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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I dunno, Steve! Hopefully people in other areas can provide some information. I'm quite certain that TWIt continues to shrink as people get older and crave financial security, real concrete answers and seeing real concrete blessings instead of "spiritual blessings" that aren't really there, get bored hearing the same old teachings regurgitated over and over, kids get older and can afford to move out and disassociate with TWIts, people who might be interested check things out on the web before getting involved.... I truly believe it's only a matter of time before the lights go out in New Knoxville.
  2. No clue which one I would be. I do, however, recognize some other posters. :P-->
  3. Belle

    Another GS Wedding?

    A hearty congratulations! :D--> How wonderful for both of you! David, what a nice song. I'd love to hear the music that goes with it.
  4. Are these the mushrooms that grow in cow pastures and does that mean you also think some things ;)--> should be legal?
  5. Okay, Ladies! Do y'all have Yahoo IM or AO Hell IM? I'll PT y'all and CW and we can make a "chat date" to discuss this cool stuff "Live". If anyone else wants to get in on the chat just PT me. :D--> HA HA HA - sneaky way for me to actually get some PTs. :P-->
  6. And what exactly is wrong with being a "redneck"? ;)--> Belle Somewhat Cultured Redneck
  7. ex10, that's because satan was protecting you! Don't you remember that if nothing bad happens to "cop outs" that it's because they have gone to the "dark side" and satan protects those who have turned their back on God. If good stuff happens to those "in", it's because God is prospering them. If bad stuff happens to "cop outs" it's because they're getting what they deserve since God can't protect them. If bad stuff happens to those "within the walls of zion" it's because they are standing for God and satan doesn't like that. They're the ultimate believers "standing in the gap" for the rest of the unbelieving world.
  8. Good question, JT. There are some people on here who can answer that for sure. :)-->
  9. The perfect BOD: Paw IRS Probate Atty
  10. They certainly don't want to encourage anyone to go on the internet. I think that's why their site is so boring and vague.
  11. With the incredibly shrinking ministry, I wonder if they've gone back to "gross" giving or if they've just stepped up the pressure on those left to give and more micromanagement to make sure they are "faithful" to give "to the ministry that taught you the word". --> - where's the dude puking his guts up? That's the icon I really want to put here. -->
  12. JT, your translator is working perfectly! ;)-->
  13. Ain't it great, Rascal?? :D--> I'm rather opinionated, myself. I'm also much more aware of "that line in the sand" that I've drawn and I like to think I'll never let someone cross that line again. I also enjoy just "being me" regardless of who I am. Some people are going to like me and some people aren't, but at least they have the opportunity to know me - who I really am
  14. Song, you're cracking me up, my friend! Chas, :(--> Michael is just about the only singer besides Jim Morrison who looked absolutely HOT in leather pants! Wild how much we were in the dark regarding current events, isn't it? Here's a few more of mine: 7. I don't fold my socks or underwear - Just throw them in the drawer 6. I don't think you could call my fitted sheets "folded" either - more like "rolled" 5. I wish pot was legal too, Chas. (even though I, too, am a law-abiding citizen)
  15. We tried to warn you, Frankee! ;)--> Just come on over to my booth on the sidelines. I learn a lot by watching, but I get to avoid the chili dogs when they start flying. :D--> Now, if you want to get into the thick of it, it's quite alright. We kiss and make up pretty often and genuinely on here (okay, most of the time).
  16. George, LCM said that they figured out it was off the net that we were supposed to give because of a verse that implies you give out of what you have control over and since the government takes their cut of your paycheck before you even get it, you dno't have control over that part of your income, so you give out of your net. I can't remember the verse, but someone else might. I do remember it was a big deal to him and he felt very self-important when he taught it.
  17. OUCH! The truth hurts. :)--> Always good to remember where we came from and how easy it was to get there, eh? Good points, Rascal.
  18. Awww, Shellon, it sucks what we put them through, but doesn't it make us appreciate them that much more? I think it makes it so much easier to be more aware of things that might crop up as well as the experience that we can share with others and perhaps, hopefully, spare them the same pain. I know this Christmas was the sweetest, most loving, tender and healing time I can remember. We all appreciate, cherish and love each other so much more and we're quick to make sure others know how much we love them, too.
  19. Ahhhh, and the old "you'll just have to take the class" line we used to all pull on people. If ya want answers, peeepul, ya gotta pay for 'em! -->
  20. And to think they make fun of the Catholics and the secrecy of the books and records they have that they wouldn't let vee pee access to. Remember how much more revelation and depth of the verd he could have taught us if only they would have allowed him access to their sacred texts? Just think how much more we would know if we had access to TWIt sacred texts! ;)-->
  21. Actually, it was pretty convoluted since insurance, 401K and pre-paid medical deductions among other things were taken out of the paycheck. I took the gross pay and deducted the taxes and 401K amounts, then figured our 18% abundant sharing off of that. After we started renting a house instead of an apt. I convinced my ex that we needed to go to 10% because we were giving out of our need. He was very upset about it, but realized it was what we had to do. After the lawsuits came out and I lost all faith in TWI, I started giving 10% off the net and the more I learned the less I gave. Eventually I wasn't giving at all unless my ex asked me about it and I had to.
  22. I remember hearing about the dorm conditions at hq, the extra thin walls in the trailers, required attendance at lunch time, excessive restrictions on what was allowed in your room, no private phone calls, dependency on hq for everything, extremely sub-standard pay and all the problems with medical expenses - even just going to the dr for a normal check-up was a major ordeal, working hours in addition to "household duties"..... It just seemed like a pitiful existence and anything but "more abundant". I was adamant that I would never go on staff. After hearing all the horror stories about "how bright the light is" at hq and on your life in WC training....all the terrible things they did and said to people, all the idiotic rules and lamblasting for not following them to a "t", I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to go through that. I'd rather grow and change on my own - you know that growth without compulsion kinda thing we were taught but not allowed. I can only imagine that being dropped from active WC status, although painful and horribly embarrassing, must have been a relief once the shock and betrayal wore off.
  23. 10. I have a tattoo and my mom only just found out about it after 12 years. 9. I was a member of the Barry Manilow International Fan Club 8. I hide dirty dishes in the oven if I run out of time trying to clean up for company :o--> -->
  24. Great Grandparents: Paw Tandy and Maw Sally and Paw and Granny (did I mention I'm from the south?) :D--> Maternal Grandparents: Mama Nina and Paw Paw Last Name Paternal Grandparents: Paw Paw and Grandma Mom wants to be called Grammy if she ever gets to have grandkids. My next door neighbor's granddaughter calls her "Bay Bar" They had no clue where it came from and one night her husband said, "Babe, are you ready to go?" Jessica heard that and figured her name was Baybar, so that's what she calls her. ;)-->
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