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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I have cousins in Ramona, which, according to the news, was pretty much wiped out today. They were evacuated at 4am this morning and only had time to grab the essentials (photo albums and pictures) before being rushed out of the area. Other cousins from Malibu had already been forced to evacuate and were at their house. Now they are all on what they hope will be their final evacuation to yet another cousin's house. They don't know jack about what's going on with their homes and it's rather unsettling. I am praying fervently for them and all those in the So Cal areas.
  2. Awwww, Krys, have you seen Suda? She is as beautiful to look at as her heart and personality is. :wub: I wish someone thought I look good enough to eat.
  3. And now, folks, we see what Way-brain can do to a person... and what years of first hand testimony can not undo. vee pee did a real good job on some folks.
  4. Belle

    For Pet Owners

    Lots of animal lovers here, Nero! You're in very good company. I am proudly owned by CH Bever Lea Foxhollow Vixen SE. She is a 14 lb. border terrier who keeps me in stitches figuratively and has been known to put herself into stitches, literally. She's the star of several short stories such as, "Vixen and the Snake", "Vixen and the Opossum" and "Vixen and the Feral Cat". Her latest, "Vixen and the Boar" is on our Keep Seminole Beautiful website. Now, please explain where those great names for your pets come from!
  5. I disagree with you, there, Garth. I think John has done an excellent service in his exposure of the wrong doctrines, plagiarism and heinous acts of vee pee and TWI. He has helped me immensely and I'm very, very thankful for the amount of time and personal resources he has poured into exposing the evil TWI and vee pee. He has provided the only place I know of that actually shows side by side comparisons of the plagiarized works of vee pee. I'm also extremely grateful for the time that he continues to donate to Paw and the Cafe and the hours of counseling he has provided some of us. I just happen to disagree with his viewpoints on this one issue. I do think it's due to a stereo-typical "Christian" mindset and disdain for those who "don't believe" the way we are "supposed to". It's short-sighted and I think that, in this respect, Christianity could learn a thing or thirty from traditional Wicca, Pagan and non-Christian teachings.
  6. Belle

    Let There Be Light!

    Does the hamster come with it? Can I get it without lead paint? :unsure: Seriously, that's something down right handy for hurricane season! Will have to look for one, although, thanks to the TWIt Y2K paranoia, I'm pretty well stocked should the end of the world come tomorrow.... ^_^
  7. I have a 14 lb. snake and opossum killing wild boar fighter who would like to disagree with that statement.
  8. I'm afraid I'd wonder about Jonny if he said he was any other than George Clooney!
  9. (((((Suda))))) Most of us can be rather caustic and downright crude in our language at times - especially when the topic is something we're extremely passionate about. :) There are, also, personality differences and maturity levels that generate a prism of expression among people. I wish that I could control my volume and tone of voice better when I'm peeved about some things. I know it's possible because I am able to do it in other situations. Earlier, you mentioned supernatural-like experiences and those carrying some weight regarding one's belief in God. I know some people who have had these kinds of experiences while practicing Reiki or some other non-Christian belief and they only serve to strengthen whatever it is that person believed in or was practicing at the time. Likewise, others have searched for logical, scientific explanations for what they experienced and not found one. A friend of mine hears classical music in her head - beautiful music she's never heard before in her life. It's only happened to her a few times and, while she enjoys the private concert it scares her because she doesn't believe it's God trying to tell her something - she doesn't believe it's the "ascended masters" trying to communicate with her - she doesn't know enough about chakras, vibrational levels and the such to know if that's really a true/viable explanation but she knows she's not insane and she's knows she's not schizophrenic, which is the prevalent medical explanation. So my friend suffers in silence, afraid to talk about it and afraid of what it might really mean. *shrug* I don't know what to tell her, but that I don't think she's crazy, certifiable or schizo. *** To clarify, some folks who practice Reiki and some other types of energy work and hands on healing are not necessarily non-Christian. They are Christians who believe that these are the practical teachings of what Jesus meant when he said, "greater works than these..." and that they are the techniques of hands on healing seen in the Bible - much like is recorded regarding Elijah, Elisha and, even Jesus.
  10. I haven't read or done much reading on commentaries regarding Daniel, Ezekiel or Revelation, but I do suspect that it's fascinating. I know how thrilled I was to read the Gnostic Gospels, The Origin of Satan and other TWI verboten material. It's been very enlightening to read and study things without TWI blinders on and amazing how ignorant we were given how wise we were told and believed we were. :ph34r: I do hope you'll share what you're learning with us.
  11. :huh: Wow, John J, you really don’t have much faith in humanity, do you? Do you really think that non-Chrisitians would bring the world to its knees with corruption, debauchery and violence if they were to become the majority? Aren’t there scriptures that refer to the fact that non-Christians “do good” and “live well” even without the Christian laws? Are not so-called “Christians” responsible for some of the most violent, heinous and inhumane actions, battles and wars in history? A "Christian" government scares me more than anything else - I'm afraid we'd see things like the Spanish Inquisition, the Scarlett Letter, Witch Hunts, suppression of ancient manuscripts and the like all over again. We've come a long way regarding religious tolerance and education of different beliefs - including how absolutely similar they all are. It seems much more peaceful to have rulers who don't really care what people believe - or if they "believe" anything at all. *shrug* Dunno why that's so threatening to so-called Christians. I'll tell ya, though, it's one reason why I've got the utmost respect for Wiccca, Pagan, atheist, agnostic and even Judaic studies - as a whole, the attitude is, "this works for me - may not work for you, but it's what I study, believe and practice. Good luck with whatever it is you decide is best for you. On another note, some people can't be pigeonholed as atheist nor agnostic - they just don't care - there may or may not be a God, but they just don't really care and certainly aren't going to waste any more of their time trying to decide what "label" to put on their beliefs.... I'm pretty much coming to that conclusion myself.
  12. Our brother from the butt Sock drawer posted this down in the Doctrinal Dungeon and it seems to fit here, too:
  13. Belle

    Guitar Talk

    (((((Kathy))))) I can not thank you enough for introducing me to Mark Knopfler. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE All the Roadrunning!! I can not get enough of that man!
  14. Suda, I suspect that there are as many "bottom line"s as there are people. :) Some of us saw downright contradictions to what TWI taught and awful failures at trying to see "signs, miracles and wonders". Once the farce of TWI and the teachings of TWI has been discovered, some people hold on tightly to that baby for dear life. The baby can't be a farce, too, or the whole of their beliefs collapses in on itself. Others consider that the baby was a farce just like TWI and start from there. Yet others, consider the baby but the more they look into getting answers to the original questions they had and the additional questions that TWI involvement raises - they come to the conclusion that there is no baby. Still others chuck the whole d@mn thing and don't care if there is a baby or not - they're just done with the whole blasted thing. Every person is different in their belief, even those who sit next to you (rhetorical) at Sunday School. The thing that aggravates most people is when some know-it-all tries to "convert" or persuade them that their belief is wrong and that they should believe the same things said know-it-all does. I haven't written God off per se, but I do not think, if there is a God, that he is much of anything like what the typical western religion teaches him to be. My beliefs change pretty regularly these days depending on what I'm reading and looking into. I'm more comfortable with not knowing and find that, like Lindy said so well, quite liberating and peaceful.
  15. Belle

    There Are Many Me's

    Very good, Vickles! David, thanks for breaking it up into paragraphs. :)
  17. :P Mike, WTF and OM are excellent examples and reminders of what adherence to TWI doctrines can do to a person.
  18. :unsure: Wasn't the corpse training originally just to teach people to be good twig coordinators in their own home and town of their own choosing?
  19. Proof, please, of WW plagiarizing like you do. <_< Don't make accusations like that without backing them up. You can't.
  20. THAT seems to be the problem, Mr. H. Apparently it IS too hard for WTF.
  21. Dante, I hope you find her and that it's all good. :) Have you tried www.zabasearch.com? A more common spelling of the first name is: Genevieve.
  22. How about one of these with wheels on it and a brake system like on a walker? You could use some ski poles to help with getting around in that office chair, too, maybe.
  23. TGN, I do the same thing! Only, sometimes, even when I'm trying the urban "don't mess with me" attitude it doesn't work. I've wondered at times if it's because that's not really my nature, even when I really would rather be left alone - like on a long flight when I've got a really good book to read. I've downloaded the EFT stuff but haven't read all of it or practiced it with any regularity. Do you use it often? Have you noticed a lot of effectiveness using it? Maybe I should take that conversation offline to PM/e-mail? Todd, I hope the busy wave is a fun one. :)
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