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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Is that my mom dressed up like some other lady? :huh: I swear she sounds just like her!!
  2. I understand you just fine, Polar Bear - I totally relate! I don't need any details as I don't intend to make any judgement about the situation. I'm sure you didn't start this thread so that others could judge you but rather to share your experience and discuss it, especially with those who have had similar experiences, perceptions. I'll tell ya - it's a wonder I wasn't kicked out a long time before I was. I spoke up several times, even admitted to going - gasp - on the evil internet - was called on the carpet for that one big time. My ex and I spoke up not a few times about not wanting to be assistant HFCs anymore and were told over and over again that we were desperately needed to help just till "this" passes - and new "this" situations kept coming up and we kept having more and more of our time controlled and manipulated by TWI leaders. Finally, when I let our HFC know exactly how we felt - we were called into a face-melting session and told that we should probably just take a break for a while. I guess it took causing problems to get what we wanted - couldn't get it just by asking for it - geeze - what kind of sense would that make?? When speaking up in person didn't get anything accomplished, I started speaking out on WayDale and then here at the cafe. That caused the Florida Inquisition, in which every single believer in the whole state of Florida was questioned about posting online with the intention of finding out who said insurgent was. And, well, then there's this letter I sent to someone on staff at hq.....
  3. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, LIFTED!! I hope it's as wonderful as you are!
  4. Someone was asking me about this the other day, so I thought I'd bring this to the top for them. Heck, it might also come in handy just in case rosie & donna are looking for someone with the proper qualities to take over when rosie retires. We can't go putting someone in charge who would break the mold now, can we?
  5. Belle

    Deja vu

    After too many beers you may find yourself experiencing deja loo
  6. Bummer. :( I wonder if he's changed his e-mail since signing on. It looks like it's been a while since he's been to the cafe. I have another suggestion, but you follow this suggestion at your own risk. :ph34r: AND, you did NOT get this tip from me! Capiche? Look up his profile and respond to the thread he started - it will bring said thread back up to the front page and, if he has his preferences set to e-mail him when there's a response to that thread, then he will know that someone has responded and, most likely, come check his thread. That's all a big IF - I do not know many people who use the notification option and if he has changed his e-mail then he wouldn't get the notification anyway, but if you really want to contact him it's worth a shot. :)
  7. Belle

    Playing At A Dance

    Wish I was, Tommy! I LOVE meeting Greasespots! I hope you get to meet some, too!
  8. Roy, I'm so sorry about your Uncle Jack and, as you said, "like all of us not perfect but a good person..." We all do the best we can and it sounds like your Uncle Jack was a wonderful man. I'm so glad that you have had someone like him in your life.
  9. This is so timely, Roy. Thank you! :) This morning traffic was exceptionally congested and crawling along slower than molasses in Antarctica - I was getting frustrated because I still have this way-brain thing about being at least 10 minutes early for everything. Then, just as the car in front of me inched forward this JERKWAD from the middle lane cut me off just to get into the lane that was moving. He didn't even have his blinker on! I was p1$$ed! Steaming! Then, in a rare moment of clarity, I had to laugh because I thought, "he's probably got some kind of neurosis like my way-brained idiot-syncracy." Then I saw that it was a really old guy - probably mid to late 80's. Then I hoped I'd still be driving when I was his age. And, I remember what I learned from one of my - gasp - Pagan friends, "We're all doing the best we can." It wasn't going to do me any good to be mad at the guy - it was ONE CAR - not like that was gonna make me any later to work than I already was (which wasn't late anyway). I thought some more about keeping things in perspective and that it wasn't really all about me, now was it? Much as I'd like it to be. And, even if the guy was truly being a jerk (which I don't think he was), he'll get his without my needing to do anything about it. Call it Karma, "what goes around comes around", "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" or anything else you'd like to - bottom line is, it's not my job. Does that move me to the "big girl panties" stage? I get so tired of the "Christians" that I see and hear validating their interpretation of the Bible and criticizing every other view that doesn't agree with theirs. Didn't Jesus say in Luke 9:50 and Mark 9:40 that those who were not against him were for him?? I have found in the spiritual yet non-Christian community the attitude that Jesus talked about. They seem to have reached a higher level of maturity in that they don't criticize any one's belief. The common denominator is the teaching of peace, love and "oneness". They truly emulate the "one body" teaching of Christ. Every person is a unique and vitally important part of the universe and serves a purpose. Namaste, my friend.
  10. LOL! With this Florida sand, sun and heat - if it'll grow in my yard it's welcome! I guess that's not what you wanted to hear, eh? Seriously though, you can take soil samples to your local cooperative extension office and they'll tell you what your soil is, what you need to add/use as fertilizer and how to get what you want to grow to grow - or even better - they'll help you plan a xeriscape yard that maximizes the conditions of your yard and native plants while keeping it pretty and low maintenance.
  11. What amuses me about all this - especially these "Christian scholars" is 1) they are very ill-informed about the very belief systems that they condemn and ridicule 2) they are on a mission to discredit said beliefs 3) they think the only "good" outcome would be a conversion to whatever it is that they, the scholar, believes 4) they aren't really open to discussion - their way is the only correct way 5) they teach that you're gonna die, go to hel1 or worse if you don't believe what he's telling you These are particular quotes that are part of the reason for my observances above. I include them so that Dan knows I did, indeed, take the time to read what he posted and am speaking from an informed position. And many from Pagan and Wicca viewpoints would say it's actually the other way around. Whereas, those they so disdain (Pagan/Jew/Wicca) tend to: 1) believe "to each his own", we're all on our own path and 2) blessings & light on you as you find your own way (no judgmentalism) 3) teaching the wisdom contributed by many wise men & women from many backgrounds, including Jesus and Christianity 4) teach peacefulness and doing no harm to anyone 5) teach freely sharing of your time, knowledge and resources - I, personally, think it just p1ss*s off "churches" because it doesn't go to one central location, like "Christian" religions require. The above is easily found online. If you are genuinely interested and have the time to read up on how wrong this "Wright" guy is, I'll put more time into providing the information.
  12. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, SOCKS!!! I've dressed my best in your honor today. Sorry it's belated. I will say that the outfits in that picture are certainly more stylish than the current ones at TWI.
  13. Nope. No further questions. The Germans did not "let" them in to film - but, if you had actually watched even a small portion the program, you'd already know that. I'll quit wasting my time.
  14. Well, I'd say you deserve an award for for that one, Egilkent! Imagine all the heartache, dollars, peacefulness and probably health you saved!
  15. Belle

    Nationwide Strike

    Praying for you, Sushi and all those involved.
  16. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, GARTH!!! Meeting some friends for the Early Bird Special, I hope!
  17. Well, I suppose this is Blip's "opportunity" to recruit and cultivate vegetables .... errrr.... employees .... who will support his "vision and direction" toward a coup. Copenhagen, I feel for ya. I remember the dread of having to attend TWI events, especially "spiritually important" ones like that. Can you sneak a flask to make it a bit more bearable?
  18. Dooj, will those drinks be served in used Styrofoam cups to further demonstrate not only cleanliness and godliness, but also how well the leaders steward our abundant sharing so that it can be better used on luxury vacations to the Bahamas? (((((Goey))))) So good to "read" you!!!
  19. Yeppers! There's no FUN in the way! Just like there's no crying in baseball.... I'm thinking that no one who had been at hq for more than a year under craig's regime ever even had the thought of doing such a thing. Fun wasn't just missing from our vocabulary - it was missing from our thoughts and our lives. I will offer this tidbit of information.... putting green food coloring in the ice maker for St Patrick's Day is a bad idea.
  20. I am not gonna read all your bombastic b.s. Why can't you just give a "yes" or "no" answer? :unsure: Is that footage fake?
  21. *sigh* I know. I don't even want to to reason with him - I'd just like a "yes" or "no" answer. Dunno why. I already know the answer and it's pretty pathetic for a human being to have that perspective, but, well..... I guess it's like that train wreck one can't help looking at.....
  22. Waysider, there were many, many more victims of "the Holocaust that never happened" than Jews. WTH, ARE YOU SAYING THIS FOOTAGE IS FAKE?
  23. *shrug* Sounds like you were just fine. Regarding what you wanted to say :P .... I remember way too many times out knocking on doors when I really didn't want to be there. I remember how uncomfortable I was and how I already felt bad enough without someone being rude to me. I also remember how excited I was when I first got involved and wanted to share what I was learning with everyone I already knew and loved and cared about. I remember how absolutely deceived I was. I remember how rude, obnoxious, nasty or arrogant people pushed me further into TWI and caused me to become even more zealous, devoted and staked to the TWI doctrine. I remember, too, that the people who made the most impact on my life, whether they realize it or not, are those who responded kindly to me - those who asked me non-threatening, but thought-provoking questions - those who showed me a more Christ-like behavior and response than the one I was trained to give to them. I'm always kind to them when they come to my door. I tell them I'm not interested and don't accept the Watchtower but I do give them a few bucks after learning that they have to pay for those out of their own pocket. But, then again, I'm also kind to the Mormons, the Girl Scouts, the neighborhood school kids when they come by. I'm also kind to telemarketers, but I've been in their shoes before and it doesn't cost me anything to be polite.
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