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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Any updates from WordandWorks? :unsure: Just heard from Mama and all my cousins are safe - all their houses, too! The house in Ramona made it - it's covered with ash from the surrounding fires and and they can't get back into the house - there's no water in the area, but the house is there. *whew* I hope our beloved Greasespots and their families are faring well, too!
  2. Still praying for you, Diana and your whole family, Raf.
  3. Belle

    Go Discovery!

    Lifted, I didn't see this. :( I started a different thread yesterday. Yes, I watched it go up with a party of co-workers. We always meet in the parking lot to watch it explode through the clouds and stand there, necks back, mouths agape, fascinated until it's long gone from our line of sight. Yesterday we didn't get to see the rocket boosters fall off due to the trajectory, but sometimes we CAN see them fall. We have some new folks from WI in our office and it was their first launch, which is always exciting. :)
  4. Yes, and I'm in no way saying that Pert and Hawking are stereotypical "believers", by any stretch of the imagination - only that they do blend belief in a "higher power" with their scientific research. Pert does believe in "God" per se, but not in the traditional "Christian" perspective. Her's is more Eastern, but not classifiable as Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or any other "type" of belief, it's a unique melding of beliefs by a brilliant scientist who also acknowledges the existence of a "higher power" to whom she does pray and believe to have a hand in our lives. They seem to be examples of brilliant scientists who are able to weave both sets of beliefs into something that works for them as opposed to utterly chucking the whole, "God" thing. :) I'm a huge Hawking fan. Have been since my introduction to him via that Playboy article. Socks, I will enjoy that article with my morning cuppa joe. Thank you. :) If someone were trying to integrate what they've been taught and believed their whole life with an intense interest, belief and "proof based" mindset of scientific research - it is possible and, I think, God doesn't care how you get there.
  5. :huh: How the heck is any of that attributable to christianity? Sounds like a democracy that's working the way it's supposed to. I do happen to think the US is the greatest place on Earth, but I do not think it has anything to do with our government having a "christian foundation." That's highly inaccurate.
  6. :unsure: You're going as The Invisible Couple? I don't have one of me, but here's my favorite 'dogs in costume' pic.... I think Rascal would approve.
  7. I might be repeating myself, but Candace Pert says the more scientific research she does, the more she sees there HAS to be some kind of divine source - just that she sees it/God/whatever you want to call it - more from an Easter thought frame of mind than the Western. Doesn't Stephen Hawking also say that he doesn't know what or who caused the Big Bang and does not rule out divine intervention/divine spark/God/source or whatever you want to call it? :unsure: I seem to remember reading that, but it was a Playboy magazine interview eons ago when I was a wee widdle college student buying it for my astronomy professor because I really needed a C in that class.
  8. Belle


    What do I win? A snowcone, maybe?
  9. Belle


    Humorous quote from Snopes on this: :biglaugh:
  10. Belle


    www.snopes.com is great for exposing these b.s. e-mails that do nothing but clog servers all over the world..... This one is from 2003 Any time an e-mail imploring you to forward this to everyone in your address book or to have the guts to forward something, it's usually a hoax, urband legend, lies - aka - SPAM.
  11. Thanks for checking in! :) Praying for continuing good news.
  12. Belle

    Who are . . .

    Why, oh, why, do they promise to leave and never keep their word? <_< Just a cursory view of larry's profile and past posts, especially his most recent ones, shows someone just out looking for a fight. He's a troll and, imo, it's not really anyone's business why or how Paw runs this board. How much are we paying for the privilege of hanging out here at the cafe? Are we not getting our money's worth? Wanna complain? Put your money where your mouth is. At least, that's the way I see it.
  13. To throw some balance into things, Candace Pert wrote Molecules of Emotion (which I have read) and Everything You Need to Feel Go(o)d (which I am currently reading alongside Shermer's book). She's a very well-respected, reputable neuro-something scientist and her scientific research has led her to believe that there absolutely, positively has to be a God/Supreme Being/Whatchamacallit - just not necessarily what traditional Judeo-Christianity teaches.
  14. No, it's not always fun, is it? :( I'm still looking and searching and trying to figure things out.... you'd think I might have some answers by now, but, ya know what? I'm also coming to terms with the fact that I may never have answers and that's okay, too. Why do we need hope? What do we need hope in? Hope for? Is there anything inherently wrong with looking at things from the "what it is" viewpoint and just making the best of it while we're here? *shrug* I dunno.... I have been reading more thoroughly Michael Shermer's Why People Believe Weird Things and, while it's rather disheartening in some ways, in other ways I like feeling like I'm learning better reasoning and logic skills if nothing else. It hasn't stopped me from becoming a graphologist, level two Reiki practitioner, ordained minister or any other number of things in my own personal quest. I'm enjoying the journey regardless of where it ends up.
  15. Belle

    Up, Up & Away!

    It never gets old watching the shuttle take off. Discovery
  16. (((((Roy))))) You are one of the best examples of what God wants out of us in every day life. I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day and you present a pretty darn good sermon, my friend. :)
  18. Perzackly, Suda! Some people are "good" and some people are "bad" regardless of what their personal beliefs about religion, gods, God, etc. Even among "Christians" there is much diversity of belief.
  19. :blink: Why does what other people believe have anything to do with what you teach your children? :unsure: You, too, are a kind, wise, normally logical thinker. I don't understand where all the vehemence, fear and disdain toward non-Christians comes from with y'all. I really don't. Have atheists killed your family members or something? Do you have atheists in your face on a regular basis? Do you have any proof that the world is going to hell in a hand basket because there are atheists in it (real proof)? Does it concern you that organized religion has completely and utterly alienated and turned so many people away from God? Not all atheists are atheists because of experiences with organized religion, but there are quite a few who are. What's so wrong with Christianity that it can't even keep the people it does "get"? (Maybe that should be a whole 'nother thread)
  20. I can't answer for football, but if ya wanna know about NASCAR......
  21. Belle

    For Pet Owners

    (((((Rascal))))) You should tell one of your stories about your burial gardens on here some time. You have the biggest heart of any person I know and I just know you instill that respect and love for living souls in your beautiful children. I would LOVE to see more pet photos. Tony, hope you get yours to upload. Two of my all time favorite pets were golden retriever/chow mix dogs from shelters: Duchess and Doobie. Awesome, awesome family members!! I lost Doobie thanks to TWI "serious pet" doctrine. :( That will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happen again!!!
  22. Suda, Go to hell, Ole Miss! :biglaugh: Come to Mississippi State!
  23. Yes! Notta, your sister is in No Cal with Socks and Jim, right? Who is from the So Cal area so we have names to go with those prayers? RumRunner?
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