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Everything posted by Belle

  1. AMEN! Steve, Fully sharing with those in TWI meant the possibility of saying or doing something that would get you "turned in" to leadership, for not thinking like-minded in the household. And we all know what a can of worms that opens up! Mr H! You crack me up! :D-->
  2. LOL!!! Very well said, Zshot! :D--> :D-->
  3. I feel sick that I was in a marriage where I didn't feel free to talk to my husband about how evil TWI is and that I had to hide it. As a result of this he thinks I hid a lot of other things from him, including an affair, and I never had an affair! But, I can't tell him that because he won't talk to me and he wouldn't believe me anyway. I feel sick that he has cut off communication with his whole family because of lies his local MOG told him and now he is completely and utterly alone with only acquaintances for friends and TWIts who don't really care about him. It's like a kick in the gut. I feel sick that he bought all the lies of TWI and fails to see how he was cold and unfeeling and pushed people away from him who really and truly care about him. I feel sick that friends who were horribly treated by TWI kept coming back time and time again to get their teeth kicked in again or merely tolerated because they had something of value that TWI wanted (money, home, free labor). I feel sick that I was too stupid and naive to recognize the evil and too scared to act on my intuition when I did sense something was wrong.
  4. :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> ROFLMAO, MR. H!!!
  5. If you do it on craiggers you can also find out about his criminal history and any other lawsuits that may have been hidden.
  6. It's a devilish, ungodly and inane attempt to control, manipulate and disparage their followers. No one is beyond prayer. God's the one who choses what to do about the prayer. They are playing God and passing judgement which we aren't supposed to do when they refuse to pray for someone. I know a couple who wanted to adopt a child through "the system". They wanted an older child, say 4-10 years old. B*b Moneyhands told the couple that they shouldn't adopt an older child because they have been through "the system" and were probably ridden with tons of emotional and behavioral problems, not to mention most likely courting devil spirits. They wanted to adopt anyway, despite his misgivings about their plans. He told them that if they went ahead with the adoption to never ask him to pray for them and that kid because they were going against his counsel and God wouldn't be able to protect them. This couple adopted the most wonderful child and they are one of the happiest families I know. Thank God they didn't take the abuse any longer!! Now they are reaping the rewards for following GOD and not BOB!
  7. DaddyHoundog's wife is WashingtonWeather aka WW and one of the most caring and intelligent and wonderful people I know. :D--> DaddyHoundog is a very intelligent and very common sense smart dyslexic (sp?) who proves that it can be overcome to be successful in life, mentally and spiritually! He had passed on great information and encouragement to me through WW and I wouldn't trade either one of them for the world!! :)--> I love them both VERY MUCH!!!
  8. Roy, I respect your courage to continue posting in the face of adversity. I have always enjoyed reading your posts when I get the chance and the time. Thank you for your tenacity. Very kindest, Belle
  9. "Your life is not your own" "You were bought with a price" "You owe your life to the ministry that taught you the word" "You should support the ministry that taught you the word" These were used to enslave TWIts and to guilt them into doing whatever they wanted them to do. "If you're not growing you stagnate and your salt loses it's flavor" Used to force people to sign up for the next class, WD, WC, etc.
  10. It IS a great memory, Shellon! And warms my heart every time I think about it. I only wish I hadn't given up those friends for TWIts who wouldn't have done anything like that for me. I love your memory of your first Christmas with Bob. What a kind heart to take such care and effort to make sure y'all had a Christmas tree. :)-->
  11. Not after I started behaving! :D-->
  12. My family goes to great lengths to be together at Christmas (family being Parents, Siblings and Grand Parents). When one of us can't be off long enough to make it home for Christmas we go to that person's home. We'll sleep on the floor, on the couch, air mattresses, get hotel rooms - whatever, just to be together. When I first graduated from college and during my TWIt days my family frequently make the trek over hundreds and/or thousands of miles to be with me so we could be together at Christmas. This year my Daddy paid for the kids to fly to Grandma and Paw Paw's house for Christmas. We had flight delays and other very minor inconveniences, but everyone was together and took it in very good humor. (It just gave us more to laugh about. We dubbed this year the "Christmas of Unfortunate Events"). We don't really care what we're eating or where, as long as we're all together. We share so many stories, humor and fun that all of us have to relax our smile muscles to get rid of face cramps from laughing so much when we're together. Now that the kids are older, we enjoy hearing Grandma and Paw Paw talk about the "good old days" and even ask them to share things with us. This year my Paw Paw pulled out a picture of him and my Grandma when they were about 19 and Paw Paw was a week out from joining the war - they were working at the sugar cane mill with my great grandfather I never got to meet. The picture is great, not only for the people, but the history and visual of how they did things back then. We all got copies made at Walgreens and I can't wait to find the perfect frame for it. Traditions regardless of where we are: - Family picture - every year without fail - Christmas Day Movie - Daddy always picks out the movie, time and location (you don't even TRY to take that responsibility from him ;)--> ) - If we're at my Grandparents - Vesper Service on Christmas Eve - If we're in my town, Christmas Even dinner at my Daddy's favorite restaurant Some years the gifts are grand and some years the gifts are few and inexpensive. We don't open any gifts until after Christmas Dinner, which was HE11 when we were kids. We cherish watching the face of the person opening their gift that we open our presents one at a time so the giver can watch the recipient open his/her gift. The watching and giving part are the favorites of each one of us. Gifts are always chosen with care and concern for the recipient and it shows. I am so glad to be able to enjoy this time fully with my family again. We've always done it, but I haven't always been completely there because of my way-brain.
  13. Now wait just a dog gone minute! I thought ORLANDO was 2nd only to SF in the homosexual population! They do have Disney there, ya know. ;)--> Also, it's close to Ft Lauderdale, which is supposed to be a close 3rd and 1st as far as the Leather and BDSM community. In fact the city is called Ft Leatherman by many "insiders".
  14. Mr. H, I did lead the family in singing, "Deck the Hars with bars of horry" on the way there! That's my all time favorite Christmas movie!! Don't shoot yer eye out! Fragile - the best major awards come from Italy.
  15. Grandparents are the BEST! I grew up around mine and they are extremely close to all us grandkids. They are getting older and not getting around as well and it breaks my heart to think that they may not be around for my kids to get to know them (I'm still hoping to have a family someday). My grandmother used to take me to the zoo, to the movies, to get ice cream and anywhere else I wanted to go - just the 2 of us. Paw Paw spanked me once - only once - and I was so shocked and hurt that I never ever ever did anything to make him mad at me again. They always make sure I know how much they love me and how special I am to them. Grandparents are the absolute best family members to have, imo.
  16. Did he at least have fun, Raf? Get to drink lots of eggnog? What did he have for Christmas dinner??? Do tell!! We want to know! ;)-->
  17. I'm sorry, Geo! I have to say I"m in Sudo's camp with the great Christmas and super family. This year was the series of "unfortunate events", but everyone handled everything with good humor and it just adds to the memories we will have to talk about when we reminisce of Christmas Pasts. - Late flights - missing batteries - Lost luggage - the line at the movie theater - The restaurant confusion and having to eat at the local Chinese Buffet for Christmas Dinner My family told me frequently how good it was to have me back - and to REALLY have me back 100%. They said that when I was married to my "still in" spouse that I wasn't "really" there even when we were there. It was awesome to enjoy myself and not be on guard constantly worried that I or one of my family members was going to pi$$ him off. I really have the greatest patient loving family a gal could ever wish for. That and I got a cherished piece of jewelry from my grandmother. I will inherit all her jewelry eventually, but she has decided to start giving it to me now. It's terribly bittersweet, but I love hearing the stories behind each one of her pieces and plan to document them for when I pass them down to someone (hopefully I'll have a daughter someday to give them to).
  18. It's been so much fun reading about everyone's special ornaments! My first Christmas away from home I was so poor that I couldn't afford a tree or ornaments. My friends/co-workers at a restaurant took me to an "all you can eat scallop dinner" and we saved all the shells from the dinner. I cleaned them up good and used a borrowed hot glue gun to put red ribbons on them. My office closed 2 days before Christmas and the company handy man brought the tree from the office to my apt and since i didn't have a stand we leaned it up in the corner. I decorated that tree with my scallop shells and 2 starfish decorations I bought at a dollar store. I still have one of each of those to remind me of where I came from. They are my most precious ornaments and now that I'm out of TWI I look forward to adding more precious memories like that to my tree.
  19. I'm divorced because of the sh1t that a$$hole taught and his minions enforced. I want to know. If you don't, def, just skip this thread.
  20. I couldn't find the little trademark sign, Pat, but at least I got the name correct! ;)-->
  21. They are LCs of Florida and RC's of some region that consists only of FL and the 20 people left in AL. Full time living with all the amenities and benefits befitting royalty in TWIt-ville. Bri*n and his wife and kids are on staff at hq or Gunnison. Staunch supporters of TWI and continuing to break up families who don't tow the line.
  22. Linda, this is about the umpteenth thing I've heard that Bob M (and/or D*ttie) knew about and didn't put a stop to. Do you think they were just protecting their royal lifestyle or not strong enough to put a stop to these things?
  23. In the words of the WC leadership I asked about that, "It's none of your business!" ;)--> That's all I know. If you find out let me know.
  24. Very well said, CC. They will have to drop it and they've already started by saying that they have never had a "policy" on debt which everyone, even the kool-aid drinkers, know is a big fat lie. The fact that so many have chosen to buy homes and secure their futures instead of choosing the "spiritual matters" should be a clarion call to them that they are insane. It sounds as though the phasing out of the non-policy has begun with some areas apparently allowing mortgage holders to cleverly word their mortgage or go despite the fact that they have a mortgage. They won't say they've changed the policy. The word will start going out to the most faithful with mortgages that it's okay for them to go to the classes because of their demonstrated maturity in the Word. Then others will start learning of these "exceptions" and they'll just start signing up and be allowed to attend. Policy changes through the grapevine without ever having to admit being wrong. They've got it down to an art.
  25. LLP, I'm so sorry. I know how bad it hurts to find out things like this. I liken it to someone jumping out of the bushes and kicking me in the stomach as hard as they can. TWI sucks and the people who are leaders are even worse because they cover for those evil doers. Heck, they even "counsel" the victims (--> - I mean, help them cope with what happened so they don't rat out the finks), but they don't do anything at all to oust the offenders or protect the flock. It is really sad, but it's good for you to know and see. Hopefully we'll be able to protect others since TWI isn't.
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