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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Crying? :blink: I don't see him crying. Sounds like an insult to me. He's giving his opinion and what he's thought in the past. :unsure: Sounds like an insult to me. <_< You have a funny way of citing "observations" if that's not insulting. Maybe a course on communication would help you get your point across in such a way as to not be mis-read yet again. ************** Dan, I listened to much of the first two clips and, I do agree with some of what the guy has to say. I don't have any specifics off the top of my head as I was shocked to read cman's post and it's kinda thrown me for a loop. I will say that I do believe that the traditional mono-theistic religions have really perverted views of their "god" and that it's less than desirable to want to believe in a god that's so eager to "punish" or "allow" bad things to happen to folks. God, as western religion teaches, has more rules, requirements and demands than my own Daddy. There seems to be no way to win with that kind of god. I agree with Oakspear, proof is highly subjective and just about every belief system has excuses or reasons for why it doesn't seem to "work" for everyone or with any kind of regularity. I've seen some things similar to the article that P-Mosh posted and I do think there's a lot we don't know. I find the study of energy fields, brain synapses and the mind-body connection (a la Candace Pert) fascinating. I also find it more logical and reasonable than what most western religions teach.
  2. :o :( You are sick! A sick, sick man.
  3. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it's incredibly wondrous!!
  4. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, LINDA!!! I hope it's an absolutely awesome day! Thank you for your wisdom, wit and winsomeness. You've helped me lo these many years more than a mere, "thank you" could cover.
  5. Belle

    Book Cake

    From the album: Greetings

  6. Belle

    Freedom at Last

    (((((Nero))))) You sweet thing, you! I'm glad that you had parents who tried to protect you from as much as they knew how to. I'm glad that you're free at last! I'm glad that you have a cousin who listens and understands and told you about us. I'm glad you shared your story (feels good to write it all out, doesn't it?) It's a process and it can be very overwhelming at times. A few books that helped me make sense of things are, "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves" and "Why People Believe Weird Things". Others will have other books that have helped them. If you'd like, you should be able to get any of these books at your local library and, if they are not at the library ask the librarian for help ordering them via interlibrary loan. Also, please feel free to private message me any time. :) I'm really glad you're here. See, I even baked a mixed berry pie, just for you!
  7. Rascal, I think it's a desperate attempt to avoid dealing with the fact that loved ones were responsible for allowing and orchestrating those heinous acts. Imagine having to come to terms with family or loved ones being guilty of the same treachery and having a direct hand in enabling vee pee. Imagine Ramona Bidon or Rosalie Rivenbark is your sister - you either have to call everyone else a liar or you have to admit that your sister is one evil bee-yotch.
  8. :eusa_clap: EXCELLENT POST, NERO!! It's a shock to discover that for all that preaching about TWI not being religious, we were more religious than the most legalistic group imaginable!
  9. WELCOME, NERO!! Yes, indeed, we are glad to have you here! Your first order is on the house. Can I get you a nice hot cuppa java?
  10. Waysider, I'm sad to report that OM has been around since day one of WayDale and Greasespot Cafe, or pretty darn near it. That's about seven years of testimony and discussions much like this one. He has yet to change and I'm afraid he never will. :( Same for most of the other vee pee defenders - they are not new to any of this information, they just refuse to acknowledge it.
  11. My Vixen is micro-chipped, but that's only good when it's scanned at the vet's office. Wouldn't it be cool to have a GPS micro-chip for pets? If those were invented and your Rascal had one, then all you'd have to do is turn on the GPS tracking in the micro-chip and you'd know exactly where that Rascal had flown off to.
  12. Waysider! Ex, the alarm clock that works by light instead of noise comes from my experience living with a police officer who worked nights. He wore ear plugs and we had "black out" curtains that blocked out all the light so that he could sleep in a dark, quiet place - but, with the ear plugs he couldn't hear the alarm clock, so we had to rig something up with a lampshade-less lamp (100 watt bulbs) and one of those timers that people use on lamps when they go on vacation and hoped that the light coming on would wake him up. It would be beneficial for deaf people, too, I imagine. Oh, and if that handsome 8th grader of yours could come up with some shorts that have quite a bit of cushion in the buttocks so that my arse doesn't get so sore from falling down when I'm out roller blading, that would be awesome, too! Skateboarders might appreciate something like that, too, eh? How about safety gear for skateboarders that doesn't look like safety gear? Something protective, but cool looking?
  13. Waterproof TV (they make mirrors and radios for the shower now, why not a tv?) Alternative Fuel Sources An Iron that automatically selects/adjusts to the right heat level Alarm clock that turns on the lights in your room
  14. Hand held language translator You talk into the translator Give the language you want the phrase translated into Translator types and speaks back in the language you requested, with the proper slang and common language. You'll need many options for "Spanish" since it's very different depending on the geography - e.g. Dominican Republic Spanish is very different from Spain Spanish, Cuban Spanish, Puerto Rican Spanish and Mexican Spanish. For chits and giggles - you should also be able to translate into Cajun, Hillbilly and Bronx.
  15. what is the name ? Doggery Doo (name is a take off on the Diggery Doo) (idea is from a manure catcher on parade horses) what is the purpse ? Make taking your dog out in public a nicer experience what will it do ? Catch "doggy doo" as it comes out so that I don't have to bend down to scoop it up how will it improve your society and our world ? It will keep our parks, yards and play areas clear of "doggy doo", thereby increasing the acceptance of dogs in public and "dog friendly" communities. draw or create an actual model of the invention.... It can also be an improvement to a current product.
  16. I don't consider it a derail, TGN. Even if it is, please, continue. I've been thinking a lot since reading your post about "becoming" vs. "is"-ness. I like that and it IS more accurate to how I feel most of the time. I'm rather fond of saying that "this" is my opinion/viewpoint/belief "right now" and it is subject to change at any moment. Ask the same question tomorrow and you most likely will get a different answer from me. I, too, consider our "feelings" inside to be pretty darn good guides of what's right and wrong or, better, "true" to ourselves and our own personal morality, philosophy, what have you. I believe if I had paid more attention to those things when I was younger it would have saved me quite a bit of grief, but, alas, we're exactly where we should be, no? I subscribe to the Daily OM and today's seems to be rather fitting to this discussion. I hope y'all don't mind my posting it here:
  17. Ha! That's kinda along the lines of what I was trying to say, TGN. Dunno how I missed your post.
  18. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, CATCUP!!!! Thank you so much for your wisdom, experience and willingness to share what you know, what you've seen and what you've experienced. Your time and words have helped more than you could ever know. You are truly special and very loved!
  19. Oops! I dunno what happened to my response. :huh: Cool website, Todd! Your SiteMeter will show that I camped out there for quite a bit. ^_^ I wonder if we're trying to categorize or classify something that really has none - ya know, kind of like, if we were to try to write a process chart for life and how & why folks act, believe and think the way they do, there would be so many variables that it's just impossible to get a global viewpoint on how to even start. I love the Holon philosophy. Seems as if even our time here on Earth is only part of a whole and, since we're all at different places of learning and understanding - even the time here on Earth has a completely different meaning and purpose for each of us, which is why perceptions and perspectives are so varied. Aspects of what you mention is impossible for some people to "get" whereas it may be elementary for others.... none good or bad, just different and because we're all at different places on our own path. Yet, we continue to try to understand and explain life - most all of us do, anyway :P - but we're really only capable of seeing it from where we are.
  20. Those seem like very reasonable questions and I could not find any of the answers on their websites either. Pity they were so eager to provide information earlier and now they won't answer a few questions. I guess it's true, "You can take the TWIt out of TWI, but you can't take...... They learned well.
  21. I think that "friends are disposable" attitude comes from the TWI mindset that people are to be used and things are to be loved. People are only worth your time to the extent that you find them "useful" in your life. Real friends enjoy you for who you are and not because they can get you to come to their church, take the next class, because you are "likeminded on the word" or because there's some necessary payoff for breathing the same air as you. I gave up my "real friends" when I got heavily involved with TWI because they weren't interested in TWI and all its classes and hoops. The people I thought were my friends while involved with TWI weren't real friends - some turned me in for looking up TWI on the internet and all of them quit talking to me when I left TWI. The "real friends" I desserted and shunned in my arrogance took me back with open arms when I left. They said they didn't understand TWI or my involvement but that if I was happy, they were happy for me to be happy. I've been starting over from scratch myself, Notta. When I first left TWI I felt socially retarded, extremely unsure of myself and cynial of others. It's been fun and easy lately. Just this week-end I met up with some friends at the Winter Park Arts Festival. We set up a picnic area and folks brought wine, cheese, nibbly bits and chairs to listen to Swingerhead for a couple of hours. Some of these friends are former co-workers I've kept in touch with, pre-TWI friends, current co-workers and friends of those friends. Ain't it grand to meet folks you just enjoy spending time with - regardless of their beliefs, political views or anything else? I cherish my girlfriends I can talk to about anything and not have to worry about them running to leadership to turn me in or judge me or anything else.
  22. That was cool! I love it! I LOVE the Mighty, Mighty Bosttones and Weezer, so that makes it doubly fun and exciting to me.
  23. New Life, one never knows what's going to happen with a new topic. If Mike starts posting, one can be assured that it will be seriously derailed if others respond to him.
  24. Belle


    Looks like I'm a member of the 4-Star club, too. I'm surprised it's that high. Rhino, I tried to raise your rating, too. I'll buy you a beer anytime - better yet.... how bout we exceed the 2 drink limit with a nice Shiraz?
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