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Everything posted by Belle

  1. www.sidestep.com also has great deals. I've been using them for a while and they were featured on GMA this morning.
  2. Belle

    Circus Midgets

    Paw, Check your privates!! :D-->
  3. Belle

    Circus Midgets

    Y'all are awesome! Paw, thanks so much! I had looked but didn't see some of those. Cool site, ex! I'm going to look at that some more, especially if things continue to go well with us. And, Chas, where exactly did he learn about the "dwarf toss"?? :D--> LOL! If he grows up with a thing for circus midgets just let me know. ;)--> Linda, I can only imagine how uncomfortable that was. Anda then he wasn't behind some thick glass or a little peep hole type window so you could just wave and keep on trucking through. How would you start that conversation? "Wow, Tiny Peter. I wasn't expecting a person." :D-->
  4. There's your abundant sharing at work, lurkers!
  5. I think loy is more like Steve Martin in that movie about him being a con artist revival preacher. Winning bets by working "vinyl siding" into his sermon.
  6. Belle

    Circus Midgets

    I'm sort of seeing a guy and we've sort of started this running joke about circus midgets. I would like to surprise him with something related to circus midgets for Valentines Day, but I have no clue. Does anyone have any ideas, or should I try to get him interested in Amazing Sea Monkeys instead? :D--> Please, no comments about being PC. I'm not trying to offend anyone. I do seriously want ideas.
  7. Belle

    E-mail Scams

    I have several e-mail addresses. :D--> One I use for anything that could possibly generate spam and I get about 500 pieces a day at that account. (Thank you Yahoo for your spam filter!) One I use only for family and friends. I have never gotten spam at that address. I hope that continues as I have a few friends who forward a joke along with all the e-mail addresses of everyone who has ever received that joke. One I use for GSpot and other forums. I hardly ever get spam at that one either. I don't even open e-mails in the spam folder and I hardly open e-mails from people I don't know. Snopes is great, though. I love reading about the latest and greatest b.s. going around. It's just so sad that so many people actually believe them. :(-->
  8. There aren't many "out" who will have anything to do with him, but there are plenty of people still "in" who continue to worship him and who consider him to truly be the MOGFART, he just had a weakness, that's all...everyone has their weak spots.
  9. Maybe he decided to be a CEO at some multi-million dollar corporation like he said he could do when he was yelling about how incompetent the rest of us are.....
  10. OnionEater, she has probably asked several times if she could take a break from coordinating only to be told they really need her. At least, that's what happened to us. We tried for over 2 years to "take a break" from being so involved and they always said they really needed us just for "this" situation and then we could take a break....It took my big mouth getting us in trouble for them to decide "we needed a break".... --> Gee, why didn't I think of that???? That, or she's afraid to ask for a break because she might get even more ill since she would no longer be giving her all to the household. :(-->
  11. mj, if you have to explain it then it's not funny.
  12. She is supposedly in the Atlanta area, but that's the last I heard. There are quite a few C Royal's listed in the directory for that area. Don't know if she's still full time or why she left hq. Maybe someone else does or if you can get in touch with her she'll tell you. :)--> Good luck!
  13. LOL! Why does this not come as any big surprise. -->
  14. PURELY SPECULATION ON MY PART!! IN MY OPINION.....I wonder if VP abused LCM in some way similar to VPs abuse of women and if THAT might be part of his abhorrence of homosexuality only compounded by his knowledge of his wife's trists. PURELY SPECULATION ON MY PART DUE TO THE INCREDIBLY VEHEMENT HATE AND HOMOPHOBIC ATTITUDE HE EXPRESSED.
  15. He only knows how to destroy things, not build them.
  16. JT, I'm just guessing since "things are better now" :D--> Most of the RC's I know are full time. I just assumed all of them were. I know our RC went swimming every morning and his wife ran around doing errands for the house, took special community college classes and such that had absolutely nothing to do with running a region. They didn't even have fellowships at one time, now they at least do that, but I'm sure they have them at other people's homes to give others an opportunity to "bless" the rest of the fellowship. Same with teaching, too - most likely. So, if they have less paperwork since "things are better". Less wc in their areas to "report back" to them. No other "full time staff" having to fill out staff micromanagement reports for them. No fellowship teachings (or maybe once a month). They delegate branch meeting and limb meeting responsibilities. The "field" believers do all the set up, clean up and stringing of the chairs. They might teach one session at a class or merely "bless" them with their presence at one session. (And, since there's hardly any classes run anymore....) They don't fill out blue forms. They only write the letter for their newsletter once every other month (all other aspects of it are delegated). What do they do?? I think 20 hours a week is too generous a guesstimate for how hard they work for TWIts. No wonder they continue wiping the brown stuff from rosie off their noses and passing it on to everyone else. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. :D--> I'd love to be wrong in this case. What does an LC do these days that requires so much time?
  17. LOL, Mr H. I was jest pullin yer leg. Funnin' with ya. :D--> I'm rather fond of them myself. ;)--> And I really have a thing for a pick-up man, but hippies with pony tails are pretty darn cool, too.
  18. I'm just floored that they are using something that is up to date and/or relevant enough to even be considered for an article. This is the same group that took 5 or 10 years to choose a new phone system????
  19. At least he wrote it on a page of your letter. We were excited to get the effen envelope back. -->
  20. Looks like these are old timers who are living off TWIt's titties and they haven't figured out how to get rid of them but don't want them at HQ around the fox and her lover. All RCs are living the high life instead of the dorm life. Their work week is something like MAYBE 20 hours. Not a bad gig if you can get it, but the price your conscience pays is astronomical.
  21. Musta been nice to have that freedom, Tom. They probably let you bring snow cones to twig, too, didn't they? ;)-->
  22. Yep, Andrea. I had gotten to the point where no matter how bad it might be on the outside it couldn't possibly be as bad as it was on the inside. I was also encouraged because I knew that my family would be there to support me 100% and that I could count on their truly unconditional, non-performance based love.
  23. Ain't it kewl, ex? His abuse is much more tolerable, too.
  24. ROFLMAO! I'd like to hang out with you and Karl, UH...Unless Song happens to be doing something more interesting. ;)-->
  25. see me, thank you so much! I'm speechless and in awe of your strength and your daughters. I wish there was something I could do to help.
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