moneyhands moved into town. The lady was told to SIT or leave. Sadly, and reluctantly, she left. :( And a childhood friendship broke up over it. We were forbidden from speaking with her anymore.
  14. Belle

    San Francisco!

    Socks in your pants..... now there's the making of a good story for the rumor mill.
  15. Now, get out of TWI brain for a second and think. These scriptures were used to justify and explain the way manifestations were held in fellowship - NOT with "practicing" or trying to "learn" or becoming "fluent" in something that is supposedly divinely inspired. You can't get "practice sessions" anywhere from those scriptures without "private interpretation". And, you've been to EVERY church where people speak in tongues? Careful there, Bud. I've experienced just the opposite and they don't "practice". IF there is only ONE interpretation of the bible, then who's to say and how can you be so sure YOURS in THE one? It's that kind of arrogance that gets people into trouble. IF the gift of holy spirit gave their mind the words, then why on earth would they need to practice it?? How does this justify your position? And what vee pee said it meant is immaterial, what does it REALLY mean? Back up vee pee's declaration with some credible sources, please. No kewpie doll for you.... yet.... feel free to try again. :)
  16. :P I get smooshed every year. But, then again, I don't have many dates, so I get my thrills where I can.
  17. I dunno.... this will take some research.... Give me more names of the books that have caused this affliction and I will let you know as soon as I am able to investigate said evidence. Warning Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series, Katherine Neville's The Eight as well as Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth and Edward Rutherford's Sarum are likely to be as addictive. At least..... in my many, many late night hours of .... ahhhh.... research... that's what I've found. (pay no attention to the bags under my eyes)
  18. Maybe I would have been more "fluent" if I had practiced that way! So, we're still at just three people and those three (perhaps, excepting mike) heard pretty much the same thing?
  19. Yeppers! He SAID a lot of things, didn't he? His actions spoke so loudly I can't hear what he was saying, though. <_<
  20. YID, he did NOT apologize! He also made a point of saying that just because he was not going to be serving as pres anymore, he still had his ministry and was not the least bit diminished because of it. He called it an aggravating and trying time and insinuated more than anything he was sorry that the whole ministry was being "put out" because of those liars and egg sucking cop outs. He has NEVER, NEVER, NEVER apologized for ANY of his behavior. He went so far as to BRAG about his behavior in his deposition! There's at least one person I know of who has actually talked with craiggers personally and she has said that he shows absolutely NO REMORSE for the death and destruction he has caused. Current TWI leadership - ALL OF 'EM - are just as guilty as he is. Their silence speaks volumes, no?
  21. Alright, but you pull mine first.....if you dare.... Dove, plastic cups that can go straight to the trash when we're done would be too much of a bonus to even consider! But, then again, if we stick to beer, there's no cups needed. I don't need no stinkin' cup to enjoy a good brewski. Seth, :P Yes, indeedy, some women do. I think there's a je ne sais quo - a chemistry or connection, if you will, that can't be explained also required. When that's there some of the items on one's list can be adjusted rather easily and yet, it is entirely possible for someone to have all the qualities on one's list and still be the wrong person. Then, people who are perfect together for many years grow apart..... 'Tis quite the conundrum.
  22. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, JERRY!! I'm soooooo very thankful for all your work on what we were taught and, especially, for making it free and easy for the rest of us to continue to have access to it. You've helped more people than you could imagine!
  23. Actually, it's been done. So has the blue book. But strict PFAL adherents probably won't like it. :) And, of course, it would take time to actually read it, which some don't care to do.
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