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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Not really an independent website when you have to do what they tell you to do, err....suggest that you do. I hope they don't tell him to close it down since people have started posting there. I'm sure the kids don't want to post much because they don't have much to say. I mean, how many times can you say, "I'm really blessed...." and those that would say something more are afraid to since they would be caught having doubts and reservations or things they dislike about TWI.
  2. It was very much touted in my area, George. Maybe it's because of who was around us. Seems we had quite a few eager beaver, micromanaging, lcm-imitating, schedule and finance scrutinizing, personal life meddling ministers in my area.
  3. Y'all need to quit laughing. You know darn well the devil did that because they're reaching so many people with their research, teaching and fellowship! You're just jealous. :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
  4. Welcome! Raf will be along with the coffee soon, can I interest you in a danish, bagel, crumpets, banana pudding or gum from under the tables?? Glad to have you here!
  5. Thanks, MStar1! Now I have the whole office humming it... :D--> I don't know if I'm going to make it through the day. A couple more about me: In 1st grade I went to school with Jennifer Rogers and I asked her if her daddy was Mr. Rogers she said that he was and looked at me like I was crazy. I tried to sit by her on the school bus every day hoping she would invite me home with her. Imagine my disappointment when I found out she lied! :o--> No Henrietta Pussycat, no King Friday, no trolley. :(--> I like fried banana and peanut butter sandwiches like Elvis, but mayo & banana sandwiches or pickles and ketchup sandwiches ran a close 2nd and 3rd when I was growing up. I have always wanted Amazing Sea Monkeys and a Chia Pet for Christmas.
  6. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm amazed at the men and women who knew all the b.s. and, rather than trying to fix things just put a band aid on it. THEN, continued to stay with the group despite seeing all the treachery. I know many good men and women left, but some are STILL in power and I can only guess that it's because they are getting a free ride at the expense of others' lives. God help them.
  7. Good information! AND, ain't it great to belong to a community of friends who help because they WANT to and not because they're asked or feel obligated to? Besides that, there probably aren't many people left in TWI that have 1/10th of the knowledge about many things people on this board do.
  8. On a family vacation with my daddy. He doesn't stop unless we need to fill up on gas. I remember one time I had to go so bad I was practically crying. He wouldn't pull over so my mom said, "Fine, it's your car. We'll only have to live with it for a little while." He stopped at the next exit. :D--> I could barely walk I had to go so bad, but I wasn't about to ask him to carry me to the john.
  9. Oh yeah! You can't say "congratulations" to a woman getting married. It's an insult to her. -->
  10. OM, that is NOT a slam. It's an observation. So what if Don wasn't ever committed to the ministry? THAT would give me more respect for the guy, not less. And your sweet Uncle Don wasn't an angel. REad the thread about Uncle Howard's Mattress or something or other. Don took after his daddy in more ways than one and is NOT someone to put too high on a pedestal. Again, you generalize and attempt to discredit anyone who has a different opinion or experience than you. --> You amaze me, man.
  11. Steve!, I'm sorry, but this also helps explain my point. NOW it's really personal. NOW it is more important to you than it ever was before. I'm sure Harry is starting to feel the same way. :)--> It's a lot more personal to him now, but in a different sort of way. Hopefully he'll be moved by the emotions he's stirred up in people. Sudo, I like your pirate analogy. I was trying to thinkk of an example that would communicate and you came up with the perfect one. I think it's highly likely that it was like that for him, and William, as he helped with the costume. I just really think we should give the kids the benefit of the doubt.
  12. I'm so sick of people bending over backwards to be politically correct. --> --> Let the Kid Rock!
  13. ex, I'm sure she renewed her mind and took her foot off the hose so she can abundantly live the blessed life. ;)-->
  14. Pot luck dinners Deviled eggs bet - we don't gamble ;)--> create wish good luck don't cross your fingers ************* available - i avoid this one at all costs opportunity - gag me sodomites - we were told not to call them homosexuals because it was too nice a term blessed happy hearts day ho ho relo household holidays bless you greetings Jesus Christ - I try to just say Jesus now Roman Catholic - I try to just say Catholic rank unbeliever egg sucking world empty - as in an empty floating by
  15. Thanks for all the insight, y'all! Thanks, Socks, for the affordable prices. :D-->
  16. Geo, I'm impressed. :D--> I'd like to see Matilda's bumper sticker. Maybe I'll rent that movie this week-end.
  17. They gave out a bunch of bumper stickers a couple of years ago but the only people who actually put them on their cars were the wc. Nobody else would/did. No one would say they were ashamed or didn't want to be seen with one. We just all said we weren't "bumper sticker" kind of people.
  18. Red, I so remember those days! --> The big teachings in our area were laced with the mantra "as soon as[b/]". You were supposed to pay your ABS "as soon as" you got paid. If you paid any bills or did anything else with your money before giving it to TWI, then you weren't putting God first and you weren't giving of your "firstfruits". GAWD, that was so drilled into our heads that some people would drive by the HFCs house to drop off their check if they couldn't be at fellowship to give. --> It was bad, folks, really bad.
  19. I was raised Republican and have always voted Republican, even once I started evaluating the issues and getting more involved in politics. I tend to agree more with them than I do with other parties. That, and I can't effen stand the Clintons, Kerry or any of their other "prominent" representatives. I'd rather see Jesse Ventura in office than any of those numbnuts.
  20. Jim, even the innies won't put them on their cars. They were giving them away for free in our area a while back and not one person put them on their car. Can't says I blame 'em. OE, I hope the WAYGB reads this and "makes it available" for anyone who wants to step down from any level of responsibility in the US to do so. They just use people until there's nothing left of them to use and then they throw them away like an old dishrag. A dishrag with a very nice homemade thank you card, but thrown away nonetheless.
  21. LOL! Maybe that's what I should have done.
  22. Wow! Thanks HCW. That's a TWI I never knew. I didn't get involved until the 90's and we never, but never experienced anything like what you described. :(--> I was just so "hungry" to learn how to read the Bible that I dismissed so many ugly things I saw and red flags flying in my face. I can see better now how people wax nostalgic about "the good old days". We never had any "good old days". It also makes more sense now when people say, "He's Craig to me. Always has been." He was never Craig to me and I could never picture him calling "friends" much less calling them to "go play". Everything has always been so formal and not necessarily, genuinely warm and friendly regarding my experience. In fact, I already thought things were pretty formal with the original LC in my area and then we got a new couple coming into town and all the WC started freaking out and telling each other they had better go back and refresh themselves on everything they learned in their training. They quit having casual informal meetings. Everything became "casually nice" or "dress your best" and all were always such "on your best behavior" events that you never really could relax. I think that's why there never was any of that comeraderie among the TWIts that I knew. The only ones who seemed to be really good friends were those who had been involved for ages. This could also be why the new people don't stick around very long and why the youngsters leave as soon as they can. The youngsters grow up realizing they are "different", "odd" and missing out on so much and that's the bond they have, so they rely on each other when they get old enough to help them leave. (IMO - I'm just guessing about those raised in TWI) Anyway, thanks a bunch. Your post showed me a lot more about TWI in the early years that helps me envision it more clearly. OM, lay off, dude! He just got here and he's merely recounting HIS experiences and HIS perceptions. I didn't think he slammed Don at all, he just told it like it was. VP was a horrible dad to him and I can't say I blame him about wanting to get out on his own and have nothing to do with VP. Hearing how badly VP treated him and how upset Don was about the trip to India was good for me to hear. I always wondered about that stuff and hearing Don disagreed with all the decisions regarding that move and especially leaving JP behind shows me that at least someone in that family thought it was an idiotic and unnatural thing to do.
  23. Cool, Pirate! This IS fun! :)--> We had "international day" at school when I was in the 7th grade and my mom and I stayed up late making egg rolls. I ate so many egg rolls that night that I was sick as a dog the next day and my mom had to take the egg rolls to school for me. :o-->
  24. Belle

    My first new car!

    Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations!!! I've only had one brand new car in my life and I felt like a princess as I drove off the lot. :D--> I spent the first year at red lights wiping any speck of dust off my dashboard and anywhere else some may have landed. That car was spotless for the longest time! Your dogs will help you get it broken in good rather quickly, I'm sure. :)-->
  25. I'm not defending Harry and I do think it was extremely inappropriate, especially given his "status" and fishbowl existence. HOWEVER, he's still a kid in many respects and kids his age don't realize the severity of WWII, the Holocaust and Hitler's atrocities. One, I think it's very hard for a youngster like him to even comprehend (it was for me) and two, it was so long ago that it's just a history lesson he had to memorize a few details about - unless he had an excellent history teacher who brought it to life. ALSO, I think we're getting WAY too politically correct these days and it's disgusting. We don't know the whole story and we never will. It's highly possible that he wasn't offensive to anyone at the party and the world would be none the wiser if he wasn't who he is and if the paparrazi wasn't constantly in his face. IF he had dressed in drag, would we be talking about how offensive he was to the gay community? If he came as a pregnant nun would we be hearing outrage from the Catholic community? I think it's an over-reaction. I do think it's a good idea for him to learn history to where it lives for him and he can understand how his actions could be construed as hurtful and disrespectful. Did he do it to get attention? I dunno and I really don't care. I think it's been blown way out of proportion. *shrug*
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